MTL - Last Building on Earth-Chapter 227 Huge Ship Mutation

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The giant ship became dark from the ground, and extended upward to a part of the ninth-floor cabin. The surface of this part of the cabin turned black and there were signs of rot, like a melting candle, and rotting juice was faintly flowing down.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned, and immediately thought of the monster baby that was thrown into the giant ship by the cyan fox yesterday.

This baby has the ability to rot everything, and now I suddenly see signs of decay on the surface of the giant ship. Obviously, this is the power of the baby at work.

Only a very small part of the nine-story cabin turned rotten black, and the closer the bow to the ground, the more serious the rot.

Everyone dared not approach, and could only vaguely see that there were countless black shadows wriggling in the bow of the ship that had turned into a rotten black, and they seemed to be roaring silently. A kind of creepy.

Wang Xuan's monster instinct was very strong, and he immediately felt a strong sense of uneasiness. It seemed that a group of terrifying devils were sealed in this giant ship.

Suddenly, Wang Xuan felt something, turned his head sharply, and looked behind him, only to see a blue fox standing on the top of the tree canopy in the distance, staring at the changes of the giant ship from a distance. .

This cyan fox is more than 100 meters long, with a faint cyan light flowing all over its body. It stands above the canopy of the tree and looks extraordinary. Its cyan eyes are crystal clear, and no impurities can be seen.

It has never paid attention to a group of humans such as Wang Xuan. It seems that in its eyes, the existence of this group of humans is meaningless.

Others also turned their heads and saw the cyan fox appearing in the distance. This is the totem of the third-layer world, and it is one of the most powerful beings. Everyone has a faint awe in their hearts.

The cyan fox only appeared for a while, then turned around quickly, stepped on the canopy, and disappeared into the distance.

Seeing the cyan fox leave, everyone dared to discuss, and they were all guessing the purpose of the cyan fox and the mutation of the giant ship.

"What is the origin of that baby? It's really terrifying. The bow of this giant ship was rotted in just one day." Huang Qingzhi muttered to himself, and seemed to be asking everyone. He understood that no one could give him the answer. .

Zhu Han said: "You said what is hidden in the bow of the boat, it looks like there are countless grievances struggling there, but it seems that they are sealed by some kind of power and can't come out."

Sun Yaofei said, "I don't know why, just looking at those black shadows from a distance gives me a creepy feeling. Do you feel this way?"

"The cyan fox threw the baby into the giant ship. It seems that he really wanted to use the power of the baby to rot the giant ship, but now it seems that the giant ship is sealed with some monsters. If these monsters really come out, Isn't this third-layer world chaos?" Mou Xing's voice was still stern, but the expression on his face was extremely solemn.

Wang Xuan didn't interrupt, just listened to everyone talking.

Youkai glanced at Wang Xuan and saw that his face was calm and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

This Wang Xuan was too calm, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Although the prow of the giant ship was rotting, and there were countless blurred shadows struggling inside, the scene looked terrifying, and Wang Xuan's eyes of fear could also sense the deep fear in the hearts of the people around him, but for some reason, with his The Eye of Fear constantly absorbs the power of fear from beings, and as he becomes stronger and stronger, his fear seems to gradually disappear.

Although his magical beasts can sense some danger and can make him feel some inexplicable uneasiness, it is only uneasiness, but it is far from fear.

Seeing Yukai glance at him, Wang Xuan reached out and touched his forehead lightly, sensing the eyes of fear that were slowly absorbing everyone's fears. There was a trace of fear everywhere, but only Tang Ruoyu, who was similar to him, didn't have much fear in his heart.

He already knew a lot about the particularity of Tang Ruoyu. He now suspects that Tang Ruoyu is not from this third-layer world, and may even come from a higher floor, but why he appeared here is a mystery.

"Let's go, go back to the No. 9 safe area as soon as possible."

