MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 19 18. Walk into Ganda Earl

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  Chapter 19 18. Walking into Ganda Earl

  There are countless stars-like light floating in the void. I thought these light spots were like stars in the night sky, and they must be very far away from me.

However, after He Boqiang fused the memories of his body owner, one night, this void seemed to become a part of himself. According to Gesuldak, He Boqiang should have felt his own spiritual world, which is very wonderful. thing.

   So far, the Green Empire still has no effective way to guide people to feel their own spiritual world.

  It is said that if you get some insights in the spiritual world, you will have the key to open the door of magic.

Suldak told He Boqiang that when he was twelve years old, he went to Hailansa city with the children of the same age in the village, and participated in the magic awakening ceremony at the Hailansa Junior Magic Academy. At that time, there were more than 6,000 civilian children in the square. , but there are only two children who have been tested by the magic crystal to have a magic pool.

Magic is synonymous with nobility. He Boqiang can feel his own spiritual world. Maybe he can talk to Commander Mond Goss, the commander of the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment. An out-and-out one-turn constructed knight.

   However, with He Boqiang's current status, he is not qualified to meet Earl Mond Goss.

  He Boqiang couldn't tell Suldak that after he felt the sea of ​​spirits, all the stars in the void originally belonged to his body, and the star on his shoulder was actually lit up by himself.

  Yes, this wonderful feeling made He Boqiang very amazing, but it was useless.


In the early morning, the Fourth Battalion, led by the chief officer, Baron Sidney, entered the large mountain depression on the north **** of the forest farm, accompanied by longbowmen from a squadron of heavy armored infantry. Baron Sidney rode on a horse On the back of Gu Bolai's horse, he wore a set of shining silver armor, which was particularly eye-catching in the team.

This time, they went into the mountain to encircle and suppress the group of indigenous hunters on the cliff in the big mountain depression. Because these indigenous people accidentally killed the distant relatives of Earl Mond Goss when they robbed the caravan, in order to return to Tarapagan in the future, To give an explanation to that distant cousin, Earl Mond Goss felt that it was necessary to make the heads of these indigenous hunters into wine glasses and put them in boxes to take back.

  The Fourth Battalion is the direct line of Earl Mond Goss, so it is natural to share the Earl's worries at this time.

During the day yesterday, Earl Mond Goss called Baron Sidney into the big tent and scolded Baron Sidney because of the delay in making any progress. Unexpectedly, during dinner, Baron Sidney actually brought Based on the information about the group of indigenous hunters, he personally reported it to Earl Mond Goss.

  The Earl of Mondegos readily approved Baron Sidney's application and assigned a squadron of longbowmen to the fourth squadron.

  The bright sunshine in the morning shines into the forest, the fog has not completely cleared, and the whole forest farm is full of vitality.

  The infantry of the Fourth Battalion of the Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment passed through the forest, startling a crowd of birds.

  He Boqiang was wearing a blue buckskin armor, with a round shield on his back and a Roman sword hanging from his waist, and he was mixed in the team.

  The dense forest is full of primitive atmosphere. The high-level monsters in this forest have already migrated to the depths of the mountains. This place lost its existence at the top of the food chain, and instead became a paradise for small forest animals.

  The team passed under a big collapsed tree, and on the trunk lay a dozen or so ocelots baring their fangs.

  Of course, this kind of small beast has no way to bring any threat to the soldiers, and the leopard cat's fur is very soft, and because of its low value, it is very popular among the little nobles.

  He Boqiang followed in the team, thinking that the scenery here is not bad, maybe it is very suitable for the development of tourism...

While thinking wildly, a dry leech with a suction cup on its head fell on the back armor of Suldak in front with a 'click', and then the dry leech hung on it like noodles, and He Boqiang quickly threw it Happily thinking wildly, helping Suldak deal with this little trouble.


Every time the infantry regiment has a slightly larger-scale operation, the accompanying merchants living on the **** will be moved by the news. They hope to buy some spoils from the frontline soldiers in the first place, such as magic cores, leather, ores, magic Materials, magical herbs, all kinds of things, as long as the soldiers are willing to sell them, there is no group of merchants who will not accept them.

   Of course, the premise is that things must be valuable.

   This is the fourth brigade dispatched in full force, which also alarmed the group of businessmen on the slope.

  Businessman Lakin, however, was not in a hurry to pack his bags, and followed the fourth brigade to look for business opportunities. He squatted leisurely in front of the tent, watching many businessmen in the market in a hurry, and unconsciously developed a sense of superiority in his heart.


  As the fastest runner in the second team, Jielongnan has always acted as a half scout in the team. It was also he who followed an aboriginal hunter and detected the hiding place of this group of aboriginal hunters.

   Now the black kid Jeronan is walking at the front of the team. After passing through the forest farm, he followed a trail into the Gandar Er Mountain Range.

Walking out of the north **** of the forest farm, in fact, it has already left the jurisdiction of the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment. Once entering the eastern mountainous area of ​​Ganda Er, it means that there are some monsters hidden in the forest. Once the team accidentally enters some grumpy monsters The territory is likely to be attacked by those monsters.

  When we came here, everyone cheered up naturally.

However, the members of the second team didn't feel anything. Recently, in the forests in this area, everyone is almost leveling the top of the mountain. They are very familiar with the danger there. Everyone knows that there is still a long way to go before Reaching the big col, there is no danger in this wooded area now.

   Along the way, Sam, the captain of the second team, dismantled countless traps ahead.

  After the team walked for a whole morning, they decided to take a rest by a river. Baron Sidney took out the map and spread it on a big rock by the river, looking at the point on the map in silence.

  Sam and Suldak were brought to Baron Sidney by the guards. Baron Sidney raised his head and asked Suldak, "How far is it?"

  Suldak was about to complain carelessly: With the current speed of the fourth brigade, I am afraid that it will not be able to reach the destination even after dark.

   But before he could speak, he was stabbed by Sam with his elbow. Suldak immediately said honestly: "According to the current speed of travel, we will probably arrive at the destination before dark."

   Baron Sidney stood there silently, and none of the six squadron leaders standing behind Baron Sidney dared to speak.

   After a while, Baron Sidney ordered the six squadron leaders under his command: "Go and call all the squadron leaders, and we will deploy here."

   "Yes, Lord Baron!"

  Subsequently, Baron Sidney sent five scout teams into the dense forest.

  (end of this chapter)