MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 605 Civil and military trends

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"The most urgent task is to gradually implement the tax department and the tax inspection camp..."

"The second word..."

Speaking of this, Liu Qiyuan hesitated for a while. He naturally knew what the Son of Heaven wanted. He was the chief assistant of the cabinet.

The thoughts flowed away in just a moment. In the end, Liu Qiyuan still gritted his teeth and said, "Lijia System, what do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, the several cabinet ministers who were drinking tea leisurely, all put down their teacups subconsciously, and they looked at each other, but there was a silent tacit understanding.

The tax case has passed for so long, but the big vacancy in the bank of the Nei Ting Commercial Bank is still there, and there is no change.

What is the situation, for them, it is naturally very clear.

It is precisely because of the clarity that they have this private meeting this time.

As important ministers of the country, they, whether they like it or not, must show something.

Not only because of interests, but also because, this is almost the first time that the emperor has not suppressed by strong authority and is arbitrary!

Such a division and win, it makes all the ministers flattered.

This kind of political rule of the court has never existed since the emperor took power.

In the past, what the emperor wanted to do was directly ordered, either obediently and obediently, or the head was rolling.

This sudden first time, no matter what, no matter if they don't want to, they must be acquainted and cherished.

As for what Liu Qiyuan meant, everyone present was very clear.

Under the county, it is Lijia, which can be said to be the most basic system of governance.

However, the Lijia system is obviously not in line with the emperor's intentions. What the emperor wants is a thorough rule that is incorporated into the ruling system, and a grassroots ruling system that is in line with the current reform trend.

It is not the general system of Lijia, which is formed with the help of local squires.

In such a situation now, the Chaotang side must be completely in line with the Son of Heaven's will, and there is nothing else. .

After everyone was silent for a long time, Huang Jincai said slowly:

"If the tax department is concerned, there should be no problem, if the Lijia system..."

Speaking of this, Huang Jin glanced at everyone present, but hesitated.

Seeing this, Hong Chengchou coughed lightly, and then said without hesitation: "Now that the reform policy has been solidified, the taxation of the imperial court has skyrocketed every year!"

"And the Lijia system is completely out of touch with the current reform trend, and the Lijia system must be changed."

"Otherwise, hiding the mouth, concealing the land, collusion between officials and businessmen, and oppressing the people of the Ming Dynasty will inevitably reappear in Daheng in a short time!"

"The Lijia system must be reformed, and the system must be implemented to the lowest level. Only in this way can the imperial court's major policies be implemented to the lowest level and benefit the people of the world!"

Several cabinet ministers glanced at Hong Chengchou, who was righteous and righteous, and they all looked as usual, but they couldn't help but spurn them.

Hong Chengchou was at ease. After speaking, he continued to drink tea leisurely.

He is a close friend of the emperor, but his **** must be straightened.

Now in this situation, he naturally knows what the Son of Heaven is going to do. Since he is clear, he must support it.

Liu Qiyuan borrowed the donkey to go down the hill and looked at the court officials present: "What do you think?"

Yang Sichang shook his head: "It's a good policy to change the lijia system, but if you change it... it's too difficult, too difficult!"

"Money, grain, officials, these are just the most basic things. There are more than 2,000 counties in Daheng, thousands of people, so it is related to the fate of the country, and it involves too much..."

Hong Chengchou immediately said: "First draw up the charter, and then try it out in Shuntian Mansion. Take it step by step. Even if everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as you open up, it will not be difficult."

Huang Jin didn't hesitate: "It must be changed."

"The root of taxation lies in agriculture. The shortcomings of the Lijia system are obvious. It is difficult to harmoniously coordinate with the existing reformed fiscal and taxation system, and it is a drag on many..."

"If you don't change it, local forces will rise sooner or later, and local forces will rise up, which will inevitably affect the statistics of the household registration and field yellow register. In this way, the influence of the tax department may be greatly weakened..."

"It's just like what Master Yang said, the difficulty of changing is too difficult, and the implications are too extensive. Otherwise, according to what Master Hong said, first draft the charter and try it out first in Shuntian Mansion. If there are any loopholes, it is better to make up for it in time. Take measures…"

"As for the Qianliang officials, if they just try it out in Shuntian Prefecture, that's enough..."

