MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 1452 1439. Space Blade

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   Chapter 1452 1439. Blade of Space

  Bruin River originates from the Galle Inner Sea in the central part of Handanal County, flows through the city of Handanal, and winds for more than 1,000 kilometers to the Naroda Canyon in the west of Handanal County.

   This river is more like a guiding line in the eyes of the ghost warriors. As long as you go upstream, you can find the central city of Handanal County.

In fact, although there is nothing wrong with this statement, the Buruin River flows westward, and there are more than a dozen tributaries flowing into the main river along the way. The three forks of the seven rivers.

   And every time there is a three-way intersection in a river, for the ghost warrior, it is necessary to do a multiple choice question.

   If you choose the right one, everything will be as usual, but if you choose the wrong one, you will go down a lot of wrong roads.

   In the absence of a map of the interior of Handanal County, the vanguard of the Evil Ghost Legion almost sent a large number of scout teams to investigate the situation around the Buruin River.

  After the vanguard of this evil ghost army left the Naroda Fortress battlefield, it was like a sharp sword piercing into the hinterland of Handanar County.

Marquis Edmund Arnold, the commander of the Eastern Route Army, also sent out the Constructed Knights to pursue along the way. The evil ghost army marched all the way, and the Constructed Knights of the Eastern Route Army chased after them desperately. He was strangled and left a large number of corpses.

  The battlefield that the magician Basil explored was the three forks of the river, which is less than 80 kilometers away from Handanal County.

As long as the evil ghost army crosses this three-way intersection, they can immediately see the central city of Handanal County. It is probably for this reason that the Constructed Knights chasing the vanguard of the evil ghost army gave up the previous wolf pack. Tactics, in order to block the vanguard of the Evil Ghost Legion on the Bank of the Buruin River, this Constructed Knights fought desperately with the vanguard of the Evil Ghost Legion here.

The guards of the Handanal City Anti-Security Brigade also rushed to the other side of the Buruin River at this time. A large number of guards gathered on the bank of the river, but there was no bridge nearby. Although the small boats mobilized by the logistics department had already rushed Come here, but it will take some time to get the pontoon up.

   Otherwise, it would be quite troublesome to rely on these dozens of small fishing boats to transport the guards across the river.

  Thousands of ghost warriors gathered by the Buruin River, and they have completely broken up the front formation of this Constructed Knights.

  The knights in the Constructed Knights were unable to penetrate the evil ghost army, and were divided into several small battlefields on the battlefield. At this moment, the Constructed Knights had no way to distance themselves and charge.

  The ghost warrior rushed up from the side with a battle blade in hand, and threw down the constructed knight on horseback.

  In this kind of close combat, the ghost warrior's physical advantage is quickly revealed. The three-meter-high strong body fights hand-to-hand with the constructed knight, and can easily crush the constructed knight with only physical strength.

On the battlefield, every constructed knight is lit with magic streamers, and the magic pattern constructs on their bodies are almost in full operation. Many knights here like to use a light but extremely sharp elf long sword. This kind of magic weapon passed down from the kingdom of elves is the masterpiece of silver moon elf blacksmiths.

  As the knights inject their own power into the long sword, the blade will be filled with countless blood streaks.

The ghost warriors rushed forward, and the knights used their elven swords to resist. The ghost warriors were extremely fierce on the battlefield, and they didn't even try to block them. The ghost warrior also slashed the sword in his hand on the constructed knight.

   This kind of fierce play of exchanging injuries for injuries has already played a miraculous effect on the battlefield of Naroda Fortress.


   It was precisely the fierce fighting style of the ghost warriors that the vanguard of the ghost warriors defeated the Constructed Knights at once, and followed the defeated infantry team back to the fortress, taking the opportunity to occupy the gate of the fortress.

   Then a large number of evil spirit troops took the opportunity to pour into the fortress, completely bewildering the Eastern Army in the fortress.

  In order to deal with the fierce fighting style of the evil spirits, the Constructed Knights chasing the vanguard of the evil spirits used wolf pack tactics along the way.

   Along the way, the costumed knights were like tarsal maggots, constantly biting off pieces of flesh from the vanguard of the evil spirits.

