MTL - Last Building on Earth-Chapter 202 hell tower

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Although the ghost car is like the second hatching beast he owns, the actual ghost car is still very different from his monster.

For example, ghost cars do not have a clear growth pattern like Warcraft, and certain conditions are needed to grow and break through. These ghost cars do not have any.

What he can perceive is that the ghost car lacks enough energy now, so the second wing cannot grow out completely. As long as it absorbs enough energy, the ghost car can grow, which is obviously different from normal hatching beasts.

Thinking of the ghost car, the scene of the ghost car bird fighting with the white giant tiger appeared again in my mind.

"Then Tang Ruoyu knows the ghost car, but she doesn't know what she has to do with the ghost car."

Wang Xuan thought that Tang Ruoyu had recognized the ghost car after winning the hatching corpse that day, and she seemed to have some connection with the ghost car.

"This Tang Ruoyu is mysterious and mysterious. It is said that she is suspected of coming from above, but she does not belong to the five major cities."

Wang Xuan's thoughts fluctuated, he thought a lot, and finally calmed down and fell asleep slowly.

When he woke up again, it was already bright outside, so he was busy getting up to wash, put on four ghost equipment and a silver scale helmet, and went downstairs. He Mingli and Shi Lei were already awake, but they and Cheng Aiguo, Meng Liandu stayed here, waiting for him to go downstairs.

Xiaogairu is a guardian deity guarding the door. Now it is majestic and terrifying, and even the powerhouse at the peak of its state may not be its opponent. It can be said that without Wang Xuan's order, it is true that strangers should not approach.

Wang Xuan beckoned and put the little girl away. He thought of the appointment with the five leaders, and the time had come, so he briefly said a few words to Cheng Aiguo and He Mingli, and asked them to go to Centipede Island to practice and strive to break through as soon as possible. After being promoted to the perfect state, he rushed to the glass column in the center of the square.

When he arrived, the five chiefs had already arrived by the glass column's No. 9 elevator, and were only waiting for him.

Beside them, there are also important figures from the five major forces, such as Qiu Yuanfeng, Chu Boyu, and Chen Daolin, but about what happened to the world above, the five leaders did not elaborate, and even they did not know.

At present, they only know that the five leaders and Wang Xuan will enter the No. 9 elevator together and go to the upper world.

Seeing Wang Xuan coming, Wan Qianying opened the door of the No. 9 elevator and said, "Everyone is here, let's go."

After speaking, she walked in first.

Dynasty leader Huang Qingzhi and Justice League leader Qiao Jingping walked in one after another.

Xu Jian nodded towards Wang Xuan. He hadn't seen him all night. Wang Xuan saw that Xu Jian looked haggard. It seemed that he was in a heavy heart, and he probably didn't sleep well last night.

Gongyangxuan and Xu Jian, the new leaders of the Rakshasa, walked in one after another, and Wang Xuan was the last to enter.

Qiu Yuanfeng, Chu Boyu and others were not qualified to enter, so they could only watch the leader leave.

"Chu Boyu, you may not be able to get down soon after going up this trip. You are responsible for the affairs of the dynasty." Huang Qingzhi looked at Chu Boyu outside and gave an order.

"Understood, leader." Chu Boyu nodded in command.

The elevator door was closed, and everyone was immediately cut off from the outside world.

Wan Qianying pressed the button leading to the third floor. A circle of light appeared on the surface of the button. After that, the elevator vibrated slightly and began to ascend.

Soon, the elevator stopped the slight vibration, and the door in front of him silently reopened.

The six people in the elevator all showed vigilance and alertness, observing the situation outside the elevator.

There is nothing to see outside, only a layer of white light curtain.

Wan Qianying was startled and walked out first.

She passed through the white light curtain and was bounced back right after.

Gongyang Xuan, who followed closely, also touched the light curtain and was also pushed back by an invisible force.

Wang Xuan released the metal tentacles and passed through the white light, feeling that he had touched an invisible force. When he exerted force, the invisible force bounced back his metal tentacles.

At the same moment, a message appeared in his mind.

"In and out of the third floor, you need a **** clown mask to exchange for a permanent pass."

