MTL - Legendary FBI Detective-Chapter 106 real robber

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  Chapter 106 The real robber

   "Henry Mitchell, the owner of Golden Light Pictures.

  According to the data, the economic situation of Cotai Films two months ago was very poor, making ends meet, and it was only a matter of time before it went bankrupt. "

  Mona picked up the laptop and left the interrogation room with Roan. After returning to her workstation, she tapped on the keyboard with her ten fingers and explained:

  “But last month, Cotai Pictures suddenly received a large capital injection.

  Now this company not only has not closed down, but has started to prepare new movies. "

  Roan frowned upon hearing this:

   "Who is funding this company? Can you find it?"

   "As you know, there is a lot of information about shell companies in Hollywood, overseas companies, bad debts, etc. It is impossible to find out the source of the money injection with our No. 5 investigation team alone."

  Mona shook her head, Hollywood has always been a mess.

  In addition to the insiders who can guess the accounts of the company based on past experience, even the people on Wall Street have been tricked by Hollywood.

   "So, you mean."

   Seeing Mona shaking her head, and thinking of the photo she saw on the computer just now, Roan frowned:

   "The man sitting opposite Henry drinking coffee in the photo, is there a problem?"


  Mona gave Roan a "good reaction speed" look, and after typing a few times on the keyboard, the other party's identity information was called out:

   "The man sitting opposite Henry Mitchell is named Isaac Mitchell, 37 years old this year, and is Henry's half-brother.

  He has served in the military overseas for more than 10 years. At the beginning of this year, he just retired from a certain region abroad and returned to the Federation. His economic level is average and he can only be regarded as the middle class. "

   Speaking of which, the corners of Mona's mouth raised slightly, and after typing a few times on the keyboard, a ticket purchase record jumped out:

   "Because of the other party's military experience, I just wanted to check whether the other party has been to New York recently.

   What I didn't expect was that just a week before the first bank robbery, he actually came to New York by plane!

   Not only that, but on the third day after the fourth bank robbery, Isaac left New York in a newly bought pickup truck. "

  After listening to Mona's words, Roan's eyes lit up instantly.

  Flying to New York just to buy a pickup here?

  Luo An got up on the spot, clapped his hands to attract the attention of the technicians of the No. 5 investigation team, and then said loudly:

   "Guys! We now have a new suspect!"

   After briefly describing Isaac's situation, Roan continued:

   "Next, we're going to find out everything this Isaac did in New York! I want everyone to find out where he went after he got off the plane, where he lived, what he bought, and everything else!

  I have a hunch that we are not far away from finding this group of bank robbers! "

"no problem!"

   "Leave it to us!"

  After listening to Luo An's words, all the technicians nodded decisively and agreed.

  The next second, the sound of crackling keyboards began to resound throughout the office area of ​​the No. 5 investigation team.

  Seeing this, Roan hooked his mouth slightly, then turned and went to Augustus' office.

  Boom! Boom!

   After knocking on the door a few times, Roan heard Augustus' voice pushing the door open.

  But as soon as he entered the office, Roan found that Augustus's complexion didn't look very good.

  The mobile phone was thrown on the table, obviously just hung up, and Augustus's **** face turned pale with anger.

   "Sorry, sir."

  Roan frowned, and asked in a low voice:

   "How about I come back later?"

"Need not."

  Augus took a deep breath, looked at Roan calmly, and asked:

   "Have you found any important clues?"


  Luo An nodded, briefly described the matter of Jinguang Films, and finally explained:

   “I now suspect that the one who injected capital into Jinguang Pictures is very likely to be that Isaac.

  But because the companies and accounts in Hollywood are not clear to ordinary people, and no one in our No. 5 investigation team understands these, so..."

  Although Roan Greenwood majored in accounting, Roan had almost forgotten all that knowledge at this time.

  Relying on him to check the accounts, Roan felt that he might have to go back to university to attend classes first.


