MTL - League of Legends: 700 Years Later-Chapter 1641 Continuous group is extinguished! !

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Having said that, the middle-aged man of Hung Hom showed a grief and anger on his face. He continued: "But we still underestimate these vagacious creatures. Their killing is too strong. They have been chasing us for seven or eight kilometers and killed me. The three players, if not your help, I am afraid that our Hornets team has now ended the end of the group. August 1 Chinese network?? W ≥ W ≈ W ≤. = 81ZW.COM"

It is said that no one is laughing.

Because the British Soul team is the same, and even worse, when the second grasshopper squid monster emerged, there are six players who are directly guarded by the spike because they are not prepared.

If there is not a passive resurrection, now that the entire team is not in the same matter, it is a matter of luck. It is really good luck.

At this point, the atmosphere is somewhat depressed.

They all thought, if the Hornets almost ended in a group, what are the results of the other six teams now?

In addition, there are still more than 20 kilometers away from the area of ​​Kogas. On this road, I don’t know how many more terrible creatures will be added, and the glory 17 team will look at it...

"Ma, this team match, we will not be counted as the stepping stone of the glory 17 team!? This is too pit!"

Liu Wei couldn't help but spit it out.

"The stepping stones are not counted. If there is such an unfair problem, it should have been raised by the team. Is it what we missed?" Pu said.

Ye Che indulged a bit, the interface said: "The situation is not so bad now, maybe the Hornets team is a special case? After all, our English soul team did not have any damage in the early stage, and it survived eight people. Among the other six teams, Maybe there is also good luck and strength. In the face of the glory of the 17 teams, there may not be a fight!"

"Oh... there is this possibility!"

Like your saliva, your eyes are bright.

Others, but also look a little excited.

"So now I don't have to think about it. I will join the other six teams first, and then make plans! Maybe among the six teams, there are several top silver teams." Ye Che said without hesitation.

Although he is only speculating, he understands that it is the focus now to stabilize everyone and let them raise their confidence.

At this time, Zhao Qiang nodded and said: "Your captain is the same as I thought. Maybe there are high-level teams in the other six teams, just like you."

"Ha ha ha ha! Big brother, your mouth is very sweet!"

The blank grid was boasted and laughed loudly. While talking about it, he also took Zhao Qiang’s shoulder, but now he can laugh.

Zhao Qiang was rescued by the English soul team, so even if the heart of the heart of the blank grid, then look at the eyes, it is very polite on the surface.

"Okay, now do business!"

Ye Che interrupted the blank smile and looked around the crowd. "There is now 21 kilometers from the area of ​​Kogas! This 21 kilometers, in order to avoid falling into an endless battle, we directly sprint Way to hurry!"


Zhao Qiang’s face changed and he was about to speak.

Ye Che is a wave of hands and continues: "I know your concerns! But our way is in a progressive way. Once we encounter a void creature, we have three people out of a total of nine people to resist, and the other six recover blue. Then continue on the road, the next wave of encounters, the same is true, just the rotation of the person who resists and recovers!"

"Oh, this is a good way!" The blank screamed.

"A good fart!" I liked your saliva and glanced at him. Then he asked Yu Xue: "In this way, the risk factor is very large? Of course, I don't know where the specific danger is, just feel. ......"

"You don't feel wrong."

Pu'er interface said: "If we encounter a void creature, and the three people resist the rest of the six people, then the void creature can't be killed! It will always follow us. If one or two are still good, wait until the next ten or seven. Follow us, it will be difficult."

"I have considered this point. As long as we enter the area of ​​Kogas, these void creatures should not follow. After all, Kogaras... Or, the identity of the parents of Kogas should be very unusual, otherwise it will not be because of Gass was born, and these emptiness creatures were excited and rioted." Ye Che said, not waiting for everyone to speak, and continued: "This is the only way at present, otherwise it will be more than 2o kilometers to fight all the way, it is dead! I I believe that the silver-level team game will not give us a living path."

"Yes, if this road is blocked, then this team team really does not need to fight, just squatting and admit defeat."

"Well, listen to the captain, just do it!"

"let's start!"

After thinking about Ye Che’s words, everyone has come down.

"Okay, then I will assign a specific person to the 3:6 rotation! Among the 3 people, there must be 1 or 2 small loop attacks... Pu'er, Liu Wei, Black and White, one of you! There is a pocket Sugar, Mo Yan is away..."

Ye Che is quickly distributed.

Wait until the staff is assigned, and start confirming the map orientation one by one.

Soon, Ye Che, who was holding the blue medicine in his hands, began to squat down and then rushed out.

"Follow up, always add blue medicine!" Ye Che is low.

"it is good!!"


"Full forward!!!"

At the same time as the figure flashed, the figures disappeared in place.

five minutes later……


The void is distorted, and a void creature appears.

"The Pu'er squad, leaving a resistance for a minute, the rest of the people sitting in a circle, in a defensive formation, stop all blue!" Ye Che said.


Everyone stopped or sat down, and the crystal blue light flashed on them.

After a minute, nine people set off.

Then, soon after, I met the Nether creature!

"Continue to rush, the amount of blue is enough!"


Flying sand on the ground, countless grass clippings or dancing or being crushed into slag, Ye Che and others squint one by one, flying to the area of ​​Kogas.

Soon, as they rushed wildly, more and more creatures followed them, from one to five, from five to ten, to twenty.

When Ye Che and others were only a few kilometers away from the Kogas area, they were already under black pressure and no less than fifty Nether creatures, which caused the space to tremble.

"Damn, I am not blue." Zhao Qiang's face changed.

"Haha, I am lending you." The blank grid laughed, and one hand, three or four bottles of blue potion lost.

"Thank you!"

Zhao Qiang's face is a joy.

"You're welcome, remember to tell me the truth, I will praise you. This is to encourage you."

Zhao Qiang’s face suddenly showed a silent color.

"Fast and fast! There is still less than a kilometer!" On the other side, everyone's heart is shouting, not far away, they have seen a huge building built by suspended limbs tentacles.

There, it is the location of Kogas!

However, at this moment, an indifferent reminder sounded from the three-dimensional space of all people. After listening to the contents of the prompts, Ye Che’s body trembled and almost suffocated, and the rest of the people were equally so, each face changed greatly. It was cold in the back.

"The KUKA team is out! Only 7 silver teams are left!"

"The Blade of the Blades is destroyed! Only the silver team is 6!"

"Flame team... small wind team... one go... the group is out... only the silver team is 4!"

(End of this chapter)