MTL - Long Wind Crossing-Chapter 12

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Liu Yuru slept all night and woke up holding the silver note.

She was lying on the bed, not moving, her heart was numb and calm, thinking about nothing.

After experiencing a complete catharsis, those pains and anger poured out, followed by despair and dazedness about Weilai, she did not know what she insisted on for so many years, I don't know how I'm going to go in the future.

No matter how smart she is, she is still only a fifteen-year-old girl. Even if you are already fifteen years old, for this long life, fifteen years is far from enough for a person's inner growth.

You can study the Four Books and Five Classics in 15 years, but you can't get a calm and calm heart in the face of the world in 15 years.

She didn't want to fight anymore, so she gave up completely, lay on the bed, didn't want to move, didn't want to talk, didn't want to eat, didn't want to do anything.

And Gu Jiusi didn't dare to provoke him, the moment the servant opened the door, he ran out immediately.

He thought about it for a whole night, he thought, he can't just accept his fate, he has to resist Gu Langhua! To make Liu Yuru put out his thoughts about him!

He will show his rebellion with action!

So he took out the private money he had hidden from the new house at night, changed his clothes, and ran out of Gu Mansion at the moment when the servant opened the door. The servants of Gu's residence were startled by the speed at which their young master escaped. They looked at each other for a while and hurriedly reported to Gu Langhua. Gu Langhua and Jiang Rou just got up. Gu Langhua heard Gu Jiusi running away and waved his hand: "If you run away, run away, where is my daughter-in-law? Is the daughter-in-law okay? She didn't run away, did she?"

The housekeeper who came to report was stunned for a while, and said at a loss: "I didn't run."

Do you care so much about your daughter-in-law?

Hearing that Liu Yuru didn't run, Jiang Rou and Gu Langhua breathed a sigh of relief, Jiang Ju said, "It's good that your daughter-in-law is still there, Jiusi runs away and runs away."

Housekeeper: "…"

This son is probably not biological.

Jiang Rou, Gu Langhua's tolerance, Gu Jiusi didn't know, he ran out of Gu Mansion with all his might, he didn't dare to stop, he ran all the way to the restaurant he frequented, and went to the private room in the restaurant, He sent someone to send letters to Yang Wenchang and Chen Xun, and then took a sip of wine, and finally felt a little sense of security.

Then he waited for Yang Wenchang and Chen Xun in the restaurant. After waiting for half an hour, the two sons and brothers came running in messy clothes. Afterwards, Yang Wenchang cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations..."

"Don't congratulate," Gu Jiusi covered his forehead in pain, "I feel like my head is blown."

"What are you bombing?" Chen Xun walked to the table, poured a glass of wine, and comforted, "It's not a big deal to marry a woman. Liu Yuru is not just coveting the identity of Mrs. Gu. Is it? Just give it to her, don't worry about how we will play in the future."

"No," Gu Jiusi said in pain, "If only she was greedy for money, the problem is, I just found out last night that she didn't come for money."

"Then what is she here for?" Yang Wenchang was a little confused, the three of them had long agreed to understand that Liu Yuru was here for money, and there was no other possibility.

Gu Jiusi raised his head, sighed, and said with a bit of pity, "She is here for me."

"She wants revenge on you?" Yang Wenchang's first reaction, surprised, "Is the price a bit high?"

"No," Gu Jiusi said seriously, "she likes me."

As soon as the words came out, Chen Xun spit out the wine and sprayed the face of Yang Wenchang on the opposite side.

Chen Xun hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, I'm so shocked."

Yang Wenchang's expressionless face made Chen Xun wipe his face, then turned to look at Gu Jiusi: "I was too shocked."

"Who isn't?" Gu Jiusi took a sip of wine, "Emotional debt is the most difficult to repay in a person's life. She wants money to pay off, and I don't know what to do if she wants my heart. Just fine."

"Do you want her to give up?" Yang Wenchang understood what Gu Jiusi meant, and Gu Jiusi nodded: "Give up early, give up early, lest I get deeper and deeper, and I can't do it."

"It's easy to handle," Chen Xungang said hurriedly, "it's too easy to let a woman give up."


Gu Jiusi looked over, and Chen Xun smiled meaningfully: "Chunfeng sleeps upstairs for three days, I guarantee she will give up."

