MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 588 Three thousand elite education

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"Sir, see Your Majesty."

In the hall, the Minister of Rites, Huang Jin, paid homage.

"Free gift!"

The emperor put down the file and pointed to the seat beside him: "Sit down."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Huang Jin took his seat, respectfully.

The Emperor glanced at Huang Jin and asked casually:

"How is the progress of the education pilot program in Shuntianfu?"

"Your Majesty, it has been implemented since the beginning of this year. Up to now, there are a total of 23 counties in the four prefectures of Shuntian Prefecture. There are four state schools, 23 county schools, and a total of 158 social schools."

"The inspectors of the prefectures and counties, and the inspectors of the Ministry of Rites are also on the right track..."

"At present, there are 1,228 school-age students enrolled in social studies in various places, and 368 students in county schools..."

Huang Jin didn't speak very fast. He seemed to consider every word for a long time, and he reported clearly the progress of the Shuntianfu education pilot in the fourth year of Zhaowu, word by word.

After reporting for a full quarter of an hour, Huang Jin's voice fell.

"Tell me what problems have been found so far."

The emperor picked up the teapot on the table, poured a cup of tea, and handed it to Huang Jin. Huang Jin quickly got up, took the teacup respectfully, carefully glanced at the ordinary expression of the emperor, and while hesitating, the emperor The voice sounded again.

"Don't worry, what to say, since it is a trial, if there is a problem, it must be corrected in time."

"I understand."

Huang Jin sat down, pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "I think there are three problems."

The emperor raised his brows and nodded: "Speak."

"One, Daheng is vast in the world, and in more than a dozen provinces, if it is fully implemented, there will be a school superintendent's yamen in every place, and there will be dozens of school buildings. Whether it is the number of officials and teachers, or the consumption of money and food, it is too huge. The taxation of the imperial court today is simply unaffordable."

"Secondly, the imperial examinations and the trial education system have a great conflict. If they are implemented, it may cause turmoil in the hearts of the world..."

"Thirdly, if it is implemented to educate the people of the world, it will be an unprecedented event since ancient times, but..."

Speaking of this, Huang Jin hesitated for a while before gritted his teeth and said, "There are too many students and scholars, and the foundation of the country may be turbulent!"

When the words fell, Huang Jin seemed to be relieved of a heavy burden, and to educate the world. Although it is an unprecedented event since ancient times, he is the secretary of the Ministry of Rites and holds the power of ceremonial education. Although he pursues this, it is not a good thing for the country to have too many scholars.

However, the emperor was not as furious as Huang Jin imagined, but nodded, looking at Huang Jin with a little more appreciation.

A book of Shang Junshu, the essence of the rule of all dynasties!

The people are strong and the country is weak, the people are weak and the country is strong!

Namely: the weak, the foolish, the tired, the humiliated, the poor, the abusive!

Squeeze the people of the world as much as possible and keep them in a weak environment forever. In this way, the people can be driven to the greatest extent at the least cost!

It is very simple to manipulate people's hearts, just like the disaster relief projects in the places of major natural disasters in Daheng today. If the world is peaceful, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and millions of young people are mobilized to carry out major projects, it must be the people's resentment!

But now, natural disasters have been rampant for many years, wars have been rampant for many years, and the people are struggling to survive. They have been "weak" to the extreme by the environment.

In this way, just needing a little food can easily drive millions of people to carry out major projects, and these people will not only have no resentment, but also praise him, the emperor!

But many things are known to know, but for Huang Jin, the dignified minister of rituals, the person in charge of the education of ritual and law, can say that too many readers are not good for the country. Obviously, the public mind is greater than the selfish desire.

Otherwise, the promotion of education, on such a scale of enlightenment, is enough to make Huang Jin famous in history and leave a strong legacy!

For a literati, for a courtier, who can resist such temptation and think for the sake of the country, even if it is not about the ability, it can already be said to be an absolutely worthy person.

"The policy of education reform is related to the national destiny of Daheng, and it must be implemented in the world."

The Emperor didn't seem to understand what Huang Jin said, one sentence once again set the tone.

However, after the voice fell, the emperor changed his words again: "Aiqing thinks that the existence of the superintendent of the yamen, how does he perform his duties?"

