MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 37 white cloud dog

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This sleep, Rong Taotao slept dimly.

It was not until noon that I was awakened by the smell of rice.

"Well..." Rong Taotao rubbed his sleepy eyes, sat up, but saw a lunch box on the large table in the middle of the bedroom.

And those lunch boxes are still open, two meat and one vegetarian, are exuding bursts of aroma.

Opposite the table, Sun Xingyu was leaning on the table with her elbows and her face in her hands. Those beautiful big eyes were quietly looking at Rong Taotao.

"This trick really works." Seeing Rong Taotao wake up, Sun Xingyu couldn't help but smile, as if the conspiracy had succeeded.

Rong Taotao rubbed the messy natural roll, looked at Sun Xingyu who was about to feed him, put on his slippers, pulled out the washbasin under the bed, and walked out quickly.

In the snowfield, Rong Taotao never slept peacefully because he had to keep vigil at night and worry about the safety of the team. Last night's sleep was the most solid sleep he had ever had.

Rong Taotao, who quickly finished washing up, hurried back to eat, and while cooking, he gave Sun Xingyu a thumbs up: "As expected of a kind-hearted person~"

"Hmm." Sun Xingyu's face turned red, as if she was a little embarrassed by the praise.

She really deserves it, after all... Her mentality of feeding him is different from that of normal people.

Rong Taotao: "Where's the plum?"

Sun Xingyu: "Under the leadership of the soldiers, I went out to familiarize myself with the Hundred Regiments Pass. You can eat quickly, and we will go to the classroom after eating."



Although it was agreed to meet at two o'clock in the afternoon, at half past one, the nine teenagers of the soul class had already arrived.

After Rong Taotao entered the stone house, he also found that the place had changed a lot. The tactical board in front had become a blackboard, and in the stone house, there were nine small desks arranged neatly, which looked a bit like a classroom.

The students are not familiar with each other, and they all have their own concerns. No one chatted, but they just found a seat and sat down.

After a while, Yang Chunxi walked in. She clapped her hands, which attracted the attention of several little guys: "Line up."

The 9 people lined up quickly, and Sun Xingyu couldn't hide his excitement, as if he opened the stone door and he could see his "True Destiny Beast".

Under the leadership of Yang Chunxi, the youths of the Soul Class walked out of the classroom.

When he came, it was empty outside, but this time, Rong Taotao's eyes were shining!

Damn me... a lot of soul beasts.

Holy shit! ?

Is that a snow night terror?

Pure black snow night terror? Those huge eyes are not deep sea blue, but dark gold?

This is too cool, right?

In the Hundred Regiments Pass, due to the high walls, the wind here is very small, and large swaths of snowflakes are scattered, falling in this quaint ancient city, and also on the dark Xue Yejing. Rong Tao Tao was overjoyed.

Yang Chunxi said in a timely manner: "Those heads are strange-colored snow night terrors, which are very rare.

As students of the first youth class of Songjiang Soulwu University, the school specially applied to Xue Ranjun in order to reward you and focus on training you.

It should be noted that the number of Heterochromatic Snow Night Terrors is very small, and these 10 Heterochromatic Snow Night Terrors are no longer cubs.

But this doesn't interfere with your growing up with it, and... they come from the Snow Burning Army, and they are already well-trained warhorses. They are extremely human and docile, so you can put aside the unwillingness of adult soul beasts to be with them. The concerns of soul warrior fit.

No matter how conceited you are, I can tell you clearly that the soul beasts trained by Xue Ranjun are definitely better than those you trained by yourself. They are professionals in the profession. "

Rong Taotao nodded secretly in his heart, understanding what Yang Chunxi meant.

As far as the eye can see, in addition to the 10 extremely special mutant Snow Night Terror, there are also snowflake wolf cubs that look like wolves and dogs.

Snowflake Wolf, as its name suggests, has snow-white fur, but because it is a cub, it is relatively small.

