MTL - Last Building on Earth-Chapter 231 Misty Grotto

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"I believe that you should be able to break through to the super state soon. With your current strength, as long as you break through to the super state, you will at least be a medium or even superior powerhouse in the super state." Wang Xuan smiled.

I thought that although Xu Jian and others have reached the super state, they have not been able to fuse a few energy spar in the primary skill stone gate, let alone comprehend the primary skill, and Zhao Lei and the others are equivalent to merging at the perfect state level in advance. A lot of energy spar, and maybe even comprehend the skills of hatching beasts, which can be imagined for the improvement of hatching beasts.

Either they don't make a breakthrough, and a breakthrough is at least a medium-level super-state. It is not difficult to advance to a super-state level with more tempering. If they can go to the central city, put on a full set of third-order flawless equipment, and obtain a set of skills, their strength will inevitably increase. There will be a boost.

Of course, all of this is just a good idea. As for what level they can reach, Wang Xuan is not sure.

Zhang Haofei asked curiously, "Is there still many levels of this super state?"

Wang Xuandao: "Yes, it is said that it is divided into six grades, which are ordinary, medium, superior, top, peak and extreme."

Zhao Lei smiled and said, "Wang Xuan, what about you, which level of these six levels is it now?"

Wang Xuan smiled slightly and said, "It's hard to say."

Zhang Haofei immediately lowered his voice and said, "Is this a confidential matter?" While talking, he looked around. Fortunately, no one dared to approach or disturb them casually, and no one was eavesdropping.

Wang Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "It's not a secret. You misunderstood. I mean, I can't estimate which level I am now."

He didn't lie when he said this. In fact, in his opinion, the six-level division of this super state is relatively vague, and it is not considered a real realm. It is purely used to express the strength of combat, not like hatching. The various forms of beast growth are so straightforward.

For example, he knows that the current Yukai should be regarded as the top powerhouse in the super state, and he believes that his strength should be above Yukai, but in the end it is still the top, or the peak, or even the limit, no similar opponents appear, no It is not easy for him to compare a specific criterion.

The only thing he can be sure of now is that he is in a normal state, just using the power of Warcraft. His strength should be stronger than the general super state, and it seems to be slightly inferior to the top level, and it should be somewhere in between. a level of.

Once the power of the blue crystal scales is fully stimulated, his strength will have a qualitative leap, and the combat power must be at the top or even the peak level.

Of course, this didn't even count the power of the ghost wing, the eye of fear, and the left arm of the Mechanic God to fully activate the ghost car, so adding all these powers together, he can't estimate what level he is now.

When everyone heard Wang Xuan's words, they looked at each other in dismay, and gradually understood. It is estimated that Wang Xuan's current strength is a bit unimaginable.

After chatting for a while, Wang Xuan took them to the high wall in the north to observe the situation in the north.

The morning passed quickly, Wang Zong never made another whistle, and there was no movement in the north.

It seems that Tang Ruoyu was right. Last night, the king insect screamed, just because there was a hole above, the rotting ship appeared, which alarmed it. It was uneasy, not to summon the insect tide.

For safety's sake, after noon, everyone still stood there for two or three hours, making sure that there would be no worms, so they dispersed one after another.

Since there was no insect tide, Wang Xuan decided to go to Shizhen and Xingzhen to collect the required materials, and secondly, to inform the leaders of Shizhen and Xingzhen, and go to the No. 9 safe area on the third floor to gather the day after tomorrow.

Gu Manyao and Tie Jun wanted to be with him, and Wang Xuan agreed, so he took out the masks of two **** clowns and gave them to Gu Manyao and Tie Jun, one for each.

Gu Manyao and Tie Jun are not stupid either. When they saw this clown mask from hell, they thought of the clown mask that Shangworm Town needed at that time, guessing that it should be similar.

"You need this **** clown mask as a pass to go to the third floor." Wang Xuan said while looking at Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and the others: "I have prepared this kind of pass for you, and I will give it to you only when you reach the super state."

