MTL - League of Legends: 700 Years Later-Chapter 38 Comprehend metality

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“The transfer of skills has been completed!”

The voice of indifference sounded in Ye Er's ear. Bayi Chinese Network Wくw★W√. 81くzW. CoM

Then Ye Che only felt that the original heavy head was clear, and the clear eyes returned to the Qingming.

The moment he recovered, he looked to the right.

The black mans there have not dissipated.

"I understand!"

This kind of black mans should be the power of the ranks, and the skills of the heroes are derived from this power.

Thinking of this, Ye Che’s heart moved, and the mind went to the palm of the badge to gather.

"Fatal blow!"

He sang high and saw the black mans that had to be dissipated, and suddenly fluctuated.

With Ye Che’s high hands, he condensed on his hands, and at the same time, a faint sword shadow appeared.


Ye Che re-drinks, the black light is as conscious as it is, lingering around the body, and then the faint rune shield emerges.

"Congratulations 2o17 to comprehend the deadly blows and courage, to obtain Demacia's power pieces 2o, when the proficiency points reach 10,000, and at the same time have 1oo pieces, you can get the ultimate skills."

Ye Che did not pay attention to this sentence, but he closed his eyes at this time.

"This is the power of the heroic fantasy world..."

Ye Che said to himself, he felt a powerful force, from the hero's badge of the palm.

Then enter the body, without a moment, can be aware that all parts of the body are surrounded by this power.

It’s just that this force is very weak and very thin.

"It is estimated that only three fatal blows can be used, and once courage, this power will be exhausted."

Ye Che's brow wrinkled, but he has already had a strong curiosity.

Because he feels that this force has an unusual change when it comes to fatal blows and courage skills.

"try again!"

Ye Che's eyes opened and his legs twitched slightly, then leaped forward.

"Fatal blow!"

It was at this time that the unusual feeling reappeared.

Ye Che quickly focused his attention on his hands.

The black power, in his use of a fatal blow, appeared in vain, a sharp sense of sharpening the iron, appeared.

At the same time, his entire body has broken through certain restrictions, and his degree has changed rapidly.

"This sharpness is like a sharp metal?"

Ye Che said to himself, he vaguely seemed to understand the principle of a deadly blow.

This fatal blow is used, and the black mans will become the corresponding attribute to support the successful release of this skill.

If Ye Che did not guess wrong, Galen’s fatal blow was gold.

Thinking of this, Ye Che’s whole person suddenly shook.

"Does it mean that each hero has a corresponding attribute? The ice bird belongs to the ice attribute, the fire man belongs to the fire attribute, the small method belongs to the dark attribute, the angel belongs to the bright attribute, the wind woman's wind attribute, the beautiful water, the tree person The wood, the earth of the beast, the weapon..."

Ye Cheyue thinks, the brighter the eyes.

In this way, is it true that the skills of these heroes will be related to the five elements of China?

These heroes contain five kinds of energy, such as Jinmu Shuihuo, and there are other kinds of energy.

Originally, Ye Che had no deep thoughts on the skills of these heroes.

After all, they are all artificially set, and the existence is necessarily reasonable.

But now, seven hundred years later, when he learns that hero skills can be used in reality, and he has acquired two skills, everything becomes complicated.

Why can he beat everyone and become a world champion, because he is deeper than others and thinks far.

In the past, when the scorpion r flashed, and Raven's qa had not come out, no one thought that these skills would have so many tricks.

Just like now, although Ye Che does not know the specifics of these attributes, he has a deep sense of foreboding. These attributes must be closely related to the actual strength.

"Call...the heroic fantasy..."

Ye Che's eyes are complicated and lightly breathed. These experiences of today make his heart feel like a flame is beating.


Ye Chezheng is ready to return to the initial place, suddenly on the right hand palm badge, an additional centimeter-sized Galen icon.

"What is this?" Ye Che smashed.

But thinking that the authority has soared directly from Samsung to Samsung, the little dance should be smarter too, she should know.

"Back to the ground!"

Ye Chedao.

A twist of sensation came, and a white house was printed in Ye's eyes.

At this time, in this big house, a figure of a big palm is floating cheerfully.

Ye Che did not have time to ask, this figure of the palm of the hand has already rushed over.

"Wow, you are awesome, you got Samsung's permission so quickly!"

Ye Chewen heard, surprised to look at his shoulders.

I saw an incomparably agile elf sitting on his shoulders, swaying his feet and talking with a smile.

This elf is a little dance.

"What is the situation in this house?"

Ye Che curiously moved the length of the little dance, and then asked.

He now, this little dance has become a lot more, and the name of his own is replaced by the master.

"Oh, the master should talk well and don't get people's head!"

With a small finger, the fingers of the fingers are opened.

Then said: "It's very simple, the master you have obtained Samsung's authority, so, your treatment... wrong, ours has also improved!"

Ye Che smiled, not thinking that the heroic fantasy world is so human.

It is no wonder that it was just a small broken house. It turned out that the authority was not enough.

"Well, what about the role of Samsung's permission?"

Ye Che found a place to sit down and asked.

"Ha, that can be used! You can have all the rights of the two-star right, such as the winning point that can be won with so1o, to buy the master's virtual shadow battle compass. The match that can be matched every day 2, of course, the owner is now Samsung , so there are thirteen matching opportunities every day."

The little dance is saying, Ye Che has waved his hand and wondered: "What do you mean, there is a limit to the matching match every day in the heroic fantasy world?"

Xiaowu took a nod of course and said: "Of course, there are no newcomers with no permission. There are only 10 matching opportunities every day. The chance of the challenge is only once a week, and the master is Samsung, then you can have it in four days. An opportunity to challenge more and more. Otherwise, if there are very powerful people, and there is no limit to match every day, then it is not invincible. Besides, the energy captured by the heroic illusion cannot be unlimited."

"Heroes illusion, the energy that is captured?"

Ye Che’s whole person, the little dance, reminds him of a lot.

I think why I can gain strength in the heroic fantasy world and why I can bring it to reality.

Is it the heroic fantasy world, I do not know where to extract the energy.

Ye Che is still sinking fast, and the little dance on his shoulders suddenly screams and slams into the ground.

"Little dance, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Che hurried down and wanted to hold the little dance.