MTL - Little Life on An American Ranch-Chapter 645 bear

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  Chapter 645 Rushing the bear


Jian Heng was cooking in the kitchen, and He Ye was clapping his hands, when suddenly he heard a woman screaming from outside the house, He Ye subconsciously threw the food in his hand and ran out, because he heard What came out was Si Wan's exclamation.

Jian Heng stretched his head out of the window to look out. When he saw Pooh and Si Wan face to face with her bodyguard, he was not interested in watching any more. dropped dishes.

He Ye rushed to the door, and saw that Si Wan was stretched like a bamboo pole, as if she was about to faint, while Pooh was sitting on the ground, stretching her front paws as a standard welcome The posture of a guest at home.

  Took two steps and hugged Si Wanchao in his arms: "Don't be afraid, this is Pooh, he doesn't bite!"

  When Pooh heard He Ye mentioning his name, the always hospitable Pooh squeezed out a little 'smile' from the bear's face. It thought it was a smile, but in Si Wan's eyes, it was hideous.

   "Didn't I tell you when I came here, Pooh is a bear," He Ye said.

  At this time, Si Wan had already recovered, she glanced at Pooh, and then shouted at He Ye: "You tell me that such a big bear is cute, I thought it was a milk bear!"

Not to mention Si Wan, even the female bodyguard following Si Wan is pale now. Although she can carry a gun in China, it is not in China now. Her gun license does not work in the United States, so she has no guns on her body now. The gun only had a telescoping stick, although it was already in his hand, but with the bodyguard's IQ, he didn't believe that a small stick could do anything to a huge bear.

   If insisting on it has any effect, it can really irritate the bear, and then seek a quick death!

  Before He Ye rushed out, Ru's bodyguard kept Si Wan calm.

At this time, instant noodles came out of the house, holding a piece of bone with meat in his hand, Jian Heng tasted the taste while it was burning, took a small bite, and threw the rest to the one who was holding his leg to eat Instant noodles. The instant noodles are connected to the bones, and the very rare ones are taken out to share with Pooh.

  Instant noodle's hand stood upright, Pooh opened his mouth and the whole bone was only a little bigger, and immediately there was instant noodle's empty little black paw in the air.

When I saw instant noodles, I immediately became anxious. It was rare to share food with instant noodles. Now I finally shared it once. I haven’t tasted it yet. Pooh snatched it away, and I forgot about instant noodles. The reality that Pooh is the boss, and he is just a small follower, the so-called strong and cowardly, the instant noodles immediately pulled Pooh's mouth, screaming while pulling, trying to make Pooh spit out the bones.

   There are only finger-length short ribs in total, and Pooh swallowed them in two bites, waiting for the instant noodles to dig out where he can.

But Pooh is honest, as soon as the instant noodle broke its mouth, it opened its mouth, revealing a mouthful of gleaming white teeth. He raised the bear tongue with his hand to see if Pooh had hidden the bone under the tongue, searched all over Pooh's mouth, but couldn't find the bone, so he gave up on instant noodles.

  Si Wan looked at Pooh's finger-thick long teeth, and immediately became nervous again. She felt that if these teeth bit her thigh, she would have to say goodbye to her thigh with one bite at most.

  He Ye came here often, and besides, he had seen Pooh when he was very young, so he was naturally not afraid, so he called Pooh and patted Pooh on the head.

  Pooh growled at He Ye, then rubbed his head against He Ye's leg.

   "Look, Pooh doesn't actually bite, it always does!"

   Before she finished speaking, Si Wan suddenly called out again: "Snake, snake, snake!"

He Ye turned his head and found that the blue blood tree python, Xie Li, was slowly returning from the outside with a bit of laziness. His blue body had drawn a snow trough on the snow. Think about it, A pure blue boa constrictor on the snow-white ground is not easy to miss.

  Being frightened by Pooh, and then seeing Xie Li, Si Wan finally couldn't stand the stimulation and fainted.

  Si Wan passed out, and the female bodyguard's body was also swaying. The bodyguard following He Ye saw it, and immediately took two steps to support the female bodyguard.

   After all, the female bodyguard had been trained, she recovered after a second or two, thanked the male bodyguard and stood up.