"So you have to work hard. Since you have the adventure of the underground ancient city and obtained a lot of spar, it should not be difficult to break through to the super state, but it is only difficult to break through in Scorpion City, you must find more powerful monsters. possible."

Zhao Lei said: "You mean to go to the insect country in the north?"

Wang Xuan nodded and said, "Yes, but don't be reckless. In short, be careful. If you join forces, as long as you don't act impulsive, it shouldn't be a big problem."

He knew that after Zhao Lei and a few people obtained the energy spar, the hatching beasts had grown in strength, and now they are at least the peak powerhouses in the state. .

"But don't go into the **** tower, it's dangerous even if you go in there."

Zhang Haofei grinned and said, "Don't worry, we all want to break through the supernormal state now. Grandma's, Tie Jun is actually one step ahead of me. How can you bear it?"

Tie Jun couldn't help but said, "Zhang Haofei, why can't I be one step ahead of you?"

Zhang Haofei laughed and said, "I'll just say it casually, Brother Tie, are you really angry?"

Li Haotian replied, "I don't think so. Brother Tie is not someone who gets angry easily. Zhang Haofei, you treat the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

Zhang Haofei glared at him immediately, as if he was about to make a move.

But now both sides are at the same level, Li Haotian is not afraid of him, and Zhang Haofei's staring appearance can't scare him.

Tie Jun shook his head and was busy getting between Zhang Haofei and Li Haotian, with a helpless smile on his face: "Hey, you guys, I really can't do anything about you."

Only then did Zhang Haofei laugh. He had a good time with Li Haotian these days, and he was just pretending, not really wanting to take action.

Yu Shanshan pursed her lips, took Gu Manyao's arm, and whispered to her in a low voice. The two have been together these days, and they have become good friends who can talk about everything. Now Gu Manyao wants to be with Wang Xuan. , they are going to be separated temporarily, and now they are saying goodbye.

Bai Yan remained silent, with no expression on his face.

Since Yao Tiande and Duan Chen joined later, their relationship is a bit worse compared to them. They are a bit like two outsiders in the team, but they have always been respectful to Wang Xuan, compared to Zhao Lei and Zhang Haofei. In other words, Wang Xuan was more like a friend than a leader, and the two of them really regarded Wang Xuan as the boss and leader, and they were his subordinates.

Wang Xuan looked at the group of them with a smile on his face. For some reason, he felt very comfortable and relaxed even watching them making noise. It seemed that he had never been with Wan Qianying, Xu Jian, and Huang Qingzhi before. This feeling.

Wang Xuan soon thought of the difference, Wan Qianying and Xu Jian were too serious, they always looked serious, and they always felt a sense of depression when they were with them.

"Then I'll take Manyao and Brother Tie up to have a look first, so hurry up." After Wang Xuan finished speaking, he raised his head and stared at the sky above again. He hoped that Zhao Lei and others could break through the super state sooner, and he also thought of Tang Ruoyu's words, she It was said that there was a hole in the sky, and the rotting bow appeared, which represented some kind of terrifying dust collection, and even the king bug was awakened and screamed uncomfortably.

All this means that there may be some kind of change in this insect town, and no one knows what will happen next. The safest way at present is that they all break through to the super state as much as possible. If the situation is wrong, they can enter the third layer world.

Although the third-layer world seems to be chaotic, at least the No. 9 security area and Central City have strong defenses, especially the defense of Central City, which is almost impregnable. Even if there is a huge crisis, it should be able to withstand it.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Wang Xuan took Gu Manyao and Tie Jun on the No. 9 elevator and entered the third floor.

When they got out of the No. 9 elevator and entered the third-floor world, Gu Manyao and Tie Jun immediately opened their eyes wide, showing both curious and shocked expressions on their faces.

At this moment in the No. 9 safe area, the mask is activated to protect the safe area. Around the mask, there are a large number of tree demons, mushroom people, piranhas, perennial vines and some new monsters wandering. Impacting towards the mask, although it will be bounced off by the mask, but still enjoying it, seems to want to lose the energy of the mask.

