MTL - Live Broadcast of Eating Melons and Being Read, I Landed!-Chapter 104 Read the mind of the whole network

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Chapter 104 Reading Minds on the Whole Network

 The melon-eating system is indeed much better than the dumpling that held a bunch of parts when it was bound and felt like it would fall apart at any time. Jiang Ning was also happy for its upgrade.

  After binding the system, it became silent. Jiang Ning even wondered if the system had run away. It was a misunderstanding.

  【Congratulations on the upgrade, Guagua! 】

Zhigua System intimately adhered to the host's consciousness and happily explained the upgrade changes.

  【After the system is upgraded, the host can view anyone's melons. There is no need to look for names anymore. As long as the system scans their pictures or portraits, all the melons can be eaten by the host! 】

This function is really great. Jiang Ning praised the Guagua system, and Guagua was praised so much that he felt guilty.

It did not dare to tell Jiang Ning that before she came, the world collapsed much more seriously than it described to Jiang Ning because of the intertwining of multiple novels and the fact that several protagonists did not follow the plot.

Later, after research by the System Bureau, it was able to convert melon energy into energy that could mend the collapse of the world. It found many hosts to save this small world.

 But when they all learned that they were bound to the melon-eating system, they had to be read by everyone and eat melons together to collect huge melon energy. Without exception, they all flinched and were unwilling to announce their inner thoughts to everyone.

Seeing that the world was about to completely collapse and turn into inconspicuous particles in the universe, the system became more and more anxious until it met the host it had helped before.

Jiang Ning is a very special host for Gua Gua. They met a few years ago when she was lying on the hospital bed not long after Jiang's father passed away.

At that time, Jiang's father was soliciting customers to make money. When he met a gangster, he suddenly died. The family seemed to be in a trough instantly. Jiang Ning's originally successful operation suddenly deteriorated, and the Jiang family was also in trouble. Paint was often poured on the house, and Gu Yunrong was often threatened. .

Although Gu Yunrong did not tell Jiang Ning these things, Jiang Ning could feel that the situation at home was very bad. After Gu Yunrong was almost retaliated by a gang of gangsters and almost got into a car accident, Jiang Ning was also rushed to the emergency room.

Guagua liked this human being who did not treat him as an alien and always comforted him. Before Jiang Ning was about to die, he fought against the possibility that he would violate the regulations of the system bureau and be destroyed.

Tell Jiang Ning that if she binds it, she can survive, and it can also use points to strengthen Gu Yunrong's luck and help the Jiang family get out of trouble.

After the binding was successful, in order to prevent the system bureau from discovering something strange, Guagua could only temporarily send Jiang Ning to another world. He also blocked her memory in this world and used Jiang Ning's projectile to live in this world instead of her.

In the past few years, Gu Yunrong has had good luck. He got married by contract with Lu Yanqing, who was strongly urged to get married by his family, and got out of trouble.

The world was in such chaos that the system bureau did not pay attention to the problem of Jiang Ning, a supporting role. Guagua was relieved and quickly brought the host back.

 It’s just that the host’s memory shield can’t be lifted for some reason, and he can’t remember what happened before. Guagua had to make up excuses and pretend to rebind with her, saying that the collapse of the world can be saved by telling the story.

But it’s not that simple. The world is in ruins. The tiny amount of energy gained through the plot is not enough to repair the world. They need to gather the energy provided by everyone to repair the damage caused by the collapse. Pieces of a world that show signs of complete fragmentation. Guagua felt Jiang Ning pinch it gently with her consciousness. After hesitating for a while, she still wanted to tell Jiang Ning something that everyone could hear. But as soon as the thought came up, Guagua felt the program go into a violent disorder. It almost died.

Trying again, Guagua's system started to smoke, and parts fell down with a clang. Guagua was now sure that this was a destruction warning from the main system. If it dared to say it, the main system would dare to destroy it.