Seeing that everyone was still looking at the giant ship in the distance, Wang Xuan understood that there was nothing to see for the time being, so he picked a towering tree, climbed up the tree, and soon reached the canopy, looking into the distance. , there is a building in the sky above the No. 9 security area, you can use this building to determine the direction.

After determining the direction, he jumped and two ghost wings appeared on his back. With the two ghost wings, one large and one small, he volleyed down from a place of forty or fifty meters, and landed in front of everyone with a very elegant attitude. attracted everyone's attention.

Many people looked at him with envy and a trace of jealousy in their eyes.

In addition to Wang Xuan, Wan Qianying also climbed the tree and looked into the distance to determine the direction, but when she came down, she was not as dashing as Wang Xuan, and could only slide down the trunk of the big tree.

In this strong contrast, everyone felt Wang Xuan's strength more and more.

Although Youkai considers himself strong, and now he has broken through to the top super powerhouse, when facing Wang Xuan, not only did he not feel that he surpassed him, but he faintly felt that Wang Xuan had an unfathomable taste.

In addition to Wang Xuan, the other person who has an unfathomable feeling is Tang Ruoyu.

"This man and a woman are really evil." Yukai muttered in his heart.

Wang Xuan feels that as the ghost wing on the left grows to one meter and two, the power of the ghost car in his body is gradually becoming stronger. If the second ghost wing can also grow to two meters, he estimates that the power of the ghost car should not be enough. inferior to monsters.

After summoning the little girl, Wang Xuan rolled over and rode on it, and started to set off.

When everyone saw that Wang Xuan and Wan Qianying had already determined their positions, out of their trust in them, the others didn't go up the tree to look at them. They all summoned mechanical beasts and started to leave here.

Fourteen people rode fourteen mechanical beasts and ran at full speed, bypassing the giant ship in front of them, and heading towards the direction of the No. 9 safe zone.

Along the way, they encountered various monster attacks from time to time.

When everyone entered the central city, the strength of Wang Xuan, Tang Ruoyu, You Kai, Mou Xing, and Su Tang had all been greatly improved. The five of them took the lead, crushing them all the way, and easily led the crowd to charge over.

Now a monster with strength like the tree demon, Wang Xuan controls the metal tentacles and can kill several at the same time.

Wang Xuan didn't know how many monsters he had killed along the way. His second ghost wing showed signs of growing again. When the sky was getting dark, they could see ten glass columns in the No. 9 safe area from a distance. .

They finally approached the No. 9 safe area before dark. Although they encountered a large number of monsters along the way, they did not encounter any terrifying existences like monster babies, and there were no casualties.

When they saw the ten glass cylinders hundreds of meters high, everyone slowed down.

Wang Xuan's brows furrowed slightly, and there was a roar of monsters in the direction of the No. 9 safe area. Among the towering trees in front, a large number of green figures were flashing, but it was a group of tree demons. And the perennial vines are densely packed, and at a glance, there must be thousands of them.

Although everyone is not afraid, but there are so many monsters gathered here, it still makes everyone's scalp numb.

What is even more astonishing is that around the ten glass cylinders in the sky, countless iron-winged devil owls, black and rolling like dark clouds, circle the ten glass cylinders. From time to time, you can see this group of iron-winged devil owls rushing down. hit.

Although they knew that the No. 9 safe zone was protected by a mask, these iron-winged demon owls should not be able to rush in, but everyone was still a little scared when they saw it.

"I haven't seen each other for a day, why are there so many monsters here?" Xu Jian said in surprise.

Yukai said: "Let's ignore them, no amount of these monsters can stop us!"

As he spoke, he rode the mechanical beast and rushed towards the group of tree demons in front of him.

Suddenly there was a flash of figures around him, but it was Wang Xuan riding Xiaojiao, rushing up faster than him.

The four seven-meter-long metal tentacles rushed out like four giant pythons.

Their appearance had already alarmed these tree demons and perennial vines, and they all gathered towards them.

