MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 1481 1468. Highland Strategy

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   Chapter 1481 1468. Highland Strategy

  Commander Hayes walked out of the barracks of the West Route Army, and the uncontrollable joy gradually appeared on his face.

  He touched his right arm subconsciously, feeling that it was like a source of power, continuously providing power to his body.

  Captain Hayes was so refreshed that he even walked much more briskly. He even had the urge to kill a cow with one punch.

  Coffey endured all the way, and finally asked after leaving the garrison camp: "How do you feel? Commander..."

"I can't describe the specific situation to you. I signed a magic contract in the barracks, but I'm sure it's very strong and suitable for all of us." Captain Hayes said a little excitedly: "So next, we We also need to go deeper into the Moyunling highlands, hunt more evil spirits, and strive for everyone in the regiment to have one hand."

   "Is this enhanced magic pattern really that good?" Kofi was even more curious.

   "Just wait, it won't be long before we can redeem the second one."

  Leader Hayes strode ahead, thinking how to exchange as many enhanced scrolls as possible...


  Marquis Edmund Arnold was sitting in the command office of Fort Naroda, holding a notice in his hand with a gloomy expression.

  As the commander of the Eastern Route Army, he knew that his recent decisions had failed to achieve the expected results, and even one of the orders to march into the Naroda Canyon almost made him a sinner in Handanar City.

  It was just that at that time more than 40,000 evil ghost soldiers broke through the defense line of the Naroda Fortress, and the infantry soldiers of the Eastern Route Army couldn't take care of themselves at all.

  During this time, the Eastern Route Army was stationed at the Naroda Fortress.

  The battle made Marquis Arnold very embarrassed. Fortunately, the Construct Knights did not suffer a large loss, so they were able to persevere in pursuing the more than 40,000 ghost warriors who entered Handanal County.

  But it was difficult for this group of Constructed Knights to organize an effective line of defense while chasing the vanguard of this group of evil spirits.

  Even the tactics of the pack of wolves are not effective against the army of evil spirits.

  The evil spirits rushed all the way along the Buruin River. If it weren't for the many tributaries of the Buruin River, the evil spirits would have killed the city of Handanar long ago.

  The West Route Army was able to run out thousands of miles to intercept the evil ghost army, which Marquis Arnold never expected...

   He never expected that the West Route Army would be able to defeat this group of evil spirits from the front in the Battle of Buruyin River.

   Now that the news that the West Route Army has opened the gate of Moyun Ridge reaches Naroda Fortress again, this news is a bit embarrassing to Marquis Arnold.

  Recently, the news of the victory of the West Route Army came one after another, causing the infantry fighters of the East Route Army to discuss in private. Some people began to compare the strength, arms and generals of the two armies of the East and West...

  Actually, Marquis Arnold has nearly 10,000 constructed knights in his hands. Although the number of heavy armored infantry seems to be a little smaller, the actual combat power is obviously stronger than that of the Eastern Route Army.

  In addition, the Eastern Route Army is stationed at the Naroda Fortress, which is a stronghold built like a castle.

  The fortress has an impenetrable city wall, which stops the evil spirit army in the Naroda Canyon in the canyon. The evil spirits have not been able to break through this wall in recent years.

  Forty thousand ghost warriors rushed into the territory of Handanal County. It is estimated that this incident will become a stain on Marquis Arnold's life.

   Marquis Arnold sat by the stove and sighed softly.

  I feel that I may be old, and when I do many things, I feel powerless.

  He and Luthor are both friends and rivals.

  When they were young, the two entered Bena Swordsman Academy at the same time, and they have been competing since then.

  Marquis Luther has outstanding swordsmanship, but he is not bad either. After Luther snatched Marianne, he stayed in Bena City.

  The Marquis of Luther is unwilling to lead the Luther Legion to fight in the plane, so his reputation is not obvious, but the advantage of staying in Bena City... is to become a close friend with Duke Newman.

   However, Marquis Arnold has been working hard outside with the family lord army. He has been developing territory on the plane for so many years. He is a famous big lord in the province of Bena.

   It can be said that at least one-third of the territory of the Arnold family is developed by the Marquis Arnold.

