MTL - Legendary FBI Detective-Chapter 170 Two guns to the chest and one head

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  Chapter 170 Two guns to the chest and one gun to the head

  The place where Alvar Miller lives is in the west of the Bronx, a place called the Fordham community.

  Here are mainly Latinos and blacks, whites account for a part, and almost no Asians.

  In addition, the rate of teenage mothers in this area is also higher than other areas and communities in New York.

  Later generations, here is known as one of the top ten dangerous areas in New York. After entering the night, the NYPD does not like to come to this area. The simple folk customs, freedom and harmony can be seen from it.

  However, the daytime scene of this area looks okay.

  Roan, who was fully armed, drove Ryder into the community and saw many roadside stalls selling things, and some black children running around on the street.

   "Be careful later, Roan."

   Seeing the relaxed and calm expression on Roan's face, Ryder, who was sitting in the co-pilot, silently grasped the Glock 18 in his hand, and said in a low voice:

   "The NYPD is not welcome in this area, let alone the FBI."

  Ryder said that he is not a racist, but it is an indisputable fact that the crime rate is high in places with many black people.

  The Fordham community is not very big, but there are more than a dozen black gangs.

   "Don't be nervous, Ryder, you have to trust the equipment on both of us."

  Roan turned the steering wheel and drove the SUV into another street, smiling and patted the weapon on his body.

  As usual, Roan was wearing a combat uniform at this time, with a plate-carrying vest on his chest, 10 shock bombs and 10 extended magazines in several bags on his waist, and two Glock 18s in his holster.

  Ryder's equipment is similar to Roan's.

  Evaluate the skills of the two of them again. As long as those gangsters are not at the same time and the same place, and ambushed the two of them beforehand, the remaining problems will not be very big.

   Seeing the calmness on Roan's face, Ryder's mood gradually calmed down.

  The bullet is the centering stone, and the equipment on the body is even more iron.

  The current No. 5 investigators all have subconscious confidence in Roan, and Ryder is no exception.

   After moving forward for a few minutes, the SUV slowly stopped beside a dilapidated two-story building.

  Push the car door and get out of the car. Some passers-by saw Roan and Ryder in full armor and decisively chose to leave here and take a detour.

  One of the survival wisdoms of living here is not to be curious + stay away from troublesome things that seem to be dangerous.

  This small building is a hotel. Ryder opened the door and entered. Just about to ask the black boss at the front desk, Roan sniffed his nose, frowned, looked around the layout of the hotel, and pointed his pistol at him.


  Ryder was taken aback for a moment, and immediately raised his pistol subconsciously.

  But the moment Ryder raised his arm, although the black boss didn't know why he was exposed so quickly, he chose to do it without hesitation, and immediately took out a pistol from under the table.

   Bang Bang!


  Three shots were fired, and as soon as the black boss made a move, Roan pulled the trigger decisively.

  Two bullets hit the chest, and one bullet hit the head. The black boss closed his eyes and collapsed backwards on the ground.


   Successfully sent away the black boss, Roan quickly dragged Ryder to hide behind the front desk.

   bang bang bang—

   Sure enough, in the next second, a series of bullets were shot from the stairs, hitting the position where the two were standing just now.

   Ignoring the slippery feeling brought by the blood of the black boss, although it is not clear what happened, Ryder, who is experienced in combat, immediately raised his pistol and fired back at the opponent.

   Not only that, Ryder also learned Roan's craft, taking advantage of the gap, took out a shock bomb from his waist and threw it over.


   Dazzling white light and deafening explosions suddenly erupted in the stairwell, and there was a burst of wailing from the enemies who shot.

   "Good job!"

  In the notes on the desk at the front desk, Roan, who successfully found the room where Aval Miller lived, patted Ryder on the shoulder with satisfaction, and then reached out to motion him to look at the cabinet he had opened.

  Ryder looked back, and there was a dead Latino girl lying in the cabinet.

   Obviously, this girl is the front desk of the hotel.

   "The smell of blood is too strong, my nose is more sensitive."

   Explained casually, facing Ryder's admiring gaze, Roan told the room where Aval Miller was, and then whispered:

   "Call for backup, quick fix."


   Received the order, Ryder immediately pressed the communicator, Roan jumped up and jumped over the front desk.

  At this time, on the stairs, there were several black youths lying on the ground and howling, and several black youths were bending over to pull them upstairs.

  Seeing Roan's figure, the expressions of several black youths who were bending over to pull him changed, and they all raised their weapons towards Roan.

   Before these people could react, Roan threw another shock bomb towards the stairs the moment he stepped out of the table.


   The moment the shock bomb exploded, Roan immediately pulled the trigger of the Glock 18.

   bang bang bang—

   A series of gunshots rang out, and watermelon juice was immediately sprinkled on the stairs.

  Ryder completed the task of calling for support at this time, and ran to Roan's side.

  Standing at the stairs on the first floor, Roan threw two shock bombs upstairs again, then raised his left hand and waved it, no nonsense:

   "You left and I right!"

"no problem!"

  Ryder stood in front of Roan, rushed up to the second floor, shot down the two black men who were about to attack him, and then moved towards the rooms on the left side of the second floor.

  Roan walked up to the second floor expressionlessly, hid by the wall at the stairway, pointed his gun at the ground and was knocked down by Ryder, but the black man with the gun who didn't know if he was dead or not, pulled the trigger and chose to make up the knife.

  The other party still had a gun in his hand, and Roan didn't want himself and Ryder to be backstabbed by these guys because of their negligence.

  However, Roan made up the knife not on the heads of these black men, but on their left and right chests.

  After today's incident is over, he and Ryder will definitely be questioned and investigated.

   If the knife shoots these people's heads and smashes them, then some guys who have been eyeing Roan for a long time will accuse him of his tongue.

  Luo An always likes to look a few steps forward when doing business.

  Especially now that Vernis is still lying in the hospital.

   Replaced with a new magazine, Roan disappeared in a flash, and checked every room on the right side of the corridor at a fast speed.

   There was no one in the front rooms, until Roan was getting closer to the room where Alvar Miller was, when a burly black man with a short gun suddenly jumped out.

  Seeing Roan, who was a head shorter than himself, the burly black man grinned.

  The flames from the muzzle roared out.

   Bang Bang!


  Three shots were fired, and the face of the burly black man froze.

  The next moment, the strong black man's hands and feet were numb, and he lost control of his limbs. The short submachine gun that hadn't had time to fire fell to the ground powerlessly.

  Looking at the strong black body, Roan blew on the muzzle of the Glock 18, bowed his head and spit:

  He looks so ugly, why are you laughing?

   Walked into the room in a vigilant posture, and there was a white man shot in the chest lying on the ground, and the windows of the room had been completely shattered.

  The white man is not Aval Miller, but his face is somewhat similar to him.

  Going to the window, checking the shards of glass and finding that it was from the inside to the outside, Roan judged that someone should have jumped from the room and escaped here.

  Roan turned around, and just bent down to check the injury of the white man on the ground to see if he was dead, when the man suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, struggled and whispered:


  (end of this chapter)

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ComedyRomanceSlice Of Life