What are those?

Rong Taotao raised his eyebrows slightly and saw 5 weapons made of snowflakes.

Among them are bows and arrows, clubs, daggers, broadswords and spears. There are five weapons in total, which are quietly hung on the weapon rack.

Yang Chunxi continued to introduce: "Although these five weapons have different appearances, they are the same kind of soul beasts, and they have a very nice name: Soul of Snow.

It is difficult for you to see the wild snow soul, but in every battle between humans and snow spirit beasts, the figure of the snow soul is indispensable.

Most of the snow spirit beasts who can use weapons will choose a snow spirit by their side. As long as you and the snow spirit get along well, they will become weapons of any shape according to your wishes.

Of course, before you choose, I have to remind you that while the Snow Soul can transform into any weapon shape, it's best to keep one weapon form at all times.

After you are combined with the Snow Soul, after the first heart connection, what kind of shape it will become, then it is best to keep it in that shape for the rest of your life.

Although Snow Spirits have the ability to change their weapons, research has shown that they do not like to change their form frequently.

The reason why it is called "soul" is because the snow soul has its own understanding of weapons, and it is likely to understand it deeper than humans.

Loyalty is mutual.

Not only to each other, but also to yourself. "

Sister Shi Lan couldn't help but glance at Shi Lou, but her older sister Shi Lou shook her head slightly.

One of the soul skills that can be practiced by the Snow Realm Soul Martial Artist is to piece together a snow weapon. In comparison, Mutation Xue Ye Jing is the first choice for the sisters.

That is the standard of Snow Burning Army!

Common, does not mean cheap, but means that Xue Ye Jing is really suitable for human soul warriors!

What's more, these few snow night terrors are still mutated!

The two sisters over there communicated secretly, and Rong Taotao's eyes finally fell into a transparent glass box.

There is a cloud of mist, sometimes pieced together into the shape of a small milk dog, and sometimes broken into a faint cloud, it is just like a dream...

Yang Chunxi introduced the soul beasts one by one, and finally arrived at the soul beast in the glass box.

Yang Chunxi: "Baiyun Canggou, it is a soul beast from Yun Dian, and it is the only creature with Yun Dian attribute among the 20 soul beasts, it is very rare.

Baiyun Canggou also has ever-changing abilities.

But unlike Snow Soul, Baiyun Canggou changed its form to intimidate its opponents.

As you can see, this white cloud dog is constantly shattering and reorganizing.

This means that it is a little scared now, but due to its young age and lack of strength, it can only maintain a cloud form for a few seconds. In this form, it can effectively avoid most physical attacks.

Hmm... There are pros and cons, although the fog can be immune to normal attacks, but encountering a snow tornado full of soul power, it is likely to be completely wiped out..."

Rong Taotao: "..."

Dad, is this the soul beast that Ning found for me?

Yang Chunxi said, "Also, what you should pay attention to is that choosing other soul beasts means that you will become a Snow Realm Soul Warrior, and choosing Baiyun Canggou means that you will become a Cloud Peak Soul Warrior.

Choosing the soul beast of life is to choose the attributes of the soul warrior itself. This choice is irreversible, please think carefully and be responsible for yourself. "

Having said that, Yang Chunxi walked to the front of the queue and said, "According to the results, the first place, Fan Lihua. You have priority."

For a time, everyone looked at Fan Lihua, who was petite.

Since it was within the Hundred Regiments Pass, everyone was not wearing goggles.

Fan Lihua also showed a fair little face, and the snow-colored camouflage military uniform did not match the temperament of her cute and cute girl.

Fan Lihua pursed her lips, hesitated for a while, raised her hand, and said weakly, "Old... teacher."

Wow, it's really soft and cute!

Her voice is soft and glutinous, where does she look like a "great god"?

You must know that among the students in this assessment, the students' bonus points are all team points. Only Fan Lihua, who single-handedly killed soul beasts, received "immortal points" that no one could imagine.