After a few words, several cabinet ministers almost tacitly skipped the decision, and directly discussed how to implement the fundamental matter of the imperial power going to the countryside.

And this is almost the first time since the emperor came to power that important officials in the court have discussed and discussed how to implement a major national policy without the will of the emperor.

On the side of Wenchen, discussing this fundamental national policy, on the side of Wuxun, the situation is extremely contradictory.

To be precise, it is extremely contradictory, both complex and simple.

The biggest hidden danger of the army lies in the integration of the military and the government formed in a special period, that is, the "feudal town."

And the generals who commanded the major vassal towns were either personally ordered by the emperor, or the confidant generals who used to be the confidants of the great princes in various places.

And the big cake this time is obviously not very attractive to the Duke of Daheng, or to the generals who are sitting in the major "feudal towns".

The four great princes on the top of Daheng are hereditary and irreplaceable.

For a general who sits in various places, the military and the government are integrated, and is like a vassal town, what benefits does it have, can it be compared to the king who holds the power alone and is worthy of the name of the king of one place?

These two types of martial arts seem to be the undoubted branches of the Daheng martial arts generals. The rest are either mild-mannered and ineligible to participate, or, like the General Staff, the five army governors' mansion will not be allowed by the emperor. The military generals who participated.

So, it is undoubtedly extremely complicated.

The so-called simplicity lies in the emperor's control over the army for many years. The military commander of Daheng, in front of the emperor's will, does not have much bargaining capital at all.

The real core of Daheng's martial arts lies in the bravery and martial arts, that is, the generals who were trained by the emperor's words and deeds in those days.

And these generals, in the course of so many years of expeditions to the north and south, naturally formed factions with different positions.

A considerable part of the commanders of the "feudal towns" in various places in Daheng belonged to these factions.

The four princes are naturally the largest faction in the military that cannot be ignored.

But now the four princes of Daheng, compared to their prominent positions, their actual influence has been greatly weakened by the emperor.

For example, Zhao Wu, Duke of Liao, whose roots lie in Shanhai Town and part of the Beijing Army, but now, Shanhai Town has long since been abolished, and the Jing Army in Shanhai Town has long since belonged to the Beijing Army. , but the actual rights, compared with the past, have been weakened by many.

The Duke of Ding, Zhou has been in Shaanxi for many years, but after that defeat, he was sent directly to North Korea, and his influence was greatly weakened. Whether it is the right to speak or influence, it seems to have dropped to the lowest point.

Although Yue Guogong has been in Jiangnan for many years, now he has been sent to Yunnan and Guizhou. Nanjing, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Nanjing, where his roots are located, is under the jurisdiction of Jing Guogong. Although he has influence, Yue Guogong has been away from the center for too long. Interests have nothing to do with him.

And the Duke of Yasukuni, whether in terms of power or strength in the army, is second to none.

But the relationship between Duke Jingguo and the Son of Heaven is well known to the world.

His past actions also clearly demonstrated his unquestionable loyalty to the Son of Heaven.

Before Daheng's southern campaign against the false Ming Dynasty, the butchering knives of the "vassal towns" in various places were completely dominated by the Duke of the Jingguo, and the position of the Duke of the Jingguo was obvious.

The faction leaders have been weakened. In addition, the emperor has taken various control measures over the army for so many years. He has used the martial arts institute to carry out countless personnel transfers, and has a firm grasp of personnel power, financial power, and supervision power.

In this way, the aspect of the Daheng Wuxun general is obvious and extremely simple.

In fact, it is very simple.

After the news of the tax case reached Jiangnan, Duke Jing, who shouldered the divine mandate and single-handedly led the **** purges in the Jiangnan provinces, dispatched swift horses to contact the generals who commanded the "feudal towns" in various places, which clearly showed that Daheng No. will.

What followed one after another was the successive statements of the Duke of Yue, Duke of Ding, and Duke of Liao in the army. One after another, the confidants of the Duke went to various "fan towns" one after another to express their attitude.

The will of the emperor cannot be violated, and after the will of the emperor and several princes are the same, the manpower cannot be violated!