MTL - Last Building on Earth-Chapter 205 lost

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The humanoid monster was busy letting go, and was about to land on the ground and stand firm when suddenly it felt bad, and was busy looking up, only to see the glass mirror flow controlled by Gong Yangxuan slammed down again.

Hundreds of glass mirrors slammed down at one time, and it was unavoidable. It was instantly submerged by countless glass mirrors, and the harsh cracking sound continued.

At the end of this round of mirror attack, it was already unsteady and fell to the ground. Wang Xuan let go of Xu Jian, who was holding on to his hands, and a ghost wing flapped his back, and pounced on it again.

On the back of this humanoid monster, more than a dozen black and red turtle shells appeared, shooting like a hurricane.

Wang Xuan had been prepared for a long time, and when the ghost wings were covered, all the dozen or so black and red turtle shells were blocked by the ghost wings. After feeling the power of these more than ten black turtle shells, he understood that although this humanoid monster was powerful, By now, after all, it is exhausted, and it is already the end of the battle.

However, he was not at all careless in order to prevent it from being a disguise and deceived him. He used ghost wings to cover the black and red tortoise shell. In addition to the two metal tentacles that fused with his arms to form the giant arm of the beast, the other two metal tentacles appeared and volleyed. past.

The humanoid monster stretched out his hands and grabbed the metal tentacles he had just drawn. Wang Xuan had already appeared in front of it, and the giant arm of the monster on the right smashed it down.

Knowing that it couldn't resist it, it reluctantly moved its body and wanted to avoid it. Wang Xuan's giant arm of beast changed direction and swept across its forehead with a snap. The monster's head that looked like a turtle immediately It collapsed and twisted, and the black-red hard shell covered on the surface shattered.

The giant arm of the beast on Wang Xuan's left immediately fell, from top to bottom, hitting its forehead non-stop.

This time, he directly broke the neck of the monster, slapped its head into the chest cavity, and disappeared.

Its chest was originally tattered, but now it slapped its head in, this force exploded in its chest, and the hard shell on its back tore apart the flesh and flew out, and the vertebrae inside. , the ribs are all broken.

Watching its body distorted irregularly, and a mass of white light appeared, Wang Xuan let out a long sigh of relief.

This guy is not only terrifying in strength, but also tenacious in vitality. Until now, it is truly dead.

In the white light that appeared, there was a strong breath of life struggling, but it was quickly erased by the power in the dark and turned into pure energy, part of which was absorbed by the white light in his right hand, and part of it was Sucked away by the ghost wings in his body.

Just after the first battle, the loss of physical energy was a bit serious. Wang Xuan looked at the people around him, but saw that the wounds on their bodies were glowing with white light. Obviously, they all drank the healing water immediately after being injured, and tried their best to survive. Recover the injury in the shortest time.

In this **** tower, there are dangers everywhere, and no one knows what danger will come next.

The right hand stretched out, the metal tentacles extended out, and took off the clown mask on the face of the torn **** clown. Now they have two clown masks, Qiao Jingping is dead, they only need to get four more clown masks, they can left.

After drinking the healing water, more than a dozen blood holes in Huang Qingzhi's body healed quickly. He sighed and looked at Qiao Jingping, who had turned into a headless corpse, and murmured, "Old Qiao, I can't think of you. will be killed by the Fallen."

Wang Xuan couldn't help but ask: "What the **** is this Fallen?" He couldn't capture the information of this Fallen with the eye of the illustrated book, so he could only guess that he was a person who lost his mind after being attacked by the hatching beast, and finally the humanoid monster that got out of it. It may be the true appearance of this hatching beast.

Huang Qingzhi sighed and said, "The Fallen, like us, were originally people with hatching beasts, but they have been completely devoured by the hatching beasts, we call them the Fallen... It's all said in this **** tower. After staying for a long time, it is easy to be attacked by hatching beasts, but not everyone knows it, especially before, many people did not know it and entered here, but something happened and they became corrupted."

