MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 71 halberd and man

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In a blink of an eye, more than 20 days have passed.

In the center of the right corridor on the first floor of the student dormitory in Building 10, there is still the very hateful "Youth Class" sign, but no senior students have come here.

Dorm aunt, always drop God!

The sentence "Do you want to drop out of school?" made all the Xiaoxiao stay away from the corridor on the right side of the first floor.

Of course, there are also reasons why freshmen are busy with military training. The military training of soul martial students is different from that of ordinary students. Their training intensity is infinitely higher, which is indeed very hard.

In addition to the freshmen in military training, the junior class and sophomore students practice in the school, while the junior and senior students may be mostly in off-campus practice classes. Rong Taotao and others rarely see the senior students.

Everything seems to be orderly, but the atmosphere on campus is really depressing.

Because it was dark, it was completely dark.

Rong Taotao realized what it means to be "indistinguishable between day and night", and now they really can only rely on clocks to determine night and day.

It is said that there are also naturally occurring polar nights at the North and South Poles, and even at the poles, there will be polar nights for up to six months.

But there are desolate and uninhabited North and South poles, and Songjiang Hunwu......

Not only is it dark, but the snow here is also getting bigger and bigger.

Every time Rong Taotao and others went out to class, from the dormitory building to the teaching building, it was like a difficult migration.

Experienced more Rong Taotao, but more ideas.

This special bad weather may be a carnival for those poachers...

Strictly speaking, Rong Taotao experienced "darkness" twice, once in Baituan Pass, but just as it was dark, the school brought everyone back.

Unexpectedly, today, more than two months later, the cold night has come and finally swallowed Songjiang Soul Martial University.

As early as in Baituan Pass, when it was dark for the first time, Jiao Tengda once laughed at himself "with a lot of troubles".

Their original 7-day assessment came to an abrupt end in 3 days.

Then the summer course that was originally scheduled for one and a half months ended early in 2 days.

Songjiang Hunwu has changed so quickly, does he really care about his face?

Of course not, Rong Taotao, who has experienced all this, knows in his heart that this may be the helplessness of surviving in the snowy land.

At this time, Songjiang Hunwu once again "slapped his face".

The top colleges and universities that are known as strong teachers, the teacher resources are not enough...

In the four rituals of Songhun, sugar and wine are still there, and he is still the practical teacher of Group 1 and Group 3.

However, Xia Fangran, Rong Taotao's practical teacher, has not heard from him, and has never returned to school.

Yang Chunxi shouldered the heavy burden. In addition to being an instructor and head teacher, she was fully responsible for the life and study of the soul class, and she was also a teacher of all cultural courses.

Not only that, but Yang Chunxi finally got what she wanted. She became the practical teacher of the second group of the soul class.

Yang Chunxi does not know how to use halberds or knives. But she can shoot, and it is more than enough to teach Li Ziyi and Sun Xingyu.

Rong Taotao would occasionally ask Si Huanian to teach him the skills of swordsmanship, but he spent more time doing assiduous practice behind closed doors.

The dignified Songjiang Hunwu can't find a teacher who uses Fang Tian to draw a halberd. It will really make people laugh if it is spread.

Songjiang Soul Martial Arts is recognized as a strong teacher, why did it become what it is now?

This is a very serious issue that Rong Taotao and Jiao Tengda discussed in the dormitory.

The only answer the two came up with: the front line is in a hurry!

Don't forget, Songjiang Soul Wu's teachers are not only tasked with teaching, most of them are specially assigned to come here due to the inclination of national policies.

This blizzard, which covered the clouds and the sun, caused all this, and also made the atmosphere of Songjiang Soul Wu University increasingly depressed.

There are really freshmen dropping out.

After untold hardships, he was admitted to a top college, but he was unable to survive the short 20 days of school life.

Perhaps, the dark and cold Songjiang Soul Wu is too different from their hometown with blue sky and white clouds and bright sunshine.

Some students drop out of school voluntarily, while others are worried by parents and force their children to drop out.

Schools are horribly enlightened when it comes to "dropping out".

The school only needs to verify that dropping out is a joint decision of the students and their families. Once the three-day consideration period has passed, the school will not keep anyone.

Rong Taotao never expected that the gates of the school, which had been locked for a long time, would be opened one after another in order to send away the students who had dropped out.

Closing schools and cities has its meaning. Those who dropped out of the school could walk through the gate of Songjiang Soul Martial Arts, but they could not get out of Songjiang Soul City.

