MTL - Lord Highlander-Chapter 1437 1424. Return

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   Chapter 1437 1424. Back

  For this aboriginal city with a population of tens of thousands, the weapons brought by Suldak are far from meeting the needs of all the aboriginal warriors.

However, the seventeen chiefs found almost all the remaining magic crystals in the city, and there were even some black magic crystals taken from the ghost warriors. The knight's long sword was distributed to the native warriors under his command. These weapons made all the native fighters in the city envious.

  No way, when wolves have more meat and less meat, it is often the alpha wolf and the strong male wolves who can eat the meat.

   For the weapons distributed this time, the chiefs also gave the weapons to some more powerful indigenous warriors.

Although the knight longswords that Suldak bought back were not enchanted, the blades had exquisite Damascus patterns, and the blades were coated with a layer of anti-rust grease. Comes with a whetstone the size of a matchbox.

  The front of the wooden house was crowded with the native warriors of the seventh team, and the leader of Rez stood at the door, calling his name to the crowd.

  The indigenous warriors whose names were called walked out of the crowd proudly. They were all the strongest hunters of the seventh team. Whether they were hunting in the wild or dealing with the evil spirits on Moyunling in the south, they were very heroic.

  Wait for the leader of Leizi to send out the long swords one after another, these native warriors all showed envious eyes.

   Gioza mixed in the crowd, looked at those who had obtained weapons, and showed envious eyes like other indigenous warriors.

  He is relatively young, and he has just joined the seventh team not long ago, so he failed to have any outstanding performance in the seventh team, so this time he didn't even get a spear.

Squatting under the shade of a tree, he watched Algernon from the next door get a sharp spear point. At this time, he was delighted to disassemble the bone spear in his hand, and put the fine steel spear point on the iron wood long spear. On the handle, a brand-new spear was made, and the sharp edge gleamed in the sun.

   Soon the leader of Rez finished speaking his name, and waited quietly until the end, but Gioza couldn't hear his own name.

Although he had already prepared for this, but seeing so many weapons shining with cold light, he would inevitably feel a little lost in his heart. In fact, he still made some contributions this time. When it was time to pick up the stone, Gioza took out three magic spar.

  The reason why he owns the magic spar is actually because he finds piercing a little troublesome. He can't borrow a small file and a screwdriver at all, so he can only use twine to tie a dead knot on the spar and tie it to his own hair braid.

  It's a pity that the three crystals he donated could not be exchanged for any weapon. In the end, the leader of Rez just took out a string of crystal bracelets with holes as compensation.

  If it was a day ago, Giorza would still feel that he had taken advantage of it.

   But now, who doesn’t know that the spar is only valuable if it is not pierced, he put the bracelet on his wrist unwillingly, and complained to Algernon who was squatting next to him:

   "The leader should have finished issuing the weapon. I thought I could share an alloy bow with my archery skills!"

Algernon, who was squatting next to him, looked at the spear in his hand happily, and didn't notice that the good brother around him was a little depressed, but said casually: "There is no way, there are only so many weapons in exchange, and there will always be people who can't get them... "

  Gioza frowned, then his eyes lit up, and he said to his friend, "I heard that the imperial merchant is still in the city."

"Yeah, it's the lunch I gave them. They are very strange. It's the first time I've seen someone who likes to eat nuts." Algernon complained, and then complained about the two imperials with his friends .

  The empty eyes seemed to be looking at the squirrel in the tree.

   "So you know where they live?" Giorza asked curiously.

  Algernon said casually: "I live in the wooden house on the second floor of the golden oak tree next to the chief patriarch's residence."

   Algernon blinked his brown eyes and grinned.

   At dusk, the two were chatting under a big tree opposite the tree house of the leader of Rez, and many other indigenous warriors were standing nearby.

  Two aboriginal warriors even picked up the knight's long sword and practiced swordsmanship against each other in the glade.

   Not long after, Gioza stood up, stretched out his hand and patted the dust on his buttocks, and walked quickly towards the house.