Hearing this, Wang Xuan took a slight breath.

Xu Jian replied: "Wang Xuan, you should also know that if you want to enter the north area on the first floor, you need the Cerberus Teeth as a pass, and this Cerberus Teeth is hidden in this **** tower. Tooth, or other reasons, such as we want to take this **** clown mask, and the most terrifying thing is the inside of this **** tower, which is connected to a hundred towns, and on average, one town in one town has a person who enters the **** tower into a fallen person. , there are 100, even if many towns have been destroyed now, let's count the less, and let's say there are 50 towns left, that's also 50 fallen ones, this is the real scary place."

Hearing this, even Wang Xuan changed his face.

Is the space inside the **** tower connected? Anyone who enters the Hell Tower or the Fallen from Hundred Towns is likely to meet here?

Huang Qingzhi naively said: "Ordinary perfection has no courage or strength to enter here. Those who can come here are basically superpowers, even ordinary superpowers, once they are attacked by hatching beasts, they will become Monsters are also much stronger, and before this person becomes a monster, he is at most an ordinary or medium-strength super-state, but after becoming a monster, it is terrifying."

Huang Qingyi shook his head as he spoke, with a heart-wrenching look on his face, and then looked up from time to time, fearing that a new degenerate would appear.

Wan Qianying said solemnly: "Don't say more, get out of here first, there was such a big noise just now, it's easy to attract new fallen people."

As she spoke, she hurriedly walked to Qiao Jingping's headless corpse, took off the storage belt tied around his waist, and said, "I'll keep his relics for the time being, until we get out of the Hell Tower. , don't waste time."

Xu Jian stepped forward to help, and took off the remaining four ghost suits from Qiao Jingping's body, stuffed them into Qiao Jingping's storage belt, and handed them over to Wan Qianying for temporary safekeeping.

After that, the six quickly left here and continued to move forward along the passage.

With Qiao Jingping's lesson, everyone became more and more cautious, Wang Xuan took out a bottle of elementary night vision water and drank it.

After drinking this night vision water, within six hours, you can see things in the dark. Although everyone is holding lighting crystals, it is not as convenient as direct night vision.

Soon, they encountered the **** clown again.

This time, two **** clowns appeared at the same time, one left and one right, emerging from the darkness and rushing towards them.

Everyone went all out, no longer hiding their strength, and wanted to make a quick decision.

Gongyang Xuan directly summoned hundreds of glass mirrors, one after another fell from the sky, turned into a waterfall, and directly smashed the **** clown who rushed up from the left.

The strength of this **** clown is far inferior to the fallen one, how can he resist this terrifying blow.

Another **** clown was severely injured by Xu Jian and Tang Ruoyu, and was finally cut in half by the wind blade swung out by Huang Qingzhi.

"Two more, soon."

Wan Qianying's eyes flashed slightly, and everyone stayed in this **** tower, even the super-powerful ones were afraid, for fear of encountering terrifying fallen people again.

Fortunately, they didn't encounter the Fallen again. After everyone continued to walk for about 100 meters, they encountered the fifth **** clown.

Wang Xuan has night vision ability. When the **** clown appeared 20 meters away, he found out in advance. He launched the attack first, and everyone followed him. In the end, Wang Xuan controlled the four metal tentacles and took the **** out of it. The clown entangled, successfully strangled, and obtained the fifth **** clown mask.

"It's the last one." Xu Jian let out a soft sigh.

Wan Qianying stepped forward without saying a word, Wang Xuan looked forward, and suddenly found that there was a huge stone wall 100 meters away, and they followed this passage to the end.

Wang Xuan saw that there were no **** clowns or fallen people around, and as he approached, he saw a door in the stone wall at the end.

The others, relying on the light from the illuminating crystal, finally noticed the stone wall and the door above it.

The six stopped by the stone wall, Gong Yangxuan made a move with his right hand, and mirrors were erected beside the stone wall door to protect everyone.