They were concentrated in a residence in the city, and they could only wait for the military personnel who came to deliver the supplies to leave Songjiang Soul City together.

Of course, these Rong Tao Tao are not clear.

Dropping out of school was an option that didn't exist for him.

He was just standing in the brightly lit martial arts arena, facing the vast snowstorm, drawing out and retracting his sword again and again.

Rong Taotao has already learned all the ordinary snow spirit skills that can be learned independently, and the only thing left is proficiency.

When his Soul Technique, Heart of Snow Realm reaches the second level, he can learn more new soul skills.

Therefore, in every practical class, Yang Chunxi would take Li Ziyi and Sun Xingyu to practice spear skills, while Rong Taotao spent most of the time training alone except for his soul skills.

Rong Taotao, who was not disturbed by anyone, looked at the words "Proficient in swordsmanship, one-star peak" in the soul map of the inner vision, and was also competing with himself again and again.

"You are here." A girl's voice suddenly came from behind her, which was very pleasant.


Rong Taotao turned his wrist and put the knife into the sheath.

The big Xia Longque was behind his waist, and a gorgeous hilt and scabbard were exposed from both sides of the waist.

Rong Taotao turned around, but his face was startled.

The person in front of him is someone who shouldn't be here.

With a faint smile on her face, she was as confident as ever, and in Rong Taotao's eyes, she was so radiant, like a little sun emitting a dazzling light in this harsh winter day.

Gao Lingwei! ?

Gao Lingwei glanced at the posture of Rong Taotao holding the knife.

As an excellent martial artist, she seems to understand Rong Taotao's current state of mind.

Putting the knife into the sheath is a courtesy to the visitor, but the hand that sticks to the waist and grips the hilt of the knife also means that you are always ready for battle.

The performance field is fairly bright. Between each field, there are huge lights, reflecting the snowflakes flying all over the sky, lighting up the dark night.

Rong Taotao looked at Gao Lingwei in snow camouflage, hesitated for a while, and said, "Hello?"

Gao Lingwei nodded friendly, looked directly into Rong Taotao's eyes, and said, "Teacher Yang Chunxi specially found my military training phalanx, discussed it with the instructor, and gave me a new task."

At this moment, Rong Taotao seemed to understand a little, Fan Lihua felt how Shi Lan felt at first.

He staggered his gaze unnaturally and said, "Ah?"

Gao Lingwei scooped it up at will, and the palm of her hand, which was in the vast wind and snow, surged with soul power, and a snow-white Fang Tianhua halberd was pieced together.

"Ding!" With a crisp sound, Gao Lingwei stood Fang Tianhua Ji in the snow and said, "Huaxia soul warriors, very few people use Fang Tian Ji. Now is a special period, teachers have their own tasks, you seem to have no one. If someone mentions it, we can only do it behind closed doors."

Rong Taotao's face was astonished, this... what is this?

An assist from my sister-in-law?

Gao Lingwei said, "Perhaps I can help you before your Soul Art is advanced and you have new teaching content."

Rong Taotao: "Well, okay."

Any student of the soul class here would be amazed at the side that Rong Taotao showed at this time...

Why did that stubborn Rong Taotao suddenly become so docile? This is not normal!

Gao Lingwei frowned slightly, with a hint of displeasure between her brows: "Tell me, you are using Fang Tian Hua Ji."

"Of course." Rong Taotao picked it up at will, and in the wind and snow, he also picked up a Fangtianhua halberd.

Gao Lingwei carefully looked at the structure of Fang Tianji, the more she looked... the deeper her brows were.

This exquisite snow soul has already represented that this young man has passed the test of Fang Tianhuaji, so why did he behave like this?

Gao Lingwei was puzzled and said, "Look into my eyes and say."

Rong Taotao raised his eyes and asked suspiciously, "I used Fang Tian Hua Ji, what's wrong?"

"Well..." Gao Lingwei seemed still a little puzzled, and said, "Come on, it seems that I can teach you a lot."

Rong Taotao: "Okay."

Gao Lingwei: "Find out first."

While speaking, the halberd in her hand has been stabbed out!

The profession of soul warrior is indeed different. From the time the two meet to the start of the fight, it takes less than 1 minute to complete the fight...


The tic-tac-toe halberds slammed into each other!

While Rong Taotao pushed away the tip of the opponent's halberd, the palm that fell on the handle of the long pole loosened, and he kicked his foot.

