MTL - Lay Flowers To Plato-Chapter 30 to hug

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Bo Tu did not dial that number at all, and the mechanical female voice told him that the number could not be connected for the time being.

He hung up in a hurry, and the whole person was in a daze. He couldn't be sure why he couldn't get through, whether it was a problem with the network or the mobile phone, or was there a problem with the person?

He knows that he has a bad temper, and is especially unkind to Liang Xi; he is lonely and dead, has no friends, no social circle, and no hobbies; obviously he has low self-esteem, but he always pretends to be strong.

As Zhou Niansen said, what did Liang Xi want, why did he have to stay with him?

Liang Xi said that it was his face that he liked, and that a man's preference for beauty and ugliness was ultimately not for the sake of making things more pleasant in bed? Liang Xi will find out sooner or later that he is an unsound person. What is the use of good skin?

Bai Tu thought, he is only worthy of himself, from the past to the present, from the present to the death, there is no other possibility at all.

The reality is always ironic, he was slapping him from beginning to end, yet he had to go through it so hard, he couldn't turn his head, but he couldn't move forward.

Liang Xi, who didn't know anything, walked around the house. He couldn't singe the hair. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Bo Tu ignored him, and Zhou Niansen was next to him. What was the difference between this and blatantly brushing green paint on his head.

It's not that he doesn't trust Bo Tu, but he doesn't trust the **** surnamed Zhou very much.

Having only had one contact with Zhou Niansen, it was clear enough that this person would not give up on Bo Tu at all. Liang Xi used to think that he was shameless enough, but compared to this guy, he was forced to quit the shameless session. .

Everyone in the crew has just met, and 80% of the time they want to have a dinner to get everyone to know each other. Bo Tu is so poor in drinking that he will pour after two drinks. In case the **** surnamed Zhou touches his room in the middle of the night, Bo Tu will be hard-hearted and soft-hearted. Those who want face, half push and half, so the two of them roll together...

Liang Xi was almost blown away by his own imagination.

He imagined these things when he first heard that Bo Tu and his agent were in love, and naturally he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, but the anger at that time was not the same as it is now.

At that time, he had a pure crush on Bo Tu. Although Bo Tu had a shameless obscenity in his heart, it was his possession, but in fact he never even said a word to anyone.

But now it's completely different. They kissed, kissed and hugged. He also raised Qiuqiu for Botu. The relationship has been completely settled. The daughter-in-law of the old Liang family.

If he is still wearing a cuckold at this time, he is really sorry for those children and grandchildren who have been shot in the air in the past ten years.

Wang Chao came back quickly after buying a mobile phone, and saw Liang Xizheng packing his luggage with one hand with difficulty.

"What are you doing?" he said inexplicably. "You have to move again after being dumped?"

Liang Xi scolded him angrily: "You are a rude and arrogant idiot, who got dumped?"

Wang Chao put his mobile phone aside, came over to help him load things, and said, "Then what do you mean?"

Liang Xi sat next to him and instructed him: "Don't put on that one, it's ugly, put that, that, and that all in, the passport and the Hong Kong and Macau Pass are all on that mezzanine, see if there are any?"

"The pass... where is it, eh?" Wang Chao understood, and smiled meanly, "I can't leave for two days, how good is my sister-in-law?"

Liang Xi raised his foot and kicked him, and he smiled while hiding: "Isn't it okay if you don't say it? Actually, you have never messed with anyone, so I guess you don't know if he is good or not."

Liang Xi's face was strange, and after a while, he said, "Xiaochao, have you ever had **** with a man?"

Wang Chao blinked, embarrassed, and asked, "Why are you asking this?"

"What are you pretending to be? You know that you have done it before," Liang Xi said embarrassedly, "What, what do I have to do to prepare?"

Wang Chao didn't understand, and said, "What are you going to prepare?"

Liang Xi thought he was deliberately humiliating himself, so he scolded him again, and then said: "I'm quite big, I'm afraid he'll be uncomfortable if I go in hard, I heard people say that there may be bleeding, I watched the film, and the acting is completely blind. Nonsense, I haven't done it yet, and then Xiao Ling is humming and chirping. It's not good to hear, and it doesn't look like a man at all. My daughter-in-law is not like that at all... Hey, do you hear me?"

Wang Chao was dumbfounded: "Ah? Listen, your daughter-in-law doesn't look like a man at all."

Liang Xi: "…"

Wang Chao was pinched again, drooping his head and helping Liang Xi to hold the suitcase, and said, "Brother, it's inconvenient to go out with your hands like this, so be careful."

