MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 1488 1475. Combat readiness

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  Chapter 1488 1475. Combat Preparation

  Suldak followed the group of aborigines who transported food all the way north.

The natives saw that Suldak was so generous, and when they exchanged the necklace for the wheat cake, they also gave a skinning knife as a gift. Get more of this skinning tool.

  They usually even use some bone knives. When peeling the skin, they are even torn. If a good piece of leather is peeled off from the monster, it will become tattered if you are not careful.

   Seeing the natives try the sharpness of the skinning knives with their palms or arms, Suldak also gave them a few whetstones, and told them that the skinning knives need to be sharpened and oiled frequently.

  A group of indigenous people seemed to be participating in a festival celebration, but they just stood there holding a skinning knife and having fun.

  Actually, Suldak got only five gemstones in this transaction, and more than a dozen magic crystals with holes in them. These magic crystals can only be broken down into magic crystal fragments in the future.

   But those five emeralds may be worth a little money if they can be polished by a gem craftsman.

  Of course, the value of these stones is much higher than those skinning knives, but in the eyes of the natives, these green stones that can only be used as decorations are the least valuable things. On the contrary, those sharp animal teeth are the most precious thing on them.

   But compared with the skinning knife and wheat cake, they took out the bone and tooth necklace without hesitation.

  The captain of the transportation team also told Suldak that if he got to the Walled City, he could find more natives to make such a deal.

  Suldak waved his hand, indicating that when he arrived at the city, these things would be handed over to Elder Ambrobi.

  After getting acquainted with these indigenous warriors, everyone has no scruples when chatting.

   Only then did Suldak know that Elder Ambrobi almost used all the power of the whole clan to start the war against the evil spirits.

  Although all the tribes of Aigrod have this idea, the natives also know that there is a huge disparity in strength between the two sides. Even if the aboriginals sound the horn of resistance, they will only accelerate the demise of the Aigrod clan.

  This time, all the elders of the tribes supported Elder Ambrobi at the meeting, and a large number of young aboriginal fighters were recruited to the front battlefield.

  Their older natives are delivering food behind...

  The wheat cakes these natives exchanged from Suldak were almost all neatly strung up with straw ropes and hung around their waists.

Except that the first wheat cake was eaten by them in one go, no one ate the rest of the wheat cakes. They still collected some ferns, mosses, mushrooms, berries, etc. along the way, and put them all in the crock pot to cook. Cooked to eat.

  Suldak didn't ask them why they didn't eat these wheat cakes.

But the magician Basil saw these natives eating the vegetable soup boiled in the earthen pot with great interest, and wanted to taste it curiously. In fact, he just took a sip of the vegetable soup and almost vomited all the contents in his stomach. come out.

   Except for a little bit of salt, the vegetable soup is simply sour and bitter, and there are some weird tastes of plants.

  When the natives saw Basil's distressed appearance, they all burst into laughter.

The native captain expressed emotion, and said to Suldak: "After we drive away the evil spirits on Moyun Ridge, the forest will return to its original appearance, and life here will not be so bitter. When you come again, I invite you to eat deer...'

   This kind of food-transporting aboriginal team abounds in the jungle, and almost everyone goes their own way.

   Try not to follow the same route back to the Walled City, so that you can find more food along the way.

   Now that the aboriginal fighters have pushed the battle line to the foot of the northern mountain of Moyunling, the evil spirits have almost disappeared in this jungle, so there is no danger.

  When the night comes, you can actually see a little bonfire in the mountains and forests.

  Through the gaps in the branches and leaves of the forest, the little lights are almost some indigenous teams, and occasionally there are people standing on the top of the tree and shouting.

  The other natives have long been used to it, and no one will even look up and look for the sound...

When going to sleep at night, Suldak really wanted to leave Basil alone in the tent here, and then run to Aphrodite by himself, take a good bath, and then lie on the soft big bed. Have a good sleep on the bed.

   But Basil had been repairing his magic handle all night, and Suldak had no chance to sneak away.