Yang Chunxi: "What? There is no match?"

"Lu..." In front of the neatly arranged Xue Ye Jing, a black Xue Ye Jing let out a snort.

Obviously, this Xue Ye Jing can understand human language, or, all Xue Ye Jing trained by soldiers can understand human language, but the other Xue Ye Jing did not express dissatisfaction.

Well-trained and docile temperament?

It seems that there are still some snowy night terrors that have a bit of temper...

Fan Lihua said: "In the previous assessment, I encountered a wild snow night terror. Although I spent very little time with it, we have already made an agreement, I... I want my snow night terror. "

"Oh?" Yang Chunxi raised his eyebrows slightly, but his heart was slowly admiring.

What is in front of Fan Lihua?

All of them are carefully selected, and the best among the best are all provided by Songjiang Soul Martial University and the Snow Ran Military!

But Fan Lihua was not at all tempted, instead she identified the snowy night terror that accompanied her in the assessment before.

As an assessment teacher, Yang Chunxi of course knew that Xue Yejing was a very ordinary wild soul beast, and that Xue Yejing was not a cub either, so it was inevitable that he had a bit of a wild nature on his body.

And Fan Lihua's choice...

Yang Chunxi: "Are you sure?"

Fan Lihua's attitude was far more powerful than her soft words: "Yes, I'm sure."

"Okay!" Yang Chunxi nodded lightly and said, "The life of a soul warrior is a life of company.

Loyalty to the soul beast is the most important quality a soul warrior should show. "

While speaking, Yang Chunxi nodded to the side, and a soldier of the Snow Burning Army came over with a snow-white tall horse.

"Soul law~" After seeing Fan Lihua, the tall horse couldn't help but let out a neigh, raised his front hooves, and stomped heavily on the ground.

All of a sudden, a snowflake splashed...

"Haha~" Fan Lihua finally showed a smile on her face and ran over happily.


"叏時書~" In an instant, the row opposite Xue Yejing raised their heads and neighed.

Rong Taotao knew nothing about horses.

But as a sentient being, Rong Taotao could hear that this series of hissing noises was not an expression of dissatisfaction, on the contrary, it was an expression of recognition.

It is congratulations and appreciation.

Seeing the giant horse head poking into Fan Lihua's arms and acting coquettishly, Yang Chunxi took the lead in applauding.

All the students also sincerely praised, and UU Reading applauded gently.

Fan Lihua's face was reddish, and she seemed very shy, and explained softly: "It saved my life, it was the one who brought me out of the wolf pack."

However... her voice was so soft that only Xue Yejing in her arms could hear her words.

Wild snow night terrors should not understand human language, but this does not seem to hinder the feelings of wild snow night terrors to their owners.

Yang Chunxi turned to look at the crowd, and said, "Second place, Rong Taotao."

Rong Taotao's actions were beyond everyone's expectations. He was equally decisive. Facing a group of carefully selected rare beasts, Rong Taotao walked towards the glass box without any hesitation.

I am serious about the soul beast.

Since the cloud top attribute does not have any attribute restraint, then this white cloud dog is my first choice.

I think that my future should not be restrained by anyone!

What's more, it's the only gift my dad has given me over the years.

Although, um... still have to fight for it, but don't care about the details.

Rong Taotao knelt in the snow, holding the glass box with both hands, watching the little milk dogs that were constantly shattering into mist and constantly reorganizing.

Rong Taotao said softly: "Little guy, don't be afraid, I will protect you in the future."

"Hmm~" The shattered cloud and mist, and then the little guy who gradually reorganized, couldn't help but tilted his head, tilted his head, and looked out of the glass box.

I don't know if Rong Taotao's voice is gentle, or if his eyes are sincere enough...

After more than ten seconds, I saw the little milk dog the size of a palm, flapping its big cloud-like ears, sticking out a pink tongue, squinting, and showing a cute smile at Rong Taotao.