Upon sensing this information, Wang Xuan immediately understood that he had followed Xu Jian from the No. 8 elevator to the third floor. He did not need a pass and could enter directly because the No. 8 elevator had broken down at that time.

If there is no fault, under normal circumstances, if you want to enter the third layer of the world, you must use the "Hell Clown Mask" to exchange for the pass, just like when he entered the insect town on the second floor from the first floor, he also needs the clown mask to exchange for the pass.

Everyone tried it, and they were bounced back by the light curtain, looking at each other and looking at each other.

Wan Qianying said: "It seems that if we want to go up, we need to get this 'Hell Clown Mask' first."

"Hell clown mask, that should be in the **** tower at the end of the insect kingdom." Xu Jian thought for a while.

Wan Qianying's eyes flashed slightly, and she said, "Let's talk about it first." As she spoke, she pressed the button on the second floor, and the elevator door closed again.

The elevator vibrated slightly, taking them down again.

When the slight vibration stopped, the elevator door opened, and the six of them returned to Insect Town.

When they got out of the elevator, Qiu Yuanfeng, Chu Boyu, Chen Daolin and others had dispersed, leaving only some members of the five major forces. Their main task was to receive and register the newcomers coming up from the downstairs here.

Suddenly, the five leaders came out again, and they were busy salute.

The mood of the five leaders was a little heavy, and they just waved their hands at them, then left the elevator and walked towards a building.

Qiao Jingping said: "What do we do next? Let's go to the Hell Tower together to find this **** clown mask?"

Wan Qianying said: "That's the only way. The six of us need six masks. If you have no problem, we will go now."

Huang Qingzhi spread his hands and said, "I'm fine, how about you?"

Wan Qianying saw Wang Xuan and Xu Jian nodded one after another, and said, "Okay, then let's set off immediately and go to the Hell Tower."

While talking, he took out the heart of the mechanical beast from the storage space of the storage belt tied around his waist, and threw it to the ground, turning it into a huge mechanical giant bear.

She jumped up and rode on.

Xu Jian, Huang Qingzhi, Qiao Jingping, and Gong Yangxuan all took out the heart of the mechanical beast and summoned the mechanical beast, and Wang Xuan also summoned Xiaojiao.

Among the six major mechanical beasts, Xiaojiao has the largest body and seems to be a standout. The other leaders are a little envious when they see it.

Everyone turned over and mounted the mechanical beast one after another, still headed by Wan Qianying, she shouted: "Go!"

Riding a mechanical giant bear, he took the lead and rushed towards the north gate.

Several other leaders followed closely, and Wang Xuan was not in a hurry when he rode Xiaojiao.

His little girl was the fastest, and he didn't want to steal the limelight, so he let him slow down and follow behind.

Six people and six riders whizzed past, and the mechanical beast stepped on the ground of the square and made a crisp sound, attracting the attention of many people.

Although everyone didn't know what happened, but in the battle of the insect tide, the people in Insect Town were no longer unfamiliar with Wang Xuan and the five leaders. Suddenly they saw that the most powerful and powerful six people in Insect Town gathered together and moved Beimen ran wild, and immediately understood that something big must have happened.

These people talked a lot in private, and they were all guessing why the six went to the Beimen insect country.

There are five people guarding the North Gate, one from each of the five major forces, but the North Gate is usually deserted, and basically no one comes in or out. These five people are chatting lazily, and suddenly they see six people riding mechanical beasts. After sprinting over, the momentum was amazing, and everyone was shocked. The first reaction was to jump up from the ground.

When they saw the equipment they were wearing, they knew their identities. All five of them straightened their waists and wanted to salute. The six people, headed by Wan Qianying, had already rushed out of the north gate. A puff of smoke rose.

Outside the north gate is the country of insects. You can see a lot of rolling hills and weeds between the hills.

Wang Xuan rode Xiaojiao and followed the five people. There was a bug wave before. He and everyone came here once, but they came here again so quickly.

Looking far into the distance, I could vaguely see the shadow of a tower in Mohu. There is the end of the North Country, the Hell Tower.

