MTL - Late Night Tales Of The Capital-Chapter 126 Wind and thunder

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Meishan's snowy roads are 18% off, twisted and twisted, complicated and complicated. If outsiders come in, they will get lost without a guide. Otherwise, those who run out of Youzhou City will not choose this road to escape.

But the leaves are missing, but they are quite decisive. Every road crossing doesn't even have to think about it. Although there are jade guides, it is too confident.

On the back of the leaf, the red beans looked at the deeper and deeper mountain roads, and they were very worried. "You said that those who died suddenly, even if they were found, would they still have the opportunity to enter the reincarnation? I often hear the old man in the family. The soul that is contaminated by the magic gas is that it will not go down the bridge and will fall off the bridge."

Ye sighed and his eyes were complicated. "Life is dead and life is rich, and wealth is in the sky. Many things are doomed. Even if you can't die under Youzhou City, you will be killed if you escape. You will have cause and effect in everything. Contact, can you see the past lives of these souls? If you are not good, you will be a sinless demon."

Red Bean nodded. "The old man in the family often said so."

Very serious and calm, the leaf defects that can be said seem to be the same as them. There is no reason to say a few words. The leaf lacks some serious explanations. "I am not an old man. I am not older than you."

Grabbing the hair lacking leaves, red beans seem to be a little unhappy. "Don't compare with my age, I don't actually look so young. According to your algorithm, my body age is very big."

Shaking his head, the leaves are missing. "I didn't actually look so young, but I am older."

After so many days, the lack of leaves can feel that red beans have reservations about their identity. It is already obvious that at least she is not a ‘person’. As for what, the previous leaf shortage has been carefully guessed. However, there may be too many situations and too much trouble. Later, he also wants to open. What is love is nothing, there is no big relationship at all. At least this girl is not a demon, nor a demon. This is enough.

If it is a fairy who falls into the mortal world, then it is a leaf deficiency.

The thought just emerged in my mind, the leaf deficiency directly slaps on my face, not heavy, but some loud, he does not know why there is such a thought, only to know a few days with red beans? There will be some inconsistencies! I am a practitioner! I used to be the demon of the three worlds!

Just a little bit of sleepy red beans, suddenly heard the lack of leaves to play their own face, confessed, "Is itchy face?"

"I will help you fight, you can walk well."

Without waiting for the leaf deficiency, a hand has fallen on his cheek.


Hot pain!

Followed by the jade, the leaves lacked carrying red beans, and finally came to a mountainside pavilion in Youbei County before entering the night.

Fenglei Pavilion is located in the north of Meishan, with three sides facing the mountain and one side of the water.

The main pavilion was built on the halfway of the intersection of the three mountains, like a trident's tip. Fortunately, the lack of leaves is fast. Looking at the mountain and running the dead horse, if it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that you will not see the mountain gate of Fenglei Pavilion.

The scenery after the snow is picturesque, the ancient trees are towering in the deep valleys, and the cliffs are carved by the monkeys. Although the air is inevitably cold, it is not boring. Red beans have been left behind by the leaves for a few days. It turned out to be a habit. It seems that they don’t want to go all the way, and they can fall asleep at any time. The key is to sleep and sleep. A little girl’s family is like a thunder. !

If it is not seen that the red bean is indeed repaired and has not recovered, it will definitely slow down the journey. The leaf deficiency has already put her down. According to the idea of ​​leaf deficiency, this woman should not be used to it. It’s a problem, maybe it’s getting more and more familiar with the leaf deficiency, and sometimes hitting his head with excitement.

In the impression of the lack of leaves, the last generation of the self, for a hundred years, a total of plus, and few people have hit their own heads, now it is good, red beans alone is afraid to break this record.

Sometimes the lack of leaves wants to squat down the girl’s hand, and can’t be honestly squatting?

Is it a dog?

Even once, Ye Yi also saw the red bean drooling, and the saliva dribbled directly into her neck along her mouth. It felt like this is his mother's life!

Lifting the leg to the last stone ladder, a huge gray stone appeared at the halfway up the mountain, square and square, the word wind and thunder.

Turned around and raised his head, through the lush green trees covered with snow, I saw the evening clouds and the glory of the ocean. Bowing his head, he opened his shoulders and looked at a beautiful black face, and saw a beautiful face.

Although the wind and thunder is located in a remote place, and hidden in the depths of the mountains, seriously counted, even the third-rate sects can not be ranked, if not, how can the body of Yan Xesh can be mixed with an elder.

Zongmen is small, it is also a sect. After all, it is still a formal martial art school.

The leaf is missing and the red bean is standing in front of the mountain gate of Fengleige. It is dead and dead, not to mention the disciple of the mountain guard, the beast of the mountain. It was a local chicken and a wild dog that could not be seen. Only the sound of the cable was scraped from the depths of the pavilion.

