MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 41 art of war

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After all, 99% of the generals of the Ming Dynasty are under the hereditary system. The generals born in martial arts are not liked by the civilian officials, nor are they accepted by the generals themselves. Except for a few exceptions, most of the others are Grant a spare job and wait for a day on the waiting list.

And this Liu Xin, of course, is not an exception. He waited hard all his life, and when his life died, he did not wait for the order of the court.

Just listening to shopkeeper Wu's words, Li Xiu couldn't help but feel an inexplicable sense of sadness.

A martial arts feat spread all over the country, ranking third in the top ranks, and he has never used what he has learned to serve the country in his entire life.

Not wanting, but powerless!

It has to be said that it is really sad.

"Yeah, the old man still remembers that when Mr. Liu participated in the martial arts competition and climbed all the way to the top, what a glory it was, but I didn't expect..."

"The shopkeeper, the shopkeeper!"

Before the old doctor surnamed Liu could finish speaking, there was a sudden burst of hurried shouts from outside the hospital, and then I saw a young servant hurried into the hospital, and the breathless voice sounded again: "The shopkeeper... Mr. Liu, a patient has come to the pharmacy, it seems that he has been deeply poisoned, and it feels like he will not be able to last for long..."

Hearing this, the shopkeeper Wu and Mr. Liu looked at each other, said a few words to Li Xiu, and hurriedly ended the visit and left in a hurry.

The courtyard was quiet again, but there were a few more boxes of medicinal materials. After closing the courtyard door, Li Xiu didn't check the medicinal materials immediately, but walked into the study.

The study is not large, except for some necessary furniture, there are no other decorations, only the bookshelf behind the desk is extremely conspicuous.

When he saw this bookshelf at that time, Li Xiu picked out two books at random, and it turned out that they were all Confucian classics. Li Xiu thought that the former owner of the house was a scholar, but he was actually a martial artist!

"I don't know if there are any martial arts secrets left..."

With a strange expectation, Li Xiu walked quickly to the bookshelf, flipping through the books.

"The Analects? Wu Juren still read this?"

He flipped through the books one by one, and to Li Xiu's disappointment, most of them were Confucian classics and some eight-legged texts that he could not understand at all.


When he flipped to the bottom layer of the bookshelf and looked at the books in his hands, Li Xiu couldn't help but frown, as if he had some interest.

After a lot of searching, a dozen or so books were cleared out by Li Xiu.

Sitting down behind the desk at will, Li Xiu picked up a book and read it with great interest.

Through the four big characters "Jixiao New Book" on the cover of the booklet, you can clearly see what this booklet is about!

The famous Qi Shaobao led the Qi family's army across the north and south, leaving behind two military books that were handed down to future generations, that is, "New Book of Jixiao" and "Record of Military Training!"

As for the other books on the table, there is no doubt that they are all military books.

There are Sun Tzu's Art of War, Wei Liaozi, Liu Tao's Art of War, and many other strategies, as well as the Fire Dragon Artifact Formation.

Li Xiu was not too surprised to see so many military books at first glance. Although military science is important, printing technology in this era is also unprecedentedly prosperous. Although military books are rare, it is not difficult to collect some as long as you spend your time.

What's more, that Liu Xin is a Wu Jinshi, and it is a strange thing to have no military book.

After all, although martial arts in the Ming Dynasty were not popular, under the leadership of civil officials, they still attached great importance to military strategy, and the assessment of martial arts skills tended to be formalized and not taken seriously. Liu Xinneng’s top three in high school, why not talk about martial arts, military strategy is this On the one hand, it should still be good.

These thoughts flashed in his mind. Li Xiu opened the cover quite casually, and the font came into view. Although it was in an ancient style, it was obscure and difficult to understand, but fortunately, he had the experience of studying medicine in a cave, although it was still a bit difficult. Adapted, but not completely unread.

The opening chapter is just a self-preface, telling about Qi Jiguang's lifelong battle, which seems to be a short memoir.

After flipping through it with interest for a while, Li Xiu seemed to remember something, his expression suddenly stunned, and then his eyes immediately fixed on the new Ji Xiao book in his hand.

"Martial arts...medical can military books also be able to..."

With the broken thoughts in his mouth, Li Xiu stood up abruptly, but there was a strange excitement between his eyebrows.

In this era, how can there be no golden horses, and the battlefield is vertical and horizontal!

He is not a genius, nor can he be able to dominate the world with the superficial things of military training. Even now, there are only more than ten people in command. When it is not fighting on the battlefield, he feels that there is too much to learn. many.

It is completely conceivable that if he wants to lead the army one day, how far he still has to go!

But if these military books, like medical books, can be turned into a skill, a skill that is thoroughly understood!

Even if it's just talk on paper, it's definitely a great help for him!

Just a small flag, he will have a lot of opportunities in the can combine the things on paper with practice!

A series of thoughts flashed in his mind, Li Xiu did not hesitate, and took this new book of Ji Xiao again in his hands. This time, without the slightest slight, Li Xiu also read every word with great seriousness.

West of the city.

In an ordinary house.

More than a dozen men in black stood upright in the courtyard. In the lobby, there were also several men dressed in rich and noble clothes. However, these people seemed to be a little anxious, and their eyes looked outside the hall from time to time. is waiting for someone.


In the silence, a dull roar suddenly sounded, and then, only a burst of hurried shouts were heard in the courtyard at the same time.

Everyone in the hall immediately turned their eyes to the door, but saw a man with a blood-stained chest and a pale face, who was standing with the support of two men.


In an instant, one after another shouting sounded in the hall, but within a few breaths, several people actually went outside the hall, which shows that these people are highly skilled in martial arts.

"Guardian, who would dare to hurt you!"

"Quick, Wang Haoxian has been seriously injured by my poison needle. Immediately send someone to look at the major pharmacies in the city, find traces, and report it immediately!"

Hou Mingxian's expression was gloomy and cold, he waved his hand and pushed the person who was helping him away, gave a cold command, and sat on the spot with his knees crossed, recovering from his injuries.

"There are six pharmacies in the city."

At this time, someone spoke aloud to explain.

"I'll wait to act separately. If there is any change, please contact me again!"

"it is good!"


Several people responded, and immediately led their own out of the house and ran towards the various pharmacies in the city.