MTL - Legendary FBI Detective-Chapter 81 New leads (please subscribe!)

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  Chapter 81 New Clues (please subscribe!)

  Roan, Mona, and Lacey had just stepped out of the elevator when they saw August who had just walked to the door of the No. 5 investigation team.

   Seeing the agents behind him, Augustus immediately stopped and asked:

   "How is Ryder doing now?"

   "It's nothing serious."

  Roan briefly described the doctor's diagnosis, and Augustus heaved a sigh of relief.

   Waved his hand to signal the agents to return to their seats, what to do, Augustus pulled Roan to his team leader's office again.

   "You did a great job this time! Roan!"

   As soon as Roan's **** sat on the chair, Augustus grinned and exposed his back molars. He didn't elaborate on the contents of the meeting, but Roan heard the final result clearly:

  Double the salary of other agents this week! Quadruple your winnings!

   And the Hyena gang's affairs are completely over. After those people are sent to prison, the No. 5 investigation team will receive a thank you money, which is about 500,000 US dollars, and Roan can get part of it.

   Not only that, Augustus also got a guarantee from Verenice:

  As long as Luo An can solve two cases in a short period of time, Luo An will be promoted immediately and become a senior detective.

  Roan didn't care about the promotion, after all, the salary didn't increase much after the promotion.

   But the bonus and the money he could get in the future made his eyes light up instantly:

   "Thank you sir!"

"This is what you deserve."

  Augus waved his hand and didn't say much, then suddenly put away the smile on his face, looked at Roan solemnly, and said in a deep voice:

   "Roan, according to the news sent to me by Verinis, recently our FBI New York branch plans to launch a 'Star Agent Project'."


  Hearing what Augustus said, Roan was taken aback. Can the words agent and star be combined?

   Seeing the doubts on Roan's face, Augustus began to explain in detail:

   "You also know that the crime rate in New York has always been high. Although our FBI solves a lot of cases every year, there are more cases that we fail to solve.

  This makes the New York media have always had a low opinion of us, always saying that we are a waste of taxpayer money. "

  Although the New York Police Department is also scolded, because of the size of the case, most of the people who scold the New York Police Department are ordinary people.

   However, most of the cases handled by the FBI are relatively special, and they often communicate with the rich and powerful, so the cases were not solved, and most of the people who scolded the FBI for their incompetence are these people.

  Roan understood what Augustus said, but he still didn't understand how the words star and agent were combined.

   Could it be that the top management intends to establish an image of a detective who can solve the case 100%?

  "No one dares to say that they can solve the case 100%."

  Luo An wondered: "I don't believe that the high-level officials of the FBI don't know this truth."


  Augus nodded, of course the higher-ups knew this, so they didn't intend to establish a 100% image of solving the case:

"This 'Star Detective Project' actually intends to select a few good-looking detectives and let them be responsible for telling the outside media about the process of solving the case. Those detectives who actually solve the case will not appear in front of the media. .”


  Hearing this, Roan was shocked:

   "Are the higher-ups crazy? Let these vases take the credit from the detectives who really succeeded in solving the crime?"

  When this kind of thing happened, Luo An didn't dare to pat his chest to guarantee that he could solve every case, but he could pat his chest to assure that those so-called 'star detectives' would be 100% blacked out after get off work.

   "You think too much, Roan."

   Hearing Roan's words, Augustus rolled his eyes on his **** face. Of course, it was impossible for the FBI's senior management to do so, so he continued to explain:

   "These so-called 'star agents' are just a facade to deal with reporters, do you understand?

  They will not say that they broke the case themselves, but they will stand in for some detectives and answer questions in front of reporters. "

   "What about the credit and rewards after solving the case?"

   "Naturally, the detective who actually solves the case will get it."

  After listening to Augustus' narration, Roan rolled his eyes, the whole plan sounded full of mistakes and omissions.

Those detectives who really successfully solved the case, although they got their own rewards, were deprived of the right to be interviewed by the media. When they saw a little boy on TV instead of themselves, and talked about the process of solving the case, the ghost knew what was going on in his heart .

  Will you find an opportunity to shoot the opponent quietly?

   And what's the use of such a thing?

   Shouldn’t the core problem to be solved be to improve the success rate of solving crimes?

  Augus also felt that this kind of thing was unreliable, so he mainly reminded Roan today, and said with a serious expression:

   "Because your recent performance is very outstanding, and your height is about the same as mine, so you have been targeted by some people.

  They may invite you to join this "Star Detective" program, and they may even want you to shout the slogan "100% solve the case" and become a real "Star Detective," rather than a facade. "

   It turned out to be to remind myself not to be deceived, not to be fooled by those people.

  Roan suddenly realized, and understood the real purpose of Augustus telling himself this matter.

   "Thank you, sir."

  Roan nodded with a smile, got up and poured Augustus a cup of coffee:

   "I just want to solve the case quietly, make money quietly, and don't want to be famous at all."


  Augus nodded in satisfaction. He could tell that what Roan said was true.

  In the vast land of America, there are many lunatics, or people with abnormal brains.

If the FBI really establishes a "100% case-solving" agent, then these people will definitely kill people in different ways, kill a lot of people, do all kinds of weird and terrifying cases, and then let this agent go detect.

  Especially the group of "uncrowned kings" on American land, for the sake of ratings, they dare not say anything except some sensitive topics, and it is not impossible to blow this agent into Sherlock Holmes.

  But if the detective didn't solve any case, or made some mistakes in the process of handling the case, then...

  It's scary to think about it.

  Roan just wanted to solve the case, earn bonuses and thank you fees, and enjoy the life of this life. He had no idea of ​​fighting wits with those lunatics.

   Making a fortune in silence is the kingly way.

  Boom boom boom—

  There was a knock on the door of the team leader's office. Roan and Augustus turned their heads and saw that it was Lacey.

   "The suspect Sean has been sent to the interrogation room."


  Hearing Lacey's words, Roan nodded towards Augustus, got up decisively and left the team leader's office.

   But before he reached the door of the interrogation room, a phone call came in suddenly.

  Roan saw that it was Agent Norton.


  Pressed the answer button, Luo An chuckled and said:

   "Thank you for your hard work. Our No. 5 investigation team successfully received the suspect Sean. He is now in our interrogation room."

  Roan thought the other party was asking if he had successfully received someone.

   "When we were interrogating the prisoner just now, we learned a new piece of news, Roan."

  Norton on the other end of the phone grinned, with a strange voice:

   "Your investigation team, are you investigating a serial bank robbery recently?"

  (end of this chapter)