MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 553 1 Successful battle, quick battle!

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In the middle of the night, Nanjing, which used to be the capital of the Ming Dynasty, was silent.

Since Yan Shun led his army to Nanjing, the old order of this capital of the Ming Dynasty has been subtly changed.

Until the establishment of Daheng, the capital of the Ming Dynasty, just like the prosperous Jiangnan land, the storm of blood and fire suddenly swept across.

Under the original situation of Tianqing, in this Jiangnan, Daheng naturally adopted a comprehensive strategy of shrinking, shrinking the limited forces and defending the important areas.

Nanjing, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and with the assistance of various guards, defended the major towns along the river and held the overall initiative in the war in the south of the Yangtze River.

Under such a contraction, the order in Nanjing, and even the order in other parts of Jiangnan under Daheng's rule, naturally ushered in a comprehensive recast.

Up to now, the city of Nanjing has completely lost all the privileges of the former Ming Dynasty. The former Nanjing court was ordered to dissolve, and the courtiers fled to the hypocrisy, or surrendered to Daheng. Naturally, the name of the companion capital has long since disappeared.

However, now Nanjing is still the military and political center of Daheng in the south of the Yangtze River. During such a time when the war is approaching, Nanjing City, where this political and military center is located, naturally implements extremely strict martial law measures.

The curfew system was implemented, the soldiers in the city patrolled, the towers were flickering with fire, and the soldiers stood on the towers one by one, and the dark muzzles were aimed at the outside of the city.

At this point in time, the city gate should naturally be closed, but at this time, the north gate of Nanjing is completely open, and even the suspension bridge has been lowered.

The Duke of Yue, who led Daheng's army of more than 100,000 troops in the south of the Yangtze River, and Hong Chengchou, the censor of reform and inspection in the south of the Yangtze River, stood side by side at the gate of the city. After that, there were the martial arts and officials from various places in the south of the Yangtze River.

It didn't take too long, the sound of rumbling horses' hooves came faintly, and in the darkness, the light of the light also appeared.

War horses galloped, war flags fluttered, and an iron cavalry was vaguely reflected in the vision of military officials at the city gate.


The Duke of Yasukuni reined his horse and stood, accompanied by the imperial cavalry, and stopped in an orderly manner.

"See Duke Yasukuni for humble posts!"

All the civil servants and Wu Xun bowed their hands and bowed, while Yan Shun hurried forward to meet him.

Xu Feng got off his horse, looked around at all the civil servants and military generals, was silent for a while, and then bowed his hands: "In this battle, I hope all the lords will be united and fight for Daheng!"

As soon as this statement came out, the civil servants and military generals present were also unable to conceal their excitement. Although the people present were juxtaposed with civil servants and military generals, in fact, due to hypocrisy, almost all the ruling institutions of Daheng in the south of the Yangtze River were destroyed. Wu Xun occupies the so-called non-literary officials, and most of them are martial arts. The real civilian officials are also pitiful.

Most of the former Ming and old ministers who had surrendered had already been transferred to various parts of the north, or were raised in court.

In this case, it is obviously much more positive to treat wars and make achievements!

The generals shouted a few words, and immediately, a group of people, also led by Xu Feng and Yan Shun, went to the palace in the city.

The government office was brightly lit, a pair of maps were displayed on the sand table, and the military staff in the hall were walking and discussing.

"On Zheng Zhilong's side, has it been negotiated?"

As soon as he entered the mansion, Xu Feng turned to look at Li Dingguo and asked.

"Reporting to your grandfather, Zheng Zhilong has already agreed, and he can rectify the chaos at any time!"

After confirming the answer again, Xu Feng finally let go of his heart, and then looked at the generals and commanders Wenchen:

"How are you preparing here?"

"Reporting to your grandfather, the Poyang Lake navigator is already in place..."

"Report to your grandfather..."

The generals, commanders and officials immediately reported in an orderly manner.

All night long, the hustle and bustle in the government office did not stop at all.

With the continuation of the military discussion, outside the government office, a commander named on standby also moved on horseback, out of the city gate, and on the starry night, heading towards the places where heavy troops were hoarded.

When the sun rises and the curfew is lifted, the city of Nanjing is still prosperous.

Although many people know that the war is about to break out, few people know that the outbreak of this war is already close at hand!

Under the day and night of the fast horses, a military order also appeared in the hands of the generals of the various ministries.

Daheng's military machinery in the south of the Yangtze River is also quietly turning.

Since ancient times, the strong army in the north has pacified the regime in the south.

But now, South Zhili, the land of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, is like a sharp sword, deeply embedded in the hinterland of Jiangnan, the so-called natural danger has long been a smooth road.

As for the navy, all the rivers are under the control of the Daheng navy, and the Haijiang navy has the upper hand, and also has the inner response of Zheng Zhilong.

And falsehoods, infighting in the court, and factions in the military.

The most important thing is that at the beginning of the establishment of Nanming, the biggest contributor was the Fujian Navy, that is, the Fujian Navy under the jurisdiction of the Fujian Governor and the huge forces formed by gathering giants like Zheng Zhilong to stir up the wind and rain in the south of the Yangtze River. Where is the righteous flag that everyone expected back then!

At that time, the Daheng Jiangnan Navy was only a mere part of the Denglai Navy, and it was difficult to protect itself in the face of such momentum.

Coupled with the situation of Daheng's Tianqing in those days, under all these conditions, it also directly led to the first "recovery" and stability of Fujian.

Moreover, when King Shou fled to the south, he was escorted back by the Fujian navy, so all kinds of led to the establishment of Nanming, and it was directly in Quanzhou.

If the Nanming navy has always been in a strong position, Daheng has always been plagued by internal and external troubles, and Quanzhou is the capital of the pseudo-Ming Ming Dynasty, it will naturally have considerable benefits. The customs tariffs alone are enough to make the pseudo-Ming Dynasty eat a lot of money, plus the distance. The two places are quite close, and they can attack and retreat.

But now, Daheng's national fortunes are stable, and the Jiangnan Navy is no weaker than the fake Ming Navy. On land, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and in Wuchang in Jiujiang, Nanchang and other important towns are all under Daheng's control. Constantly surrounded!

Under such circumstances, the already inclined strategic situation is completely out of control.

What makes Daheng's war plan to pacify the south of the Yangtze River this time has a huge appetite!

The soldiers were divided into three groups, all the way from Jiangsu and Zhejiang to Fujian, all the way the navy united with Zheng Zhilong, directly put out the false Ming navy, blocked the sea and territory, all the way from Wuchang, captured Jiangxi, and threatened Guangdong and Guangxi.

Pushed away three ways,

With the weather, the geographical advantage, and whatever, directly facing the pseudo-ming capital of Fujian, forming a siege on all sides!

In this way, as long as the strategy is successful, the pseudo-Ming court can be completely separated from the other provinces of the pseudo-Ming! Even, directly put out the pseudo-Ming court!

In Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi and other places of falsehood, either, just sit back and watch, wait for the transfer, or wait for Daheng to sweep in, or do your best to rescue!

And the land of Yunnan and Guizhou borders the land of Shu, namely Sichuan, and Sichuan, Daheng has been operating for many years!

The chieftain who made troubles in the Chongzhen period has been suppressed by the strong army from Daheng from the border. Although it is difficult to enter Yunnan from Sichuan, the deterrent effect is self-evident.

From this strategic arrangement, we can see the will of Daheng in this war, that is: a successful battle, a quick decision!