Gu Jiusi was silent.

Chunfenglou, the most famous place of wind and moon in Yangzhou, is also the place where Gu Jiusi used to go. It's just that when I went there, I accompanied Yang Wenchang and Chen Xun. He didn't like this kind of place very much. Compared with Chunfenglou, he preferred casinos and restaurants.

Eating, drinking, prostitutes, gambling, he likes everything except prostitutes.


For a woman, what is more shocking than going to a brothel the day after her husband gets married?

For Gu Langhua, what could be more annoyed than going to a brothel the next day after getting married?

Gu Jiusi just thought about it for a moment, then nodded, and said with Chen Xun, "Okay, let's go to Chunfenglou!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Jiusi took Chen Xun and Yang Wenchang to the Chunfeng Building happily.

After going to the Chunfeng Building, the steward in the building brought the girls over, stood in rows, then walked up to Gu Jiusi and respectfully asked him: "I don't know what the eldest son has. Preference? The girls here have their own strengths, singing, dancing, playing the piano, reciting poetry, throwing pots... If you have anything you like, the servants can recommend a few to you."

Gu Jiusi listened, thought about it, and then raised his head: "Anyone who can play leaf cards?"

The steward was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously said, "Huh?"

Gu Jiusi continued, "Do you know how to gamble?"

Management: "…"

Is this a girl or a gambler?

Get up the money.

When Gu Jiusi found a place to play, Liu Yuru lay on the bed, motionless.

She knew that Gu Jiusi had left, she didn't want to ask where Gu Jiusi went, and she didn't want to ask herself what to do next. Anyway, the days are like this, and she doesn't have any business thoughts.

As for the rules and regulations, she can't think about it.

She is like a turtle hiding in a turtle shell, unwilling to see any changes in the world.

Seeing that she couldn't get up for a long time, Yin Hong went in and took a look. Seeing that her face was numb and the bed was motionless, Yin Hong couldn't help but feel a little scared and pushed her carefully and said, "Miss?"

Liu Yuru didn't speak, Yinhong closed the door, hurriedly walked over to the bed, and talked to Liu Yuru: "Miss, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

"Miss, say something," Yin Hong took her hand and said anxiously, "What happened to you last night, uncle? Why are you still wearing a wedding gown? You..."

Speaking, Yinhong was stunned, and whispered: "You guys, don't you have a consummate house?"

Liu Yuru lowered her eyes, Yin Hong saw that she had responded, and hurriedly said: "Miss, you answer me, I'm afraid."

"Yinhong..." Liu Yuru said dryly, "He wants to leave me..."

"What?!" Yin Hong exclaimed in surprise, she saw Liu Yuru curled up on the bed, raised her hand to cover her face, and said hoarsely, "He said, he doesn't like me, he will later If there is someone he likes, he wants to be nice to that person, so sooner or later he will leave me."

"He told me to plan ahead..."

"Yinhong..." Liu Yuru trembled slightly, "What should I do...what should I do..."

If she is dismissed, what will she do with her life?

She can't be spoiled at home, what should her mother do?

This time her mother personally arranged her dowry, she brought so much money, if the Gu family does not support her, wait for Liu Xuan to react, and when Zhang Yueer regains power, her mother's life will be how to go on?

When Liu Yuru thought about these things and the future, she felt hopeless.

Yin Hong was also panicked, she looked at Liu Yuru for a long time, and finally said: "Miss, uncle... uncle must be talking nonsense! Don't be sad, it's their family who brought it up, Mrs. Gu Very good, she is very satisfied with you, and she will not ignore Gu Gongzi, don't be afraid, don't be sad, ah? Gu Gongzi doesn't know your goodness now, when he knows, it's too late to love you and love you , why did you take a break?"

Liu Yuru did not speak, she lay on the bed, motionless. Whether what Yin Hong said was consolation or true, she knew better than anyone else.

She has already cried, and she doesn't want to cry anymore, but what she can do and what to do in the future, she is real, she doesn't know at all.

Yin Hong persuaded her and wanted her to eat something, but Liu Yuru kept her original posture without any change, as if she was completely dead. Yin Hong sighed and continued, "Even if you don't eat, you should get up and serve tea to Mrs. Gu and Master Gu. You have just come here, so you should be a little disciplined, otherwise we will be laughed at."

