MTL - League of Legends: 700 Years Later-Chapter 27 : the value of horror

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"How, my underground base in this canyon is not bad?"

Hu Mei is close to Ye Che, and a smile is on her lips. Eight ★ one Chinese text network Wwく W ★.く81√z√W★.くCoM

Ye Che swept his eyes around and inexplicably said: "Where is the highlight?"

"You! Cough!"

Hu charm did not come up in a breath, almost suffocating.

Wang An on the side sneered.

"Well, forget that you haven't seen it, this can't blame you..."

Hu Mei took a deep breath and pointed to the armor, showing the color of pride. He said, "Do you know what it is!?"

Ye Che shook his head very honestly: "I don't know!"

"This is the heroic armor of the heroic fantasy world. When you reach the bronze rank and have the hero badge, you will be under the metropolitan area!"


Ye Che looked puzzled.

Seeing the expression of Ye Che, Hu charm is almost dying.

"Wang An, you!"

Hu charmed and walked to the side of the instrument next to him, got a glass of water to drink, and then said to Wang An.

Wang An shook his head, this Hu charm, he did not temper his temper for so many years, it was cold, and it was like a little girl.

"Well, let me start from the beginning."

Wang settled down and asked Ye Che: "What do you think of the world now?"

"Very good, singing and dancing, the teams are also talking and laughing, what happened?"

Ye Che is puzzled, can't figure out why Wang An asked.

Wang An took a deep breath and said: "It seems that the people above have really been dripping for so many years. Even if you are so smart, there is no abnormality."

He said, he smiled very strangely and said: "Do you really feel too peaceful? In the abandoned land, you don't feel anything unusual?"

"Abnormal things?"

Ye Cheyi.

"You mean, those who are abandoned?"

Ye Che's face suddenly changed.

"Yes, don't you want to know where these people come from, where are you going, why are there so many abandoned people in recent years?"

Wang An said with a blank expression.

"Is it a human experiment, or something like a sorcerer?"

Ye Che said, his face was a bit ugly.


A sip of water that was drinking tea was sprayed out.

"Ha ha ha, this kid is really a big brain, but also a human experiment, but also a sorcerer, why don't you just say the end of the world?"

Hu Mei laughed out.

"Oh..." Ye Chechen shrugged.

It’s just that Wang An didn’t smile. He’s a little serious at this time, saying: “When you talk about this, you have to talk about the role of life.”

"Life, the value should be to improve the segment?" Ye Che remembered the 15 points of life after the mythological assessment, they said.

"Yes, I won the value of the game and used it to improve the position, but what if I lost?"

"If you lose, you will reduce it..."

Ye Che said casually, and by the way touched the soul of the armor, it was a bit soft, not hard.

"If you reduce it to o, then, then lose it again??"

Wang An asked again.

"So... is it deducted into a negative number, or is the position falling?"

Ye Che returned a sentence.

"Well, those who are abandoned are like this."

After Wang An finished speaking, his hand touched the soul of the soul.

It’s just that Ye Che’s whole person is already stunned.

The last sentence of Wang An has been repeated in my mind. The abandoned people are like this! ?

Suddenly, Ye Che remembered that Ye Ni said that those who were abandoned must have white heads, but there is human wisdom among the looks.

For a time, a chill swept the whole body.

"What do you mean by that is the value of life, so that those people become abandoned?"

Ye Che asked incredulously.

This is too outrageous. Why does the life value affect people in the real world?

Wang An sighed and said: "You thought that you entered our door yesterday. I will ask if you have a badge in your palm? That proves that you are already a true member of the League of Legends and have the qualification to defend the world."

Ye Che stunned, raised his right hand and looked at the dark badge.

I once thought that this badge is like identity authentication, allowing you to log in to the League of Legends with your mouse.

After all, the world after seven hundred years is definitely different.

I did not expect that this badge is a qualification?

"Hey, don't you understand?"

Wang An said, going to the corner of the basement.

At the same time, the mouth said: "The League of Legends is interoperable with the real world, and winning a battle, the value of life gained, is white, is the value of life, when your life value is negative, the deduction is your own Vitality, that is, life!"

Wang An’s words were like a sunny thunder, and he blew up in Ye’s mind.

For a time, I really stayed.

"What is the life of the deduction? No wonder, no wonder those people must be white..."

Ye Che muttered to himself.


"Why, why are those people smoking human blood?"

Ye Che suddenly looked up and his face was very ugly.

"This is going to have to say that the composition of the world."

Wang An said, at any time, he dropped a quaint book into the hands of Ye Che.

"The superiors have created a wonderful world for those who have no fighting talents. The world is disease-free, disaster-free, no fighting, no struggle. At most, life is more difficult, but overall, it is still very good, just like You have just seen peace."