  His house is under a tree behind the cabin of the great leader of Rez.

Almost all the members of their seventh team live near here. There are about 20 big trees that are not separated by the street. Seventy or eighty natives live in the wooden houses of each tree, and almost every household lives in the village. In a wooden house like a pigeon coop.

   Mrs. Gioza was sitting at the door of the wooden house and saw him rushing into the house, stretching her neck and asking if he had dinner.

  The Walled City is a bit more complicated. Oftentimes, young indigenous warriors will eat some meat with the hunting group, and occasionally they can roast some game outside.

Giorza got into his pigeon coop and took off the black antler hanging on the wall without making a sound. This antler has been placed here for many years. Every year, he dreamed of hunting an adult black-horned elk to prove that he was one of the top hunters in the city, but this dream has not been realized until today.

   This black horn was left by his father. This kind of monster material is very common in the city.

  He thought for a while, finally gritted his teeth and took off the black horn, and walked out of the pigeon cage wooden house with the flashing black horn on his shoulder.


  Suldak looked at the sky, preparing to bid farewell to Chief Logan later.

   It has been three days since I came to the Walled City, and the first batch of weapons have been sold successfully.

  Although he stated that he could accept monster materials and magic herbs in exchange for weapons, Chief Logan didn't say anything.

  Suldak's idea of ​​coming here is also very simple, just to make the aborigines here stronger, at least be able to resist the evil spirit army, and it is best to put a little pressure on the evil spirit army.

  He also wanted to unite the aborigines here to fight against the evil spirits on Moyunling.

   But it is obviously not realistic, because some aboriginals who cannot escape have not let go of the hatred in their hearts, which makes it impossible for the imperial lord army and the local aborigines to fight against the evil ghost army together.

  Even if he was going to sleep at night, Suerdak didn't want to nest in the pigeon coop wooden house, he would rather set up a tent under the tree.

  He sat on the ledge outside the door of the wooden house, repairing the broken evil spirit shield on that side.

  Samila was sitting on the roof of the pigeon cage, grinding the cross blood grooves for arrows with a file.

  The two of them were making some preparations for leaving tomorrow morning, and Samira almost made fine balance adjustments to every arrow in the quiver.

  At this time, a young native warrior came under the tree, and Suldak saw that the native warrior was still holding a black horn in his hand.

  He raised his head high, raised the **** horn in his hand above his head, and asked Suldak who was sitting at the door of the wooden house above his head: "Hey, do you have any extra weapons in your hand?"

   "Yes!" Suldak glanced at the young native warrior and gave an affirmative answer.

  Gioza shook the black horn in his hand vigorously again, hoping that more disillusioned arcs would be generated on the horn, so that the imperial businessman could see it clearly.

   "Well, I don't have that kind of spar, can I use this black horn to exchange some...weapons with you?" Gioza shouted loudly.

  His voice even attracted the attention of a group of indigenous warriors. Seeing Gioza holding the black horn in his hand, everyone stopped and looked over.

   "Okay." Suldak put the demon shield behind him, and looked at the young native warrior again: "So... what do you need to change?"

   "The spear and the metal bow, it's better to have a machete and a few pots of arrows." Gioza spoke his thoughts fluently.

  Suldak didn't accept the black horn, he shook his head before saying, "This black horn can't be exchanged for so many things."

After thinking about it, Suldak really found a scimitar from his magic pocket. This kind of weapon was captured in the desert next to the barren land. Although a large number of them were disposed of at that time, some Some scimitars of fine texture were picked and picked by Surdak.

   It's just that the Lords of the Green Empire are not used to using this kind of scimitar. Whether they are cavalry or heavy armored infantry, they all like to use knight's long sword or Paglio's spear.

   These scimitars can only be dusted in the corner of the magic pocket, Suldak pointed to the scimitar in his hand and said:

   "Only for this, or a spear!"