Wang Xuan stretched out his metal tentacles, pressed against the stone gate, and pushed it away slowly with force.

The Shimen was pushed open, and no danger was seen inside. Gong Yangxuan then put away the mirror that was erected like a shield. Wang Xuan, who had night vision eyes, looked into the Shimen, and suddenly froze for a moment.

Inside this stone gate is a huge space with a large number of corpses lying on the ground.

These are all the corpses of **** clowns, these corpses are twisted irregularly, and every surface has signs of melting and festering.

Wang Xuan saw that the clown masks on their faces had been removed.

This scene made him feel awe-inspiring, slowly approaching Shimen, and soon saw that these clown masks were all piled up. At a glance, there were at least thirty or forty clown masks.

And beside these piled up clown masks, a figure is wandering.

Although they pushed open the stone door and the light from the illuminating crystals came in, they did not attract the attention of the figure.

Wang Xuan looked at this figure, half of his body was human-like, while the other half was melted and festered, and a large amount of translucent white matter grew inside. These white matter had no fixed shape and was constantly fluctuating and changing, like a slug. Wherever, there was a viscous liquid left on the ground, which seemed strange and disgusting to say.

Wang Xuan saw signs of melting and festering on the corpses of the **** clowns all over the ground, and he already understood in his heart that these **** clowns were all killed by this half-human, half-monster.

Wan Qianying took the lighting crystal and came to the stone gate. She also saw all this in front of her, and her eyes showed indescribable shock.

What kind of strength does it take to kill so many **** clowns in a row?

Looking at the half-human monsters wandering around the clown mask, she didn't seem to pay attention to them at all, she suddenly whispered: "This is the lost..."

Wang Xuan opened the eyes of the illustrated book, but was unable to capture the information of this monster. He had already guessed in his heart that it should be a fallen person. He used to be a super-powerful among human beings. He just entered the **** tower. After seeing such a monster, only after listening to what Wan Qianying said, did I know that in addition to the fallen, there were also the lost.

"What is the lost?" Wang Xuan asked softly.

Wan Qianying explained to him in a rare way: "Like the Fallen, they were originally human, but they were attacked by the hatching beast, but unlike the Fallen, the Fallen is that the human soul consciousness is basically devoured by the hatching beast. Become a monster dominated by the hatched beast, and the soul consciousness of the lost and the hatched beast are equivalent to perishing together, and finally become a body with only instinct and no soul consciousness, as if lost, in order to distinguish it from the fallen. Come on, let's call such a lost person, but the person who can become a lost person and die with the soul consciousness of hatching beasts used to be very terrifying powerhouses, at least the superior powerhouses in the super state. Even the top is absolutely incomparable."

Xu Jian also squeezed in, seeing all of this, he sighed softly: "The lost person will not attack people deliberately because they only have instinct, as long as we don't disturb it, or attack it, it won't pay attention to it. our."

While talking, looking at the dozens of **** clown masks piled up, he muttered: "The trouble now is that it is too close to these masks, it is not easy for us to sneak in, and it is easy to disturb it if we are too close. "

Huang Qingzhi said: "There is only one missing, as long as we take one, we can leave."

While talking, rubbing his hands, he seemed a little hesitant. The lost person in front of him can kill so many **** clowns, and his strength can be imagined, at least not weaker than the fallen ones they encountered before, or even stronger.

Xu Jian said: "This kind of lost person is too scary. Once alerted, we are all in danger. I don't know if we return now, can we meet other **** clowns again?"

Wan Qianying shook her head and said, "It's useless, all the **** clowns alive in this passage have just been killed by us, and the rest of the **** clowns should be in this stone gate, and it is impossible for us to encounter other clowns when we return. The only way now is to enter the stone gate and get the clown mask."

Hearing Wan Qianying say this, Xu Jian's faces were a little ugly.