Liu Yuru did not speak, she lowered her eyes.

"Let's just say I'm sick."

She sighed, "I'm really... tired now."

Yin Hong didn't dare to force Liu Yuru any more, so she went out to talk to Liu Yuru, Jiang Rou and Gu Langhua got the news, the two looked at each other, Yin Hong stood there, motionless. Gu Langhua was a little embarrassed, and after a while, he coughed lightly: "Since Yuru is not feeling well, then come to rest first. I asked Jiusi to do some errands today, so he left in the morning, let Yuru not let go. in the heart."

As soon as he finished speaking, a servant hurried in and panted, "Sir, it's not good, the eldest young master went to Chunfenglou!"

Gu Langhua, Jiang Rou: "…"

Gu Langhua's face was extremely ugly, Jiang Rou coughed a little unnaturally, turned her head, Yin Hong secretly clenched her fists.

Going to the brothel on the second day of the wedding... This uncle, even if he is a playboy, is... too absurd!

After Gu Langhua reacted, he didn't say much, he decisively lifted the stick from the side, and rushed out to beat Gu Jiusi, but Jiang Rou stretched out her hand, stopped Gu Langhua, and said gently: " Master, you can't beat him for the rest of your life. He's married now, so he can't keep being disciplined like a child."

"This bastard! I don't care about him, doesn't he want to fly?!" Gu Langhua cursed angrily. Jiang Rou pulled him down and said with a smile, "Master, I'll take care of it this time, don't be angry. In the past two years, have you beaten him less often? Although he doesn't do things well, he doesn't do anything well. It will be messed up, this time I will go to the brothel, it is not because I am angry with you. In the past, he was not married, so you can fight like this. If you still want to capture him and fight him today, what will happen to him and Yuru in the future? Pass?"

Gu Langhua hesitated a little after hearing this. Jiang Rou persuaded: "He was interested in this marriage at first, and he felt that Yuru and us were planning on him. If you help Yuru with this today, what will Jiusi think of Yuru? Between husband and wife? If outsiders intervene, it will be a mess, it would be easy to catch him back and beat him today, but Yuru and Jiusi are going to have a vengeance."

Speaking of which, Gu Langhua finally let go, turned his head and said, "Then go ahead and see what you can do."

"It's not about us," Jiang Rou said with a smile, "It's on Yuru's side."

With these words, Gu Langhua finally stopped talking.

And Jiang Rou stood up, she turned her head to look at Yin Hong, Yin Hong was waiting for Jiang Rou to trouble Gu Jiusi, but she heard Jiang Rou say: "Your lady, now Is it convenient to meet guests?"

Yin Hong was stunned for a while, then Jiang Rou said, "Since she doesn't come to see me, I'll go see her."

Speaking, Jiang Rou ordered someone to call a doctor, and then stepped out of the room directly.

When Yin Hong reacted, Jiang Rou had already arrived at the door, and she didn't dare to say too much, so she could only follow Jiang Rou and come to Liu Yuru's room together.

Liu Yuru was still sleeping in the room, Jiang Rou led someone into the room softly, afraid of disturbing Liu Yuru. She came to the inner room and watched Liu Yuru with her back to everyone, curled up on the bed, still wearing the wedding robe.

As soon as she knew what happened, she couldn't help but sighed and walked over to Liu Yuru.

Liu Yuru felt someone standing behind her, she opened her eyes, turned her head slowly, and saw Jiang Rou looking at her tenderly.

"Yuru," she said with concern, "I heard that you are not feeling well, so I will come to see you, is it better?"

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The author has something to say:[1]

Gu Jiusi: "Hahahaha I escaped from Gu Mansion! I left my wife! I'm free! I'm going to find happiness! Gambling all day, happiness is like a fairy. Gambling is always fun! As long as there is enough money, sadness can’t catch me~~~ la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la ~ ~ ~ ~

Liu Yuru: "The knife is coming."

Gu Jiusi: "…"

(Plops down to his knees)

Gu Jiusi: "Wife, Yang Wenchang and Chen Xun forced me to come!"

Yang Wenchang, Chen Xun: Black question mark? ? ?


Reporter: How fast did your eldest young master escape from Gu Mansion?

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