Shelly is not as enthusiastic as Pooh. She has no interest in anyone other than Jian Heng's family. When she reached the door, she raised her head and picked up the doorknob with her teeth. After pulling it, she swung her tail and stuck it in the door. Concave into a U shape and got into the house.

   "What kind of things does this family raise!" said the female bodyguard.

The female bodyguard also heard about it when she arrived. Like Si Wan, she thought she was raising a little bear cub, and there was also a little snake like a pet snake, no more than one or two meters long. Who knew that this guy was a bear? It looks like a small mountain, and it is probably no problem for a snake to swallow a person. What is more important is that it is winter, and this snake does not hibernate, but is still wandering outside.

  Seeing the female bodyguard coming over to hug Si Wan, He Ye waved his hand, then grabbed Si Wan's legs and hugged her in sideways, then the bodyguard opened the door and ran the person into the house.

After a few clicks, Si Wan came back to her senses. When she opened her eyes and saw a circle of people surrounded by Da Mai and Xiao Ma, she couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said: "What are your family's animals? horrible".

  Balley said apologetically: "I'm so sorry! But they are harmless, except for Pooh and Shelly, there is also a white lion at home."

  Balley didn't expect that Si Wan, who seemed the most courageous at first, would become the first woman to be frightened into a faint when she came to the ranch as a guest.

"I was just unprepared all of a sudden. I blame He Ye. When he told me, I thought it was a little bear. I heard him brag about how cute Pooh is. I never thought that Pooh is not a little bear but a big bear." Si Wan pinned the crime directly on He Ye.

   However, He Ye has nothing to say now, so he can only stand aside and smirk while rubbing his forehead. There is no way, I can't refute my favorite person at this time.

"Just get used to it. In fact, the children who come here like to play with Pooh. In summer, they also like to go swimming in the lake in front with Shelly. No one has ever heard of them hurting people." , When you see our big rooster, be careful, there are too many people who have been hurt by it," Mai said at this time.

Si Wan came back to her senses, and saw that He Ye's bodyguard was stroking the bear, and Pooh was sitting on the ground obediently, with a big bear's head hanging down, looking at her direction from the corner of her eye from time to time . Seeing Pooh's actions, Si Wan, a strong girl, said to herself: Just treat it like a big dog!

  Thinking of this, Si Wan said to a group of people: "I'm fine!"

  Waiting for everyone to disperse, Si Wan mustered up the courage to stand beside Pooh. With a lot of courage, she stretched out her hand to touch Pooh's forehead.

As soon as she touched it, she suddenly had a very strange feeling. The bear hair was not as easy to handle as she thought, but rather smooth and soft, a bit like flannel, but it felt better than flannel. Better and silkier.

Sudden masturbation like this, Si Wan suddenly felt that it was too interesting, so she stretched out her hand and grabbed Pooh's two big ears, and after a couple of tugging, she found that Pooh didn't show anything at all, Si Wan finally became more courageous, He began to fiddle with Pooh, and concentrated on picking up the bear.

  Jian Heng just came out at this time, saw He Ye eagerly looking at Si Wan who was busy with the bear, so he moved to his side, and whispered: "I wish I could become Pooh now."

  He Ye only replied with one word: "Get lost!"

  Si Wan turned her head to He Ye and asked again: "The big snake really doesn't bite?"

  He Ye nodded immediately when he heard it and said, "It really doesn't bite people, it has no interest in talking to people!"

After finishing speaking, in order to prove what she said, she went to rub two handfuls of Shelly. Shelly had just finished eating outside, and now she has no interest in playing with people at all. She was curled up in the room and turned into a pile of poop, and she was sleeping soundly .

  Si Wan stretched out her hand and stroked it twice. The snake was obviously not very pleasant to touch, so she turned her target to the instant noodles.

  Instant noodles are the ones that make people masturbate, and when they see Si Wan, their eyes immediately flicker, so Si Wan has to go back and continue masturbating Pooh.

  Jian Heng felt that after He Ye got married, his body might not be able to take it anymore, because seeing Si Wan's way of playing Pooh, he felt that the old saying was too true, good food is good for nothing, good woman is good for nothing!

  (end of this chapter)