MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 1484 1471. Crossing Moyun Ridge

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   Chapter 1484 1471. Crossing Moyun Ridge

   There is a group of evil ghost warriors hidden in the innermost part of this valley. There is only one exit at the southern end of the valley. Going north to the end is a dead land surrounded by peaks.

  In this mountain depression, there are countless rocks that have rolled down from the peak, large and small, piled up together, and war horses can't walk on this kind of rocky beach at all.

A group of evil spirits are hiding in this rocky beach. There are various corpses left in the rocks, including human bones, ghost-patterned red ants, and some small animals in the mountains. These are all eaten by evil spirits. fallen remains.

Thousands of evil spirits hide here, and the evil spirits do not have any stored rations, so they can only hunt the adventurers who occasionally break into the valley, and some evil spirits turn over rocks in the mountains, and they also live under these rocks There are some poisonous insects such as lizards and scorpions.

  It's a pity that there is too little meat on them. An adult ghost warrior wants to fill his stomach with scorpions, and he doesn't know how many scorpions he will eat in a day.

  The evil spirits are hiding in this mountain depression. Usually they have to go hungry, and if they are really hungry, they have to peel off the moss attached to the shade of the boulder or the weeds at the foot of the mountain.

  The evil ghost warriors hoped that their injuries would recover, and then they would regroup and take back the Nanlu Valley.

   But after hiding here for a month, the evil spirits discovered a terrible fact. They hid in the mountain depression, and their strength declined sharply every day.

  They recently tried to sneak out of the valley, but there are human demon hunters in the valley outside. Of course, they can't rush out on a large scale. The mountain road outside the valley is an excellent hunting ground for those constructed knights.

  They can only hang around in the rocky beach, hoping that the evil ghost army station in Moyunling Highland will send the army over.

   But after waiting for so long, no evil spirit army came over at all.

  The two evil ghost generals hiding here did not dare to run back to the Moyunling garrison. They knew what would happen to them after losing the Nanlu Valley, and they might live for two more days hiding here.

  The evil spirits have discovered the human legion outside the valley, and this is probably their only chance to escape.

  Two ghost generals gathered thousands of ghost warriors in the valley, but they didn't rush out, they just waited in the rocky beach, preparing for the final desperate fight.

   It’s just that the morale of these ghosts is low. Many ghost fighters are dizzy from hunger. Now they can smell some flesh and blood, so they can regain some energy.

  Seeing a large group of giant ghost pattern soldier ants pouring in from outside the valley, these evil ghost warriors fell into despair.

They have already experienced the fighting power of these giant soldier ants in the valley. Now seeing the red ants swarming in, some ghost warriors whose fighting will collapsed rushed out of the rocky beach and rushed towards the ghost soldiers. The ants launched a suicidal charge.


  In fact, Suldak had long wanted to get rid of these evil spirits.

  These evil ghost warriors who fled here from the valley have been entrenched here for a long time, and they don't know how many adventure groups they have besieged and killed in this area.

This place has almost become a forbidden zone for the demon hunters of the adventure group. The reason why Suldak has not moved these evil spirits is also very simple. Fighting here can easily hurt your legs...

  Suldak even thought that these ghost warriors would run out by themselves if they couldn't find food.

   But after waiting for more than two months, they were not able to come out.

  They are like a nail, inserted between the mountains at the southern foot of Moyunling...

Although a city wall has been built in Dak Valley, which can completely resist these evil spirits, Suldak is still worried that with the departure of the Ant Cavalry and Constructed Knights, no one can restrain these evil spirits. Once they come out of the depression at that time, it may affect the adventure group's entry into the Moyunling Highlands for hunting.

  So he decided to eradicate this hidden danger hidden in the valley before leaving the southern foot of Moyunling.


Moyun Ridge is like a tall barrier across the north of the Gandar Er Mountains. The high mountains here block the warm wind blowing from the south. There is such a huge gap only at the mountain pass at the southern foot of Moyun Ridge. .

  The monsoons blowing from south to north are almost all blown to the Moyunling Highland through here.

The valley here is usually very windy, and all the valleys run north-south. According to Elder Ambrobi, there used to be a glacier here in ancient times. Gaps, these thousands of valleys are also traces left by the movement of glaciers.