Huang Jin was stunned, and couldn't help but be a little bit puzzled, but at this moment, it was too late to think about it: "Since ancient times, education has been the foundation of the country, and the supervising yamen has been established independently, so it should be a blessing for the world..."

"The full-time education of the supervising yamen is under the direct jurisdiction and coordination of the central government, and special personnel are dedicated to it..."

Huang Jin naturally praised it. After all, the Ministry of Rites, although one of the six departments, seemed to have a high position, but in the center of the court, it was actually almost transparent.

Except for the important events of etiquette and the imperial examinations, there is almost no matter of the Ministry of Rites.

In today’s Daheng, there are very few important matters of etiquette, and the imperial examination, the imperial examination in Daheng, has not yet been established.

The power of the Ministry of Rites has been compressed again and again, and now he has the power to supervise the yamen down to the bottom, and he naturally does not hesitate to tout it.

But while he was talking, Huang Jin suddenly reacted!

The establishment of the supervising system is not just the supervising yamen!

From the school inspector, the school inspector, to the county school chief, there is not a single official who handles affairs, and they are all officials!

Even if it is only from the ninth rank, it is still a serious official!

Just this trial of education in Shuntian Prefecture has added hundreds of officials to the Ministry of Rites!

But this time, under the circumstance of lack of officials, in order to establish the school supervision system of Shuntian Prefecture in a timely manner, the minor officials of the prefectures and counties of Shuntian Prefecture were also assessed.

Of these hundreds of officials, nearly a hundred of them were promoted from minor officials...

Inspectors and yamen all act like this, what about the yamen in various prefectures and counties?

"Imperial power goes to the countryside?"

Suddenly, these four words appeared in Huang Jin's mind.

Looking at the emperor who was still calm, Huang Jin couldn't help but tremble.

He seemed to be certain that the Son of Heaven had definitely made a decision, and, as he was about to implement it, the intention of calling him over seemed very clear...

In the course of his thoughts, Huang Jin's original enthusiasm for touting suddenly weakened a bit, and in the end, he ended without a word.

The emperor didn't care about Huang Jin's changes. He summoned Huang Jin, not because the education system had helped him to implement the imperial power to the countryside. The education system was still in its infancy. The help of imperial power going to the countryside is extremely limited.

But...the existence of the education system is about the future! About Daheng's national capital!

"Educate the world and recruit talents from all over the world, but... we must avoid excess education."

The emperor got up and asked this crucial question: "How do you think Aiqing can avoid it?"


Thinking about these rather novel four words, Huang Jin's heart is also stunned. He knows that this question is probably the highlight of this interview, and whether he can answer it well will also affect his fate.

After a long silence, Huang Jincai took a deep breath and bowed to the emperor: "I think that the current education system piloted by Shuntian Prefecture can avoid this problem very well!"

"go on."

The Son of Heaven nodded. He already had a draft of this question in his mind, but what he needed was someone who could understand what he was thinking, and who could plan the overall situation and implement it!

"For school-age children all over the world, tuition fees are reduced or even exempted. In this way, as long as social studies are spread all over the world, the world's talents can be accepted!"

"As for social studies for several years, you can know which one is better and which one is worse. You can be promoted to the county college entrance examination, and you can let the top-ranking people in various places enter the school for free. For the poor, you can even subsidize their families, and for those who lack talent, you can High tuition fees…”

Huang Jin was still talking so casually, but a smile slowly appeared on the corner of Tianzi's mouth.

What Huang Jin said is actually very simple.

Its core is just four words, elite education!

Today's Daheng is in a very contradictory period.

First, it is the Son of Heaven's expectations for the new school, and the growth of the new school. There is an urgent need for those with extraordinary talent. There are as many geniuses as possible. Some money!

Second, the imperial power touches the grassroots level and requires a large number of officials, but the problem is that the current education system cannot provide a large number of officials at all.

By the time this education system can provide a large number of officials, Daheng's ruling system may have been completely stabilized.

And the education system is completely rolled out, and in the entire Daheng, it is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of learned students waiting to be fed every year.