As soon as the expert makes a move, you will know if there is any!

The unpleasantness between Gao Lingwei's brows disappeared instantly, the halberd stood up, stopped the opponent from sweeping the long pole, and at the same time raised his leg sideways, a whip leg swept across.

Rong Taotao hurriedly bent down and stepped back, and the Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand actually loosened! ?

No more! ?

Yes, indeed no more!

The existence of soul skills gave Rong Taotao more room for manipulation.

Day and night hard training is the soil,

High combat IQ for nourishment,

In this vast wind and snow, a beautiful flower of craftsmanship blooms...

While Rong Taotao retreated to dodge, he reached behind with one hand, and unexpectedly pulled out a halberd from the vast wind and snow!

His steps were unusually unrestrained. Holding the handle of the halberd with one hand, he drew a full moon in the wind and snow from back to front, and smashed it forward heavily!

Really? Open and close!

Gao Lingwei nodded secretly in her heart, this is the demeanor that a halberd wielder should have!

I saw that she took the battle calmly, suddenly propped up the Fangtianhua halberd, and the sharp halberd tip accurately pierced the well-shaped halberd in the air.

The two halberds were put together, their teeth intertwined, and they fit perfectly.

Gao Lingwei held the halberd in one hand, turned her hand, caught the opponent's halberd, and slammed it into the air.

Rong Taotao followed the trend, released his hand, and let Gao Lingwei take away his halberd, and let Fang Tianhua halberd shatter into flakes and dissipate in the vast wind and snow.

The stance turned into a bow in an instant, Rong Taotao clenched his hands and stabbed forward sharply. The moment he stabbed out, there was a halberd in the empty palm!

In this snowy land, every snowflake is my friend.

Xia Yinyang said it!

The admiration in Gao Lingwei's eyes flashed, and she saw her left hand waved, blocking the halberd that pierced her lower abdomen.

But in the palm that seemed to block and wave the halberd, a vortex of wind and snow swept away.

Snow bursts come fast, and so does the explosion.

"Bah" sound!

The tip of the halberd was blasted aside by this snow!

Due to the suddenness of the incident, Rong Taotao had no time to react at all. With his halberd in both hands, driven by the strength of Fang Tianhua's halberd, his body could not help but turn, leaving behind the enemy...

However, Gao Lingwei's movements were coherent. The moment the halberd flew away, the halberd in his hand had already been stabbed out!

Is this a higher level of snowburst?

Still a ferocious explosion, but no recoil?

Rong Taotao didn't care much, and he, who has always been particularly taboo to jump, suddenly abandoned his halberd and drew his sword!

Thousands of times of drawing knives, at this moment, bear fruit!

The rattling big summer dragonfinch quickly pulled out from the scabbard of Rong Taotao's back waist, tore through the wind and snow, and was held by the backhand of Rong Taotao who was standing sideways, blocking him.

"Ding!" A crisp sound!

The big summer dragonfinch touched the connection between the tip of the halberd and the half-crescent blade!

Under a huge force, Rong Taotao slipped backwards, and a snowstorm filled the air, which was extremely beautiful.

Gao Lingwei's beautiful eyes were bright, and she seemed to have discovered something extraordinary!

Rong Taotao, who had slipped away, was already sheathed by the Great Summer Dragon Sparrow, waving both hands in the wind and snow, took out one after another, and threw it towards Gao Lingwei like a javelin!

Gao Lingwei made a mistake and turned to the side suddenly, the sharp halberd rubbed the side of her face and stabbed it.

Gao Lingwei, who took her steps, danced with a halberd in her hand, and no longer dodged, but picked off Fang Tianhua halberd, which flew one after another.

It wasn't until Rong Taotao, who had slipped, stood firm, and the halberd that was thrown stopped.

Gao Lingwei, who was holding a halberd in both hands, looked at Rong Taotao, who was also holding a halberd in both hands, not far away. At this moment, she also saw Rong Taotao's fighting spirit.

What happened just now, was it just because his feet were unstable, delaying time?

Contrary to Rong Taotao's expectations, Gao Lingwei slowly retracted her style, and threw the Fangtian Huaji in her hand into the wind, breaking it into a snowstorm.

That picture, not to mention how dashing...

Rong Taotao: "What?"

Gao Lingwei was silent for a moment, then said, "Skills, ideas, ideas, and heart."