  Duke Newman led the Bena Legion into the Warsaw plane and asked Luthor to take charge of the military of the Bena Province. In fact, Marquis Arnold was somewhat unconvinced.

  Just in the past few years, the Luthor Legion has achieved impressive results in battles in various planes in Benar Province.

  In just a few years, Marquis Luther and Marquis Arnold were as famous.

   In these things, Marquis Luther seems to have won, but there is only one thing, he can't compare with Marquis Arnold.

   That is, Marquis Luther has only one daughter, and she is also the sole heir of the Luther family.

  The Marquis of Arnold had twenty-one sons, and the Marquis of Arnold married nineteen wives, almost all of whom gave birth to him.

   Therefore, in the matter of heirs, the Marquis of Arnold is the most proud.

  Occasionally when I saw Marquis Luther in the military headquarters, I would tease Marquis Luther with these things.

But this time his lord's army was transferred back to Bena City by a call-up order from the military department. When the two were drinking together in private, Marquis Luther was still talking to him about training successors, saying that their group When you are older, it is appropriate to give young people some resources and opportunities. If you always protect them under your wings, they will never grow up.

  Marquis Arnold has actually been cultivating and testing his sons all these years. Unfortunately, none of these sons is like him. No one can lead an army and be unique in a certain plane.

  Marquis Luther did not become the commander of the Eastern Route Army, but let a young earl become the commander of the Western Route Army. Marquis Arnold even thought that he took this reinforcement as a child's play...

  At that time, many lords in Bena City thought so too, so they handed over the Constructed Knights to Marquis Arnold in private.

   Actually, it wasn’t that Marquis Arnold didn’t want to distribute some of the Constructed Knights to the West Route Army. It’s just that these Constructed Knights entered the Warsaw plane, and they came here to win battles. Naturally, no one wanted to join the West Route Army.

  But recently, the West Route Army has achieved a series of impressive victories that have almost shut the mouths of all the nobles in the Bena Province.

  Marquis Arnold heard that there are countless noble lords in the city of Handanar who want to join the West Route Army. They are all planning to join with the lord's private army, but unfortunately they are all rejected by Suldak.

   Only now did Marquis Arnold know that Suldak turned out to be Luthor's son-in-law.

  His daughter Hathaway married the young Earl...

  Hearing that the Duke of Newman returned to Handanal County without the Bena Army, he knew that the Duke wanted to leave this piece of cake to the West Route Army.

  ‘Luther, whether you come to Warsaw or not this time, Newman will give you a piece of cake. ’ Marquis Arnold thought in his heart, he was a little unconvinced, and at the same time envious of the friendship between Marquis Luther and Duke Newman.

  He felt that Suldak was able to achieve such a great result in the Ganda Er Mountains, it must be inseparable from the support of Duke Newman.

  Even if there is no support from the Benar Legion, there is also support from other sources.

  Only relying on the 100,000 infantry soldiers of the West Route Army, Marquis Arnold did not think that Suldak could win the entire Moyunling Highland.

   Leaving his lord army trapped in the Naroda Fortress, Marquis Arnold squinted his eyes, revealing a sharp edge...


  After the Benar Legion entered Maynards County, it began to compete with the cavalry regiment of the Cavaliers Alliance for the territory of the county. The Benar Legion entered Maynards County from the southern border, and then went all the way south, occupying a large area of ​​hills and mountains.

  Benner Swordsman finally fought a few beautiful battles this year, which made the entire Grimm Empire get to know Benner Swordsman again.

   In fact, he has been trapped in the Warsaw plane for the past few years, and Duke Newman has long been tired of this kind of battle.

  He planned to bring the Benar Legion back to Benar Province once he drove the evil ghost army from Maynards County back to Hell.

  As for the large fertile land occupied here, some important mine resources will belong to the Newman family, and other land resources will be auctioned off to other Benar lords. He is not prepared to stay and operate here.

   How to develop this place in the future and how to guard their homeland is something that the Benar lords who bought the territory will have to worry about.

   There are still countless evil spirits on the Warsaw plane, but Duke Newman believes that the cavalry of the Knights Union and the Lord Bena's army are fully capable of stopping these evil spirits beyond the seven counties.

  He knew that there was a gate of evil spirits on Moyun Ridge.