Squeaky eyes, red beans, this is full of sleep, a sense of beauty.

"it's dark?"

"Wind and thunder?"

"Is it the place?"

"Why don't you call me?" The red bean patted the head of the leaf, and when he slipped out, he came down from his back, stood on the ground, stretched out, moved his muscles, and then started with his hand. look around.

"What about people?"

Red beans circled the mountain gate of Fengleige for two laps, and no one saw it.

“Is this really a masterpiece?”

"It's too shabby."



The red beans have not been finished yet. I saw a figure from the depths of the Fenglei Pavilion. The figure was in the middle of the air and began to vomit blood. The whole person also fell from a high altitude to the front of the mountain gate in a parabolic posture.

Landing on the back!

The head is more intimate and intimate with the ground.

When the leaf is missing and the red beans are close to the view, the person has passed out. In the blink of an eye, a trace of black blood oozes out of the seven scorpions. The black blood just flows out, and a pungent smell comes out. When the red bean's nose moves, the expression becomes disgusting.

"The hunter's breath."

After saying that you are reaching out to the wind and thunder, "There must be hunters in there, absolutely not wrong!"

Where the leaves are missing, I still use red beans to remind me that the expression is no longer a slap in the face, but a lot of seriousness. Tianyuan fretting, the right finger was written in the air for a while, two transparent spells quickly formed, one floated to the chest of red beans, one disappeared into his own hands, while the spell disappeared, the figure of leaf missing and red beans slowly became transparent stand up.

"The charm of the mirror."

The five-line armored sect is good at the armor. It does not mean that other sects do not know the armor. The leaf lacks practice for a hundred years and naturally understands it, but the technique of armor that he understands needs the realm above the star. I used to be a psychic before, and I entered the star today, just using this spell.

A gesture was given to the red beans, and two people quietly walked in from the side of the Fenglei Pavilion and went all the way along the main entrance of the mountain gate.

Just a moment away, there was a noisy quarrel in the ear.

No more rushing forward, the mirror curse can hide the figure, but the breath is hard to really disappear, if there is a deep practitioner, it is likely to find traces.

Looking from afar, on the open space of a trial square in Fengleige, the two sides stood opposite each other. The party that leans against the Hall of Wind and Thunder is a group of young teenagers with some wolverines and some with blood on their clothes. On the opposite side of this group of teenagers, there is a large group of young people with a lot of white-haired old people.

Standing at the forefront of the old man, the expression is calm, a pair of winning vouchers in the face, looking at the opposite boy, "Lei Tianyou, you should not obsess more, the Zongmen needs progress, progress will definitely bleed, this is the trend of the times, no one Being able to resist, the day of the coming of the Lord is the time when my family rises. Is it not clear that you are confused?"

The voice of the old man is not small, it seems to be deliberately let the disciples of the audience hear it, so the leaves are lacking in calmness and listening clearly.

The young man who was shouted as Lei Tianyou, his face was cold and his face was mocking. "We don't object to the progress of Zongmen, but I want to ask Fan Elder, are you killing the Zongzhu for the progress of the Zongmen? Who gave you this? Big power? Where are you reformers? You are the traitors of Fengleige! It is the enemy of Fengleige!"

"The Goddess brother said yes, what is the Lord, clearly the demon recorded in the classics, when we are fools?" Lei Tianyou just finished, there are young disciples attached, it is clear that this teenager has in the wind and thunder A large mass base.

"They want to swallow our wind and thunder, this is a big problem!" Some people shouted, and even raised the magic weapon in their hands.

"Let us kill the soldiers who escaped to the north, and use the evil magic weapon of Bai Yu to absorb the soul of the soldiers. This can become the task of the Zongmen. This is what the demon will do. It’s remote, it’s not a big name, but my Fenglei Pavilion is also a decent sect, and it’s not a tiger!”

With Lei Tianyou taking the lead, dozens of young disciples screamed in anger.

Looking at these teenagers, the other group of people across the face, the expressions are all slightly changed, but no one is shrinking, or even all look at the dead.

"Lei Tianyou, as their master, I hope that you can see the situation clearly. If you go wrong, you will be in the abyss. Don't bring everyone to Huangquan." The old man who spoke at the beginning said coldly.

"Don't talk nonsense with these little dolls, surrender the private whites and live without paying." Another old man said faintly.

The two men just finished, behind them, suddenly came out a handsome man, the eyebrows and the lack of leaves are still a bit like, the man slightly lowered his head, people can not see the eyebrows, mouth slightly moving, it seems What did you say?

"The useless things, Tu Guang, this wind and thunder, can naturally find the day, say so much nonsense!"

Although standing a thousand steps away, the leaf lacked a glance to see who this person is.

Ye Yunhai, the son of the General of Luoyang, his half-brother!