It was rare for him to be so sensible, and Liang Xi also said sternly: "I see, I forgot to tell you last time, if you see my mother, don't tell her about what I have in my hands, she will cry when she hears it. I can't stand that."

Wang Chao nodded to show that he knew that he was no longer rude, as if he had a lot of things on his mind.

Liang Xi didn't have time to pay attention to him. When the assistant and Tomas came back, he told the assistant to feed and walk the dog on time every day.

The assistant had an expression of being struck by lightning and said, "You better let me accompany you to Hong Kong. I really can't do anything to serve the dog."

Liang Xi said angrily, "I'll only go for three or two days, and I won't let you serve you for the rest of my life. You think I'm not willing."

The assistant begged: "Brother Liang, I can't do it for three or two days. What if I lose one while walking? You can't chop me when you come back?"

Liang Xi looked at Wang Chao again, and Wang Chao waved his hand hurriedly: "You don't know me yet? I didn't get up before ten o'clock in the morning."

The three looked at Tomas again.

Tomas: "..." What's the matter with him? He's just a passerby!

As soon as Bai Tu and Fan Xiaoyu returned to the hotel, director Lin Lin invited him over. Xu Jiahui, his manager, and Zhou Niansen had already arrived. The two actresses made a special trip to attend the launch conference. They couldn't get their part in the first half a month after the launch. As soon as the conference was over in the morning, the two went shopping together. It happened to be a rainy day, and the shopping mall was There are also few people.

A few of them sat together and discussed the script for a while, and then the forestry took out the organized shooting schedule for everyone to see. There are not too many action scenes played by Bo Tu, there are only two scenes, and the rest are literary scenes, while Xu Jiahui is the opposite, there are only four literary scenes. Originally, these scenes were shot interspersed, as long as the set was set up, all the scenes of this scene were shot the best.

But the problem now is that the weather station predicts that the tail of a typhoon will sweep over Hong Kong soon. They have not been able to shoot outdoor scenes for more than a week recently, and the action scenes will use Weiya and machines, so they can only be put on hold for the time being.

Forestry had to temporarily adjust the shooting plan and shoot indoor dramas first. But in this way, Xu Jiahui's shooting time will be extended a lot.

Of course, both agents will raise some questions, especially Xu Jiahui's agent, who signed the film contract, naturally to serve the film, but other announcements that his artist has arranged are likely to be affected.

When Lin Lin was talking about the script and filming, he took care of Bai Tu and always spoke Mandarin. Although it was a bit blunt and lame, he could still understand it.

When he talked to Xu Jiahui's agent, he switched back to Cantonese. Both seemed to be in a hurry, but Xu Jiahui was very calm, sitting next to him occasionally interjecting two sentences, which were also Cantonese.

Bai Tu had a hard time listening to Cantonese, and probably understood that it was still about the filming issue, and Xu's manager wanted to strive for the best interests of the artist. As far as their conversation is concerned, it should have nothing to do with Bo Tu.

Forestry asked Bo Tu to go back to rest first, and he would talk to him when it was finally determined.

Bo Tu nodded and got up, and Zhou Niansen came out with him.

Walking away from the forestry room, Zhou Niansen said: "Everyone knows that they are going downhill. These filmmakers in Hong Kong are still stealing their ears, thinking that they are much taller than mainland filmmakers."

Bo Tu walked with his head down and didn't answer him.

"I have to stay for a few more days," Zhou Niansen said again, "otherwise, if something really goes wrong, it will be too late to make amends."

He seemed a little puzzled when he saw Bo Tu, and said as if he hated iron for not turning into steel: "I know you don't understand, no one has suffered this kind of loss before. The posters, publicity and subtitles are all double male protagonists, but they can wait until the film is finished. When they came out, the scenes of the mainland actors were cut to pieces, and they had to do a lot of work and have a lot of energy, and they had to help with the publicity and box office. In the end, they became supporting roles inexplicably, but they made wedding clothes for them."

Bo Tu frowned, but remained silent.

Zhou Niansen looked at him sideways, his eyes were a little mixed, and he whispered: "Don't be angry, I shouldn't say anything, those are all nonsense... I'm sorry."

Bo Tu suddenly stopped, his eyes swept over fiercely, and said, "What did you say?"

Zhou Niansen pursed his lips and repeated, "Bai Tu, I'm sorry."

Bo Tu took a deep breath and said coldly, "I didn't expect that I could still hear you say these three words to me."

Zhou Niansen froze for a while, and smiled bitterly: "I should have told you earlier, is it too late now?"

