MTL - League of Legends: 700 Years Later-Chapter 58 Rude animal

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"Ice... It will be, but..."

Xiaotian said, it seems that some of them are suffering. Bayi Chinese Network W★wW. ★81zくW. CoM

"It will do, go out and cloth 4 red and 1 blue, don't die, no problem?"

Ye Che chose a hero and said casually.

"No, no problem!"

Cloth 4 red 1 blue out, and just keep not dead, it should be able to do, Xiaotian thought.

As for the selection of the ball girl, she has been watching the cold eyes. In any case, she has no hope of this game. The b-class team is simply unattainable for the present.

The hairy bird and I love the chrysanthemum, and at the moment I did not care what Ye Che was saying, and they were sighing at the side.

"This kind of bureau can't be counted in the early stage, but it can only rely on itself in the later stage."

Then you can't choose meat on the road, or support a hero with strong ability, but choose a hero who can be 1v5 later.

Ye Che touched his chin and watched the hero statue fall into meditation.

The ability to fight on the road is strong, and the hero who can really be 1v5 in the later stage is also a few in the s5, weapons, Raven, Jian Ji and so on.

But like the barbarians, Olaf and the like, but too much equipment, the characteristics of mobility and skills are also somewhat weak.

Taking into account the weapons and eating equipment is too strong, Ye Che's eyes began to swing between Raven and Jian Ji.

Both of these heroes are explosive and one of the most easy to snowball heroes.

Suddenly, Ye Che’s eyes brightened, and it was the progress of the game around s5. Jian Ji was not revised at this moment.

"Speaking, I really miss it." He whispered.

Between s7 and s5 is separated by two years. The pleasure of Jian Ji in that era is 5 seconds. It has become a legend.

As for Raven, although there are fine-tuning of the cut, it has not been completely redone.

"Okay, it's you."

Ye Che’s eyes narrowed and he walked into the front of the statue of Jian Ji.

"This is also called the challenge? The rude beast!"

Sword Ji Fiona's cold and full of oppressive tone, instantly appeared in Ye Che's mind, and immediately a feeling of being surrounded by the Queen appeared.

"Oh, the opposite is indeed a rude beast."

Ye Che quite agrees to nod and inadvertently waits for the beginning of this game.

Jian Ji?

The face of the scene is unconscious and somewhat ugly. This hero is brittle, and there is no control and no reduction.

In her opinion, in addition to the big tricks that Jian Ji can see, the other three skills are simply special.

Passive is also, a soldier returns blood, a hero doubles back to blood, but others have a blood-sucking scimitar to completely catch the passiveness of this sword Ji?

Turning a blank eye, the situation is completely ignorant of this game.

Ye Che did not notice the look of the scene, but looked at the opposite side with some curiosity. What hero is going to use for his own sword?

At this time, both the upper middle and the middle of the field have been confirmed, the Suiju team's road Jian Ji, the middle road ball female, playing wild letters.

The killing team took a robbery in the middle of the road, and the robbery was also for the ball girl.

When the ball is a big move, as long as the robbing hand gets up quickly, it can completely make the ball woman a big move.

Perhaps in order not to completely eliminate the chopper team, this instant killing team took another doom, that is, when the big move opened, the crows of a group of scarecrows.

As for the order, the opposite side obviously has some understanding of the hero of Jian Ji, knowing that Jian Ji had a resistance in the early stage, and immediately took a promise.

Abbreviation, the hand of primary school students.

When the hero did not change the version, the q skill is instantaneous, as long as this sword Ji dare to come over to make up the knife, immediately is one, to ensure that there is no temper.

The man who chose the novice thought of this scene, and smiled hazy.

Let you dare to choose Jian Ji to order, after all, the promise of the early stage is to rely on the harm of q skills to eat, that injury does not dare to look directly before the revision.

The scene also noticed this targeted choice, and my heart was even more annoyed. I suddenly said to the birdman that I was not angry. "I still grind what, this kind of election is different."

The hairless birdman listened and had to cry and smack his face and took a nurse.

"Nima, I can't beat it, but I can't do it. As long as I die less, I won't lose my pot."

When I think of it, the more the bird feels, the more sensible the nurse is.

At the same time that the birdman and Xiaotian chose the nurse's ice, the opposite side had already selected the hammer stone and Weien. These two heroes took it, obviously the opposite side had already planned a massacre.

"Wow, it's open!"

"This sword Ji is so good, with the transmission, is this going to be a breeding stream?"

"It’s also a no-brainer. I’m going to ignite a set of picks!”

"But this girl looks like a sister paper, I really envy her can be killed by me."

A group of fans of the Instant Killing team began to chatter, and the game began to black up the Curtain team.

However, this is also a matter of course, a well-known b-level team, one in the public team are almost the bottom, who is not black.

"Look, go out, my robbing door is so handsome."

There are flowers and crazy female fans holding their hands in the chest, saying intoxicated.

However, no one cares about her. Many people start to wonder if they will play a group. However, watching the squadron team mad at the red buff is not able to fight.

The Instant Killing team didn't want to fight anymore. After all, it can rely on the strength to win online. Why bother to increase the accident.

"Go all online, don't use any skills when you play wild, ice and nurse, just take two."

After Ye Che finished, one person had been sluggish and went to the grass in the lower side of the dragon.

"Ah, why?"

Xiaotian was puzzled and asked, and the birdman was a bit stunned.

After all, even if he doesn't play again, he knows that when he helps to kill the buff, the skill efficiency will be much faster.

Ye Che’s face sank and said: “This is the first time and the last time. I don’t want to hear you again for the second time.”

From the beginning of the game, the scene has been closed, and some accidentally looked at Ye Che, as if he... a little different.

"Oh, okay."

Xiaotian sees Ye Qi looks like he is angry, and he should be busy.

As for my love of chrysanthemums, I also licked my mouth. Anyway, this is the case. It doesn't matter if you don't put skills to help yourself.

Ye Che is also no way, the battle is changing rapidly, and what he thinks about is a battle-related thing.

At that time, there was time to explain to him why it would be easy to make mistakes.

So it is better to be serious now, lest he hesitate to listen to the command.

Can this one win, to be honest, for Ye Che, a big change is on the ice.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Ye Che will not be so arrogant to his teammates, but this day is not how to play, and the win and loss of this game is related to his credit.