MTL - Last Building on Earth-Chapter 261 Mysterious Lord Comes

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When he was in Bug Town, with the help of that mysterious stone pillar, Wang Xuan once had a feeling.

It was only at that time that he didn't understand how to break through the super state. Today, after hearing what Mei Xiaosen and Bai Qianxue said, he knew that the hatching beast wanted to break through the super state and grow again, which was completely different from the previous few times.

Only relying on the energy obtained by hunting monsters is no longer enough to make the hatching beast grow again, and the world power of this world must be used.

"The first step is to be able to sense the power of the world. This alone can make countless people stumped..."

In the meditation, Wang Xuan kept a thought in his heart and felt it with his heart.

The power of this world is ethereal, even if you feel it with your heart, you will not feel it.

Wang Xuan remembered that Mei Xiaosen and Bai Qianxue had said that they needed to rely on their own hatching beasts to sense, and he and the beasts were completely integrated into one, he was the beasts, and the beasts were him.

"Use the hatched beast to sense the power of the world, use the energy of the hatched beast as a guide, receive the power of the world into the body, temper the body, reborn, and carry it over, so that the hatching beast can grow again and become the seventh form of powerhouse. …”

While thinking about it, Wang Xuan felt silently, but found that he couldn't calm down. The instinct of monsters always had a trace of unease, indicating that something big might happen. Meter distance, an iron cast flag was erected, Mei Xiaosen sat quietly cross-legged on the flag, motionless, meditating.

At first, there was nothing unusual. Gradually, Wang Xuan noticed that the armor worn by Mei Xiaosen showed signs of wriggling. Not only that, but the air around him also faintly fluctuated.

"Is this the resonance with the power of the world?"

Wang Xuan's heart moved, and immediately closed his eyes again, feeling quietly.

I didn't feel it at first, but I felt it for half an hour, and gradually, I felt something.

In his induction, the air flow around the place changed a little, like a subtle vortex where Mei Xiaosen was, and was slowly sucking the space over there.

Not only Wang Xuan, but other super-extreme powerhouses including Bai Qianxue, Wu Tian, ​​Fang Taozhong and others were also silently sensing.

This time Mei Xiaosen's breakthrough is a reference for them, a rare learning opportunity that no one will miss.

During meditation, he could not perceive the passage of time, and Wang Xuan didn't know how long it had passed, but he could only vaguely feel that his induction was getting stronger and the sky was gradually darkening.

Night is coming soon.

This abandoned ancient town covered with plants was silent, and no monsters appeared. In the distant forest, there would occasionally be a roar or two of monsters' filial piety.

When it was completely dark, the air around Mei Xiaosen's body fluctuated violently, even at night, it was very obvious, especially from a distance, you could vaguely find that the space here was faintly flickering.

This is the phenomenon that the air fluctuates violently, causing the power of the world to converge and the energy to rub against each other.

As the night got darker, the shimmering light gradually became more and more blazing. In this abandoned ancient town, it was as if a sun had appeared, and it was particularly conspicuous in the night.

Wang Xuan saw it, and thought that if the mysterious master returned, even if there was no special way to locate Mei Xiaosen, the position could be determined only by the light here.

At this moment, Bai Qianxue stood up. She was obviously prepared. She took out a smoke crystal from her storage belt and threw it out.

The smoke crystal burst, and a large amount of smoke rose immediately, and soon the place became black and foggy, drowning the light and making it less conspicuous in the night.

Wang Xuan looked at the sky and estimated the time. According to Mei Xiaosen's current situation, it has been about ten hours since the breakthrough. If it takes a whole day, then he will need to go through fourteen hours of transformation. , reborn, is truly successful.

During Mei Xiaosen's breakthrough, the power of the world around him was gradually converging. Wang Xuan got close, and in the induction, he finally caught the vague power of the world.

This is a kind of progress, Wang Xuan was slightly overjoyed, and immediately stopped paying attention to Mei Xiaosen, but used his heart to sense and capture this faint power of the world.