  【Host, if I hide something big from you, will you let me go? ] Guagua asked Jiang Ning cautiously while holding her smoking head.

Jiang Ning looked at the body that was said to have been repaired but was about to be scrapped just after such a short while, and rubbed its black smoky head and replied in her heart.

I won’t let you go. I still have to worry about the mission being completed and you sending me to another world. I won’t be able to happily eat melons and eat those delicious snacks. 】

Guagua: [Does the host like it here? Then we'll stay here forever! 】

Jiang Ning felt that Guagua was trying to comfort her. She was only here to take care of the plot temporarily for the original owner. She would leave when the original owner came back.

In another world, she was angry for a long time when someone stole her favorite melons. How could she become the evil thief who stole other people's things?

After exchanging a few words with Guagua, Jiang Ning clumsily used Guagua to repair her body. She heard something moving in the woods. She paused the chat and pulled everyone to a safe place to wait for the show. She didn't notice the astonishment of the guests behind her. And complicated eyes.

The guests could not express themselves too obviously and could only hold it in their hearts. However, the audience who heard Jiang Ning's voice for the first time in the live broadcast room saw an explosion of barrage after a few minutes of blank screen.

I must be dreaming. Why did I hear the silent Jiang Ning talking to someone called Chigua System? Hahaha, I must be dreaming, I must be dreaming! ]

  [I heard it too! Is it a high-tech thing that the program team has done? Are you just trying to make fun of the audience? ]

  [Get out of the dog competition show crew! Explain what is going on. ]

I have never heard of this kind of technology. Is Jiang Ning really bound to any system? ]

  [Someone is crazy upstairs. If there is really a system, then I am the newly resurrected Qin Shihuang! ]

I have long thought that the melon popping rate in "Travel" is ridiculously high. Now that I heard that Jiang Ning has a system that can know everyone's melons, it all makes sense. Those melons are definitely made by Jiang Ning! ]

[Take a guess based on the idea above. Can the guests of the show have heard Jiang Ning’s heart a long time ago? Come on, let’s take a look at the analysis post. Someone has already said that the faces of the guests sometimes change very suddenly. It also exploded suddenly, but no one believed it [link]. ]

   [It’s over, this world has really become as crazy as I thought it would be, even the system is coming. I believe that aliens will attack Blue Star tomorrow. ]

I’m so anxious. I’m still not sure if it’s the fault of the show crew. Everyone thinks that Jiang Ning has a system. I must be stupid to read the novel. ]

There were various opinions in the live broadcast room, and there were several hot searches on Weibo. However, the viewers who went over found that they could not express their feelings about Jiang Ning, and they could not even type the words in the system, as if their hands were being pinched by someone. Not going down.

At this time, the audience who had originally suspected that the program team was up to something and wanted to promote Jiang Ning broke out in a cold sweat. They seemed to believe Jiang Ning's binding system. Otherwise, how could they explain these strange phenomena.

The hot searches for #江宁# and #游直播间# were high on the hot search list. Some anti-fans and netizens clicked on them and saw mysterious words below that were like guessing riddles.

 Out of curiosity, I came to the live broadcast room and saw the barrages about voice and system. I wondered if they were the trolls invited by Jiang Ning.

At this time, on the other side, the official team established for Jiang Ning to monitor public opinion, and the team that brought the audience over as soon as they noticed something strange, saw the movement in the live broadcast room, and heard Jiang Ning's voice in the live broadcast room, and added that The system, which had been sleeping all this time, knew that Jiang Ning had been exposed and quickly contacted the higher-ups to ask how to deal with it.

 The previous strategy was to prevent the system from harming Jiang Ning and not reveal the fact that they could hear Jiang Ning's voice.

Now that the system has woken up unexpectedly and upgraded the system so that everyone can hear their voices through the network, can this really be stopped?

“Since you can’t stop it, just wait and see what happens and change your thinking. Maybe this is not a bad thing.”

 (End of this chapter)