MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 597 Tax Law and Tax Cases

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The New Year has not yet passed, and the joy is still alive.

In the first year of the unification of the world, at the beginning of the fifth year of Zhaowu, a piece of news that shook the world, like a thunderclap, completely blew up the entire world from the New Year's celebration.

At the beginning of the new year, at the beginning of the new year, the Daheng Taxation Director General, from the director of Sanpin and the former governor of Liaodong, Zhang Mo, suddenly asked to check the business tax of the merchants of the inner court, Qianzhuang, and the emperor.

On the first day of the fifth year of Zhaowu, that is, January 1st, the beginning of the new year, the tax department was established in a hurry, and even the trial framework of Shuntian Prefecture had not been completed.

He then conducted tax audits on the Qianzhuang firms affiliated to the inner court, such as Daheng Bank, Daheng Changlong Grain Store, and Daheng Fengdeng Salt Bank, which were well-known in the whole world.

Everything, to the civil and military officials of the court and the field, is incomparably strange.

The joy of the New Year is gone.

It seems that dark clouds are rolling in, completely covering the capital at the beginning of the new year, and the inexplicable depression seems to have enveloped the minds of the officials in the capital.

Everyone, tremblingly, focused their eyes on the sudden movement of the tax department.

Everyone knows that although the current tax department is affiliated to the Ministry of Households, its rank from the third rank and the tax department officials trained by the military officers and soldiers all prove that this tax department is completely Under the influence of the will of the emperor.

Not to mention, the resume of the director of the tax department from the third grade clearly revealed the nature of the tax department.

From the very beginning of the emperor's personal soldiers in the Yongwei battalion, to the battalion of the emperor's personal soldiers, to the deputy commander of the Yongwei battalion, and then to the Wuyuan sacrifice wine, and then the governor of Liaodong, who started the reform, and now the taxation Secretary.

Obviously, this tax review was at the behest of the emperor.

So... what it means, although not much wind has been revealed, it is already very clear.

Everyone thought that this would be a deliberate push by the emperor to censor the inner court and make this newly established tax department a majesty!

But the fact is obviously beyond the expectations of most people.

Liwei is Liwei, but this Liwei... is beyond the imagination of the world!

On the third day of January in the fifth year of Zhaowu, Zhang Mo, the director of the tax department, led the audit team of the tax department to settle in the headquarters of Daheng Bank.

On the tenth day of January in the fifth year of Zhaowu, the head office manager of Changlong Grain Bank, as well as fifty-eight managers from branches in Beijing, Tongzhou, and Zhending, as well as more than 300 accountants, were arrested and examined by the tax department.

On January 12, the fifth year of Zhaowu, a total of 218 managers from the head office of Fengdeng Salt Bank, as well as managers of various mines, were arrested and examined by the tax department.

If it was just a mere business manager, it would not be too shocking for the civil and military officials in the center of the court, but... Among these managers, some names are obviously not unfamiliar to the civil and military officials.

Wang Wu, the head of the Inner Court, although this name is vulgar, but in this world, it is obviously famous, and this name comes from the holy family, from the power of the holy family!

And among these arrested stewards, the son of Wang Wu is impressive!

It did not wait for the civil and military officials to react from this shocking news.

Immediately after that, on January 13, the fifth year of Zhaowu, the director of the taxation department asked the emperor to arrest Wang Wu, the head of the inner court, on suspicion of using his position to embezzle tax money and tamper with tax books!

In the end... the Son of Heaven approves!

In less than half a month, everything is like a big show, dizzying on the stage, one is more shocking, one is more terrifying!

Without waiting for everyone to react, this big drama seems to be coming to an end!

The dignified chief executive of the inner court, the person who controls the bank and firm that covers the world, although he has no name, but the founder of the "East Factory" with facts...

Did it end so unexpectedly?

The officials were silent, unspeakably frightened!

Everyone is silently waiting for the result to appear.

Even if everyone knows that under such a big battle, the result is almost certain, but... for many people, it is still a bit unbelievable.

In fact, the identity of the person who fell from the horse this time is too shocking.

From the original Zhenbeihou Mansion, one branch served until the emperor ascended the throne, and also took charge of such a large foundation of Qianzhuang Commercial Bank for the emperor, and developed it so much.

Later, in his old age, he was castrated and entered the palace, and he has served the emperor until now.

It can be called an unquestionable servant of the dragon, and he is a servant of the dragon with great merit!

Looking at the world of Daheng, I am afraid that few people can match the credit made by this inner court chief.

Such a person, the curtain ended so unexpectedly, who dares to believe, who can believe!

But the truth is already in front of everyone.

The result was soon revealed.

On February 26, the fifth year of Zhaowu, the result of the trial of the tax department had already appeared.

The bank manager of the bank involved in the case, and the accountant, all seized the property and distributed it to Liao Province.

Wang Wu, the head of the inner court, cut his position and demoted him to the common people. Wang Wusan was the main criminal who tampered with the tax books.

The case file is circulated all over the world as a warning!

At the same time, the new version of the Daheng Tax Law was also drafted by the DPRK and announced to the world.

Compared with the tax law set in the initial reform, this time, after several years of implementation, many aspects have changed. Of course, the biggest changes are in the business tax and the inspection and filling of the tax law.

As for the agricultural tax, there has not been much change. It is even simpler and the punishment is more severe.

Simplicity is naturally for the people of the world, and severe punishment is naturally aimed at officials, and officials in various places violate the tax laws, such as privately apportioning, fabricating out of thin air, from cutting positions, to beheading and looting, to Ling Chi destroying the family...

The emperor never minds the harshness of officials. When officials are uncomfortable, the people are comfortable. This seems to be an unchanging principle since ancient times.

This time, the tax department established the first case, and it was completely in accordance with the new royalty law to determine guilt.

Obviously This tax case and this royalty law, there seems to be an inseparable relationship between the two.

And the information disclosed in it is obviously more important to the civil servants in the court and the opposition than the occurrence of this tax case!

It is of great significance to establish intimidation and deterrence, but to judge according to the law is obviously more significant to the country.

After all, since the establishment of Daheng, everything in the world has been determined by the Son of Heaven. I don’t know how many major cases are involved, but I have never cared about the law!

And this time... the tax department has established a majesty that shocks the world, and it is completely within the framework of the law, and judges according to the tax law!

Its meaning is obviously clearer.

And the tax department that set off this uproar, is to start the tax department's trial plan of Shuntianfu in a big way.

When this dizzying dissipated, the impact of a thunderbolt on the ground officially began to spread.

Chaos and turmoil, noise and chaos.

No matter whether it is an official or a general, all those who are sensitive to politics have set off countless turbulent undercurrents around this matter.