During the induction, the white light in the right hand fluctuated slightly. For the first time, Wang Xuan felt the power of the world so clearly, and a shock immediately rose in his heart.

The power of the world is a kind of power that cannot be observed with the naked eye but actually exists. This kind of power is like air, ubiquitous, and maintains the existence of the entire world. All the sources of power that exist in this world are the power of the world.

As he sensed the power of the world, Wang Xuancai felt his own insignificance. The power of the world was like an endless ocean, and he was like a grain of dust that could be ignored, floating and sinking in the endless ocean. As long as the power of this world fluctuates a little, he can shatter his body and shatter his soul.

"It's just terrifying, so the power of the world is going to be introduced into the body? As long as there is a slight error, it will be wiped out..."

Wang Xuan was shocked, once again felt the difficulty of breaking through the super state, and he understood more and more how powerful Mei Xiaosen and the others were.

"It's no wonder that this kind of breakthrough will last at least a whole day. Only with great patience and at a very slow speed, we can slowly introduce the slightest bit of world power. Forever."

After Wang Xuan understood, he was finally relieved. He finally had a clear understanding of how to break through the super state. To break through, two points are the most important. One of them is naturally to sense the power of the world and draw the power of the world into the body. This power The second point is the strength of one's own body and spirit.

If the body and spirit are slightly weaker, the power of the world enters the body, and immediately collapses, let alone a breakthrough at that time, I am afraid that I will not be able to survive.

Wang Xuan still has confidence in the tyranny of his body and spirit. After all, his body has been strengthened twice by the blue crystal scales and the primordial liquid in the hatching corpse. He is much stronger, and in his spiritual direction, he is naturally far superior to others by absorbing the soul consciousness from the magical beasts and the blue crystal scales.

"There is no problem with these. The most important thing now is how to accurately grasp the power of the world introduced into the body. There is no shortcut to this. We can only rely on time, continue to familiarize ourselves with it, and accumulate a little bit of experience."

Wang Xuan understood that Mei Xiaosen dared to make a breakthrough. Naturally, he had accumulated enough experience long ago. He should have a precise grasp of the power of the world introduced into the body before he dared to take such a risky breakthrough.

With his strength, no surprise, he should be able to successfully break through. The only uncertain factor now is whether the mysterious master will appear.

Wang Xuan, Bai Qianxue and the others all quietly sat around Mei Xiaosen at a distance of about 30 meters away. Everyone found a place to hide themselves, and they could only see a cloud of black mist rolling over.

At this moment in the black fog, the light flickering is faintly visible, but it is not obvious because it is obscured by the black fog.

This was a very torturous process. Although everyone tried to calm down as much as possible, with the threat of the Profound Master, no one could really calm down.

One minute and one second passed, and the black mist was slowly dissipating. As the black mist was about to dissipate, the white light gradually became blazing, and Bai Qianxue took out a smoke crystal and threw it at it again.

The thick fog rolled in, drowning the white light again.

With the constant induction, Wang Xuan felt that the fluctuations in the white light in his right hand were becoming more and more violent. The energy in the white light had already been accumulated. At this moment, the energy became very active. Ruowu's power of the world, this energy and the power of the world, began to resonate.

Wang Xuan now understands that the scale energy in the monster's body obtained by this absorption is, in essence, a kind of power of the world.

The power of the world is the source of all energy in this world. The energy in this white light is also another form of existence of the power of the world. Now activate the white light. Once the power of the world is sensed, the two have the same source, and they can immediately induce induction.

Wang Xuan's heartbeat accelerated slightly. At this time, what would happen if he introduced the power of these worlds into his body?

rice ball exploration book

However, considering that the mysterious master may appear at any time, now is not a good time, Wang Xuan resisted the temptation and gave up the idea, but now he can try to practice how to control the strength of the world power that enters the body.

The night passed safely, and the Profound Lord did not appear. As the sky gradually became brighter, Bai Qianxue did not continue to throw the smoke crystal, and on the plant where Mei Xiaosen sat cross-legged, a large number of leaves were flying, and strips of green vines Shaking violently, the power of the world formed a huge vortex that surrounded him. It was conceivable that his breakthrough had reached the key.