But Daheng, where did so many official positions come from to provide for these students, and Daheng society

This chapter is not over, please continue to the next page! Current Page 1/Total 2 Pages Longevity Begins From Jinyiwei Longevity Begins From Jinyiwei Chapter Catalog Chapter 588 Elite Education 3000

Chapter 588 Elite Education 3000

"Sir, see Your Majesty."

In the hall, the Minister of Rites, Huang Jin, paid homage.

"Free gift!"

The emperor put down the file and pointed to the seat beside him: "Sit down."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Huang Jin took his seat, respectfully.

The Emperor glanced at Huang Jin and asked casually:

"How is the progress of the education pilot program in Shuntianfu?"

"Your Majesty, it has been implemented since the beginning of this year. Up to now, there are a total of 23 counties in the four prefectures of Shuntian Prefecture. There are four state schools, 23 county schools, and a total of 158 social schools."

"The inspectors of the prefectures and counties, and the inspectors of the Ministry of Rites are also on the right track..."

"At present, there are 1,228 school-age students enrolled in social studies in various places, and 368 students in county schools..."

Huang Jin didn't speak very fast. He seemed to consider every word for a long time, and he reported clearly the progress of the Shuntianfu education pilot in the fourth year of Zhaowu, word by word.

After reporting for a full quarter of an hour, Huang Jin's voice fell.

"Tell me what problems have been found so far."

The emperor picked up the teapot on the table, poured a cup of tea, and handed it to Huang Jin. Huang Jin quickly got up, took the teacup respectfully, carefully glanced at the ordinary expression of the emperor, and while hesitating, the emperor The voice sounded again.

"Don't worry, what to say, since it is a trial, if there is a problem, it must be corrected in time."

"I understand."

Huang Jin sat down, pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "I think there are three problems."

The emperor raised his brows and nodded: "Speak."

"One, Daheng is vast in the world, and in more than a dozen provinces, if it is fully implemented, there will be a school superintendent's yamen in every place, and there will be dozens of school buildings. Whether it is the number of officials and teachers, or the consumption of money and food, it is too huge. The taxation of the imperial court today is simply unaffordable."

"Secondly, the imperial examinations and the trial education system have a great conflict. If they are implemented, it may cause turmoil in the hearts of the world..."

"Thirdly, if it is implemented to educate the people of the world, it will be an unprecedented event since ancient times, but..."

Speaking of this, Huang Jin hesitated for a while before gritted his teeth and said, "There are too many students and scholars, and the foundation of the country may be turbulent!"

When the words fell, Huang Jin seemed to be relieved of a heavy burden, and to educate the world. Although it is an unprecedented event since ancient times, he is the secretary of the Ministry of Rites and holds the power of ceremonial education. Although he pursues this, it is not a good thing for the country to have too many scholars.

However, the emperor was not as furious as Huang Jin imagined, but nodded, looking at Huang Jin with a little more appreciation.

A book of Shang Junshu, the essence of the rule of all dynasties!

The people are strong and the country is weak, the people are weak and the country is strong!

Namely: the weak, the foolish, the tired, the humiliated, the poor, the abusive!

Squeeze the people of the world as much as possible and keep them in a weak environment forever. In this way, the people can be driven to the greatest extent at the least cost!

It is very simple to manipulate people's hearts, just like the disaster relief projects in the places of major natural disasters in Daheng today. If the world is peaceful, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and millions of young people are mobilized to carry out major projects, it must be the people's resentment!

But now, natural disasters have been rampant for many years, wars have been rampant for many years, and the people are struggling to survive. They have been "weak" to the extreme by the environment.

In this way, just needing a little food can easily drive millions of people to carry out major projects, and these people will not only have no resentment, but also praise him, the emperor!

But many things are known to know, but for Huang Jin, the dignified minister of rituals, the person in charge of the education of ritual and law, can say that too many readers are not good for the country. Obviously, the public mind is greater than the selfish desire.

Otherwise, the promotion of education, on such a scale of enlightenment, is enough to make Huang Jin famous in history and leave a strong legacy!

For a literati, for a courtier, who can resist such temptation and think for the sake of the country, even if it is not about the ability, it can already be said to be an absolutely worthy person.

"The policy of education reform is related to the national destiny of Daheng, and it must be implemented in the world."

The Emperor didn't seem to understand what Huang Jin said, one sentence once again set the tone.