Wang Xuan pondered slightly, and said, "Or if you go back, I will go in alone, get the clown mask as quickly as possible, and then look back for you."

After the battle with the Fallen just now, everyone understands that Wang Xuan is the strongest among them now. If anyone can go in and get the clown mask, he is naturally the most likely.

Wan Qianying's personality is simple, not a hypocritical person, she immediately nodded and said: "This method is the best, then we will go back immediately, Wang Xuan go in and get the **** clown mask, by the way, I remember that your hatching beast can extend to six or seven. Rice, it's best to get it quietly, and it's best not to disturb it."

Wang Xuan nodded towards her, Gongyang Xuan said: "I'll accompany him. If the lost person is really disturbed, I can temporarily trap it with a mirror and buy time to escape."

Wang Xuan shook his head and said: "No, you all go back, I have a defense crystal, you don't have to worry about me, I try not to disturb it as much as possible, and get the clown mask."

He saw that although Gongyangxuan's strength was the highest among these leaders, his only strength was the one-time attack of the hundreds of glass mirrors. He could be crushed to death, but other than that, he was not much stronger than Xu Jian and Wan Qianying in terms of speed and reflexes. With him, once the lost were alerted, he would be a burden.

It's just that it's not good to say it directly.

Seeing Wang Xuan's insistence, Gong Yangxuan didn't say anything, just nodded slightly, stretched out his hand and took out three crystals from the storage belt, and said, "These are three defensive crystals, bring them with you just in case."

Gongyangxuan's actions surprised Wang Xuan.

This defensive crystal is different from other crystals. It is very precious. Now Wang Xuan only has five, and it is impossible for Gongyang Xuan to have many. Now it is very rare to be able to take out three defensive crystals at one time.

Seeing the sincere look on Gongyangxuan's face, Wang Xuan didn't know what he was thinking.

After thinking about it, I took these three defense crystals.

A defensive crystal can sometimes represent a life, which can be said to be very precious.

Wan Qianying, Xu Jian, and Huang Qingzhi looked at them with a hint of surprise, as if they didn't expect Gongyangxuan to be so generous.

"You all go, the sooner the better, it's better to wait for me at the exit." Seeing that everyone agreed, Wang Xuan asked them to return immediately. In order to prevent the lost person from being alerted, if the other party was too fast, they would catch up with everyone. , that would be The five of them did not hesitate, immediately under the leadership of Wan Qianying, they turned around and went back. Wang Xuan drank the water of night vision, no need for lighting crystals, and watched the five people lead the way. Looking back at the lighting crystal, when he saw Tang Ruoyu was leaving, he looked back at him.

Wang Xuan did not enter the Shimen immediately, but waited for a while to make sure that the five people were far away, and then began to release the metal tentacles and slowly entered the Shimen.

Slowing down as much as possible, approaching quietly, the four metal tentacles extended to the limit of seven meters long, he only needed to approach the pile of clown masks six or seven meters, and he could use the metal tentacles to take away the clown masks.

Wang Xuan stared at the lost person silently, holding several crystals in his left hand and right hand, a few water flame spar and explosive crystal in his left hand, and a defense crystal in his right hand.

Originally, he was going to use the smoke crystal, but considering the darkness here, the lost person doesn't seem to be affected. It is possible that the smoke crystal is ineffective for it, so he replaced it with the flame spar.

The lost person was like a walking corpse, wandering aimlessly around the pile of clown masks, and suddenly, it turned around and faced where Wang Xuan was.

Wang Xuan immediately stopped.

Fortunately, the lost man seemed to be looking at him, but in reality his eyes were empty, and he didn't pay attention to him at all, but walked towards him blankly.

Wang Xuan's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he moved silently to avoid it.

Suddenly, the lost man's empty eyes moved as he traversed, as if noticing him.

At the same moment, unease rose in his heart.

In his induction, the lost person always seemed to be empty and nothing existed, but at this moment, a strong unease rose in his heart, and for the first time he felt the horror of this lost person.

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