Originally, when Suldak was thinking about going back to Hailansa City, he went to the magic store to help Basil buy a rune tablet for the floating magic circle, but he didn't expect Basil to spend a whole night on it , Repaired his magic horn.

  In the early morning, there is a faint blue mist in the mountains, and the vegetation here is covered with dew.

   Before the sun fell on this mountain, teams of natives began to head north.


   There was a rush of hoofbeats, and Surdak looked back in the direction where the sound came from, somewhat unexpectedly.

  The native captain ran a few steps forward and jumped onto a branch of a big tree to see what happened there.

  Suldak knew that there were very few groups of cavalry in the tribes of the aborigines, and then the neighing of those mounts gave Suldak the answer, which was a group of black-horned elk.

  The route taken by this herd of black-horned elk happened to pass by Suldak.

   This allowed Suldak to see the group of female cavalry again. They were walking northward around the female warrior with three feathers on her head. It seemed that they also wanted to return to the city.

  The female warrior sat on the back of the black-horned elk, her face was pale, her lips were bloodless, and she looked very weak.

  Surrounded by a group of female cavalrymen, they rushed all the way north.

  Suldak didn't expect that she didn't recover in situ on the southern battlefield, but returned to the northern walled city with injuries.

  Such running around may greatly affect the healing of the injury...

  The natives on the side saw the female warrior passing by, and saluted her one after another. The female warrior Delia didn't look at her side, so she didn't notice that Suldak was actually standing in the crowd.

  Suldak found that these natives looked at the female warrior with reverence.

   Then he asked the indigenous captain beside him: "Who is that person who just passed by? Why do you have to salute her..."

  The native captain looked at Suldak with a strange face, and explained to him: "She is the forest princess of the Via tribe, the goddess in the hearts of all Aegrod warriors."

  Probably because the explanation given by the captain of the indigenous people was not complete, and some indigenous people immediately added:

   "She is our Goddess of War."

  Suldak took a breath and said:

   "Is she so famous?"

  The native captain immediately showed pride, raised his head and smiled at Suldak and said:

   "Of course, she has the ability to talk to nature, she is the darling of this forest, and all young people adore her very much!"

   These natives are obviously familiar with Suldak, someone continued the topic and said:

   "She can domesticate the black-horned elk in the jungle. Those women were riding the black-horned elk just now. Usually it is very difficult for us to catch one."

   "She usually helps people in need, and she doesn't criticize anyone easily..."

   "She also took her guards to hunt down the ghost hunters, she is the strongest warrior of the Via tribe!"

  Suldak smiled. Hearing the rumors about the forest princess Delia from the natives, he really didn't expect that the woman who almost died had such a legendary status.

  For the forest princess Delia, the natives are all talking about it.

  What impressed Suldak most about her was her bright eyes. The natives said she was beautiful, but at that time her face was covered with oil paint, and Suldak couldn't see her face clearly at all.


  The group walked northward for another two days, and Suldak and Basil finally arrived at the walled city where Elder Ambrobi lived.

  The native captain took Suldak and Basil to the biggest tree house in the city.

  Under the curious eyes of a group of natives, Suldak saw Elder Ambrobi and the other elders. They seemed to be listening to the news from various tribes in the tree house.

  There are many tribal chiefs gathered in the hall.

  On the battlefield, these patriarchs are the commanders who will lead the native warriors to fight.

Elder Ambrobi didn't expect Suldak to come so quickly. Seeing Suldak walking in from the outside, he immediately walked up to him and hugged him. Then he pulled him into the hall and introduced him to the current situation. Distribution of native armies:

"At present, our vanguard has arrived at the foot of the northern mountain of Moyunling. There have been frequent small-scale battles in the past few days. You came in a timely manner. Many young soldiers on our side have not received their weapons and equipment. We have already rushed to the battlefield of Moyun Ridge."

  Suldak said to Elder Ambrobi:

   "I just came over from there, and I have a little understanding of the situation there. I came here this time to hand over this batch of military supplies."

