MTL - Legendary FBI Detective-Chapter 54 Auction Item No. 113 (Please read more! Please recommend!)

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  Chapter 54 Auction Item No. 113 (Please follow up! Please recommend!)

   "I must confirm the authenticity of this matter, Roan."

  After listening to Roan's narration, Vernis closed her eyes with a solemn expression, kneaded her temple with her right hand for a while, then opened her eyes, and said to Roan:

   "About that contact named Daisy, you ask Lydia to write down all the information she knows, and give it to me. I will find a way to check the specific situation of the other party."

   "Okay, sir."

  Roan nodded, took the pen and paper, turned and left the study.

  He knows how difficult this matter is, and the other party is the NSA, that is, the top level of the National Security Agency of the United States.

  A bar owner who wants to bring down the top of a well-known intelligence unit of the federal government.

  In the United States, a magical country where there is no corruption and all legal political donations, the success rate of this kind of thing is probably lower than Roan's success in the election and the probability of becoming president.

   But the matter still needs to be reported. Roan knew about it from Lydia, so he had a reason to be silenced by the NSA executives.

  Although Luo An has a system, he feels that there is a high probability that he will not die in a short while, but he does not want to become 007 and be targeted by governments.

   Finally, he was caught in the laboratory, where he conducted three links, two inspections and one research.

   But Roan didn't panic. After the previous observations, he found that Verinisi's background was not simple.

   This time is 2005. In the male-dominated FBI, Vernis can be the team leader as a woman. If she has no background at all, no fool will believe it.

  After seeing the jammer under the other party's desk just now, Roan believed in his own judgment even more.

Although I don't know what Verenice's background is, but seeing that she heard the whole incident, she didn't order herself to forget it on the spot, pretending that this incident never happened, but to confirm the authenticity of this incident. make a decision.

  Luo An's mouth curled slightly, this matter is settled.

  Let the big shots be dealt with by the big shots, and don't meddle in the struggles between parties and departments.

  As an ordinary FBI agent, getting some practical benefits is king.

   A few minutes later, Roan put the relevant information about "Daisy" that Lydia said on the desk, and Verenice nodded, signaling Roan to go out and wait for a while.

Close the brown box, edit the information of 'Daisy' into an email, and send it to the No. 2 investigation team leader who is on shift in the FBI New York branch building today. Vernis asked him to investigate the identity of the other party as quickly as possible, and the process confidential.

  Thirty minutes later, the information about 'Daisy' was encrypted and sent to Verenice's computer.

   Seeing an old woman in a car in the garage, shot to the forehead and died on the spot, the items in the apartment were not lost, but it was judged by the Los Angeles Police Department as a case of burglary, Vernis narrowed her eyes slightly.

   After a moment of contemplation, she bent down and took out a black phone with a big butt, pressed the number and called.

   "Why are you making this call, Verenes?"

  FBI Washington Headquarters, Clement, an elderly white man, saw the big-ass mobile phone handed to him by the secretary, with a serious expression on his face, and immediately sat up straight.

   But when he heard that it was Verenice on the other end of the phone, Clement immediately said very unhappy:

   "You know what this call is for, just for an agent?"

   "No, it's the NSA."

  Vernice didn't talk nonsense, and directly recounted the incident Roan said from a third-person perspective, and finally said with a serious expression:

   "That's the way it is. I'll send you the information later. Mr. Clement, the NSA has crossed the line this time."

  NSA, the National Security Agency of the United States, belongs to the Department of Defense, and its job is to monitor radio broadcasts, communications and the Internet.

  FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, under the Department of Justice, works on counter-terrorism, counter-espionage and criminal investigation.

   "You're right, someone crossed the line."

  After listening to Verinisi's words, Clement narrowed his eyes and thought slowly, guessing which high-level NSA executive did this, and at the same time thinking about how this matter could help his career.

   For example, take another step.

  Don't think that the intelligence organizations in the United States are harmonious. In fact, many times, they wish to kill each other on the spot and take power by themselves.

  The top of the intelligence community, who doesn't want to be Edgar Hoover.

   "You did a good job on this, Verenes."

  After thinking for a long time, Clement decided to talk to the head of the NSA in the White House tomorrow, and then smiled into the phone with great satisfaction:

   "As expected of members of our Clement family, even women are stronger than men in other families."

   "I didn't investigate this matter, Mr. Clement."

  Hearing the words on the other end of the phone, Vernis snorted coldly and said:

   "It was investigated by my agent Luo An, who you refused to join the foundation and said he was not qualified."


  Hearing this, Clement fell silent, then shook his head and smiled:

   "Virenes, I know you admire Roann Greenwood, but lying is not a good habit.

  You have to know that if you forcibly promote it to a high position without the corresponding ability, the final result can only be reduced to the mud under the feet of everyone. "

  Verinis didn't talk nonsense, and said directly:

   "Roan discovered the case."


   "The witness was found by Roan."


   "The other party applied for witness protection and was willing to testify in court, which was also persuaded by Roan."

  "...Okay, Vernis, don't say any more, I believe in you."

  Washington Headquarters, Clement patted his head very annoyed, with a complicated expression, finally sighed and said:

   "I promise you, I will pass Roan Greenwood's application to join the Columbus Foundation later, and at the same time raise his level to the level of a senior agent, is that okay?"

   "Not enough, Mr. Clement."

  Hearing the sigh on the other end of the phone, the corners of Verenice's mouth rose, and she was in a very good mood.

  Recalling what Roan said before when he narrated the case, saying that he had neither a car nor a house, Vernis twitched her eyelids and said:

   "A few days ago, the FBI internally notified that a group of criminals' stolen goods were going to be auctioned internally. I remember that there was a small apartment in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, worth 900,000 yuan. Why not sell it to Detective Roan for 500,000 yuan?"

   "NO! This joke is not funny, Verenes."

  Hearing this, Clement immediately raised his voice, and resolutely refused:

   "The market price of that apartment is more than 1.2 million, and the price of 900,000 is already the limit of the FBI's benefits for internal personnel. 500,000 is absolutely impossible. How about it, how about 800,000?"

   "500,000, that's it. I'll tell Roan later, and if he wants to buy it, I'll call you again."

  Verinis, who knew the inside story, twitched her mouth and hung up the phone without saying a word.

   "Damn it, you actually blackmailed your uncle!"

  Hearing the busy signal on the phone, Clement twitched, and took several deep breaths to suppress the unhappiness in his heart.

  However, 500,000 was also the starting price of that apartment. Clement didn't lose money, but he didn't make any money.

   Of course, for some people, no money is a loss.

   After a long silence, Clement got up and left the office. After opening the door, he threw the spanking phone into the secretary's arms, and said in a deep voice:

   "Prepare the car. I'm going to the White House office. In addition, temporarily remove item 113 from the list. Someone will contact you to buy it later."

  The secretary nodded, he was used to this kind of thing:

   "Okay, sir."

   Follow-up data is really important to the author, everyone, please don’t raise books, thank you!



  (end of this chapter)