"It's almost time, it's the last moment, I hope the mysterious master has not returned..."

Bai Qianxue became a little nervous, holding a few crystals in her left hand. It can be said that this time, for Mei Xiaosen's breakthrough, a group of them made all kinds of preparations and bought a lot of crystals. They still felt nervous about this seventh form of powerhouse.

As the breakout becomes more difficult, the gap between each pattern is likely to increase.

Wang Xuan slowly opened the space of Xumi's belt, sorted out some of the special life-saving crystals, and said what he said in his heart, it would be false to say that he was not nervous.

The closer to the end of Mei Xiaosen's breakthrough, the more intense the tension.

After another hour, the vortex formed by the power of the world around Mei Xiaosen became more and more intense, and a white light faintly appeared inside, like a sun, completely shrouding his body.

Seeing this, Bai Qianxue and the others understood in their hearts that Mei Xiaosen really began to reinvent himself. Once completed, he would break through the super state and be promoted to the seventh form of powerhouse.

At that time, he would be able to fight against the Profound Master, and with his protection, they would be able to break through one after another, and they would no longer have to be afraid of these monsters that occupy the human body and rule them as human beings.

With his eyes closed, Wang Xuan was still sensing and trying to control the power of the world. He tried his best to activate only a tiny strand of it, making it as weak as possible.

At this moment, a strong unease surged in his heart, and with this feeling, he immediately woke up and hurriedly opened his eyes.

In the distance, on the wall covered by a large number of plants such as creeping tigers, a stalwart figure appeared.

This figure is about two meters tall, covered in heavy armor, with both hands behind his back, with a smile on his face, looking down from a distance, looking at Mei Xiaosen, who is shrouded in white light, at the large pole behind him. The flags were rattling.


The person who came was Xuanzhu. His eyes swept around Mei Xiaosen intentionally or unintentionally. The places he swept were Wang Xuan, Bai Qianxue, Wu Tian, ​​Fang Taozhong and Bao Chong. where people hide.

Being swept away by this gaze, the hearts of the people who were hidden froze.

Everyone is hiding their aura. Could it be that the mysterious master discovered them?

If he found out in advance that there were so many super-powerful people hidden here, would he still do it alone? Or maybe he will call the elders of Xuancheng and a few black-robed guardians, and then it will be over. They are simply not enough to deal with the mysterious master and a group of elders and black-robed guardians whose strength is not under them at the same time.

Everyone was anxious in their hearts, not wanting Xuanzhu to swipe, suddenly jumped off the ten-meter-high wall, and fell to the ground covered with plants below, 20 to 30 meters in height, and then jumped again, and appeared in the sky. He was 20 to 30 meters away from Mei Xiaosen, and he was already very close to Bai Qianxue, who was hiding on the side, but only five meters away.

Bai Qianxue didn't know if he was intentional or not, but felt that the palm of his hand was full of cold sweat. He was holding the defense crystal in his left hand, ready to activate it at any time. In the palm of his right hand, the rune was faintly emerging, and the muscles all over his body were tensed.

However, the mysterious master seemed to have no idea that Bai Qianxue, who was hiding five meters away, still carried his hands on his back, strode forward, and walked towards Mei Xiaosen.

At this moment, Mei Xiaosen is at the key point of breakthrough, and he has no defense ability. Once the mysterious master makes a move, he only needs to influence and interfere with him at the critical moment, making him confused, and the hatching beast in the breakthrough will be counterattacked. In the state of mind, nine times out of ten, it will be attacked by the hatching beast, devour the soul consciousness, occupy the body, and become the real master of this human body.

Seeing the mysterious master suddenly approaching Mei Xiaosen, the hidden Bai Qianxue finally couldn't bear it anymore. She had prepared an attack for a long time, and suddenly shot, launching her strongest blow.

In the face of a seventh-form powerhouse like Xuanzhu, how could she be careless? As soon as she made a move, a series of snow-white runes flickered and condensed, turning into a rune beam of light, which contained a cold air. Wherever she went, the air Snowflakes appear.