Rong Taotao looked at Gao Lingwei curiously, what was she talking about?

Gao Lingwei took a deep breath: "I thought I could teach you a lot, but now it seems that I am conceited. No matter who you have studied before... Your master taught you very well.

I... can't teach you. "

Rong Taotao: "..."

Gao Lingwei: "There are really all kinds of geniuses in this world, and I woke up three years earlier than you.

But it turns out that I can only bully you by relying on soul skills and physical fitness.

Regarding martial arts, I am not qualified to teach you.

If you were born three years earlier, maybe our team outside the gates could really win the national championship. "

It's over, **** it up!

Am I supposed to be a little bit worse?

"You and I both know that you will use Fang Tian to draw halberds. In the long years of practice, it will inevitably affect you subtly."

Gao Lingwei looked at Rong Taotao not far away, and continued: "So, at first, your cowardly and dodging eyes were not because you encountered a strong enemy, but because you had other thoughts in your heart.

In other words, you are thinking about me. "

"Uh..." Rong Taotao was really embarrassed this time.

When it comes to emotions, the vast majority of girls are sharp.

The she in your heart is not unaware of your intentions, she is probably just pretending to be asleep and can't wake up.

Obviously, Gao Lingwei doesn't want "boyfriends" or a spare tire.

Gao Lingwei said: "We are all people who use Fang Tian to draw halberds. Unlike spears, knives, and swords that embrace thousands of genres, the combat style of Fang Tian's halberd skills is roughly the same.

So you and I both know what it has turned us into, and I don't think we're a good fit. "

Openly pierced, and simply refused. This lady...

If Gao Lingwei didn't show up today, Rong Taotao would obviously have been concentrating on martial arts and trying to become stronger.

But since she is here, and she has pierced Rong Taotao's mind, Rong Taotao, who is already somewhat passive, is of course impossible to give up so easily.

"Is it different? In the battle just now, you were relentless and unwilling to take half a step back, while I..." Rong Taotao shrugged, which means it is self-evident, "I am very easy-going."

"Haha." Gao Lingwei couldn't help laughing, and chuckled softly.

A very normal sentence, between the two halberd-wielders, became a laughing point that is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Rong Taotao thought for a while and continued: "It's not easy to find someone who uses Fang Tianji. We should have a lot of common language."

Gao Lingwei nodded approvingly, but she agreed with this sentence.

Rong Taotao: "Training together? The right should be to compare skills and discuss with each other."

Gao Lingwei seemed to think about this question very seriously, the corners of her mouth raised, and she tilted her head slightly: "Are you really just discussing skills with each other?"

Rong Taotao pursed his lips and did not respond.

Gao Lingwei's face gradually became serious, and she looked at Rong Taotao quietly, using Fang Tianhuaji as a link, both sides seemed to let go of themselves.

It's the same sentence, people test people, far less straightforward than soul skills test people.

Rong Taotao's low-level soul skill, Soul of, but the structure of Fangtianhuaji is so exquisite, it has already shown enough things.

Under the circumstance that "people of the Ming Dynasty don't speak secretly", her eyes also became extremely aggressive, and finally matched her words and her halberd.

At this time, she no longer has the perfection on the podium, nor the gentleness and friendliness in the coffee shop.

Yes, only a touch of alienation remains.

On the martial arts field, there was silence, only the whistling of the wind remained.

After a long time, Gao Lingwei said indifferently: "You and I have only met once, you don't know me at all, why do you want to pursue me? Because of my skin?"

"Well..." Rong Taotao hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth, "Actually, I discovered you only through Fang Tianhuaji."

"Huh?" Such an answer was obviously beyond Gao Lingwei's expectations. She was silent for a moment, then said softly, "An interesting answer."

Although she said this, she stepped back: "Although I can't teach you, it's difficult to put you on an equal position, I can't deceive myself. When you stand in front of me as a challenger At that time, regardless of the outcome, I will seriously consider your proposal."

While speaking, the tall figure gradually disappeared into the vast snowstorm...

Rong Taotao thought about it for a while, saving others by himself, but he can understand the persistence and even paranoia of the halberd man.

He nodded thoughtfully and said, "That day won't be too far away."

In the wind and snow, vaguely, a farewell message came: "I saw your talent and hard work, I believe it, and I look forward to it..."


Continue the 5,000-word chapter and ask for some recommendation tickets~

Read Patriarch is Taking Concubines Again!