MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 22 21. Jeronen's Wish

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  Chapter 22 21. Jeronan's Wish


  The pitch-black night shrouded the mountains and dense forests, and countless pairs of blood-red eyes opened from the darkness.

The hyena rushing to the front was full of fine steel arrows. The arrows shot by those long archers were so powerful that the arrows could easily penetrate the hard skull of the hyena. The running hyena had feather arrows stuck in its head and fell to the slope. On the ground, countless dead leaves were splashed.

Under the command of the squadron leader, the heavy armored infantry who fell behind the team quickly formed a shield wall to remind the hyenas like calves to charge up against the rain of arrows. The claws caught the iron square shield, and immediately scratched the square shield with several deep marks.

The hind legs of the hyenas are very strong. They tried their best to rush over the shield wall, but they were pierced by Paglio's spears set up by the spearmen who rushed over in time. It hit the shield wall and made a dull sound.

Every impact of the hyena is a great test for these shield fighters. The shield wall they form is like a canoe that is swaying in the wind and rain, and it is in danger of being overturned by the wind and waves at any time. Standing on the back of the companion in front, supporting the shield wall will not collapse.

  The spearman standing in the back row tried his best to stab the rushing hyena with his spear.

   Another wave of arrows rained down, and the steel arrows with strong penetrating power brought huge casualties to the hyenas.

He Boqiang put his shoulder on Suldak's back and saw a huge claw clawing at Suldak's face. Without thinking, He Boqiang stabbed out the Roman sword in his hand, and immediately smashed the hyena's claw. pierce.

The hyena let out a sharp wail, its **** mouth dripping with venomous saliva, and it bit Suldak's throat. Suldak tried to raise the square shield in his hand to block the hyena's bite, But he didn't expect that one of the hyena's front paws was pressing on the upper edge of the square shield, and Suldak couldn't lift the square shield at all.

   Just as the stench from the hyena's mouth hit Suldak's face, a small buckler covered in iron slapped firmly on the hyena's mouth.

Immediately, a huge depression appeared on the surface of the small round shield covered with iron sheet and hardwood. The small round shield was almost shattered by He Boqiang's powerful shield, and the hyena's nose was distorted exaggeratedly. The fangs remained on the buckler, and the hyena's body was thrown backwards so that it could not even utter a cry.

  Red Sock, who stood side by side with He Boqiang, stared at He Boqiang with a look of seeing a monster, so shocked that he couldn't even speak.

  A hyena tried to jump over the head of the red sock. He Boqiang took the opportunity to raise a Roman sword and cut a two-foot-long opening in the hyena's belly.

  He Boqiang stretched out his hand and punched Red Sox on the shoulder, signaling him to concentrate at this time and protect the companion holding the shield in front.

   There was another hyena rushing up from behind, and before he could get close to Suldak, he was pierced by the spear that came out from the gap behind him.

  For a moment, hyena carcasses were piled all over the ground in front of the shield wall.

  These ferocious round-eared hyenas do not belong to the category of monsters, but their population is huge, and they like to hunt in groups. As long as they do not provoke powerful monsters in the mountains and forests, there are almost no natural enemies.

   It is not uncommon for a group of hyenas to attack humans, but a hyena of this size, with blood-colored eyes, is extremely ferocious, which is really rare in Handanal County.

  Seeing that the hyenas in the darkness were still rushing up one after another, the captain of the sixth squadron commanded the shield fighters to retreat.

  At this time, the Fourth Battalion had also fully reacted. The captain, Baron Sidney, led a wave of elite soldiers and rushed over quickly, leading the heavy armored infantry to launch a counterattack against the hyena group.

The soldiers in heavy armor were not afraid of the hyena's bite. Baron Sidney rushed forward with his personal guards. Baron Sidney was steamed with a white cyclone. Those hyenas couldn't rush in front of him and were killed. His double-edged sword split in two.

   Baron Sidney rushed to the rear in time, which greatly relieved the pressure on the rear defense line.

  The soldiers around saw Baron Sidney holding a big sword in both hands as if he was descending from the gods. The exhausted people once again cheered up and fought against the hyena together with Baron Sidney.

   Baron Sidney is like a banner, rushing to the front of the team, attracting the attention of a large number of hyenas.

  The pressure on the defensive line suddenly eased a lot. Taking advantage of the hyena offensive slowing down, Suldak wiped his face with his hands, and said to He Boqiang standing behind him:

   "See, Baron Sidney is one of the seven constructed knights of our fifty-seventh regiment."

  The black boy Jie Longnan said enviously:

   "I hope one day, I can also become a Constructed Knight."

When Jielongnan was speaking, a hyena took the opportunity to rush up. Captain Sam held up the square shield with one hand, and smashed the warhammer in the other hand on the hyena's head. Kicking away the corpse, Captain Sam turned his head and cursed at Jie Longnan:

   "What are you thinking! Do you think you can break through the bottleneck of the first rank? Even if you become a first rank warrior, can you afford the magic pattern structure?"

  Jelonnan was scolded so badly by Captain Sam that he didn't dare to retaliate, so he could only smile at Captain Sam.

  Captain Sam stretched out his hand and patted Jeronnan's face twice, then said:

   "Be your infantry honestly, go back to your hometown when your military service is over, marry a wife and live a stable life, don't think about these unrealistic things."

  Jelongnan protested softly:

   "Uncle Sam, this is my dream."

  Thinking that the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment came to the Tarapakan area of ​​Osorno County, Bena Province, it is not surprising that Geronan called Uncle Captain Sam.

  Captain Sam didn't give Jielongnan any good looks at all, and angrily said:

   "Put away your dreams, wait until your military service expires, and go home honestly."

The offensive of the hyenas has eased, so that everyone can say a few words during the battle. Veteran Ian lit a cigarette with shaking hands, took two puffs, and handed the cigarette to Captain Sam beside him. A stick of dry tobacco went round in the hands of the members of the second team.

   In the end, it was in Jie Longnan's hands, and there was a piece of cigarette **** that was about to burn.

  Jie Longnan took half a puff with a resentful expression on his face, and the last bit of tobacco was burned out.

  He Boqiang thought that these hyenas could not take advantage of it, so they would withdraw.

   Unexpectedly, in this short period of time, even pairs of blood-red eyes appeared in the woods on both sides of the team. Instead of retreating, the hyenas gathered more and more.

  Suldak was the first to notice the abnormalities around him, and said to his companions:

   "What happened to this group of hyenas, why don't they retreat after so many deaths? A group of mad dogs!"

  He Boqiang handed the jug to Suldak. The water in the jug was still filled by the river during the day, and there was not much water left in the jug at the moment.

  Suldak drank the last sip of water in the jug, then hung the jug back on his waist.

  Captain Sam said loudly to the members of the second team: "Persist a little longer, and give me a little more attention."

  The hyenas in the forest surged up like a tide again.

  (end of this chapter)