He also knew that Suldak had built a wall in the south of Moyun Ridge. Duke Newman felt that Suldak was very prudent and that the construction of this wall was necessary. He even studied Moyun Ridge for most of the day. Looking at the map of the area, it seems that this really blocked the evil ghost army on the Moyunling Highland.

   I think this tug of war may last for several years...

  In short, as long as the evil ghost army on Moyunling will not threaten Handanar County, then he can do whatever he wants. This time, the Bena Army will not intervene, and all the proceeds will be distributed by the West Route Army.

  A follower of Marquis Luther asked him, "My lord, where are we going to fight next?"

  Marquis Luther had a smug look in his eyes, his face brimming with confidence, and he answered casually:

   "After capturing here, we will wait for the news of the Cavalry Alliance's victory, and strive to return to Bena Province before winter arrives. It is too cold to ride a magic airship in winter."


  In the living room of the West Route Army Command Post, Elder Ambrobi brought over twenty elders to sit opposite the long table.

  The table is full of pastries, fruits and tea.

  Suldak sat opposite Elder Ambrobi with a group of officers from the West Route Army.

  The atmosphere in the room was very harmonious. These elders were almost all the highest leaders of the tribes, and their status in the tribe was much greater than that of the tribal chiefs.

  This time the elders were invited to the barracks of the West Route Army. It was mainly Elder Ambrobi who guaranteed that they would cooperate further with the West Route Army.

  However, when Suldak revealed his plan, the elders still felt a little unbelievable.

"Capture this Moyunling highland and build a home for our aboriginal tribe? Commander Suldak, are you kidding me?" Elder Ambrobbi also felt a little unbelievable, not understanding what Suldak was doing. What benefits can be gained here.

"However, I am afraid that this place still belongs to the territory of the Grimm Empire in name. I will submit an application to the empire in accordance with the three-three-four territory distribution law to turn this land into my territory. The actual land owners are still you, and I will also cooperate with you." You sign a magical contract of territorial ownership."

   "When the evil spirits are driven away, your tribe can move here."

"The evil spirits have killed almost all the monsters here, and this place has become a fertile land. As long as you guard the two gates in the north and south, you can live in peace. Whether it is farming or animal husbandry, this land All very good."

   "What I need is all the minerals on the Moyunling Highland..."

"In addition, I may continue to open up the wild land in the north. This will be a springboard for my lord's army. The city built here will have close trade with the city of Handanal. From the airport pier, with the magic airship, the transportation will become more convenient..."

  Suldak did not read to make big pies for these elders. Some elders are actually very resistant to contacting the Grimm Empire people. Hearing what Suldak said, they frowned tightly.

  Elder Ambrose is very open-minded. Although he also has a lot of worries, he didn't say those. He asked Suldak:

   "If I don't agree, will you also take this place?"

   "Of course, I will form an alliance with other Bena lords, and then use the West Route Army as the main force to capture here." Suldak said without hesitation.

  Elder Ambroby looked at the other elders on the left and right sides, spread his hands and said:

   "Then what reason do we have to refuse? The living conditions here are much better than those in the mountains north of Moyun Ridge..."

   "Then I wish our cooperation a success!" Suldak raised his hand and exchanged high-fives with Elder Ambrobi.

  At this time, Elder Ambroby began to ask in detail:

   "Can we talk now? How are we going to work together?"

   "I still need at least 100,000 aboriginal fighters to join the war." Suldak spoke his request.

  Elder Ambrose did not even frown, and said decisively:

   "I can recruit 150,000 soldiers, but we don't have sophisticated armaments, so we can't beat those evil spirits."

  Suldak also expressed his sincerity again: "I will deal with the armaments. After the war is over, all the armaments of the aborigines will be given to you."

  He paused, looked at the other great elders with sharp eyes, and continued:

   "However, I still need great witches to join the battle. Only the great witches in the tribe can improve the combat power of all aboriginal fighters."

   "Of course it's okay, but what we lack is sacrifices." Elder Ambrose said.

Hearing this sentence, Suldak exchanged glances with Andrew, Samira and the others, and then said confidently: "Elder Ambrobi, you may not know that our West Route Army has fought many battles these few times. How many evil ghost heads have been accumulated..."

  (end of this chapter)