The six mechanical beasts ran all the way, and soon climbed a hill, alarming the hordes of giant insects ahead.

These are all armor bugs. Wang Xuan had seen them in the bug wave before, and only three stars were dangerous, comparable to the sub-body among hatching beasts.

Groups of armor bugs appeared, but they were not afraid of death, and they came surging forward without being intimidated by the momentum of the six people.

Wan Qianying was disdainful of shooting at them. The giant mechanical bear she was riding was like a tank rolling over. This three-star dangerous armor bug was vulnerable to a single blow.

The speed of the six people kept going, and the hundreds of armor bugs that poured out couldn't stop the crowd at all.

Afterwards, everyone encountered various insects from time to time, which were basically what Wang Xuan had seen during the insect wave, but the number was not so terrifying, there were giant armor insects with a three-and-a-half danger degree, and fiery red bullet ants with strength comparable to adults. and four-star spiders.

Basically, there are hundreds of insects in each group, and the six people crushed them all the way, basically no need to shoot, relying on the mechanical beast to lead them to rush over.

Of course, among these insects, occasionally there will be a few powerful insects, and the danger level can reach the five-star or five-and-a-half-star level. resolved quickly.

The six people rode the mechanical beasts, and they all retained their physical strength as much as possible, and would not shoot at will.

Wang Xuan looked into the distance, and the Hell Tower, which was originally extremely model lake, seemed clearer and taller. He understood that they were constantly approaching. According to this speed, they kept going all the way. After about half an hour, they should be able to reach the Hell Tower.

This journey has been running wildly until now. Except for the six of them, no one has been seen. Although the insects around are not enough to threaten everyone, but after entering the insect country, everyone felt an invisible sense of oppression in their hearts.

This is the oppression of the king bug.

The worm country is the kingdom of king worms. Although king worms are generally sleeping, everyone still feels a little uneasy when they enter here.

"The deeper you go, the closer you get to the place where the king worm is sleeping. Everyone should try to restrain themselves as much as possible, and try not to make a move if they can."

Wan Qianying reminded everyone with a light drink, and then patted the mechanical giant bear who stepped down to avoid the insects that came up.

"Yeah, it's best not to make a loud noise. If you really wake up Wang Zong, it will be over." Qiao Jingping added, with a trace of nervousness on his face.

Wang Xuan glanced at the leader of the Justice League, and found that among the five leaders, Qiao Jingping was the youngest in terms of courage.

Gongyangxuan's face has always been shy as if he has never entered the world, but after Wang Xuan learned about his relationship with Gongyangjun, he was very wary of him in his heart.

"There's something wrong there." Xu Jian suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance, frowning slightly.

Wang Xuan also saw that on a distant hill, there were piles of various insect corpses. Above these piled insect corpses, there seemed to be something hidden in the void. Flickering slightly.

Everyone noticed it, and they were all slightly surprised, but they were too far away to see it clearly.

Wan Qianying saw it, and immediately changed the direction of the mechanical giant bear, obviously wanting to see what happened.

Others have no objection. Everyone is a little curious, and they feel that there seems to be something there. If there is a genius and treasure born, no one wants to miss this opportunity.

As they approached, everyone noticed the vague phantom that shrouded the hill. It was suspected to be a giant tiger. Tiger roar, that imposing manner is unpredictable, in addition to the insect corpses piled up on the hills, there are more insects around, including the bullet giant ant that Wang Xuan had seen in the insect tide, and the spider with six stars on its back. These are all insects with a five-star danger level comparable to the powerhouses.

It's just that these insects seem to be afraid at this moment and slowly recede around.

When Wang Xuan saw it, his heart trembled slightly. This giant tiger phantom was somewhat similar to the giant white tiger he had seen in the illusory world created by the strange tree.

When Xu Jian, Wan Qianying and the others saw it, there was a soft sound in their mouths. The six people appeared on the mechanical beast, which alarmed the insects that were retreating. They turned around and suddenly retreated like a tide. .

Soon around this hill, except for the insect corpses all over the ground, there was not a single living insect left.

"It's her?" Wan Qianying was slightly surprised.

Wang Xuan saw a woman sitting cross-legged among the swarms of insect corpses on the hill.