It's a pity that the Buruin River is a bit short. Seeing that the vanguard of the evil spirits was about to rush to the city of Handanar, the Constructed Knights changed their tactics. All the Constructed Knights lined up by the river, facing Charge with the evil ghost army.

  The vanguard of the evil spirits fought along the river, which made it impossible for the constructed knights to penetrate the vanguard.


  It was already afternoon when Suldak led the Constructed Knights to the battlefield.

   From a distance, you can hear the low roar of the ghost warriors and the shouts of the costume knights. Just across the river bank, a pontoon bridge made up of dozens of small boats connected side by side has been erected in the middle of the river.

  Only 100 meters away from this pontoon bridge, on another pontoon bridge, a group of guard warriors and ghost warriors from Handanal City fought together.

The ghost fighters occupied the landing point on the north bank of the pontoon bridge. Hundreds of guard soldiers in heavy armor were crowded on the whole pontoon bridge. Walking is extremely difficult.

  When Suldak rushed to the edge of the battlefield with the constructed knights, the constructed knights were almost completely submerged in the battlefield.

   There are too many ghost warriors, and they have surrounded this group of Construct Knights. The Construct Knights have assembled into a team of dozens of people, and they are on the verge of collapse.

  As long as they are pulled off their horses by the ghost warriors, they will immediately be besieged by several ghosts...

   "These idiots..."

   Andrew, who was following behind Suldak, cursed angrily.

Suldak turned his head and glared at Andrew before raising the broadsword in his hand. The constructed knights following behind Suldak did not move. A group of giant soldier ants came up from behind. The command lined up in a row.

   Just when Suldak's West Route Army appeared on the edge of the battlefield, this evil ghost vanguard had already seen the constructed knight here.

  The group of evil spirits responded quickly, separating a group of evil spirit warriors from the battlefield to surround them here.

It's just that the next scene confuses the evil spirits, because they have never been in contact with ghost-striped soldier ants before. Seeing giant soldier ants like rhinoceros lined up in a wall, the evil spirits also You can only rush up against the head.

  As the giant soldier ants opened their one-meter-long fangs and made a hissing vibration, these ghost warriors realized that they had encountered a new type of imperial army.

Suldak and Gulitum huddled between these giant ghost-striped soldier ants. The halo of war enthusiasm that lit up at Suldak's feet quickly infected a large number of giant soldier ants, and the sudden and abundant power poured into the giant soldier ants. After removing their bodies, these giant soldier ants became even more restless.

  As the two-headed ogre let out a battle cry, all the giant soldier ants became extremely excited.

  Suldak knew that the two-headed ogre liked to use battlecries on the battlefield.

When he was in the Bailin plane, his battle roar would make the infantry soldiers full of courage to fight. Unexpectedly, standing in the giant soldier ant colony this time, the roar was even crazier and reckless. , rushing forward like a tide.

  Suldak waved at the wolf knight Tiger, and Tiger immediately led a team of constructed knights to chase after the giant soldier ants and rushed towards the battlefield.

  Andrew looked at Surdak eagerly...

  Suldak pointed to the battle at the pontoon by the river, and told Andrew: "Andrew, take your men to meet the guards by the river!"

   "Yes!" Andrew responded loudly.

  As long as he can receive the task, this Nanai warrior will not choose...

  Andrew raised the butcher's battle ax in his hand, and a group of constructed knights behind him raised their weapons and roared loudly.

  A group of constructed knights swarmed towards the river bank one kilometer away.

  Suldak followed with all the ant cavalry, slowly approaching the battlefield.

  According to the information detected by the magician Basil, there should be four to five thousand of this vanguard of evil spirits. To Suldak, this is more like a piece of fat delivered to his mouth.

He rode a horse and led a group of ant cavalry slowly approaching. When he turned his head to look at the other side of the river, he realized that besides the guards of the city security brigade, there were actually quite a few mercenary groups gathered on the other side of the river. The soldiers on the side obviously saw Suldak's reinforcements immediately.

   For a while, deafening cheers sounded from the other side.

At this time, the giant soldier ants rushing to the front have already collided with the ghost warriors. This group of giant soldier ants is like a wall. Warblade, opened its fangs and bit towards the ghost warrior.