  Now the Moyunling Highland is just the base of that huge glacier.

  Suldak followed the giant soldier ants into the valley, and saw some scattered ghost warriors coming out of the rock formation and rushing towards the giant soldier ants.

  Countless giant soldier ants are lined up together, like a high wall made of copper. These weak ghost warriors rushing up, can't stop the giant soldier ants from advancing.

   While the giant soldier ants pinched the ghost warrior, the ant cavalry hiding behind the giant soldier ants pierced the ghost warrior's body with Paglio spears.

  The evil ghost general hiding in the rocky beach saw that there were signs of collapse before the war started, so he quickly took the initiative to stand up.

  With the evil ghost general leading the charge, the fighting enthusiasm of the evil ghost soldiers suddenly increased a lot, and bone spears were thrown out of the evil ghost camp.

   Under the vigilant roar of the squad leaders, the ant cavalry quickly raised their shields above their heads...

  Suddenly, a rain of spears fell from the sky, and then hit the ant cavalry's shield, making a ping-pong-pong sound.

But the giant ghost-pattern soldiers rushed forward indifferently. Not only did they have thick hard armor, but the hard armor was also covered with armor plates. The bone spears thrown by the ghost warriors could not attack the giant The soldier ants deal no damage.

  Seeing two ghost generals rushing out of the camp of the ghost army, Suldak, Andrew, wolf knight Tago and Gulitum also rushed to the front.

It is said that the strength of the second-rank powerhouse is somewhat inferior to that of the Evil General. Unfortunately, the situation of these two Evil Generals is different. First of all, the momentum will be weaker.

  On the battlefield, Suldak was entangled with a ghost general on the opposite side, and the giant ghost soldiers and ants behind him had already rushed up.

The evil ghost general was burning with black flames, but he was not as brave as the evil general on the edge of the Samostuo River. Under the blessing of the rune power, the Kulwin sword in Darke's hand, every strike of the sword is accompanied by a holy thunder. This kind of magic ball with the attribute of holy light falls on the evil general, and it will instantly kill the general. A large black flame on its body was extinguished.

  Ghost General was forced back again and again by Suldak...

  The war blade in its hand struck on the shield of Suldak, and the shield actually emitted a dazzling silver light. After several failed attempts, General Evil Ghost became very irritable.

   Seeing a large number of ghost warriors around him fall in front of the giant ghost pattern soldier ants, the body of the ghost general ignited even more violent black flames.

The body also suddenly swelled up, at least a circle bigger than usual, with bone spurs popping out of joints all over his body. Suldak stabbed his ribs with a sword, but he didn't dodge or evade. The sword of Kurwin pierced his body, and the wound was burned by the holy light, purifying countless black flames.

But at this moment, General Evil Ghost tightly grasped the blade with one hand, preventing Suldak from drawing his sword. Erdak's nape.

  Suldak immediately swung the golden shield in his hand to block the ghost warrior's thrust...

Immediately behind him, the phantom of an archangel appeared, almost doing the same action, stabbing the phantom sword of the archangel in the chest of General Evil Ghost, but when the phantom's phantom sword of the archangel touched the evil At the moment of General Ghost's chest, a ball of dazzling holy light suddenly burst out from the sword of the archangel.

The sword of the Archangel, which was only a phantom, suddenly became extremely solid. The moment the sword of the Archangel pierced the body of General Evil Ghost, countless holy lights burst from the body of General Evil Ghost, passing through every part of his body. The joint spreads outward.

That dazzling holy light seemed to be able to melt everything, even the body of General Evil Ghost was melting rapidly. In an instant, the flesh and blood of General Evil Ghost seemed to have completely disappeared, leaving only the dark and tough layer of General Evil Ghost. The bone armor, but these bone armor lost the support they should have, and were scattered on the ground in an instant, and even the war blade over there fell on the bone armor, making a bang.

  As the phantom of the angel behind him quickly dissipated, the sword of the archangel also scattered into countless thick holy lights, forming a beam of light around Suldak.

Suldak didn't expect that he would take a small step forward on this battlefield, and the power of the holy light brought by his own breakthrough could make the 'momentum' he summoned so solid that it even seemed There is also a little bit of the smell of angels coming.

