MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 1467 1454. Cooperation

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   Chapter 1467 1454. Cooperation

  The glare of the sun shines through the leaves of the dense forest, leaving dazzling spots of light on the open space.

  An evil ghost soldier pushed through the weeds and got out from behind the soil slope. There were some messy dead leaves hanging on the bone spurs all over his body. As a scout of the evil ghost team, he was extremely cautious when he groped forward.

   At this time, there are already many adventure groups squatting on the opposite hillside, and the ghost warriors can clearly smell the flesh and blood of the members of the adventure group.

  The group of evil spirits hardly ate any food to fill their stomachs while chasing the aborigine warriors. At this time, they smelled the smell of human flesh and blood, and couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

  It is trying to restrain itself, not wanting to be the first to rush out.

  The hillside in front is very dangerous, and the evil ghost scouts can feel it.

  But the restlessness in the body, the hand holding the war blade is also shaking violently.

  Going a little further, it has already seen the figure in the bushes on the opposite hillside, and the evil ghost scout immediately wanted to back away.

And at this moment, it saw a large net falling from the tree. This large net covers a large area and has blocked all its escape routes. It can only jump up, trying to rely on the war blade in its hand. Split the net.

  In the past, all it came into contact with were the aboriginal warriors in the northern mountains, but this time it saw the demon hunters of the adventure group.

  This large net has never been seen before. It has seen many nets woven from tree vines, but this is the first time it has seen this kind of net woven with steel wires.

The war blade in his hand just drew a streak of sparks on the big net, and the big net wrapped his body tightly. It tried to break free from the big net, but despite its endless brute force, it couldn't make the big net ten years old. The large wire mesh just wrapped his body tighter and tighter.

   A series of steel wires have been strangled into the gaps in its bone armor, his hands and feet have been bound, and he cannot even swing the war blade in his hand.

  It let out a dangerous growl, and the members of the adventure group emerged from the bushes with their eyes shining, and they held spears in their hands...

There was already a spear piercing its ribs from the position behind its left body, and it wanted to turn around and give the witcher of the adventure group a stab, but when it reluctantly turned around, the net on its body caught both of its ribs. .The legs were so tightly entwined that it almost fell.

  Another spear was inserted into its shoulder. At this moment, the evil spirit scout realized that he was surrounded by human demon hunters.

   It sends a dangerous signal behind...

Evil Ghost General Zaborez saw with his own eyes that the Evil Ghost Scout under him was covered by a net. At first, he wanted to rush up to rescue the Evil Ghost Warrior. After all, the Evil Ghost Squad followed him all the way, but that A dozen or so human warriors suddenly sprang out of a piece of woodland.

   Especially the big net made Zabilezi a little confused. It seemed to be very tough, and the ghost warrior couldn't break free from the net.

   Just when it hesitated a little, the ghost warrior in front sent out a dangerous signal.

  Evil Ghost General Zaborez didn't think much about it. He stood up from the bushes, immediately greeted the evil ghost soldiers who followed him, and quickly retreated.

  Ghost General has already sensed that there are many human fighters in the woods opposite...


   Seeing that the evil ghost team on the opposite side was very vigilant, even if there was an evil ghost general in the team, they didn't rush forward rashly. The adventure group here rushed forward, and they were unwilling to let this evil ghost team go.

  They all touched the hillside behind the garrison camp, which is next to the camp in the tent area, and there are members of the adventure group everywhere.

  Seeing that the evil ghost general Zabilez wanted to evacuate, a dozen adventure groups emerged from the bushes on the hillside and chased after the evil ghost team.

   This team of evil spirits went too far, and almost all adventure groups regarded them as fat meat sent to their mouths.

  An adventure group of more than 20 people quickly crossed the hillside and chased after the evil ghost team.

  They ran very fast, and there were very good archers in the team. Several arrows pierced through the bushes with dense branches and leaves, and "PuffPuffPuff" pierced into the back of the evil ghost warrior who fell behind.

  Although the ghost warrior was covered with a layer of bone armor, the sharp arrows still penetrated the bone armor, causing him to feel the pain.

  The ghost warrior let out an angry growl, it stopped, two sharp fist swords appeared in its hands, it turned around and rushed towards the adventure group chasing up from behind.