  These giant soldier ants are all enhanced soldier ants with rich combat experience and their bodies have evolved accordingly.

  They were like a huge wave slapping on the ghost warriors, and immediately smashed the formation of these oncoming ghost fighters. Countless ghost fighters were caught by the giant soldier ants and lifted high into the air.

  The constructed knights holding knight spears in the back, led by the wolf knight Tago, stabbed the knight spears into the bodies of these ghost warriors in a timely manner.

  As soon as they came into contact, hundreds of ghost warriors were pierced through the body by the knight's spear. The defense line of the ghost troops preparing to intercept the giant soldier ants quickly collapsed, and the giant soldier ants pushed forward like bulldozers.

On the other side, the Constructed Knights led by Andrew also killed near the pontoon bridge. A group of Constructed Knights almost all rushed forward side by side. The constructed knights carried them into the river with knight spears.

   At the moment when Suldak's reinforcements from the west entered the battlefield, the battle situation here changed rapidly.

  The evil ghost general on the opposite side was not even ready to deal with it, and the tide-like charge way crushed these evil ghosts.

   They have also been fighting fiercely on the battlefield here for half a day, and they have already passed the period when they are most energetic.

Suldak led the ant cavalry and did not rush into the battlefield directly. The thousand and five hundred ant cavalry directly circled from the side of the battlefield to the back of the evil ghost army, watching a huge group of soldier ants whizzing past the side of the battlefield , the evil ghost general in the evil ghost army immediately realized that the situation was not good.

   It's just that a large number of ghost warriors are strangling with giant soldier ants on the battlefield. Even if they want to withdraw, it is extremely difficult at present.

Seeing a large number of reinforcements appearing on the battlefield here, the speed of erecting the second pontoon bridge on the river was also significantly accelerated, and the first pontoon bridge was quickly recaptured under Andrew's butcher battle axe. .

  A garrison marches across the Bruin into battle...

  The mercenary groups on the opposite bank of the river also began to show great excitement, waiting beside the pontoon bridge to negotiate with the logistics troops of Handanal City stationed on the pontoon bridge.

  As the teams of constructed knights who were besieged were rescued, these blood-soaked constructed knights almost all sat there exhausted, and some knights even fell down directly.

As soon as Suldak rushed to the back of this evil ghost army, he saw an evil general leading a group of evil ghost soldiers from the battlefield, trying to form an encirclement with these ant cavalry in Suldak Before that, they fled west along the edge of the Bruin River.

  A beam of light descended from the sky, covering Suldak's body, and then a phantom of a seraph appeared behind Suldak, and a magical battle armor composed of holy light lit up on Suldak's body.

  The angel phantom and Suldak quickly merged into one, and a pair of wings formed by the holy light appeared behind Suldak.

  Suldak rode his horse and turned into a stream of golden light, and rushed in front of the evil ghost general in an instant...

The evil ghost general is holding a black war blade in his hand. This war blade is burning with black flames. In the hands of the evil ghost general, it seems that it can split the space of this world at any time. It is made of rare black crystals. Blade of space.

  When he saw Suldak rushing towards him in a flash of golden light, General Evil Ghost raised his battle blade with both hands not to be outdone, ran forward five steps and jumped high.

  He raised his battle blade high, and his body bent back in an extremely exaggerated arc in the air, like a taut longbow.

  Then the blade of space in his hand split open with a strong black flame, and suddenly there seemed to be a space rift that was constantly collapsing in midair.

  The body of General Evil Ghost was also covered by a layer of black light mask. The moment he fell, Suldak rushed over.

  The branding iron of Broad Sword Light lit up a strong holy light, and raised it towards the black space blade, even the war horse under Suldak neighed.

  Holy light and black flame collided together, sending out a huge explosion.

The Space Blade held by General Evil Ghost was even more powerful than Suldak who had activated the Holy Wrath. The body also fell downward.

  The shield of blessing and the holy shield exploded one after another, and even the holy light armor composed of the holy light on Suldak's body shattered.

  This evil ghost general completely suppressed Suldak in terms of strength...

  (end of this chapter)