   "I didn't distribute weapons and armaments on the front battlefield because I was worried about affecting your arrangements..."

  Elder Ambrose asked excitedly: "Lord Suldak, how many military supplies have you brought over?"

   "All!" Suldak said.

   "You brought all the weapons and equipment? What about your transport team?" Elder Ambrose asked.

   Seeing that Basil didn't follow, Suldak said indiscriminately:

   "It is actually very convenient to carry a large amount of supplies with a magician, and there is no need for a logistics transport team at all..."

  Clan Chief Logan, who hurried from outside, saw Suldak at a glance, and his mood was also a little excited.

   Chief Logan is the commander-in-chief of this indigenous coalition army. He is mainly responsible for dispatching and coordinating the order in which the various tribal troops enter the battlefield, as well as strategic arrangements.

  Indigenous alliances are actually relatively loose, and the specific command power is in the hands of their respective tribe chiefs.

  Of course, it is the elders in the tribe who really control the indigenous tribes...

  Suldak didn't talk too much, he needed a warehouse to fill these supplies, and Chief Logan quickly arranged an empty wooden house for him.

   Not long after I saw Suldak walk in, the house was filled with a full set of weapons and equipment of the heavy armored infantry regiment, including full-covered heavy armor, Roman swords, iris shields, and even water bladders.

  The only thing that cannot be equipped by the whole people is the alloy bow, which cannot be bought so much in the trading market in Constantinople.

  The soldiers of the Green Empire prefer Liannu, but Liannu, bed crossbows, and catapults are all military-controlled materials, and they cannot be bought by merchants with money.

  When the tribal chiefs saw boxes of brand-new weapons wrapped in butter paper, their eyes were straightened.

Chief Logan didn't delay at all, he was still counting the number of weapons and equipment, and the weapons and equipment that had been counted over there were immediately distributed to the aboriginal fighters gathered here, and a large group of young fighters were equipped with a full set in the walled city Equip it, and head to the battlefield immediately.

  Looking at the young aboriginal warriors all black and shiny, with heavy swords hanging around their waists and shields behind their backs...

  The chiefs of the tribe all lamented that the equipment sent by Lord Suldak is really complete, and the most unbelievable thing for them is that these weapons and equipment are all given away for free.

  The reason is that everyone fights against the evil spirit army on Moyunling together. In fact, this is what every tribe wants to do most.

Many tribal leaders still remember that a few months ago, someone came here to exchange weapons and equipment for monster materials and herbs. Know how much herbs you have to dig up to get it back...

  In just a few days, Suldak saw with his own eyes that an army of aboriginal people was born inside the walled city.

  Equipment distribution is indeed arranged, not only related to the number of fighters sent by each tribe, but also related to the record and supplies.

   The matching table is in the hands of the Logan patriarch, and when it is distributed, the number is publicly shouted out...

  At this time, some tribal chiefs regretted it. When counting the number of participants in the war, it would have been better to say a little more, and now they can share a few more sets of heavy armor. If you want it will be too late.

What surprised the tribal leaders was that Suldak also took out a large amount of marching rations. In addition to the packs of marching rations, there were also whole bags of wheat flour. Suldak even took the initiative to hand them over to the natives. How to make baked oatmeal.

   Then Suldak followed Chief Logan to the southern battlefield of the native coalition forces.

  The army was pressing down on the border. In addition to teams of heavily armored warriors, there were actually a large number of indigenous warriors without armor behind them.

  Originally, the plan of Suldak and Elder Ambrobi was for the indigenous tribes to gather 100,000 troops to block the northern mountain pass of Moyunling.

In fact, there are nearly 200,000 aborigines gathered here. At present, only 100,000 aboriginal fighters have weapons and equipment. Armor, take up your weapon and continue to fight.

  Each tribe does not want to relinquish the weapons and equipment they have allocated to other tribes, so almost all tribes are actively preparing for the reserve.

  (end of this chapter)