MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 583 Agriculture and Commerce

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Snowflakes fluttered, the north wind blew wildly, and the sky and the earth were white.

In the midst of the piercing cold wind, in the Qianqing Palace, the door of the hall was closed, the windows of the hall were half-open, and stoves filled with charcoal fire were neatly placed in the hall.

The steaming heat of the stove made the temple feel like a heating furnace, and even the snow on the roof melted a lot faster under this steaming heat.

In the hall, a few little princes sat steadily, reading the classics of the sages in a decent manner.

After the emperor sat at the table, what he was holding in his hand seemed to be a summary of Zhaowu's four years of taxation.

Two wars between the North and the South, disaster relief projects in various places...

Obviously, the fourth year of Zhaowu was another year when the income and expenditure were completely out of balance!

I can't even use the word imbalance to describe it, it should be completely out of control!

The out-of-control income and expenditure figures came into view, but the emperor did not fluctuate too much. All this was already expected.

After all, if we look at the fiscal and tax revenue of the former Ming Dynasty, the money and food consumed by Zhaowu's four-year disaster relief project is estimated to consume all the fiscal and tax revenue of the former Ming Dynasty.

Not to mention, disaster relief has never been the main expenditure of a country.

The emperor's eyes are on the business tax this year. The reform has been carried out for nearly two years. In all aspects, it has already been implemented. The rest is only revision and persistence.

The once disorderly business environment has gradually become formalized after the implementation of the commercial tax, and what follows is naturally a jump-like increase in commercial tax revenue.

The entire north, as well as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and southern Zhili provinces, the entire Daheng's business tax revenue during Zhaowu's four years has reached as much as 11 million taels.

And this is just the commercial tax, and the Ningbo Shipping Division, as well as the Andong Shipping Division and Tianjin Shipping Division established in Zhaowu at the beginning of the fourth year, as well as part of the agricultural tax.

In the four years of Zhaowu, the taxation of silver has reached nearly 20 million taels!

And this is still in the period of natural disasters, and most of Jiangnan has not been recovered.

It is completely conceivable that when Jiangnan is completely pacified, when the disaster relief projects are effective, or the natural disasters dissipate, the business environment will become more prosperous, and business tax revenue will inevitably skyrocket to even more terrifying figures.

In stark contrast to the huge figure of silver income, it is the pitiful grain income.

In the fourth year of Zhaowu, since the disaster relief project began, the emperor ordered to exempt the agricultural tax from several severely affected areas in the north.

At the same time, there are more or less agricultural tax reduction and exemption policies for most of the affected areas.

Looking at the tax revenue figures, the emperor did not show much joy.

In this country, emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce has been a policy that has been adhered to throughout the dynasties since ancient times.

Obviously, the ancients could not fail to see the benefits of business.

However, it has always insisted on emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce, which naturally has its reasons.

The prosperity of business is only the icing on the cake for the prosperity of the country.

And agriculture is about the country.

The suppressed commerce, the fundamental agriculture, is enough to ensure the emergence of a prosperous generation.

How to choose among them, has made a very clear decision in the past dynasties.

If he attaches great importance to business, it will inevitably impact the foundation of agriculture as a country.

How to maintain the balance among them is obviously a test of the strength of the ruling class.

Although this problem has not appeared yet, it is obvious that once it does, it will be too late!

As the promoter of all this, he must naturally prevent and make arrangements in advance.

"Demographics, the red line of cultivated land...expanding territory...and harsh punishments..."

A thought quickly popped into my mind.

The Son of Heaven knew that, given the circumstances of this era, what he did, strictly speaking, was to help him grow.

And he must solve and prevent the calamity brought about by pulling out the seedlings.

During the flow of thoughts, the brush strokes are also swayed on the memorial book, and the will of the emperor is also inadvertently reflected in this seal book. In the end, these instructions will also be passed on to the subordinate yamen one by one, and then, Convey the will of the Son of Heaven to the whole world little by little, changing the world little by little.

In a big era, many people may not be able to notice the big changes, but after a few years, and looking back, the world may have changed.

Just like the Daheng in the fourth year of Zhaowu, it is already very different from the Daheng in the first year of Zhaowu.

However, even if the sky is different, there is still an extremely long distance from the prosperous world in the eyes of the emperor.

After about an hour or so, the emperor put down the brush in his hand, picked up a few volumes of ensembles from all over the world and flipped through them for a while, and then looked at the few little princes in the hall who were shaking their heads and reading the book.

It has been more than a year since Zhaowu prepared to enlighten these little princes for three years.

Enlightenment was put on the agenda as early as the beginning of the fourth year of Zhaowu.

For the education of the little prince, the emperor will naturally not tolerate the slightest, and there is no such thing as happy learning in this emperor's family.

Get more, then pay more!

The emperor himself made the schedule, and every day was fully arranged, even if it was a holiday, it was rare to rest.

Every once in a while, the emperor also took the time to teach himself, or to test the princes.

For the education of the prince, the emperor naturally did not stick to one, and the emperor has always pursued pragmatism.

What thoughts, what rules...

All of this was proposed by man, formulated by man, and used to bind man.

And the Son of Heaven, the master of all rights, would be an idiot if he was bound by these things!

What a promising wants is to understand it and then control it!

Use what works well, and let it work well if it doesn't work!

Under the will of the emperor, the education of the prince is obviously beyond the outline.

Since ancient times, various schools and sects, all the sages' classics that the emperor considered useful are the teaching materials for the emperor to learn.

As for new learning, martial arts, that is more of course,

Such a maverick, at the beginning, naturally caused an uproar among many ministers who strictly abide by the etiquette, but with the insistence of the emperor, this matter was also resolutely implemented.

After wandering around the tables of several princes, checking the situation of dictation, and asking a few more questions, the emperor nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, I'll give you half a day off today."

The emperor waved his hand, and the little princes laughed so much that their eyes squinted, and they bowed their hands in a dignified manner: "Thank you, father and emperor!"

The emperor is also full of smiles. In his spare time, watching a few little princes grow up slowly is a rare moment for him to relax.

At this moment, the door of the palace was suddenly pushed open, the wind and snow penetrated, Er Dezi was covered in snow and wind, and with a solemn expression, he hurried in.

When he was about to speak, he saw the surrounding eunuchs and palace maids, and the words were also held back.

Seeing this, the emperor frowned, waved his hand, and signaled Erdezi to approach.

After hearing a sentence, the smile on the emperor's face suddenly stiffened.

The little princes also seemed to realize that the atmosphere was not right, looked at each other, and then quietly walked out of the hall.

At this moment, the emperor obviously didn't care about the little prince's movements. After being silent for a long time, he let out a long sigh of relief. Looking at the wind and snow pouring into the hall like a river pouring down, the emperor let out a faint voice.

"Pay attention to confidentiality, don't make a statement, and bring it to the palace first."

"The slave understands."