  Evil Ghost General Zaborez failed to call the ghost warrior back, and saw it surrounded by a group of human warriors.

The human warrior at the head was wearing a thick battle armor and held a large round shield in his hand. When the ghost warrior's fist sword hit the shield, only a string of flames were drawn, and then the long sword in the human warrior's hand He put his fist and sword in place, and the ghost warrior wanted to jump up and stab forward, but suddenly several human warriors appeared on both sides of his body, and these human warriors blocked its attack with their weapons.

  Someone inserted a long sword into its ribs, and the ghost warrior was unable to parry it. Its body ignited a layer of black flame under the severe pain.

  But before it burned its own life and exploded with powerful combat power, an arrow shot out from the bushes and nailed it on his forehead...

   There was a 'bang'.

  The frontal bone was shot through a hole by an arrow, and the ghost warrior's head was a little dizzy.

   Its body shook slightly, and the members of the adventure group on the left and right sides cut off its arms with long swords, and several weapons were inserted into his chest.

  In the blink of an eye, two ghost warriors were hunted down by members of the human adventure group.


  At this time, the evil ghost general Zabelez recognized the true strength of this group of adventurers, and he quickly called the members of the evil ghost team to retreat quickly.

However, there were already human warriors outflanking the forest on the left and right sides. Zabilez held the war blade in his hand and rushed forward, but just as he was about to climb over the mountains in front, Zabilez felt that there seemed to be danger hidden in the forest. breath.

  It rushed to the left in a hurry.

  In the dense forest on the left side of it, there are several members of the adventure group surrounded here.

  Ghost General mustered all his strength, stepped on the stone slab on the hillside with both feet, and the moment the slate under his feet exploded, Zabelez rushed towards the dense forest on the left like a cannonball.

With a white sword in his hand, he chopped back a swordsman from the adventure group head-on. There were several cracks in the sword in the swordsman's hand. His body was hit by Zaborez. , His back slammed into a big tree, almost all the bones in his body were shattered, and he collapsed beside the big tree, with sticky blood oozing from his mouth.

  Zaborez didn't even have time to make another attack. It was very fast, and it knocked back the swordsman in front, and stepped on a warrior's shield with a big foot wrapped in bone armor.

  The iron-covered iris shield was instantly crushed by its foot, and its big foot full of bone spurs stepped on the soldier's right arm, and the right arm wrapped in heavy armor was also broken instantly.

The sword in Zaborez's hand wiped at the swordsman beside him. The swordsman had a well-balanced body. When he saw the general's sword sweeping sideways, he didn't dare to parry it. He quickly jumped forward and avoided it. It was Zaberez's knife.

  The war blade slashed on the waist-thick trunk, and the whole tree was broken in half.

   General Evil Ghost's combat power broke out, and none of the members of this group of adventurers could stop it.

  Zabolez beheaded four members of the adventure group in one go, and fled westward from the left hillside.

But the ghost warriors following it were not so lucky. A group of adventure group members rushed forward, and several archers inserted arrows into their legs. Suddenly, the ghost warriors slowed down a bit. Big cut.

   Large nets fell from the top of their heads, enveloping these ghost warriors one after another.

  The adventure group still has a lot of experience in hunting ordinary ghost fighters. Once these ghost fighters are left alone, they will be surrounded and killed by the members of the adventure group if they are forced to stop.

  Only General Zaborez broke out of the siege with his bravery and fled towards the west of the hillside.


  When Andrew received the news, he was still in the barracks receiving the 1,200 Guberai war horses sent by Earl Bradley.

   It's just that these war horses will have to be implanted with life magic patterns, otherwise they will not be able to become the mounts of the knights.

  Earl Bradley chased to the garrison camp of the West Route Army this time, because he wanted to join the West Route Army, but Andrew felt that Earl Bradley's guards were mediocre and did not agree.

  Earl Bradley wants to see Suldak again.

  A guard reported to Andrew that a ghost general appeared outside the camp, and fled westward after injuring more than a dozen members of the adventure group.

  Andrew immediately put down the work of inspecting the horse, and strode out of the camp with an ax on his back. There were already constructed knights helping him to pull out the horse.

  The two-headed ogre Gullitum and the wolf knight Tago were also called out from the tent by him.