  After listening to Roan's narration, Augustus understood what he meant, so he agreed decisively:

   "You guys go and find out about Isaac, the source of the capital injection of Jinguang Pictures, and I will solve it."

   "Okay, sir."

  Hearing that Augustus agreed without hesitation, Rome raised his eyebrows.

   Does he have IRS contacts?

   Turned around and left the team leader's office. After more than an hour, with the efforts of everyone in the No. 5 investigation team, this Isaac's itinerary in New York was successfully checked.

   "According to the surveillance video at the airport, after getting off the plane, Isaac took a taxi and went straight to Brooklyn."

  William bent down and looked at the screen on the computer, and introduced:

   "According to the surveillance video, I contacted the taxi driver. He recalled it carefully and remembered that Isaac went to a small community in Uptown Brooklyn."

  The driver didn't know which house in the community Isaac went to after getting off the car.

  In this small community, except for the surveillance video at the gates around it, the interior of the community is completely dark.

   "However, when I checked the information of the residents in this community, I found a comrade who fought with Isaac in a certain area abroad."

  Mona followed William's message and said:

   "This man's name is Horki Garcia, white, 39 years old, and returned to the Federation a year earlier than Isaac.

  No family, alcoholism and gambling, very poor economic level. "


  Isaac and Holkey are both white, and both have military experience. They are exactly the same as the robbers in the previous four robberies. Roan nodded, and then continued to ask:

   "Is there any other information?"

  William heard the words and continued:

   "When the four robberies occurred, the community monitoring did not find any traces of the two leaving or entering the community."

  Roan's expression remained unchanged. After all, these two came back alive from the battlefield, and avoiding surveillance was nothing to them.

"Another point."

  Mona tapped on the keyboard with ten fingers, then raised her head and said:

   "The location of this neighborhood is just east of the bank robbery.

   And one of the female employees in the first bank robbery, her mother lived in this community. "

   When Luo An heard the words, his eyelids moved, and he tilted his head and asked:

   "This Horky, where is it now?"

   "Already left New York."

  Mona shrugged, pointed to the information in the computer and said:

   "Like Isaac, Holkey bought a pick-up truck and drove out of New York on the third day after the fourth bank robbery.

  Recent spending records show that Holkey is in California, driving a yacht and sunbathing.

  The only downside is that there seems to be no beauties on this yacht. "



   "Biaozi raised it!"

  Hearing this, all the technicians in the No. 5 investigation team cursed in a low voice.

  Leaving the team leader's office, Augustus, who was discussing the situation with everyone, put his hand on his chin and frowned:

   "In this situation, we can roughly judge that Isaac and Holkey are the real robbers in the previous four robberies.

   However, the accounts of Cotai Films have not been found out in a short time. The information you mentioned are also indirect clues. We must find a way to find direct clues. "


  Hearing what Augustus said, all the technicians of the No. 5 investigation team frowned.

   "We can check the house that Holkey rented some time ago, and the warehouse he rented."

  Luo An chuckled and attracted everyone's attention. He pointed to the information in the computer and said:

   "These two places have not been rented out yet, we can go here to search, maybe we will find some useful clues."

  Ryder and Lacey were still on their way back, so after a brief chat with the agents, Roan took Mona to the equipment warehouse.

  On the road, Mona, who was sitting in the co-pilot and looked down at the surveillance video a few days before the bank robbery, felt suspicious in the SUV that was moving forward smoothly and at an average speed.

  What happened to Roan today?


  The dark SUV slowly parked on the road diagonally opposite the community.

  The investigation of Holky's house this time, because it is impossible to judge whether someone will tell Holky about this matter afterwards.

  So in order not to startle the enemy, Roan and Mona only brought the FBI equipment into the car this time, and did not wear it on their bodies.

   Both of them were wearing ordinary clothes on weekdays at this time, and pretended to be an ordinary couple who came out to find a house.

   But you still have to bring a pistol.

   After carefully inspecting the Glock 18 and the corresponding extended magazines, Roan raised his mouth slightly, and then opened the door and got out of the car.

  (end of this chapter)