This woman, with an excellent figure, closed her eyes, and the phantom-shaped white tiger was shrouded in all directions. She seemed to be under the protection of this phantom, cutting off all contact with the outside world.

This woman is Tang Ruoyu.

"She is..." Xu Jian frowned and said suddenly, "She passed the threshold of life and death?"

Wan Qianying nodded slightly and said, "Insect Town has another super state, which is a good thing."

The six people rode mechanical beasts, stepped on the corpses all over the ground, and slowly went up the hill.

Suddenly, the tiger-shaped phantom that enveloped the void converged and disappeared. At the same moment, Tang Ruoyu, who was sitting cross-legged on the top of the hill, opened his eyes and saw them.

"Congratulations, Tang Ruoyu." Wan Qianying showed a rare smile.

Tang Ruoyu didn't speak, just stood up from the ground, stretched out his right hand, and a long white sword appeared.

This long sword began to show amazing changes. Originally, the blade was ten centimeters wide and about one meter five long. At this moment, the long sword was changing. The width increased to twenty centimeters, and the length extended to two meters. It turned into a white giant sword.

There are white substances floating on the giant sword, and soon the two tiger claws on the sword body and the tiger claws at the end of the sword hilt are combined together to form a white tiger, lying on the giant sword, the overall shape , but there is a bit of hideousness and murderousness in the weirdness.

She clasped the giant sword lying on the white tiger in her hands, as if she was feeling something, and slowly let go of her hands again. The giant sword converged and quickly disappeared into her right hand.

"Miss Tang, congratulations on breaking through to the super state." Xu Jian stepped forward and said, "Now there is a big problem with the elevator leading to the third floor, the spare elevator No. 9 has been activated, and we must go to the **** tower to get the **** clown. Only with a mask can you enter the third floor, since you are supernatural, are you willing to join us?"

Going up from the No. 9 elevator, no one knows where it leads to the third-layer world. There are all kinds of sinister possibilities. Xu Jian naturally hopes that the more people go up together, the better.

Tang Ruoyu heard the news, a look of surprise crossed his face, looked at them, and nodded.

Xu Jian let out a breath and said, "Okay, then let's go to the Hell Tower together."

Wan Qianying glanced at Tang Ruoyu and seemed to be accustomed to her indifference. Seeing her nodding, she tapped the mechanical giant bear, changed direction, and continued to run towards the Hell Tower.

Tang Ruoyu took out the heart of a mechanical and turned it into a giant mechanical tiger. She rode on the giant tiger and fell to the back of the team, looking very out of place and out of tune with everyone.

Along the way, everyone encountered swarms of insects from time to time. Fortunately, these insects were not enough to threaten the seven super-powerful people. Everyone still passed through relatively easily. As the **** tower in the distance gradually became clear, everyone slowly approached.

As they got closer, Wang Xuancai could see that the **** tower was divided into nine floors. From the outside, it was blue-gray, and the surface seemed to be covered with a layer of fluorescent light. , Wang Xuan noticed the grandeur of this **** tower.

"Brother Jian, why is this called the Hell Tower? There are also a lot of insects in it?" Wang Xuan asked Xiao Gao to catch up with Xu Jian and run alongside him.

Xu Jian said: "The Hell Tower should be regarded as the most special place in the entire insect town. It is said that this tower is not a product of this world, so it is not bound by the rules of this world, and even if it exerts its supernatural power, it will not be suppressed by the power of the world. "

Within one kilometer of the **** tower, there will be no insects. Those insects will only approach the edge of one kilometer at most, and they will not come closer. It seems that they have an instinctive fear of this **** tower.

Wan Qianying, who was headed by him, rode the mechanical giant bear, and also began to slow down.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, from starting to crossing the insect country and arriving at the **** tower at the end of the insect country, although everyone did not encounter too powerful insects, they still felt that it was not easy.

"It is said that this tower is from hell, and some say that this is the entrance to hell." Wan Qianying said: "The purpose of our visit this time is the masks of the clowns of hell. When we collect seven clown masks, we will immediately Leave, don't stay in the tower for too long, lest you be attacked."