Above the sky, a group of iron-winged owls hovered among the ten glass columns. Occasionally, iron-winged owls threw themselves into the broken building above, and then shattered and fixed there, and then slowly Disappeared.

There are several people in the mask, and they are in a hurry, walking towards the other elevators.

Wang Xuan saw that they were a little familiar, they should be some of the thirty-six people before, but he didn't know their names.

"This is called the No. 9 safe area. These ten glass columns were cut off from above, and now it is impossible to go to higher floors."

Knowing that Gu Manyao and Tie Jun were confused, Wang Xuan took the initiative to explain: "There is a mask to protect this place, and monsters outside cannot enter, while we humans can enter and exit freely. This time we discussed and decided to gather all the super-powerful people in Baizhen to repair it. The transmission channel in the center, and the search for the five major cities."

Wang Xuan took the two of them and walked towards the other glass column while talking, towards the elevator with the words "Shizhen" hanging above it.

On the way, he kept talking about the changes in the third floor and everything about the central city.

"I can't believe that there are a hundred towns like Worm Town. It's hard to imagine how many super-powerful people there are? Even if there are five leaders in each town on average, isn't that five hundred?" Tie Jun was a little shocked.

He broke through to the super state, and he was very proud at first. After all, the super state in the insect town can be said to be one of the best, but he didn't expect that there are as many as a hundred towns in these three layers. It seems that the super state powerhouse is not that rare. .

Wang Xuan said: "That's not true. I heard that many towns have been destroyed, and if you want to come up, you need a clown mask from hell. It's not easy to enter the **** tower to get this clown mask. Even the super strong can easily die there. Qiao Jingping, the former leader of the 'Justice League', was considered a super-moderate powerhouse, but he also died in the Hell Tower last time."

Gu Manyao said: "So you need super-high-level strength to enter the Hell Tower?"

Wang Xuan sighed: "It's not that you have to be high-class, but at least when you're in the high-class, entering the tower can be considered a bit of self-protection."

Tie Jun smiled and said: "Man Yao, you have obtained blood erosion, and a lot of energy spar, and you have learned a skill of hatching beasts. You ask Wang Xuan to help you to see which level in super state, I guess it is at least on the upper level. Wait or more."

Wang Xuan said, "I'll see later." As he spoke, he opened the "Stone Town" elevator and walked in.

The three entered the elevator, Wang Xuan pressed the button to the second floor, the elevator vibrated slightly, then stopped quickly, and then the door opened.

I walked in from the elevator, and when I saw it, I immediately saw a completely different style from Insect Town.

The buildings in this "Stone Town" are almost all made of bluestone. Looking up at the sky, there is a gap that is exactly the same as that of "Insect Town", revealing the corner of the rotten bow, and there are countless dark shadows faintly visible inside. Struggling, as if trying to escape.

"What's going on? Shizhen also has it?" Wang Xuan's face showed a look of surprise.

The buildings in "Stone Town" are different in style from "Insect Town", but the layout is similar. At this moment, a lot of people are gathering in the square. Suddenly, the No. 9 elevator is opened, and the first person who comes out is wearing a black suit. There was a faint light flowing, and he immediately understood that this person was not simple.

Wang Xuan took Gu Manyao and Tie Jun towards a building facing him. There was the area where the leaders of the five major forces lived. Because of Wang Xuan's particularity, he walked on the square and everyone looked sideways, showing vigilance. Dreadful look.

Because Wang Xuan wore the "Xuan Gang" logo on his body, he went straight to the place where the core characters of the Xuan Gang in Shizhen lived.

Several people from the Xuan Gang saw Wang Xuan's extraordinary bearing and the logo of the Xuan Gang on his body, and they were busy and respectfully greeted him.

"I'm from above, I'll pass your leaders over immediately." To avoid trouble, Wang Xuan directly reported that he was from above. Sure enough, these people were shocked when they heard that they were from above.

"My lord, the leader and the others went to the Hell Tower two days ago and have not come back until now."