Wang An said in a whisper.

"But let them live in ignorance, is that okay?"

Wang An said that the tone was somewhat fascinating.

Hu Mei sat aside and was silent.

"This book, look at it, you will understand it when you look at it." Wang Anyan stopped and sat down.

Ye Che's eyes looked at the book in his hand.

This book is estimated to have been stored for a while, and it looks a bit old, but the page is well preserved.

Ye Che looked at the large characters in the book, "A Brief History of the Earth's New History."

Opened, Ye Che looked at the past with an inexplicable mood.

"The old lunar calendar November 2o17, a quiet day, until the afternoon, the heavens and the earth darkened, and then turned black, but since then ... but never shined."

"In the first year of the new calendar, after a year of disputes, chaos, despair, sorrow, everything has almost settled, and the human beings who have been abandoned by the light have survived in the dark."

"In the 28th year of the new calendar, the humans of the previous generation were almost dead, and the new generation gradually adapted to the environment, but the body was weak and sick, and there was little left."

"In the 67th year of the new calendar, the world's human beings have become more and more chilly in the world. When the weather is almost dying, there is a glimmer of light in the sky?"

"In the 69th year of the new calendar, the light suddenly became bigger, it was the sun! The light **** did not abandon us, all humans exclaimed, the emotions were out of control, and the lacrimal glands collapsed."

"In the 73 years of the new calendar, because of the re-emergence of light, and the human body gradually getting better, suddenly there are many small black spots in the sky... until those little black spots really land on the earth, God, they are demons!"

"In the 74th year of the new calendar, the Human Alliance officially named these devils, the abyss! These devils are like ghosts crawling out of the abyss. Some big abyss demons can be several hundred meters tall, but small but insects, like brains."

"In the 76th year of the new calendar, mankind has fallen into real despair. There are not enough people in the world, human beings, killing seeds!?"

"In the 77th year of the new calendar, everyone was forced to crowd in the last city. This is the last line of defense. When everyone feels that there is no hope, when they are swallowed up by the abyss demon, the sky suddenly sounds an inexplicable voice... Holy...Juggernaut?"

"In June of the new calendar, in June 77, all human beings were crazy because of this voice. Countless books and legends about Juggernaut have been turned over, but they are useless. The abyss trolls are getting closer, at most half a month. All human beings will die, humans, and annihilates."

"On June 12, 77, the game was brought up, the game? Yes, there are also Juggernaut in the game, everyone grabbed the last hope."

"New calendar June 13, 77, one day, just one day, all the games about Juggernaut, according to the records of the predecessors, have been created, dota, World of Warcraft, turret legend, etc., but not useful Nothing works, everyone has to collapse... Until the evening, a game called League of Legends was created and I heard that it was a small staff member called a fist company."

"On the evening of June 13, 77, the new calendar, this day is destined to go down in history. The eight names who participated in the League of Legends test were composed of the United States, Japan, South Korea, France, Germany, China, the United Kingdom, and Italy. The power of terror, the specific information has been included in the top secret."

"In the 78th year of the new calendar, the abyss trolls were repulsed by the great eight heroes, but the eight heroes were also seriously injured."

"In the 1st and 7th year of the new calendar, the order was re-established..."

"The new calendar is 2o9 years, so people are beginning to forget, forgetting what happened once, all the older generations are dead, people can only snoop on the stories from the books."

"In the 238 years of the new calendar, the tenth large-scale attack of the abyss devil, human losses are heavy, but countless humans with heroic heroes struggled, and the devil finally retired."

"In the 376th year of the new calendar, the great genius character Hong Dian, using the technology and strength of the extraterrestrial world, created the heroic fantasy world! All human beings, all of them can enter through the English soul helmet, carry out real battles, gain higher authority, stronger the power of."

"In the 377 years of the new calendar, the heroic fantasy world was only created for one year, which doubled the entire human world to the Golden Warrior, adding 20 million Platinum warlords, 1,009 diamonds, and 30 masters. There is even a new master who has broken through to the king's **** of war! The world is happy, and the whole day is celebrated!"

"In the 379th year of the new calendar, the first large-scale human initiative invaded the abyss trolls, chasing 38,000 miles and winning countless territories."

"In the 465th year of the new calendar, human beings have been multiplied by a world, the population has once again become abundant, and the human world has entered a stage of rapid development!"

"In the 488th year of the new calendar, the great hall of Hong, the fallen, countless people grief, crying in the ground, and hammering the ground."

"In the new calendar 5 years, the great genius enchanting character Hong Dian, left the world for twelve years, but his inheritance, the heroic fantasy, but forever immortal, but also ushered in a major update!"