MTL - Last Building on Earth-Chapter 311 goblin world

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When there was an abnormality in his body, Wang Xuan secretly cried out that something was wrong, knowing that every time he used the Book of the Giant God, he would pay a price. Although he did not take the initiative to call it this time, the Book of the Giant God activated it by itself. Obviously, he also had to pay the price.

The price he needs to pay for summoning the Book of Giants is suspected to be the legendary seven deadly sins. The previous two were "gluttony" and "laziness" among the seven deadly sins.

Seeing Baixue lying motionless on the side, Wang Xuan knew something was wrong. Although she looks beautiful on the outside, she is a hatching beast in her heart, and she is a human being. How can this human and beast...

He didn't dare to think about what might happen next. Wang Xuan's first reaction was to run away from here. Suddenly, there was a bang in his mind, and his whole body seemed to be ignited. His hands and feet were out of his control. He wanted to escape from here. But involuntarily, he turned around and ran towards Bai Xue.

At this moment, he couldn't think normally, and there was only one thought in his mind, which was to take everything she had.

Endless greedy desires swelled in his body, all the muscles in his body bulged out one by one, and his body seemed to gain endless power, and he strode over to Bai Xue who was lying on the side.

At this moment, Bai Xue also paid a huge price for the Book of the Giant God. Her vitality was greatly absorbed, and her lifespan was deprived. At least for a long time to come, she would be in a weak stage, and it would be difficult for her to use her strength to protect herself.

When she saw Wang Xuan's eyes were bloodshot, his face was full of greed, and he rushed towards her like a beast, her eyes showed a look of shock.

She thought that the price Wang Xuan had to pay for activating the Book of Giant Gods was the same as her own lifespan, so she should be in a weak period like herself, but now looking at Wang Xuan's appearance, it was obviously not the case. Only then did she know that the two The human giant tome requires a different price.

Wang Xuan let out a beast-like roar from his throat, stretched out his hands and rushed towards Bai Xue lying on the ground.

Bai Xue was terrified and busy trying to turn over, at the same time she reached out to take out the teleportation crystal from the storage belt and escape from here.

Suddenly her body tightened, but she saw Wang Xuan's face twisted and ferocious, and he had already grabbed her hands. Bai Xue struggled desperately to resist, but now Wang Xuan possessed the power of the Book of the Giant God, so powerful that he held down her two hands with only one hand, and started pulling her clothes with the other hand.

Just now Bai Xue thought that Wang Xuan was going to attack her and wanted to kill her, only now did she realize that something was wrong, it was not what she thought at all, seeing Wang Xuan's face full of greed like a beast, she heard a sneer, the storage belt was pulled down.

"What do you want, do you know who I am?"

Bai Xue was shocked and angry, her face was full of horror and disbelief.

It's a pity that Wang Xuan didn't pay attention to what she was saying, tore off her storage belt, and immediately put it in his mustard seed space, and then began to peel off the armor and clothes on her body.

"stop it now! I am the future Lord of the Nine Palaces, the King of the Eastern World, how dare you be rude to me? "Bai Xue turned pale with fright, thinking that Wang Xuan was going to invade her, she yelled loudly while struggling desperately.

As a snow demon, she has all kinds of powerful powers in her hands, but at this moment her life force has been extracted and she is very weak. She can't even use the power of the mechanical god's arm she holds. Facing Wang Xuan at this moment, she is completely powerless to resist.

Wang Xuan looked like a madman, and his actions were very rude. He pressed down Bai Xue's siblings, making her unable to resist. He was full of greed, and he only wanted to take away everything Bai Xue had, including herself.

First tear off the storage belt, then the outer armor, and then the inner clothing.

Baixue's shouting quickly turned into cursing, she was powerless to resist, and she was quickly stripped naked by Wang Xuan, naked and naked in front of Wang Xuan, her whole body was as white as jade, with white flowers all over her body.

Wang Xuan stripped off her belt and armor, stuffed them into his own space, and then hugged her madly, wanting to stuff her into his own space in space.

