MTL - League of Legends: My Age-Chapter 434 Reasons to win

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After the BP was over, Zhang Qiu returned to the lounge, Ye Xuanxuan glared at him: "... Old ball! Why is it a card? Even if you want to be stable, choose a fierce hero, and you will be alive. Isn't Li Sangzhuo still on the court? Obviously played! Win the game 3-0 at a stretch! "

Laoqiu smiled: "It is because he has played obviously that he has to train more. The old wolf can't go far by himself."

Ye Xuanxuan blinked. In fact, he understood the truth, but ... "The old wolf is probably uncomfortable, I think he wants to play assassin."

Although Li Mu agreed with his mouth, in his eyes, he really missed it.

"Who wants him to be our king, and he who wants to wear a crown will be weighed down."

With that said, Lao Qiu smiled very happily!

At the scene, with the cheers of fans from both teams, the third game officially opened ...

The two sides are normal on the line, get off the road, and start a rally when they meet. Both sides have a confident combination. The troll's first-level cold pillar, a pillar rises, slows down Heville, and the bull's head is weak, but Xiaobai Rich experience, before the plane came up, it had stuck the plane's position, so that the plane could not release the skills to the slowed-down Sivil, and could only output the firepower to the bull's head.

In the face of Sieville's attack, a bull's head smashed and smashed the trolls who came forward. At the same time, Xiao Ye continued to output to the trolls in the distance, a blade of maneuver, and two stages of damage.

In this wave of exchanges, the two sides seemed fierce, but in fact they all had reservations. They were all aided in beatings. None of the summoner skills were handed over. The fierceness took prudent restraint. The blood bottle temporarily gave up his irritability, and began a relatively peaceful rhythm of the development of the troop. Into took a deep breath, and his experience was more abundant. He just felt a little tricky when he played just now. The pair of opponents on the opposite side, every time he played, Feeling different, this round is obviously different from the previous round! This is not as the experience of the competition grows, it becomes stronger and stronger, and the progress is very obvious ...

This made Into feel a little anxious, and he wanted to break the opposite state.

At this point, Art's brain is moving fast in the wild.

The news that the coach weight is about to leave, he is the most shocked of all.

Art is a sacrificial jungler. In addition to the first wave of monsters, in the back, his economy is often given to the middle order for various reasons. Needless to say, the blue Buff. Stoneman, F4 he can't eat for a long time. Yes, this led him to spend a lot of time in a situation where there was no field to be brushed into, and he could only invade the opposite wild area to find opportunities.

As the saying goes, often walking near the river, how can there be wet shoes, not to mention, after the opponent figure out his style of jungle, often one or two wild areas defense eye position, can detect his movements, and finally lead to a The serious consequences of the series, so he often blames for losing games.

Fans scolded him, and the top management of the team did not like him, but the weight coach has always supported him!

"Art is the best jungler, but our tactics require him to make these sacrifices! If it weren't for our team, Art would not be much worse than the world's top wild kings in Ldm!"

Since the beginning of his professional career, Art has not received much praise. The thousands of fans of other players have started from ten, and thousands of people are active. His fan base ... dozens of kittens and puppies, among which There are more than a dozen advertising dogs who come in to advertise. He was not willing to delete it. He was afraid that there would be fewer people who deleted the group ...

The weight coach is his Bole, and frankly, without weight, he may have retired long ago, playing live broadcast, or returning to his hometown to help his dad open a business, which is also a good way out.

"This game must win, must!"

He read this sentence over and over in his heart, and must win!

Do not fight for anything else, just fight for a match! Must win!

At this time, he had just finished the toad, and the male gun had a good advantage in brushing the wild. With each shot, the monster can be repelled by a small step. Although it is not completely harmless, it also greatly reduces the attack of the monster on the male gun The frequency, however, this time, it took Art a long time to beat the toad, because he didn't use the punishment of the toad according to the practice of playing wild.

In this version, the main reason why the wilds start with toads or stone people is that the punishment of wild monsters has special effects. For example, the punishment of the three wolves of the big wolf will give birth to a wolf spirit that monitors the wild areas and punishes the toads. , Will get extra toxin Buff, when attacking or being attacked, it will poison the enemy and have a good efficiency increase on the brush field.

Art actually has a very deep research on Tank's junglers. This is a very reckless man!

However, in Kaiye's routine, Tank basically does not change much. The first wave of rhythm must be done after playing the first Buff monster.

That ’s also the practice of playing wild, but in fact, after playing the first group of Buffs, it has already risen to the second level, and eating another Buff monster is also just to increase the success rate of Gank or the efficiency of subsequent wild brushing. I want to be in the early Gank line. When you go up, you must start with the red hand first. In this pair, the double lane is normally on the bottom lane. The red square hits the jungle. There is only one option. You can drive from the top stone man and get the red buff to go online to do things. , And this is also very consistent with Tank's jungle style.