This rune light beam slammed into the air, she kicked her feet, and at the same time summoned the hatching beast, and entered a state of fit. Countless runes appeared on the upper body, colliding with each other, forming a set of rune armor.

Bai Qianxue hit with all her strength, and Li Tianjiao, who was hiding on the other side, shot at the same time.

Both Li Tianjiao and Song Lichen came from the "Rakshasa City", and they were both strong men who had reached the super-state limit level.

She vibrated her right arm, and a strange beast rushed out of her body. This was a strange beast formed by condensation of water, and it was her hatching beast.

This strange beast has no fixed shape and can change constantly. At this moment, it suddenly jumps out and opens, like a water curtain, intercepting in front of Xuanzhu, like a huge net, trying to hold him.

There is a giant net of water curtains in front, and Bai Qianxue's rune beam attacking at the back. Above is Bao Chong from "Wangcheng". He is holding a battle axe in his right hand. There are countless patterns on the surface of this battle axe. He started up, a vertical ten meters, and came to the sky above Xuanzhu's head. The surface of the battle axe in his right hand was ringing, and it turned into a rainbow light, which was cut out in the sky. In an instant, the rainbow light fluctuated violently, and one turned into five, five battles. Axe rainbow light, from top to bottom, completely enveloped the mysterious master.

In addition to Bai Qianxue, Li Tianjiao, and Bao Chong who attacked at the same time, several other people also appeared and rushed towards the Xuanzhu, but they were far away and could not attack at the same time.

Xuanzhu stopped and seemed to sigh silently.

Wang Xuan didn't make a move, he still maintained the posture of sitting cross-legged, hidden among a large number of green vines, watching Xuanzhu's body twist slightly, avoiding the full blow of Bai Qianxue behind, this rune beam of light carried a large number of snowflakes , slammed into the giant net of water curtains coming from the front, and the mysterious master had already soared into the air, taking the initiative to meet the five battle axe rainbow lights.

Bao Chong's eyes were wide open. It was hard to imagine that someone dared to take the initiative to face the "Five Slashes" that he launched with his battle axe. This was his strongest attack. I have to avoid it. Although the mysterious master is a strong seventh form, does he dare to use his physical body to carry it hard?

In Bao Chong's astonished expression, the mysterious master slammed into the "Five Slashes of Destruction" that fell from above, and five cracks appeared on the thick armor on the surface of the body. Almost at the moment when the five cracks appeared, the mysterious master swung his right fist.

His fist seemed to have broken through some kind of physical restraint and disappeared suddenly. When it reappeared, the fist roared with a terrifying overcast wind and slammed into Bao Chong's chest above.

With a loud bang, Bao Chong roared wildly, and the mechanical shell and armor on his body exploded together with his body.

He crushed the defensive crystal on his left hand at the same moment.

In the face of the mysterious master, no one dared to be careless, and all hid the defense crystal in their hands, just in case.

The defense crystal shattered, and a light curtain was immediately opened.

The light curtain appeared, protecting Bao Chong's The power of Xuanzhu's punch was immediately blocked, unable to burst out.

Otherwise, with just one punch, Bao Chong's body can be interrupted, and he will be killed immediately.

All of this seems to be within the expectations of Xuanzhu. He was not surprised, but a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. He fell to the ground, and blocks of rocks appeared in all directions. With him at the center, they smashed them wildly.

Fang Tao Zhong from the "King City", holding a scepter in his right hand, with a solemn face, is using the rock with all his strength. The surrounding buildings formed by the pile of stone slabs are disintegrating, floating in the air, and smashing towards the mysterious master.

On the other side, Wu Tian turned slightly and threw a bronze spear in his right hand.

The bronze war spear dragged and whistled, and instantly appeared in the back of the mysterious master, and he was about to pierce his body.

Xuanzhu fell to the ground, watching Bao Chong rolled out of the sky by his punch, his arms twitched, and suddenly, his arms disappeared, and countless fist shadows appeared around his body.

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