  Seeing that the young native warrior was hesitant and seemed to have a hard time making a choice, Suldak said, "Then do you have any other magic beast materials? Or magic herbs are also fine, take them out and exchange them with me!"

   Gioza's eyes lit up. He didn't have any other magical beast materials, but he still had some magic herbs.

  He often patrols the mountains, and he can always come across some magic herbs with special effects. Some of them hang under the rain eaves outside his pigeon cage wooden house.

However, Gioza was not sure that those herbs were what Suldak wanted, so he said: "I can still get some herbs, I can show you, I don't know what you want, but you can Pick out what you want."

   Seeing Suldak nodded slowly, Gioza turned around and ran into the house, saying loudly while running:

"wait for me."

   At this time, Suldak had a deep feeling in his heart, that is, mastering a foreign language is really useful.

Gioza brought back a half-pocket of kudzu root and a few plants of royal blood grass. Suldak didn't know other miscellaneous herbs, but he could feel the magic power in the herbs, which is extremely lacking in the magic market of the Green Empire. Magic herbs, so he didn't even bother to identify them, so he set a suitable price for all the magic herbs.

This price was enough to make Gioza's heart flutter. Suldak took out a Paglio spear, a scimitar, an alloy bow and a bag of fine steel arrow clusters, and put the two bags in Gioza's hand. Get it.

  But Suldak thought that kudzu root is the main medicine for making secondary healing potions, and emperor blood grass can refine more advanced healing potions.

  Healing potions are very scarce in the Grimm Empire market, even if you have plenty of magic spar, you may not be able to buy them.

  So in the end, Suldak took out an iron pot, a sunset dagger, a bag of salt, and a bag of wheat flour to Giorza.

  Gioza didn't expect that the herbs he brought could be exchanged for so many things. If he had known this was the case, he would have kept the **** horn left by his father.

  The indigenous warriors who had been on the sidelines saw that Gioza had exchanged magic materials and herbs for a full set of weapons. The news immediately exploded in the city like a bomb.

  At night, those indigenous warriors who failed to get any weapons or only got one weapon took out some monster leathers, black horns, rhino horns and magic herbs one after another, and exchanged them for their favorite weapons...

  Warsaw Plane’s Gandarer Mountains were originally rich in many low-level magic herbs. The magic herbs in the jungle in the south of Moyunling were collected by the imperials, but there are still many magic herbs in the mountains in the north of Moyunling.

  Usually these aborigines leave the camp, usually hunting and gathering, and gradually accumulate some magical herbs that are not usually used.

   No businessman has ever dared to come here to do business with the local aborigines, so this time Suldak found a bargain.

  The native warriors in the walled city took out their own herbs and exchanged some useful materials—mostly weapons.

  No one can stop this kind of thing.

   On the other hand, when dealing with these aborigines, Suldak had a serious chat with them about some information.

  For example, these aboriginal warriors know exactly how many such large fortifications there are in this mountain range.

  The battle of the evil ghost army has spread here, and these strongholds have signed an offensive and defensive alliance to advance and retreat together.

  Suldak has no chance to establish a close relationship with this walled city.

After all, in this walled city, some people migrated from the south (their homeland may have been Handanal County, or Ortans County or something, which was later occupied by the imperials), so this Some aborigines have a strong hostility towards the Green Empire.

  More people are aboriginals who originally lived here. They didn't have any hatred with the imperials, but they would not rashly establish contact with the Lord Bena's army.

  Suldak lived in the walled city for four days before leaving...

  Relying on the original introduction of the aborigines, he found several other camps in the mountains, and did some weapon trade with the chiefs of these camps.

  Suldak lived in this deep mountain and swamp for nearly a month, earned nearly 50,000 magic crystals, and finally rearmed the aborigines in the southern mountains of Moyunling.

  Afterwards, he did not continue to go north, but took Samira back to the fringe area at the foot of the North Mountain of Moyun Ridge. While walking southward along the detour, he sent out magic signals to the night sky every night...

  (end of this chapter)