The man at the head, Wang Xuan, saw that he was a strong man, and replied respectfully at this moment.

"Go to Hell Tower two days ago?" Wang Xuan frowned and said, "Did he go alone? Or with whom?"

"It was with the other four leaders. We don't know why."

Hearing this person's reply, Wang Xuan understood that the five people had a high probability of knowing that there was an accident in elevator No. 8. They entered elevator No. 9, learned that they needed a clown mask from hell, and went to the tower of **** together, but they haven't come back for two days. , It is very likely that all five of them died in the Hell Tower and will never come back.

"Understood, if they come back, say that we are from the five major cities above, pass through them, and take the No. 9 elevator the day after tomorrow to enter the third floor." Although Wang Xuan guessed that something had happened to them, he still warned him, seeing these The person respectfully responded, and he took Gu Manyao and Tie Jun away, turned and walked towards the north of this stone town.

He wants to make the ghost equipment into a flawless ghost suit. The two auxiliary materials he needs are "Purple Stone" and "Ghost Stone", which are produced in the north of Stone Town.

Not wanting to cause too much sensation, he didn't summon Xiaojiao here. He didn't summon Xiaojiao until he took the two of them out of the north gate of Stone Town, and then he summoned Xiaojiao, rode up, and took out two pieces of parchment by the way.

In Shizhen, many people looked at them curiously from a distance, but they did not dare to follow them out of the north gate.

Among the three, Gu Manyao also had a mechanical beast, so he summoned the mechanical fox. Only Tiejun did not have a mechanical beast. It was rare for someone to be as poor as him in the super state. Work hard, it will be there soon.

Gu Manyao mounted the mechanical fox and said, "What are we doing here?"

"I'll do two missions by the way. The ghost equipment I'm wearing is called the third-order fine-quality ghost equipment. It can be purchased directly in the central city on the third floor, but some materials can be used in the central city to create a higher flawless quality. Quality ghost suit."

Wang Xuan explained it roughly, and opened the parchment. The task of the material on this parchment was to find the purple stone. The address was the Misty Grotto in the north of Shizhen. At the end of the Misty Grotto, there was the Hell Tower.

Among the hundreds of towns, there are **** towers.

Let's look at another quest to find the ghost stone, and the address is also this misty grotto.

After looking at the contents of these two tasks, they were relatively simple, so Bento first rushed towards the Misty Grotto on Xiaojiao.

Gu Manyao and Tie Jun followed closely behind.

In the north of this stone town, it looks like there is a stone vein nearly 100 meters high from a undulating like a giant crouching dragon, on this stone vein, you can see countless holes of different sizes, surrounded by Shrouded in a faint mist, this is the Misty Grotto.

According to the red line on the map on the parchment and the surrounding scenery, Wang Xuan quickly found a huge cave and began to walk inside.

There were a lot of black bats hanging upside down above this cave, and they were alerted by their entry, and they were immediately attacked.

In this second-layer world, the super-state's combat power will be suppressed, and the limit of their strength that they can exert is the limit level of the perfect state.

Fortunately, these bats were not strong, and before Wang Xuan shot, Gu Manyao and Tie Jun rushed to the left and right to block the black bats for him.

Now Gu Manyao and Tie Jun seem to be reborn, even if they only exert their peak combat power, they can easily sweep this group of black bats.

Because these black bats are too weak, they don't need to use their real strength, and with the super state being suppressed, Wang Xuan can't see which level of super state their current strength belongs to.

The three of them killed all the way in, and there are caves one after another. If there is no map sign, it is easy to get lost.

Fortunately, with the guidance of parchment, Wang Xuan quickly found the purple stone he needed.

Considering that if Gu Manyao and the others have a ghost suit, they also need these materials if they want to build it, so he took some more purple quartz stones.

This cave was full of violet stones. Wang Xuan collected a lot, and determined that even hundreds of ghost suits would be enough, so he left and took out another piece of parchment. According to the red line mark on it, Go find another ghost stone.