In his eyes at this moment, Baixue is like a piece of cargo, and he has to put it in his pocket.

Bai Xue's face was full of horror, she thought that the king

Xuan wanted to kill himself, but later thought he was going to violate him, now it seems that these

No, his current behavior is simply a lunatic.

Wang Xuan hugged Baixue and desperately stuffed it into the Xumi mustard space. He was full of greed and wanted to stuff everything about Baixue into his belt, but he couldn't get it in. Baixue was struggling desperately, and he didn't know how After a while, Wang Xuan felt the greed and desire filling his body slowly subside, and his mind gradually became sober.

When he woke up and saw the scene in front of him, he was shocked. He actually hugged Bai Xue. She was completely naked, and the posture of the two of them was very indecent. He was pressing on her, and one of his hands was tightly grasping her chest. , as if wanting to tear it off, Bai Xue's face was already distorted in pain, and there was a hint of iron blue in the snow white.

Suddenly, a faint voice sounded in my mind. "Greedy....Complete..."

In the white ray of his right hand, a black seed was formed. In addition to his previous gluttony and laziness, he now has three black seeds in the white ray, representing the three of the seven deadly sins.

At this moment, the monster's instincts suddenly felt uneasy, Wang Xuan became alert, and immediately activated "Ghost Car Armor". Almost at the same moment, Bai Xue, who was pressed under him, suddenly raised her hand, and slapped him on the chest.

Fortunately, the "ghost car armor" formed a defense first, protecting his chest, and this palm slapped on the steel feather on his chest.

With a "bang", the steel feather vibrated. Despite the "ghost car armor" defense, Wang Xuan still felt a strong surge coming, and he was beaten so that he rolled and flew out.

Bai Xue began to pass through the period of weakness, and her strength is gradually recovering.

She slapped Wang Xuan with a sudden palm, and she stood up with a sweep of her body. Her snow-white body was covered with blue and purple, especially on her chest. Five black and blue handprints looked shocking. Fortunately, her strength was recovering. The wounds she received were recovering and healing at an astonishing speed, her eyes were almost on fire, her silver teeth were shattered, she swept her body, and rushed after Wang Xuan who was rolling out, stretched out her right hand, and pieces of ice appeared, these cold The ice intertwined, covered the surface of her body, and quickly formed a icy armor outside her body, covering her body.

Almost at the same moment, Wang Xuan's Zhoutian Eye caught a message.

"Name: Snow Demon, Growth Form: Uncatchable, Ability 1: Frozen, Ability 2: Ice Roar, Ability 3: Frost Armor, Ability 4: Ice and Snow Shield, Ability 5: Ice and Snow Barrier, Ability 6: Snow Demon Form , other abilities: failed to capture."

The moment he sensed the information, Wang Xuan's heart skipped a beat.

The name of the snow demon, how could he not know that this is one of the ten first-generation hatchlings that are as famous as Warcraft, and what is even more amazing is that the growth form of the snow demon is not perfect, but failed to capture.

This is the first time I have seen this kind of situation. There is no doubt that the only explanation is that his Zhoutian Eye has not grown enough to capture a higher form beyond perfection.

This must be a higher form beyond perfection.

"It seems that her snow demon has grown to a higher form beyond perfection."

With a flash of Wang Xuan's thoughts, he knew something was wrong, and he took out a defensive crystal in the space of Sumi mustard seed with his left hand without hesitation, and quickly crushed it.

Although Bai Xue's speed is fast, she hasn't fully recovered yet. A large number of her lifespan has been taken away, and her vitality has been severely injured. Although her physical strength is gradually recovering, her current strength is better than her peak state. Hitting Wang Xuan was just taking advantage of his unpreparedness.

But Wang Xuan didn't know what state she had recovered to, so he didn't dare to bet at all. When she caught up, he immediately crushed the defensive crystal and formed a light curtain.