  Gulitum was still eating breakfast next to the tent, and he didn't want to go after the evil general with Andrew.

  Wolf knight Tiger rode Bonita and chased after him first. With his strong sense of smell, Bonita quickly locked the direction of General Zaberez's escape.

   At this time, there are still several mages from the scouting team chasing behind in the sky. Obviously, everyone is bound to win this evil general who approached the barracks recklessly...

There are not many evil ghost generals with outstanding strength in the evil ghost army, and they will not easily run out to take risks. These evil ghost generals are the greatest threat to the soldiers of the West Route Army on the battlefield. Generally speaking, it is difficult to have such a single attack. chance to kill.

  Now I heard that an adventure group found a general of evil spirits. Neither the magician nor Andrew nor Tago wanted to let the general of evil spirits go.

  In the barracks, a group of ant cavalry followed Andrew out of the barracks.

When these ant cavalry run in the mountains, they run much faster than the constructed knights. The ant cavalry can ignore any complicated terrain in the mountains, and soon, under the guidance of the magicians, they intercepted them in the mountains ahead. General Zaborez.

   This was originally a battlefield that had turned into scorched earth, and it was not too far from the mountain pass at the southern foot of Moyunling.

  It’s just a few magicians in the air riding on the handles. Almost everyone is holding a magic book in their arms. Fireballs condense out of the magic book, and almost explode in a string behind the evil ghost general.

  Although this powerful fireball technique couldn't hurt General Evil Ghost, the countless explosions behind him slowed down General Zabelez.

  It even wanted to throw the warblade in its hand into the air, and shoot down those fly-like mages from midair...

  When Bonita was running in the woods, his silver mane made him look like a ghost, and he passed Tiger on his back in the dense forest.

  Wolf knight Tiger rushed to the front and stopped General Zaborez on the battlefield in the valley.

Tiger, who exudes the power of the ancestors of the orcs, is not afraid of General Zaberez's blade at all. The two fought together on the battlefield. Although the wolf knight was at a disadvantage, with the cooperation of Bonita, he steadily General Zaborez was retained.

Then Gulitham and Andrew arrived almost at the same time, followed by a group of ant cavalry and dozens of adventure groups, and everyone rushed to surround and kill the evil general at the same time. Can return to Nanlu Pass alive.

  In the end, Andrew almost exchanged injuries to keep General Zabelez on the battlefield forever.

   Just as Andrew split General Zaberez in half with an axe, the members of the adventure group and the ant cavalry on the battlefield cheered in unison.

A group of ghost warriors even rushed out of the southern mountain pass of Moyunling, but unfortunately they came out a bit late, and finally failed to save General Zaberez. back to the mountain pass.


  The group of aborigines soldiers who stayed in the barracks almost witnessed the battle of chasing and killing the evil ghost general with their own eyes.

This evil ghost general chased after the aborigine soldiers all the way. Elder Buura knew that there was a squad of evil ghosts chasing after him, but he couldn't do anything about them all the time. He didn't expect that this squad of evil ghosts ran to the front of the West Route Army. On the side of the barracks, he was easily killed by the strong men in the barracks.

   For a while, confidence in Suldak's West Route Army increased greatly.

  Elder Buyula didn't even wait for Elder Ambrobi's reply, and signed a cooperation agreement with Suldak between the aborigines and the West Route Army.

  Next, Elder Bulula will be busy returning to the aboriginal village in the northern mountains of Moyunling to organize a group of aboriginal soldiers who come to the West Route Army to study.

The group of aboriginal fighters brought by Elder Buyula was also successfully incorporated into the team of the West Route Army. This time, he only took two entourages and walked north along the foot of Moyunling Mountain, preparing to return to Moyunling. Northern mountains.

  Suldak originally wanted to give Elder Buura three Gubolai horses, but Elder Buula refused.

The new batch of military supplies from the logistics department of the military department finally arrived at the garrison camp from Handanar City. This time, in addition to some crossbow arrows, repaired armor, and military rations, the military department also brought a set of supplies to Suldak. Batch rewards.

  The rewards for the battle between the West Route Army and the Naroda demon at the Buruin River were finally sent to the camp...

  (end of this chapter)