However, after the voice fell, the emperor changed his words again: "Aiqing thinks that the existence of the superintendent of the yamen, how does he perform his duties?"

Huang Jin was stunned, and couldn't help but be a little bit puzzled, but at this moment, it was too late to think about it: "Since ancient times, education has been the foundation of the country, and the supervising yamen has been established independently, so it should be a blessing for the world..."

"The full-time education of the supervising yamen is under the direct jurisdiction and coordination of the central government, and special personnel are dedicated to it..."

Huang Jin naturally praised it. After all, the Ministry of Rites, although one of the six departments, seemed to have a high position, but in the center of the court, it was actually almost transparent.

Except for the important events of etiquette and the imperial examinations, there is almost no matter of the Ministry of Rites.

In today’s Daheng, there are very few important matters of etiquette, and the imperial examination, the imperial examination in Daheng, has not yet been established.

The power of the Ministry of Rites has been compressed again and again, and now he has the power to supervise the yamen down to the bottom, and he naturally does not hesitate to tout it.

But while he was talking, Huang Jin suddenly reacted!

The establishment of the supervising system is not just the supervising yamen!

From the school inspector, the school inspector, to the county school chief, there is not a single official who handles affairs, and they are all officials!

Even if it is only from the ninth rank, it is still a serious official!

Just this trial of education in Shuntian Prefecture has added hundreds of officials to the Ministry of Rites!

But this time, under the circumstance of lack of officials, in order to establish the school supervision system of Shuntian Prefecture in a timely manner, the minor officials of the prefectures and counties of Shuntian Prefecture were also assessed.

Of these hundreds of officials, nearly a hundred of them were promoted from minor officials...

Inspectors and yamen all act like this, what about the yamen in various prefectures and counties?

"Imperial power goes to the countryside?"

Suddenly, these four words appeared in Huang Jin's mind.

Looking at the emperor who was still calm, Huang Jin couldn't help but tremble.

He seemed to be certain that the Son of Heaven had definitely made a decision, and, as he was about to implement it, the intention of calling him over seemed very clear...

In the course of his thoughts, Huang Jin's original enthusiasm for touting suddenly weakened a bit, and in the end, he ended without a word.

The emperor didn't care about Huang Jin's changes. He summoned Huang Jin, not because the education system had helped him to implement the imperial power to the countryside. The education system was still in its infancy. The help of imperial power going to the countryside is extremely limited.

But...the existence of the education system is about the future! About Daheng's national capital!

"Educate the world and recruit talents from all over the world, but... we must avoid excess education."

The emperor got up and asked this crucial question: "How do you think Aiqing can avoid it?"


Thinking about these rather novel four words, Huang Jin's heart is also stunned. He knows that this question is probably the highlight of this interview, and whether he can answer it well will also affect his fate.

After a long silence, Huang Jincai took a deep breath and bowed to the emperor: "I think that the current education system piloted by Shuntian Prefecture can avoid this problem very well!"

"go on."

The Son of Heaven nodded. He already had a draft of this question in his mind, but what he needed was someone who could understand what he was thinking, and who could plan the overall situation and implement it!

"For school-age children all over the world, tuition fees are reduced or even exempted, so As long as social studies are spread all over the world, the talents in the world can be accepted!"

"As for social studies for several years, you can know which one is better and which one is worse. You can be promoted to the county college entrance examination, and you can let the top-ranking people in various places enter the school for free. For the poor, you can even subsidize their families, and for those who lack talent, you can High tuition fees…”

Huang Jin was still talking so casually, but a smile slowly appeared on the corner of Tianzi's mouth.

What Huang Jin said is actually very simple.

Its core is just four words, elite education!

Today's Daheng is in a very contradictory period.

First, it is the Son of Heaven's expectations for the new school, and the growth of the new school. There is an urgent need for those with extraordinary talent. There are as many geniuses as possible. Some money!

Second, the imperial power touches the grassroots level and requires a large number of officials, but the problem is that the current education system cannot provide a large number of officials at all.

By the time this education system can provide a large number of officials, Daheng's ruling system may have been completely stabilized.

And the education system is completely rolled out, and in the entire Daheng, it is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of learned students waiting to be fed every year.

But Daheng, where did so many official positions come from to provide for these students, and Daheng society

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