MTL - Legend of the Great Saint-v14 Chapter 2 Li Long

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With the emptied beast named "Deep Blue", the world of Wuzhou continues to expand as it continues to swallow in the void. Almost every moment, new land, sea and sky are created, and there are strange animals and plants, as well as indigenous peoples from all over the world.

At the beginning, Li Qingshan, who is the **** of the world, needs to be divided into simple divisions: animals are placed on the mainland of the beast, human beings are placed on the central continent, and human races with special blood are placed differently. People's mainland (they insist on calling themselves "the gods and continents")

Later, his will gradually transformed into a part of the will of the world, and the world law will automatically divide all living beings, resembling the operation of six reincarnations.

The aborigines suddenly lost their homes, but their moods were very different.

The practitioners from all over the world regard the world of Wuzhou as a paradise. Not only does it have a richer aura of heaven and earth, but it can also accommodate more advanced practitioners without having to venture into the sky.

The most important thing is that the Tianshu Building stores the accumulation of humanity in the world for millions of years. It was covered by Li Qingshan, including the core "Wanxiang Tianshu". This is not comparable to any sect in any world, any method of practice.

All of this is completely open to everyone, even if mortals can go shopping, this will make the cultivators who have just arrived here ecstatic, forgetting the wrath of the world. For the practitioners, nothing is more important than their own cultivation. The world is the place that wants to be separated. Now it is equivalent to flying up.

Everyone's mood can be much worse. After all, they have lost all their property in an instant. Although they have been allocated new land under the arrangement of the world, they are often more fertile and broader than the original land, but it will inevitably still be There is a sentimental feeling of leaving home.

However, there is no resentment, because all the land is completely distributed according to the head of the people. It is almost a **** battle for a social movement that "plays local tyrants and divides fields."

No matter which world they are in, they are all "rich and poor, poor people", "the rich are Tianlian, and the poor have no place to stand." This "average rich card" is played down. Most people say that their mood is stable and they are happy, and the world will be our great savior.

So most of the mortals are happy, the upper-level practitioners are happy, and the little one in the middle is happy and unhappy, which means that it is insignificant.

However, whether it is sentimental or resentful, it quickly disappeared. Compared with the long-lived practitioners, the life of a mortal is too short. It takes only a short time for a generation to become a hometown.

Between the fields, the smoke, the golden wheat fields, the bare-footed children running and fighting, they still do not understand so many sorrows and joys, but all from the heart want to become practitioners.

Traveling around the countryside, the storytellers from the “Yunxu Society” portrayed them with a magnificent dream. Tell them that as long as you work hard, you can become a practitioner when you grow up. This is the promise of the great King Li Qingshan.

A farmer looked at the scene from afar, showing a gratifying smile, and flashing a strange color, thinking: "He was too weak when he was a child, so he was determined to do so."

This thought flashed past and did not dare to think too much. The **** of the world can be of no benefit, even if everyone is a fellow countryman, but there is not much deep friendship, and that one is obviously not very old.

He walked leisurely in the golden wheat waves, and the rough hands touched the wheat, and the gentleness was like touching his children.

"Well, this year is another big harvest!"

He is not an ordinary farmer, but a practitioner from a farmer. Now he has been through three days of robbery, and he is called a "big master". There are only a handful of people in the world of five continents.

Among the 100 families, the farmer's practice is the slowest, and often there is no talent to choose the farmer, so he is really a "genius."

When he was called for the first time, he was shocked and laughed for a long time.

The last time he was called a genius, he was still in the oxen village of his youth. At that time, he was the best genius in the village. He was not only the eldest son of the village chief, but also the iron fist doorkeeper, and he was accepted as a disciple. What awe-inspiring style.

Oh, then,

That one is still a cow!

It is also known for its unsociable character and strange words and deeds. It has also been badly possessed by ghosts, and it has been better to be rehabilitated by the goddess. However, he still is a loner, and he also likes to talk to himself and talk to the cow. Everyone agrees that it is difficult for him to find a wife in this life, and it is difficult for him to be a bachelor for a lifetime.

Looking back now, the reason why he was bullied by his brother and sister could not be said to have no reason.

"Hey, how can I be thinking again?"

He has long been determined to bury these memories in the deepest part of his heart, and he will not confide a word to anyone, so as not to annoy the one.

Of course, he just said that few people are willing to believe that "Xia Wang Ye" actually has such awkward time. In addition to the few deceased Kyushu, most people think that he is born to fight, can do anything!

However, the "secret" thing, the deeper it is hidden, the more it can't help but think, and the more you think, the more you feel. They also came to a "top matchup" in order to compete for the title of "The First Yingjie of Wo Niu Village"!

"Forget it, I think it doesn't matter at all. He can't always pay attention to this world. Oh, I don't believe it. Can Li Qingshan still have a big thunder to die?"

A simple black face raised a mysterious smile, quite a kind of peasant-style jealousy.

"Boom!" A thunderous thunder broke through the sky, falling on his face, a black face became The smile suddenly stiffened on his face.

A voice suddenly sounded from behind: "Oh? Li Long, is it that I am being bullied?"

Li Long slowly turned around and saw Li Qingshan's hands on his waist. He was standing on the undulating Mai Lang, his fingertips twirling the electric spark, and looking at him with a look of fun.

Li Long said with a serious face: "That can't be said! It is the unfortunate encounter of young people. It makes you realize that the world is unfair, and you are determined to see the road, help you, and he is a great man."

“Tell it well!” Li Qingshan smiled and said: “There is no **** in the head, and the justice is only in the knife!” A heroic rushing into the sky, provoked the turbulent winds and the tens of thousands of miles.

This is the sentiment of his childhood. Now he has traveled six times and saw the gods and devils. It is still the same thought.

Li Long sighed with a sigh of relief, and he was sweating in his heart. Sure enough, the bad things of the **** of the world, even in the heart can not talk, think about whether you want to go to the one who is like a friend, to discuss a cup of water to drink.

Li Qingshan suddenly bowed his head and asked: "Fellow, can you help me?"

Listening to this "township", Li Long's liver was trembled, without hesitation, slamming his chest: "That is of course, the King of the King but there is a command, Li Long has nothing to do." You are the world God, most of the land is not big, I want to be a farmer, and where can I help you.

Li Qingshan smiled slightly: "Go to the magic domain!"