Bo Tu moved his lips, but said nothing.

They had already come to the door of Bo Tu's room, Bo Tu opened the door, and did not intend to say anything to Zhou Niansen any more, and went in directly.

Zhou Niansen grabbed his arm, Bo Tu glared at him and said coldly, "Let go."

"I only have a few words to say," Zhou Niansen said anxiously, "I didn't want to say those words at noon... Does what you said last time count? As long as I agree to your conditions, are you willing to start over with me? "

Bo Tu threw off his hand impatiently, Zhou Niansen gritted his teeth and said, "Bo Tu, I agree to your terms, give me another chance."

Bo Tu looked at him blankly and said, "You agree now, it's just like saying sorry, it's too late."

Zhou Niansen: "…"

Bo Tu entered the room, turned around and said, "Give me the room card, you are not welcome in my room."

At night, it rained harder, and the wind blew the rain-beating windows.

Bo Tu barely fell asleep until early in the morning, and not long after falling asleep, the doorbell rang suddenly.

This floor was covered by the film crew, and no one except the crew would come. Bo Tu thought that Zhou Niansen was endless, and his temper that was faint because he couldn't sleep was lit up.

He hurriedly went outside and opened the door. He was about to start swearing, but he was suddenly stuck there as if he had been tapped, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

Liang Xi stood at the door like a chicken in soup, with a suitcase next to him. When he saw Bo Tu, he wanted to laugh. Halfway through his laughter, he got stuck and asked timidly, "Why can't you get through on the phone? You, why don't you answer? I'm texting?"

Bo Tu was stunned for a long time before he said, "My phone is broken."

At this time, two people came out of the next room next door. They were probably going to have supper together. They saw Liang Xi at the door of Botu. It was a little strange, but they didn't look much, and hurried to take the elevator.

Liang Xi touched his hair and said pitifully, "Is it convenient to go in?"

Bo Tu has not recovered from the shock, and the machine turned sideways to make room for entry and exit.

But Liang Xi nervously asked in a low voice, "Hey, if I go in, I won't see anything I shouldn't see, right?"

Bo Tu said slowly, "Huh?"

Liang Xi swallowed his saliva and said, "For example, a naked adulterer or something."

Bo Tu grabbed the door with force and said, "Come in."

Liang Xi didn't know why, but he also knew that in this case, there was only Bo Tu in the room. He dragged the box in with his right hand, and Bo Tu locked the door behind him.

"It's raining really hard," he said without words. "I came from the airport, and I almost couldn't get a taxi. My Cantonese is not good..."

He stopped abruptly, Bo Tu's warm body was pressed against his back, his two hands were lightly placed on his outer shoulders, he heard Bo Tu calling his name in his ear: "Liang Seal..."

The voice was very low, but it was very pleasant to hear.

"Bo Tu," he said softly, not daring to move, for fear of disturbing the beauty of this moment, "I miss you very much, Bo Tu... I like you very much."

After he finished speaking, he didn't know what to say. He really wanted to say some sweet love words, but he was a talkative nerd, and he couldn't say any love words worthy of Bo Tu.

Berto has also remained silent.

For a long time, he felt that something was not right, and the breathing around his neck sounded unusually trembling.

He couldn't help but turn his head to look, facing Bo Tu's red eyes, Bo Tu hurriedly looked away.

"What's wrong with you?" Liang Xi was surprised and guessed angrily, "Those Hong Kong people bullied you?"

Berto shook his head.

Liang Xi gritted his teeth and said, "That's... Zhou Niansen, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, a tear of Bai Tu fell. Liang Xi thought he had guessed correctly, and all his thoughts were lost.

Bo Tu frowned and stared at him, but the red eyes were too watery, but not as cold and hard as usual.

Liang Xi's heart was numb when he stared at him, and he felt that it was definitely not what he had guessed.

Bo Tu stepped back, Liang Xi turned around, and the two stood face to face, with a distance of more than half a meter in between.

"What's the matter? You told me," Liang Xi was a little anxious when he saw that he still didn't speak, "You said that you suddenly took the initiative to hug me with red eyes, and you didn't say anything after it was over, what do you mean? "

Bo Tu pursed his lips and lowered his head slightly, as if regretting his actions just now.

Liang Xi was not sure what he meant, but his eyes swept to other places.

Bo Tu was wearing a set of thin cotton pajamas, which were attached to Liang Xi's soaked back just now. A large area of ​​the chest of the pajamas was also soaked. Small protrusions.

He took a big mouthful of saliva and said, "You have hugged me, let me hug you too, okay?"