MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 607 come to an end

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There are endless rides to and fro, the sound of horse hoofs, and from time to time, fast horses can be seen galloping, and the Jinyi Ti rides endlessly.

As always, this Jinyiwei Yamen, since Daheng established the country, has almost never had a peaceful time.

Jin Yiwei, who used to be the eagle dog of Daheng, has long since turned into a sharp blade in the hands of Daheng.

Although wearing brocade clothing, this brocade clothing is obviously completely different from the brocade clothing of Qian Ming.

Ming is still the virtue of fire, and constant is the virtue of water.

The water is black, therefore, Daheng civil and military are all dressed in black official robes, even the Jinyiwei and the inner court.

Although the embroidered spring knife of the past still exists, the era of firearms seems to have arrived. The fixed-mounted flintlock gun, whether in terms of convenience or lethality, seems to be the first choice of Jinyiwei.

As for the internal staff of Jinyiwei, since the thorough cleaning of Jinyiwei in the Chongzhen period of the former Ming Dynasty, the emperor has never stopped mixing sand with Jinyiwei.

People of every era have their destiny.

After so many years, most of those who should have exited in a decent manner have already exited in a decent manner, and the stubborn people who are holding back their legs have also been dealt with almost the same.

The entire Jinyiwei, inside and out, has changed almost everything except for the fact that the name has not been changed and the helm is still Li Ruolian.

The Jinyiwei Yamen in the past few days is obviously a lot busier than usual. The tidy rides are busy and their accents are very different, and they are obviously from other places.

In the main hall of the yamen, Li Ruolian stood respectfully in the hall. Usually, Li Ruolian sat in the seat of commanding the whole Jinyiwei, but he was seated by the emperor.

At this moment, the emperor was looking through the intelligence file on Li Ruolian's desk case with great interest.

After a while, the emperor closed the dossier, slowly leaning back on the chair, his eyes flickering: "So, the main body of the remnants of the former Ming Dynasty are those in Jiangnan?"

"Your Majesty is wise."

Li Ruolian bowed and bowed: "Not long after the fall of the pseudo-ming, the place is unstable, and the remnants of the pseudo-ming are hidden too deep, and it will be difficult to find out after a while..."

"Isn't this a part of it jumping out?"

The Son of Heaven got up and left the intelligence file behind: "Fight when it shows up, catch a group and kill a group, and sooner or later they will be able to kill them all."

Li Ruolian hurriedly said, "My subordinates follow the order."

"Finish this place as soon as possible."

The emperor picked up the teacup: "The inertia of the past and the next hundreds of years will only last for a while, but it is not so easy to solve. You go to Jiangnan to sit in town..."

The extremely plain words made Li Ruolian's heart tremble... Going to Jiangnan?

He remembered that Wang Wu was also arranged to work in Jiangnan...

Come back from work...and collapse!

From the beginning to the end, there was no sound at all, which was extremely abrupt!

Li Ruolian carefully glanced at the emperor, and he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in his heart, but at this moment, Li Ruolian couldn't help thinking too much.

"The remnants of the former Ming Dynasty are important, and Yungui's side, you should also pay attention."

"Say hello to Yue Guogong, those chieftains, more infiltration to win one or two..."

The more the emperor said, the more uneasy Li Ruolian became. There are so many things, it is not a one-time achievement, this is the rhythm of sending him to Jiangnan!

Not to mention a year or two of distribution, just one or two months, it is definitely more than enough to clean him up!

The more he thought about it, the more worried and frightened Li Ruolian became. For so many years, the commander of Jinyiwei, the people he offended were gone, without the identity of the commander of Jinyiwei...

He can't even think about it!

Seeing Li Ruolian's face getting paler and more frightened, the emperor couldn't help but raise his brows, unable to hide his doubts.

But soon, the emperor reacted and couldn't help but patted Li Ruo Lian's shoulder: "After a while, I want to inspect the world. The northern provinces have become peaceful, and Jiangnan has not yet stabilized. You have to deal with it."

An ordinary sentence, to Li Ruolian at this time, seemed like a long-awaited nectar, and he was relieved. Li Ruolian couldn't hide the fear in his eyes, and immediately clasped his fists and responded: "Your Majesty, rest assured, this subordinate will never let your Majesty's expectations!"

"I'm still at ease when you do things."

The emperor chuckled, this is not false. Although Li Ruolian has occasionally made mistakes in his work, it is a matter of people's hearts. In general, Li Ruolian has made a good knife for Jinyiwei.

"Okay, I won't interfere with your work."

The emperor let out a long sigh, and after looking around the hall of the Jinyiwei Yamen, he looked at Li Ruolian again: "It's all dealt with, it should be killed and caught, no matter who it is, don't have any scruples!"

"Subordinates obey!"

The emperor waved his hand and stepped out.

And with this order of the Son of Heaven, the already turbulent world suddenly set off a violent storm once again.

Since the tax case at the beginning of the year shook the world, and then the reform of Lijia in the middle of the year completely detonated the storm.

The "feudal towns" in various places that should not have completely appeared in the eyes of the world, with the reorganization of A here, completely emerged in front of the world.

People's interests and demands are different, and their thoughts and behaviors are naturally different.

For the former Ming's remnants, it is natural to try their best to muddy the water and fan the flames as much as possible.

For many gentry, they are more inclined to oppose the reform of Lijia, or even avoid the reform of Lijia.

After all, the previous fiscal and taxation reforms had dug their roots, and now they are restructured to allow the imperial government to touch the bottom, which is really just a fish on the chopping board, and it will be slaughtered by others.

As for Jin Yiwei, it is natural that the more people involved, the better, so that it can be done in one go, with a lot of credit.

As for the main source of the storm, the generals of the "fan towns" in various places, whether they are willing or not, whether they are willing or not, everything is not something they can decide.

In the eyes of the world, the general who occupies one place and dominates the world is only a slightly stronger chess piece on the world's chessboard, at the mercy of the Son of Heaven.

Under the turmoil of the people of all parties, the storm seemed to intensify. The time lasted until August of the fifth year of Zhaowu. Another shocking news, but it was like a downpour, which directly drowned out the turbulent impetuousness of the Daheng world!

On the first day of the eighth lunar month in the fourth year of Zhaowu, the four great princes of Daheng gathered in the capital.

The Duke of Jing, Duke of Liao, Duke of Yue, Duke of Ding, and Duke of Shiguo all made a statement: Please change the military system! ..

That is to say, please reform the military system again, separate the military and the government, let the generals at all levels concentrate on the military, and promote the Daheng army to become more regular...

God is right!

When the news came out, the world was shocked, and the hearts of the impetuous people were instantly chilled!

The events that followed were also full of dazzling arrays, making people with ulterior motives in the world tremble with fear!

One by one, the governors and supervisors who were in charge of the military and political affairs in one place, under the will of the emperor, were removed from the power of uncrowned kings, or transferred to various places to control the army, or directly imprisoned.

In the various vassal towns that occupy almost half of the world in Daheng, the vassal towns where the emperor was in power and his powers were greatly expanded in order to fight against the civil servants, hardly made any major changes, and disappeared completely abruptly.

Jinyi Weiti rode out everywhere, and was arrested almost according to the list. One by one, the ulterior motives who thought they could stir up the situation were destroyed and their homes were raided.

The drama that started at the beginning of the fifth year of Zhaowu was staged by various forces in turn, and now the last song has ended.

Some people are happy, some people are sad, some people take advantage of the situation and rise up, and some people are knocked down into the sky and ended sadly.

Since then, Daheng has also completely completed the transformation from conquering the world to ruling the world.