Wang Xuan felt the change of the ghost wing on the left, and it could grow again at any time. He was in need of a lot of monster energy.

Even if he didn't borrow the ability of the blue crystal scales, his strength has reached the super-high level now. The four metal tentacles bowed left and right, and the two tree demons flew out to both sides silently. The body was blown up, and there were a lot of Green juice splashes.

Wang Xuan rushed to kill him, almost invincible, white scales appeared one after another, submerged into his body, and an endless stream of energy poured into the ghost wings on his left and the white light on his right.

From breaking through to the present, he didn't know how many monsters he killed or how many white scales he had absorbed. The white light on his right hand fluctuated endlessly, and there were faint signs of full energy inside.

Wang Xuan understood that the energy he needed to grow again was finally full.

But the energy required is full, but it does not mean that the beast can grow again. Now the energy required by the white light is getting less and less, and the energy of the white scales he has absorbed is almost absorbed by the ghost wings, which makes the ghost wings grow faster. faster.

You Kai, Tang Ruoyu, Mou Xing and others shot together, and everyone rushed in at an extremely fast speed, quickly approaching the No. 9 safe area.

Wang Xuan felt that the ghost wing was constantly absorbing the white scales, and finally the ghost wing on the left shook slightly and grew again, reaching one meter three.

As the ghost wings grew again, Wang Xuan's thoughts moved, and the two ghost wings behind him suddenly lifted high, disintegrated together, and turned into steel feathers. Each steel feather contained a powerful ghost car. Force, volley shot out.

The sound of "chi chi chi" was endless, dozens of steel feathers pierced through the group of tree demons and perennial vines, and the flesh and blood flew. The rows of tree monsters and perennial vines were falling down.

Xiaoguo jumped, took Wang Xuan, and jumped five meters away. The dozens of steel feathers flew back behind him and turned into two ghost wings, one large and one small.

Contaminated with flesh and blood, Ghost Wing seemed to be excited, Wang Xuan felt the surging energy in his body, and a faint excitement appeared in his heart.

He didn't know how many monsters he had killed that day. Not only did he not feel tired, but his blood surged and he felt excited.

His Eye of Fear felt the fear of the monsters around him and became active.

As they approached, everyone heard the sound of fierce fighting coming from the direction of the No. 9 safe zone ahead.

Originally, they thought it was the violent sound caused by the group of monsters attacking the mask of the safe area, but as they got closer, they suddenly discovered that these monsters were killing each other outside the safe area.

Wang Xuan and Tang Ruoyu, who were rushing the fastest, slowed down, and everyone looked up with a slightly puzzled look on their faces.

The No. 9 safe zone had already appeared one kilometer away from them. The pot-like mask had already completely covered the safe zone. Above the sky, a group of iron-winged demon owls were attacking below.

Above the mask, stood three humanoid monsters, fighting with these iron-winged demon owls. They were almost overwhelmed by groups of iron-winged demon owls, but they resisted the attacks of these demon owls. Everyone saw iron-winged demon owls from time to time. The Winged Demon Owl was killed and fell down.

In front of the mask, groups of tree demons, mushroom men, piranhas and perennial vines are trying to climb up along the mask to attack the three surrounded by groups of iron-winged eagle owls. Humanoid monster.

"Strange...these monsters kill each other?"

Everyone was a little confused, but they were too far away, and they could only vaguely see the three humanoid monsters surrounded and attacked, but they couldn't see the real appearance.

Wang Xuan asked Xiaojiao to speed up and continued to rush forward, wanting to see what happened.

The four metal tentacles controlled by his right hand are constantly waving. This kind of monsters such as tree demons, which are only equivalent to super-normal strength, are simply vulnerable to the current him. area mask.

Tang Ruoyu rode the mechanical giant tiger and followed Wang Xuan closely. She couldn't see any expression on her face. She only held a two-meter giant sword in her right hand. Tiger to clear the way.

Her white tiger has grown to a length of five meters, and it is absolutely as good as a super-superior powerhouse in terms of speed, strength and reflexes.