   Grabbing the head of General Evil Ghost and raising it over his head, Suldak shouted: "Kill them all..."

Of course, the giant ghost-striped soldier ants could not respond to Suldak's call, but they killed the ghost general so easily, which greatly boosted the morale of the ant cavalry who followed behind, and countless ant cavalry rushed into the rocks with the giant soldier ants pile.

The ghost warriors here are much weaker than the ghosts in other places, and they don't have such a strong will to fight. When the giant soldier ants rush into the rocky beach, they have no fighting spirit at all. Seeing the ghost general in the army formation After being beheaded, the battlefield immediately began to collapse.

  The hunger and exhaustion of the body, and the fear of the giant soldier ants in the heart, made this group of evil ghost fighters unable to fight back.

  At this point in the battle, a one-sided situation began to appear.

  Gulitham, Andrew, and Tago also cooperated to kill another ghost general. After the two ghost generals gave their heads, the ghost fighters completely collapsed.

  Suldak rushed to the front with a golden shield on his top, surrounded by a dazzling holy light among the giant soldier ant colony...

Reasonably speaking, General Evil Ghost's true strength is probably close to that of a rank-three powerhouse, but Suldak's power of holy light is just enough to restrain the black fire, and a large amount of holy light erupted at the moment of promotion, making the 'potential' extremely condensed. In fact, it was as if an angel had descended to kill the evil general so easily.

These evil ghost warriors wanted to escape to the surrounding steep hillside, but the halfway up the hillside was almost full of some weathered and scattered broken stones. , it will slide down to the foot of the mountain, and now these ghost warriors stepped on it, and almost all their calves were sunk in the rubble.

   You can't climb up a few steps at all, and the large pieces of rubble will slide down and send them to the foot of the mountain.

Some ghost warriors can't maintain their balance, and even fall, and get entangled in the gravel that has nowhere to draw their strength. After they roll down, the ant cavalry waiting at the foot of the mountain will stab them before they get up. die.

  The battle lasted until dark, and the giant soldier ants enjoyed a feast of evil spirits after the battle.

  The ant cavalry swept the battlefield with torches, and then retreated to Taniguchi.

   Pitched a tent here and rested all night. After dawn in the morning, Suldak led the army to continue heading north.

  Suldak is going to make a long-distance raid to the northern mountain pass of the Moyunling Highland this time, so in order to avoid the vigilance of the evil spirit army, the army must move fast enough.

  This time, I entered the Moyunling Highland almost without any stop...


  With the magician of the reconnaissance team leading the way, they can almost perfectly avoid all the evil spirits operating on the high ground.

  Although he would encounter some small-scale evil ghost legions when marching in a hurry, Suldak simply ignored the fat that was brought to his mouth, and went straight to the north decisively...

There are also some high mountains and hills on the Moyunling highlands, but there is a large flat land between the high mountains. There are hardly many trees here, and the land is full of weeds and moss. wilderness.

  The terrain here presents ripple-like undulations, which feel like fish scales in a desert blown by the wind.

   According to Basil's guidance in the sky, Suldak led the army through the valley between the hills, trying to avoid revealing their whereabouts as much as possible.

Suldak's army is extremely mobile. The Moyunling Highland is only more than 600 kilometers from south to north. Even if it detours through some places, it only takes ten days to reach the north of the Moyunling Highland. , since he had not yet established contact with the Aigrod tribe, Suldak let the army hide in the foothills in the northern part of Moyunling.

   And riding on the magic handle of the magician Basil, enduring the high-altitude knife-like cold wind, he directly crossed the continuous mountains in the north of Moyun Ridge and entered the mountains to the north of Moyun Ridge.

There is even white snow on the top of the peak in the north of Moyunling. When you reach the middle of the mountain, you can see some green grass. When you fly to the foot of Moyunling, a large green forest and sea will appear in Suldak's field of vision. .

  Looking down from a high altitude, those rivers are like soft blue ribbons among the dense forests...

  A large army of aborigines is in this dense forest, like countless army ants, lined up in a long line, gathering towards the foot of Moyunling Mountain...

  (end of this chapter)