Bai Xue had just put on the ice and snow armor and launched a powerful "Ice Roar" attack. Amid the whistling sound of ice and snow, all of them were blocked by the defensive light curtain.

The light curtain vibrated, lasted only a second, and immediately shattered.

With this second, Wang Xuan quickly took out a bottle of stamina water and drank it. While recovering his stamina, he entered "Ghost Car Night Walk", added five wings, pulled the speed to the limit, and rushed towards the distance.

From knowing that Snow White grows formed to perfection

In the eighth form above, he knew that he was in danger, and he didn't want to fight at all, but fled towards the distance with all his strength.

Although he had entered the half-consciousness of Warcraft before

In the awake state, but he can't actively use that state, he can only trigger it passively. With his current strength, he has no confidence in facing Baixue. The best way is to escape here first.

While thinking, the book of the giant **** that was originally lost on the side instantly flew up and flew towards him. The book of the giant **** was damaged and could not be summoned again for the time being.

While Wang Xuan put away the giant book that flew over, white rays of light appeared on his left arm. These rays of light condensed to form countless glowing parts, and the combination of parts formed a giant mechanical arm that was more than two meters long.

The Mechanic God's left arm appeared and volleyed towards Bai Xue.

With the help of the Mechanic God's left arm and the defensive light curtain to block Baixue, Wang Xuan went away at a high speed.

When Bai Xue saw the appearance of the left arm of the Mechanic God, there was a gleam of light in Bai Xue's eyes. She almost didn't need her to summon. White light appeared on the right arm, and the parts in the form of white light were combined with countless parts to form a mechanical giant with a length of more than two meters. arm.

Obviously, her control over the arm of the Mechanic God is even higher than that of Wang Xuan, and she can almost activate it with a thought. Even if Wang Xuan was controlled by greed just now, she could not deprive her of the arm of the Mechanic God.

The Mechanic God's arm she controls is almost exactly the same as the left arm of the Mechanic God that Wang Xuan fought over. The only difference is that one is the left arm and the other is the right arm.

Bai Xue activated the Mechanic God's right arm, facing the left arm, and the two Mechanic God's arms blasted together in the air.

With a loud noise, the two arms of the Mechanic God exploded together, and a dazzling white light rose into the sky. Wang Xuan turned his head to look in amazement. This feeling is no stranger to him. This is the power of the Mechanic God. He only knew it at this time. It turned out that Bai Xue actually held the other arm of the Mechanic God.

With a thought, he retracted the mechanical god's arm that exploded into a large amount of white light, and he had opened the distance between him and Baixue to thirty or forty meters in a short time.

Bai Xue didn't say a word, but her face was extremely pale and unsightly. She stared at Wang Xuan almost bursting into flames, wishing to tear him to pieces.

With her status, she is in a high position in the fourth world. Even the Lord of the Hall of Justice has to be polite when she sees her, but Wang Xuan stripped her clothes just now, which made him take advantage of it. , this encounter made her unforgettable, and she would never forget it for the rest of her life. She was so angry that she would never let Wang Xuan go.

It's a pity that her strength has not fully recovered, Wang Xuan ran away with all his strength, and it was difficult for her to catch up for a while.

Now even her belt has been taken away from her, except for the book of the giant **** and the arm of the mechanical god, which cannot be taken away, there is nothing, not even the water of stamina, her vitality is seriously injured, and her strength cannot be fully recovered in a short time. After recovering, the two sides chased and fled, and the distance between them not only did not shorten, but gradually lengthened to 100 meters.

Seeing that Bai Xue couldn't catch up, Wang Xuan's heart moved, and he realized that her body should be affected by the book of summoning the giant god. It seems that the price she needs to pay for summoning the book of the giant **** is different from his own.

Although Bai Xue's speed can't keep up with him, Wang Xuan has no intention of turning around to kill her. He knows that an existence like Bai Xue must have the means to suppress the bottom of the box, and the mechanical **** arm she controls is suspected to be better than him. The more proficient he is, if he really wants to kill her, it's more likely to be fatal than good, and it is very likely that he will fall into her hands instead.

