MTL - Legendary FBI Detective-Chapter 24 case escalation

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  Chapter 24 Case Escalation

   "No, it's not that I came a step late, but I came too late."

  Nose wrinkled, Roan smelled a vague smell in the room, walked to the kitchen with a gloomy face, turned around twice, looked at Lacey with a blank face, and said:

   "Call the trace inspection team, we need to check carefully here."


   Lacey took out her phone obediently, and subconsciously asked after dialing the number:

"what have you found?"

  Roan's face was very ugly. Hearing Lacey's question, he grabbed the door of the refrigerator in the kitchen and slammed it open:

  Pieces of frozen meat were neatly placed in the refrigerator, and on the top shelf of the refrigerator, a female head with eyes open was quietly looking at Lacey on the opposite side of the refrigerator.


   Lacey was so frightened that she almost threw her phone out.

"What did you say?"

  The other end of the phone is very upset. What does it mean to swear at someone in the first sentence of the call?

   Half an hour later.

   "That Joseph can temporarily rule out the suspicion."

  On the other end of the phone was Mona's crisp voice, and she said calmly amidst the crackling keyboard:

"According to the information, Mr. Joseph is a freelance reporter. In recent months, there have been car accidents in the New York City area. He has been there. In the two hours before and after Sabina was kidnapped, he had been arguing with the program producers on NBC TV station. , there is no time to commit crimes."


  Roan nodded and continued to ask:

   "What did the boss of the newspaper where Serena works say? They said that they issued an announcement saying that Serena was fired because she lost contact for a week without reason. Didn't they send anyone to find Serena during this period?"

  Hearing Roan's question, Mona, who had already learned of Serena's death, said angrily:

"The owner of the newspaper said that they called Serena for a week but no one answered, so they fired Serena. As for going to Serena's house to find her. The owner of the newspaper said that they were busy with work and had no time to send someone there. See her at Serena's house.

   Moreover, freelance journalists like Serena are not in the minority, and there are quite a few who just play Lost Contact. Their newspapers have long been used to it. "

"All right."

  Roan nodded: "Thank you, Mona."

   Hanging up the phone, Roan found that Lacey had asked the patrolman to record Joseph's contact information and home address when he was on the phone just now, and then drove away the other party.

  Seeing the refrigerator on the side, Roan walked to Lacey and whispered:

   "Sorry, Lacey, I didn't mean to scare you."

  Roan was also shocked. He just smelled a strong smell of blood in the refrigerator, so he judged that the murderer killed the female reporter and stuffed it into the refrigerator.

   Lacey is a professionally trained FBI agent after all, seeing a dead body is not a big deal.

   But he never expected that the murderer would dismember the victim and put them neatly inside.

   also put his head on top.

"it's not your fault."

  Hearing Roan's apology, Lacey shook her head and said:

   "I was just thinking, from the perspective of the corpse, the murderer doesn't seem like the first time to kill, so how many women were killed by the murderer before that."


  Roan was silent, he couldn't answer this question.

  The United States has its own national conditions here. It is very rich in serial killers. Most of them kill women. No one knows how many women die at the hands of these perverts every year.

   Just as Roan was thinking about what to say to comfort Lacey, Neil, an agent from the trace inspection department, came over and handed Roan a small evidence bag with a serious tone:

   "We found a fingerprint that does not belong to Serena in the bathroom, and it has been sent back to the laboratory for comparison. There should be news coming soon.

  In addition, these are two credit cards found in the bathroom. After comparison, we judge that they are probably not the victim's credit card, and we did not find the victim's credit card. "

"OK, thanks."

   After receiving the physical evidence bag, Neil, an agent of the Trace Inspection Department, turned and left.

  Roan looked at the two credit cards inside with a very ugly face. Lacey on the side seemed to understand something, and hesitated:


   "If there is no accident, it should be that the owner of the credit card had an accident."

  Roan took out the Nokia again and called Mona:

   "Mona, look up the credit cards numbered **3 and **8, and find out who the owners of these two credit cards are."


  There was crackling typing on the other end of the phone, and Roan and Lacey were on the other end of the phone, who were speechless.

"found it."

  Three minutes later, Mona's voice came from the other end of the phone:

   "The owner of the two credit cards is named."

   Without waiting for Mona's introduction, Lacey interrupted her and asked directly:

   "The names don't matter, they're two women, right?"


  Mona felt that her throat was a little dry, but her heart was beating faster and faster, and her mind was getting more and more angry.

  Why do murderers always kill women? Why?

  Roan, who is a male, looked down at the owner information of the two credit cards that Mona sent him, saw that one of them lived in Brooklyn, pondered for a second, and then called Ryder.

   "What's the matter, Roan?"

  Ryder, who was looking into the information about the [Lake Female Corpse Serial Murder Case], was a little puzzled when he received a call from Roan, and asked:

   "Have you found any clues to the serial murder case?"

   "I found clues to the serial murder case, but not the serial murder case in your hands."

   Roan's words made Ryder a little confused, but Ryder still understood Roan's arrangement.

   "To an apartment in downtown Brooklyn, huh?"

  Ryder nodded, repeating Roan's arrangement for himself:

   "If there is a dead body inside, I will call you immediately, and contact the trace inspection department at the same time, right?"


  Hearing Roan's affirmation on the other end of the phone, Ryder said it was a trivial matter, and then hung up the phone.

  Hung up the phone, Roan stopped Lacey who was searching the room with Agent Neil of the Trace Inspection Section, and said:

   "Go back to the headquarters first, Lacey, this matter needs to be reported to the team leader Augustus."


  Investigation Team No. 5, eight o'clock in the evening.

  Mr. Darren is still sitting in the conference room at this time, waiting for news from his wife Sabina.

   It has been 14 hours since Sabina disappeared.

  In the team leader's office, Augustus sat on a chair, pressed his right hand to his forehead, and looked at Roan and Lacey with extremely complicated eyes:

   "So you mean, now [the missing and kidnapping case of the rich woman] has escalated into a new serial murder case?"

   "Actually, I'm not sure yet."

  Roan shook his head: "We don't know whether the owners of those two credit cards are alive or dead. Ryder went to the apartment in Brooklyn to investigate."

Jingle Bell-

   Halfway through the conversation, Nokia’s ringtone rang. Just as Roan pressed the answer button, Ryder’s standard loud voice came from the other end of the phone:

   "FUCK! Roan! You'll never guess what's going on here! There's a whole bunch of meat in the freezer! And"

   "OK, let's contact the trace inspection department."

   Before Ryder could finish speaking, Roan interrupted the other party calmly, then hung up the phone, looked up and said to Augustus:

   "It's a serial murder case now."

   Augustus: "."

   Please recommend! Please recommend!



  (end of this chapter)