If it is a normal match, Art will definitely prioritize stability. However, brushing the game according to the routine is the best choice based on experience. However, this optimal choice has been proven in many games. Take LANG There is no way for this team.

Normally, BO5 will definitely lose, but you ca n’t beat, but LID is very strong, but, like a beast chess, an elephant will be smashed by a mouse, and LANG is the mouse that defeated the elephant like LID!

But ah but!

Art thought, even in the beastly chess game, elephants always step on dead mice, right?

So they win one game! It's okay too!

If you ca n’t win normally, do n’t play normal!

Can the Wolf King draw a picture just because his opponents play cards according to the normal routine, if he suddenly does not play cards according to the routine?

Just as he is now, the second level of the male gun learned the E skill and quickly pulled the gun, then came to Dalongkeng, he went up, he had punishment, and Tank should be hitting the red Buff at this time, he must have given the punishment to him. On the Big Stoneman, in order to get the stun Buff for punishing the Big Stoneman: every 5 base attacks cause a stun effect on creeps and non-epic monsters.

Through the bushes on the back of the Red Buff camp, and into the bushes near the wall of the Red Buff camp, a red Buff who was beaten to the blood was fighting furiously.

The commentary was already shouting, "Qian Qian has no punishment. Note that the punishment of male guns is good! This wave of invasion is a bit classic, but this is not the style of Art for a long time, so Tank never dreamed of a male gun ... Art punished! Tank was a little stunned, the male gun came out, but fortunately Qian Qian had a dance of wild arrows, which was not slowed down by the red Buff! But Qian Qian lost the red Buff, and it can be said that the martial arts was abolished! "

"Yes! This wave of invasion is quite the essence of a male gun! Chisao also cares, you should think that when the male gun is in the blue side, there will be such a surprise attack."

Cheng Feng was so angry that his mouth was crooked, but he can only blame himself. The invasion of the male gun can be said to be a small routine. It is often seen in Rank, but when the game, everyone is relatively stable, and, according to him against Art It is understood that although this person is a sacrificial jungler, but because he has been letting monsters for a long time, his character pays more attention to the first wave of monsters he can get. In this way, he takes the risk and invades the first monster. Things he would not do.

But he did it, and he succeeded. He grabbed the red Buff. Cheng Feng didn't even dare to brush F4. He could only hit the three wolves. "My ..."

At this moment, the war broke out again on the lower lane, and there was no second-level on either side, but when I saw that the two sides were playing in the upper half of the field, they almost started to move, and they wanted to use their personal abilities online. Get the advantage.

In the two-lane imperial city PK, the first-level bull head was very injured, but the opposite troll was also uncomfortable. The AD fight and assisted the injury. The two sides evenly split the game again and pulled away regardless of the outcome.

But everyone knows that don't think of stability and peace on the way down!

Xiao Ye is excited. In this game, I obviously feel that Into is a little different, but the alignment of this fight is also his favorite rhythm. It is best to make the fight more fierce! Trained by the old wolf for a whole season, he was already full of gunpowder in his heart-how could he not win the old wolf!

Therefore, these opponents on the field became Xiao Ye's target for fire.

Li Mu's camera cuts and cuts. The fight between the wild area and the lower lane instantly formed an impression in his mind. The male gun punishment time was 2 minutes and 12 seconds. The lower lane, the plane and the troll did not make a double call, it looked fierce. In fact, there are some reservations, "Xiao Baixiao Ye be careful, the other side did not use all their strength."

"Chengfeng, you can quickly level up, you can stabilize in the early stage, the Art style has changed, but it is not necessarily a good thing for them as a whole."

Li Mu and the Gushen lined up while commanding.

Melon works very hard and has stabilized his position ~ ~ but there is no effective way to take cards. Lulu ’s problem is that he does not have enough explosive ability, and, due to the opposite, is the Wolf King, Lulu's shining spear is not good. This person is just a script of the machine program.

Fortunately, the men's guns started smoothly. As long as he stabilizes, he can have a chance to win. Compared to Art, the relationship between God and Weight is actually deeper. The two are friends early on. Leader.

If you say that in the previous two games, deep in his heart, his deepest desire for victory is to defeat the Wolf King himself and lead the team to victory.

Now, he has only one goal with all his heart, to win, no matter how he wins, as long as he can win!

So, it doesn't matter if you don't own Carry, it doesn't matter if you are a green leaf, it is OK to be pressed by the wolf king on the line.

Just win! What about persuading a turtle?

The conditions for victory, regardless of how many heads you took, but to push the opponent's main crystal first!

(United League inherits the golden age, Fang Shuo and Wang Zhelin are remarkable. The other ... are all ah, ah ...)