So Wang Xuan didn't want to kill Bai Xue at all, but did everything possible to escape from here first.

The two fell into the crack of the gear just now, and fell down. This is a dark and uninhabited world, surrounded by darkness, gravel and weeds everywhere. Wang Xuan didn't know where it was, so he could only rely on his true sense instinct. , running at full speed towards the oncoming darkness.

His speed was getting faster and faster, and the power of the ghost car, the blue crystal scales and the magic beast was gradually aroused.

A pair of monster legs appeared, making him go faster and faster, while Bai Xue chasing after him became smaller and smaller, and finally completely disappeared into the distant darkness.

It was not until he was sure that Bai Xue would not catch up again that Wang Xuan stopped, and cried out for a long time.

Take a breath and look around.

There are still piles of rocks and weeds all around, and it is impossible to distinguish the north, south, east, and west here. The sky is dark and the surroundings are dark, like an endless dead world.

Feeling hungry, take

Three bottles of high-grade nutrient solution came out, and I drank them all at once.

After drinking the three bottles of advanced nutrient solution, Wang Xuan regained some energy, and then looked back. Fortunately, Bai Xue did not catch up again, which made him feel at ease.

"Her strength has not fully recovered, otherwise she will be in big trouble. Although she can't kill me for the time being, I think it is impossible to kill her. My giant book is damaged, and her giant book should also be damaged. , I just didn't expect that I have a left arm of a Mechanic God, and she actually holds a right arm of a Mechanic God. My Warcraft is one of the top ten first-generation hatched beasts, and she is actually the snow demon among the top ten first-generation hatched beasts. Coincidentally, it seems that we are born to be sworn enemies..."

"I just hope she won't catch up, otherwise, once she returns to her peak state, unless I can enter the semi-awakened state of the monster again, I will definitely not be her opponent." Wang Xuan pondered, not daring to delay, and hurriedly continued He ran forward by instinct, only hoping to escape as far as possible, and gradually saw hills appearing in the darkness in the distance.

As they approached, more and more hills appeared in the distance, and Wang Xuan felt a little familiar.

As a hill appeared within hundreds of meters in front of him, Wang Xuan suddenly remembered when he saw a large number of holes on the surface of the hill.

What kind of hill is this? This is the goblin brood.

That day when he was in the first floor world, he encountered monsters from the Goblin tribe, entered the Goblin world, and completed a goblin redemption mission, but this goblin redemption mission has a successor, and the difficulty has reached five stars. For them at that time, this five-star task was too difficult, so they gave up.

Wang Xuan never expected that he would encounter Baixue in the second world, and the giant book of the two collided, and even opened the lower passage, fell down, and found a large number of goblin broods here, looking at the mountains in the distance Qiu, one is more majestic than the other, isn't this the goblin world I broke into that day?

"I see. The Goblin world is on the first floor, and Bug Town is on the second floor. Did I fall from the second floor into the Goblin world below?"

Thinking of this, Wang Xuan opened the Sumi mustard space and took out a piece of parchment. What is recorded on this parchment is the quest "Salvation of Goblins".

"Task name: Redemption of Goblins, Difficulty: ★★★★★ (Five Stars), Content: Destroy five primary evil spirit lairs infected by evil spirit power, find an intermediate evil spirit lair, and destroy this A nest of middle-level evil spirits, destroy the hearts of evil spirits inside, save the goblins, and reward the bronze treasure chest."

The five-star dangerous task is equivalent to the level of perfection, which means that even the strongest of the hatching beasts can easily complete it, not to mention the current Wang Xuan, the bronze treasure box it rewards, Wang Xuan is not rare.

He didn't care about this task, the most important thing now was to leave this goblin world and find the exit back to the hall on the first floor.

With a thought, his body flickered, and soon he saw a low-level "Goblin brood" not far ahead. Around the brood, there were a large number of weak ordinary goblins with a one-and-a-half-star danger level and An elite goblin with two-star danger.

