MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 573 The end of an era

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Zhaowu four years, the first day of November.

In the early hours of the morning, the continuous war had not stopped for less than a day. The smoke and fire on the battlefield had not yet dissipated. The rumbling sound of war drums had already tore apart the peace between heaven and earth.

The Daheng dragon flag danced, and in the towering military villages, countless Daheng soldiers gathered in full armor.

A ferocious artillery was pushed to the front of the formation, and towering siege machines were ready.

The war has not yet begun, but the dark clouds of war have completely enveloped this precarious Nanming capital!

Above the city wall, the Ming army officers and soldiers wearing broken mandarin duck battle robes were almost numbly shouted by the generals at all levels, and they got up from the blood one after another, preparing for the coming of the war once again.


With a loud shout, the artillery that was already aimed at it suddenly roared!

One after another fire light swept across the sky, and several sides were intertwined. In the blink of an eye, a fire network was formed in the sky!

In the end, the shells also landed in this dilapidated Quanzhou city.

Cannonballs exploded, bricks splashed, and houses collapsed. In this apocalyptic scene, Ming soldiers hid in every corner, almost numbly, without screams, but in this Quanzhou city, they did not cause any fluctuations.

The artillery roared for nearly a quarter of an hour, and the towering siege machines slowly moved towards the Quanzhou city wall. Thanks to the emphasis on craftsmen in the Daheng Army, almost every siege machine passed by. I don't know how many times to improve.

There are musketeer brothers standing among the siege equipment, aiming down at the Quanzhou city wall, and there are soldiers with strong arms, holding grenades and throwing them at the city wall.

What's more, they even moved the artillery to the siege equipment, pouring firepower on the city wall wantonly.

Under the siege equipment, there are also soldiers holding large shields, covering the soldiers pushing the siege equipment, and there are shield vehicles with strong defenses, full of soldiers, moving towards the gap in the city wall.

There are also rows of musket formations, aiming and firing from bottom to top, row after row, multiple shots suppressing the counterattack on the city wall.

Compared with the turbulent attack of the Heng army, the defense of the Ming army on the city wall was undoubtedly much weaker.

After dozens of days of fierce fighting, the firearms and ammunition in Quanzhou City had already been exhausted.

Stones, bricks and beams removed from houses in the city, hot dung juice, and dense clusters of arrows…

All the means of defending the city that can be imagined, and that can be realized in Quanzhou City, are fully reflected in this Quanzhou City!

Looking down from the sky, close to the north of Daheng's key attack, the two city walls on the east have been demolished. .

And the people in the city are almost all soldiers!

Men and women, young and old, were all forced to go into battle. The young and the strong went up to the city wall, while the young and old braved the artillery fire to transport supplies and the wounded.

This war lasted for dozens of days, and it seemed that the entire Quanzhou city was almost exhausted!

For the vast majority of the lower-level soldiers on both sides, there has never been any belief in a deadly fight, some are just the madness of being forced to the death!

After dozens of days of war, the soldiers and civilians who died in the supervising teams on both sides probably accounted for 23% of the total casualties!

Under Quanzhou City's strategy of all people being soldiers, this number is obviously even more cruel.

Human life, in this decisive battle to destroy the country, seems to be the least worth mentioning.

The only hidden danger has been eliminated. This war, for any Daheng general, believes that when it is time to end, no one wants to fight in this Quanzhou city!

The four words of success in the first battle were spit out from the mouth of the Duke of Yasukuni, and issued layer by layer, to the ears of every level of generals, and then to the hearts of every soldier.

The Daheng Central Army has already moved forward for several miles, and Daheng Jing Guogong personally came to the front line to supervise the battle.

Time and time again, it has impacted the fragile but tenacious city defense of Quanzhou City!


Endless blood, swords collided, artillery roared, fire guns were fired one by one, and numb lives disappeared one by one. From the very beginning, this decisive battle fell into an unprecedented white-hot!

Miscellaneous shouts of killing filled every part of the battlefield, and a neat array of supervisors lined up behind the charging soldiers, forcing the soldiers to carry out a decisive attack with undisguised on-the-spot rectification.

As the war continued, Daheng soldiers slowly appeared above the city tower.

This scene is not uncommon in the previous siege battles. Since ancient times, the defending city and the defending side have occupied an absolute advantage. As long as the defending city will have the heart to defend and have enough overall planning Ability, even if the defending soldiers are weak, even if the attacking party is extremely elite, it is not too difficult to defend.

For Nan Ming, these are not problems.

Although the internal divisions of the Southern Ming Dynasty were large, there were no shortage of people who dared to fight, and there were no longer a few who dared to serve the dead.

In this way, this siege battle is naturally difficult!

"Follow the prison camp!"

Duke Yasuo stared at the fierce battle on the city wall, and without hesitation, he sent out the top guard battalion in the Daheng military system.


The guard generals on the side followed the order without hesitation, got on their horses, and with a single order, thousands of soldiers of the broken prison camp moved with them, following the sequence of the siege, and headed for Quanzhou City.

"Let the navy enter the port, aim at Quanzhou City and hit Lao Tzu!"

Duke Yasukuni glanced at the direction of Quanzhou Port, and then issued the military order.

After speaking, Duke Yasukuni seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly added another sentence.

"Also, the people who informed Jin Yiwei must see King Shou!"

One by one, the messengers marched away, and the course of the war also changed again with the military orders of Duke Yasukuni.

Under this change, it is obvious that the attack has become more turbulent. Under this siege at all costs, the war has also shifted from siege to city capture!

Under the strong attack at all costs, teams of Daheng soldiers stepped on the city wall through siege equipment, while the Ming army also supported the city by climbing the inner city stairs of the city tower.

The soldiers on both sides, on this narrow city wall, were almost crowded, and they exchanged their lives for their lives. There was no room for both sides to retreat. Even if they wanted to retreat, the crowded crowd also blocked any possibility of retreat!

Entanglement, anxiety, every section of the city wall has almost become a meat grinder-like existence!

The rolling blood poured out from the corpse, dyeing the ground of the city wall red, and then flowing down the cracks in the city wall. On the broken city wall, bloodstains were inscribed forcibly!

As time passed, the corpses piled up on the city walls became more and more, and the engraved bloodstains became more and more dazzling and hideous!

The soldiers on both sides have been killed. For the generals and officials of Nanming who lead the army, this battle is a battle to the death, a battle to be loyal to the country and be buried for the country!

For the soldiers of Daheng, this is a battle to destroy the country, and it is the power of throwing the sky! It is a ladder to the sky!

Neither side has any room to back off.

Qingshan buried loyal bones, in this Quanzhou city tower, this battle to destroy the country has buried countless loyal bones on both sides!

And the fierce fighting continued.

The rise of one party's hegemony is bound to be accompanied by the loneliness of the other party's hegemony.

If we say that the heavenly change in the second year of Jingwu was the prelude to the alternation of the old and the new.

The current battle is to announce the rules of the new era, and it has already swept the world with the unstoppable military might!

Those who do not respect the rules of the new era, whether loyal or traitor, will surely end sadly!

This Quanzhou city is the last manifestation of the will of the old times.

And right now, this Quanzhou city, in this final decisive battle, seems to be coming to an end!

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