MTL - Late Night Tales Of The Capital-Chapter 30 Edge

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"Five-leaf Tianshan snow lotus, purple blood of Sedum, the head of the seven lines, the wind of the dry cliff, the white end of the weak water, the licorice of the three leaves, the fog of the car, the rubber of the Nanhai Pengge... ..."

Qian Shuxiao looked at a piece of paper in his hand. The more he saw it, the more he was scared. "Ye Ge, are you sure that this is just for getting started? Isn't this the reason for the eternal life? How can we use so many strange things?" Herbs! I haven't even heard of it!"

"However, you can rest assured that I am sure that every one of these herbs will be handed over to you." Qian Shu smiled over the piece of paper. "Is this one? No? Ye Ge, I am not saying you, you. Maybe it’s really not very good for my money family.”

“Who said that every one?” Ye missed a look at Qian Shuxiao, and then said, “Look at the end, look carefully.”

Qian Shu smiled and licked the god, picked up the piece of paper, and stood still after watching the time.


"One hundred pounds!"

Qian Shu smiled and blinked again and read it again. Yes, it is indeed a hundred pounds.

"Ye Ge, do you need so much?" Qian Shuxiao has also seen the big world, and at this time, some foreheads see sweat.

On the other hand, the lack of leaves, a natural appearance, "just told you just now, after reading the list and bragging, this thing 80% you have to go to ask your grandfather."

"There is nothing that is not needed? Can you see if you can cut or delete it as appropriate?" Qian Shuxiao felt that he was somewhat guilty for the first time in his life, and he was really afraid that he would not get together. These medicinal materials are not ordinary things. If you only need one copy each, he believes that you can do it, but if it is a hundred pounds, it is beyond his ability.

"They can't be lacking."

"A pound can not be less."

Ye whispered in a whisper, and then shrugged. "You want to follow me to practice. These things must be prepared. I personally lead the door. Where can I practice too much?"

“There is no room for negotiation?”

The leaves shook his head.

"Well, I am going to find my mother now. I told her that these things were prepared for his son and daughter-in-law. I can see if she can do it. I still don't believe it. The medicinal herbs in the area can still be difficult." I am laughing at the money book." Qian Shuxiao shouted loudly.

"It's a hundred pounds, not a hundred pounds." Ye missed his face with a blank expression.

A hit on the nail.

"Brother, can't you let me cheer for myself?" Qian Shuxiao left the Tsui Chuk Court after he said that he was bitter.

At this time, it is already three days.

The leaves were short of blinking, and they went to the open space in front of the house and punched. That is a set of boxing methods for the Qingqiu Jianmen. It was originally intended to give the disciples the advantage of forging the bones.

A set of punches, it seems that the boxing and breaking the wind, but the wind is a sword.

Within Sanzhang, with the sword air as the rotation and the leaf deficiency as the heart, all the spiritual powers are absorbed quickly, like an invisible tornado, the fist wind is everywhere, and the spiritual power is gone.

At the same time, these spiritual forces absorbed into the body of the leaves are gathered into the snow-capped mountain position through the Qijing Eight Veins, and then slowly purified into Tianyuan.

When I first cultivated the Tianshu, the golden heavenly element that looked like a silk thread had gradually grown into a hemp rope.

Do not accumulate steps, no miles. Without a small stream, there is no river. The road to practice is also the same reason. If you gather together, you will be able to do things.

When the leaf was lacking in the Cuizhu Xiaoyuan meditation practice, a general girl outside the two streets, a young girl slammed into the door.

The trick is the money painting.

When you enter the door, you start yelling regardless of your disapproval. "Ye Yunhai, Ye Yunhai, you give me out."

"Today you have to tell me clearly, why do you want to marry a fox? Where am I worse than her?"

"How did you promise me when I was in the school? Have you forgotten now?"

"Do your heart let the dog eat?"

Qian Shu painting yelled in the general's house, but no one dared to stop the people gathered together, because the girl has seen and met. This is the big lady of Qianfu, the jewel of the Qian family, unless it is tired, who dares to provoke easily!

What's more, no one knows, this girl has always liked her own son.

Qian’s big lady’s money paintings and paintings like Ye Yunhai, the second son of the General’s army. This is not a new thing in Luoyang City. It’s a secret that everyone knows but can’t say. I’m afraid that Qian’s father and Ye Lao’s general are being drummed. Let's go inside.

Qian Lao and Ye Lao had some revenge when they were young, so the children of the next generation did not dare to interact with each other. If they were found, it would definitely be a pain.

If in the past, if she painted two courage for the money book, she would not step into the general's office. Today, she is not necessary.

No more, her man was taken away.

It is unbearable to bear. At this time, where is the hatred of the old people, and their happiness must be won by themselves!

"Painting, don't shout again, Yunhai is not at home today." At this moment, only Ye Yunhai's mother, Yu Huating, has come forward.

When I saw the words, Yan Huating, the momentum of Qian Shu painting suddenly weakened by three points, and no longer called Ye Yunhai's full name. After all, it was her future mother-in-law. "Hey, let me see Yunhai brother." Well, he came back from Luohe yesterday, but he has never heard of him going out today."

Yan Hua Ting's soft tone explained, "The sea of ​​clouds is really not at home, is it not lie to you?"

"But, early in the morning, I sent people outside the General's House, and I didn't see Yunhai's brother going out." Where is the money book painting that can be sent away in three or two sentences, she came to the door today to come to a statement. .

Yan Huating looked at the anger of the money painting and frowned. "This is the case, you can only say so much to you, believe it or not."

"And, I have to admit you, when the big man is married, the female is married, the life of the parents, the words of the matchmaker, this is the truth since ancient times."

"This is the rule, no one can be an exception."

After listening to the interpretation of Yan Huating, Qian Shu painting did not speak for a long time.

When she looked up again, her eyes were already full of tears, and she looked at Yan Huating with red eyes. "But I like Yunhai brother. I know that Yunhai’s brother likes me too. He can’t marry that Lin Meier. He married the man, he will not be happy, and he will certainly not be happy!"

Let the money book draw such a trouble, almost half of the generals of the military have come together. If you don't dare to come to the front yard, you can listen to it with your ears. If there is no accident, today's business, Tianming does not stay overnight, the whole Luoyang City can be spread.

Today, the embarrassing thing is not only the money painting and Ye Yunhai, but the entire money house and the generals and even the Sword Mountain Villa have to be sinned, and become the talk of others after the meal on the wine table.

Yan Huating’s face was already cold at this time, and the money and paintings in front of her were also a look that did not stop.

The time passed by, and finally, Ye Yunhai’s door slammed open.

"Do you know that I like you? Who do you listen to? What do I don't know? Who do I want to marry, who I don't want to marry, is my own business, and I don't want you to gesticulate, you think you Who is it! Also, Yunhai brother, are we very familiar? Please don’t call me so much in the future, listen to awkwardness, vomit!”