As he kept approaching the mask, Wang Xuan finally saw that there were more than 30 people gathered around the ten glass cylinders that were several hundred meters high.

These more than 30 people, including men and women, are basically wearing a full set of three sets of third-order high-quality equipment, such as ghosts, silver scales and Biying, which represent their strength and status.

Wang Xuan didn't need to think much to understand that these should be the leaders from various towns. They gathered in the safe area and seemed to be shocked by all the things in front of them. At the moment, they were sheltered in the mask and did not go out, just watching quietly. the madness above.

The appearance of Wang Xuan and other fourteen people caught their attention. These people came to the edge of the mask, but they still did not come out. They were looking at Wang Xuan and the others with surprise and excitement on their faces.

"Are you from the five major cities?" Among the thirty or so people, someone immediately raised their voice and spread it from afar.

"They mistook us for people from the five major cities?" Yukai laughed.

"We are also the leaders of the towns!" Mou Xingweng responded in a loud voice.

Hearing that Wang Xuan and the others were also from the town leaders, these people immediately snorted, with expressions of great disappointment on their faces.

At this moment, the three humanoid monsters who were originally standing on the mask and besieged by a group of monsters suddenly began to slide down the mask because of the appearance of Wang Xuan and others.

As soon as they moved, the iron-winged demon owls who were rushing all over the sky changed their direction, and the monsters such as the tree demons who climbed up the mask also immediately contacted the three humanoid monsters, and the two sides had a fierce conflict.

At this time, Wang Xuan and others finally saw the true appearance of these three humanoid monsters.

One of these three humanoid monsters is about two meters tall. From the front, its body and face look very human, but it is not wearing clothes or armor. Its skin is grass green, except for the skin, eyes, nose, The mouth is almost exactly the same as that of a human being, and it is almost impossible to tell the difference between it and a human if it is not for a different skin color.

But when it turned and turned its back to everyone, everyone could see the huge difference between it and humans.

It extends from the shoulders of the back down to the heels of the legs, and grows two rows of suckers the size of a fist.

These suckers are like breathing, contracting from time to time, they can eject airflow from them, or they can contract and absorb.

When Wang Xuan saw it, it was sliding down the mask at an extremely fast speed. An iron-winged demon owl swooped down and stretched out a pair of claws. He was about to catch it. The suction cup suddenly bulged out and two exhaust streams were ejected from it.

This airflow generated a huge propulsive force, causing its body to stand up suddenly from the state where the mask slipped. While avoiding the strike of the iron-winged owl's claws, the five claws of the left hand flicked, and with a screeching sound, fresh blood Splashed out, the neck of this iron-winged demon owl was cut off, and the **** head flew out.

Wang Xuan saw that its claws could be freely retracted or extended like a liger.

Seeing the speed at which it flashed and shot, Wang Xuan's heart froze slightly. With his current strength, the speed at which this green-skinned humanoid monster cut off the iron-winged demon owl's head just now made him feel dazzled.

In addition to this green humanoid monster, there are two other humanoid monsters, one is tall, reaching three meters in height, with pieces of steel-like muscles bulging all over its body, bronze-colored throughout, like a super-muscular giant, it is wrapped around its body. The iron chain made a rattling sound from time to time.

Its fists are simply unstoppable, and with a single punch, it can easily knock out the iron-winged demon owl who fell down.

The last human-shaped monster has a pair of bird-like wings on its back. Although it has a human shape, it is covered with a lot of feathers. It looks half-human and half-bird. Its hands are like mantis forelimbs, and two black knives appear. The hilt was fused with its arm, and it was unclear whether it was part of its body, or just a weapon it used to fight.

When they saw these three humanoid monsters, everyone felt an indescribable strange feeling in their hearts. They instinctively felt that they seemed to have a great essence with monsters such as tree demons, iron-winged owls, and mushroom men. the difference.

They are more human than monsters.