This outsider from Wang Xuan suddenly broke into their territory, causing a commotion among them, and immediately there were signs of crowds gathering towards Wang Xuan.

Beside the goblin nest, there are a few violent goblins and evil goblins with a danger level of two and a half stars.

Wang Xuan looked at them, thinking that for himself back then, these were enough to threaten his existence, but now, it seems that their aura is so weak, and their movement speed is so restored, so slow that he doesn't even bother to face them. They shot, but strided at will, and they could easily pass through the crowds of them. The speed was so fast that they had no time to react, let alone block.

Wang Xuan did not destroy the goblin nest, but continued to rush towards the distance. On the one hand, he wanted to find an exit, on the other hand, he also tried his best to find a way out.

It is possible to escape Bai Xue's pursuit. Fortunately, Bai Xue never showed up, which made him feel at ease.

There are junior goblin nests all around. Wang Xuan walked around easily as if he was in the middle of nowhere, and soon a bigger hill appeared in front of him, which was not smaller than the average junior goblin nest. , looked at it with Zhou Tian's eyes, and immediately caught it, this

It is an intermediate goblin brood.

The goblins wandering around the middle-level goblin brood are obviously much stronger. The weakest goblins around are two-and-a-half-star dangerous violent goblins and evil spirit goblins infected by evil spirits. In addition, an evil spirit mage with a danger level of three and a half stars appeared.

As it continued to deepen, Wang Xuan felt that the situation of these goblins and goblin broods polluted by the power of evil spirits became more and more serious. The power of evil spirits in this world was so strong that it formed a large amount of fog visible to the naked eye. , are gathering in the distance.

A large number of intermediate broods appeared in the distance, like giant hills. Between the hills, there was a gathering of evil spirit power, and among these evil spirit power, there was a huge hill with a height of 100 meters. Qiu, giving off an evil and terrifying aura.

Wang Xuan's Zhoutian Eye caught its message from a distance.

"Name: Goblin Brood (Advanced), Race: Goblins, Danger: None. The vast majority of Goblins are male, and the way this race breeds and gives birth to offspring mainly relies on Goblins In the brood, among the offspring of goblins, there is an extremely rare chance of giving birth to a female goblin."

"This kind of female goblin is different from the male. It chooses to leave the original population, find a suitable environment, and take root. The limbs and brain will degenerate, and it will lose its ability to move. It will rely on the rooted environment to absorb the earth and natural energy and evolve. In order to give birth to a brood of goblins, a new goblin family will eventually be formed.”

"Goblin broods can be divided into junior broods, intermediate broods, and advanced broods according to their growth stages. Broods of different levels can breed different male goblins."

"The primary brood can breed violent goblins, elite goblins, and ordinary goblins. In addition to these three types, the intermediate brood can also breed more powerful goblin mages~www. high-level brood has a chance to give birth to the most powerful goblin king in the goblin race.”

Obviously, the 100-meter-tall high-level goblin brood in the distance could contain the most powerful goblin king among the middle goblin clan.

At this moment, this high-level goblin brood was completely eroded by evil spirits. Wang Xuan's Zhoutian Eye caught the evil spirit archmage wandering around, formed by the invasion of goblin mages by evil spirits. The danger level has reached Comparable to the five-star status of a powerful person.

Wang Xuan didn't expect that he didn't find the exit, but unknowingly entered the area where the high-level goblin brood, the core of the goblin world, was located.

Although seeing the high-level goblin brood, the strength of the evil spirit archmage is comparable to that of a perfect state, and the king of goblins is probably even stronger, and the danger level can at least reach a six-star level comparable to a super state.

But Wang Xuan didn't take it seriously, these were far from enough to threaten him now.

What really surprised him was that behind this high-level goblin brood, amidst the thick mist of evil spirits, there was a huge black door looming. Recently, the transcoding has been serious, which makes us more motivated and updates faster. Please move your little hands to exit the reading mode. thanks

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