MTL - Lanke Chess Edge-Chapter 982 This wish moves the world

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Monk Huitong and several senior monks from Daliang Temple looked at each other and saw the shock on their faces. Generally speaking, monks' dharma names will not change. Inherit.

A few days ago, Huitong learned that the king of Siedi Ming had passed away, so he entered the meditation under the Buddha's statue of King Ming in the monastery, and borrowed the Buddha's law to give birth to Hui.

At this moment, when I hear that Jue Ming inherits the Dharma name with the word "di", it is basically the same as the person designated by King Ming to inherit. Can see through, then it will be self-destruction.

"Good, there are people who have successors to my Buddha!"

"Good, congratulations on the birthday of Master Jizo!"

Huitong and several eminent monks from Daliang Temple around him perform Buddhist rituals. Of course, the current Master Ksitigarbha cannot be ranked among the Ming Kings just because he inherits the Dharma name. A very high starting point, because he has the spiritual empowerment of King Ming, and at the same time it is enough to prove that Master Ksitigarbha's talent is strong, and he is a monk whose Buddha-nature has been recognized by King Ming.

Jue Ming, who used to be sitting on the ground now, also stood up and saluted the eminent monk of Daliang Temple.


Putting away the Buddha's salute, Ksitigarbha looked at the Bodhi tree behind him, and gave a great Buddhist salute to this tree that helps people to attain tranquility, concentration, and wisdom.

"Sitting on the Buddha in meditation, Bodhi gives birth to wisdom! Master Huitong, all masters, this place will surely be a holy place for Buddhism!"

The Tibetan monk turned around after a sigh, while Huitong spoke directly.

"Wisdom is born under the Bodhi tree, of course it is a holy place under the tree, but I Daliang Temple just look after this tree, and this tree is not exclusive to my Buddhist school!"

The Tibetan monk looked up at the monk Huitong, and nodded slightly with a sudden expression on his face.

"Master Huitong said it is very true. It is a poor monk who has a picture. Thank you for your stay during this time. If you need something for the poor monk, please feel free to speak!"

"Master Ksitigarbha is very polite, my Daliang Temple is only a little bit of the friendship of the landlord, the master does not need to be more polite!"

The abbot of Daliang Temple opened his mouth to express his attitude, and the other monks nodded in agreement, and the Tibetan monk did not say anything.

"Thank you so much, Ksitigarbha farewell!"

After another salute, the Tibetan monk walked directly under the Bodhi tree and left the backyard of Daliang Temple. With the presence of many eminent monks in Daliang Temple, he walked across half of the temple and left. During this process, the monks of Daliang Temple seemed to feel something. , have put down the things at hand to send each other.

During this period of time, because of the previous Buddha's light, the incense in Daliang Temple was unusually prosperous. At this moment, seeing the actions of the monks in Daliang Temple, many pilgrims were aroused by curiosity, and many people followed.

A pilgrim saw a familiar monk passing by and rushed up to ask.

"Master, what happened?"

The hurried monk just glanced at the people around him, and folded his hands together and recited the Buddha's name.

"Good, benefactor, the poor monk and the monks in the monastery will send a gift to the high monk!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't say any more, and hurriedly chased after him. The other monks were in a similar situation. When the Tibetan monks walked out of the Daliang Temple more than ten meters away, the door of the Daliang Temple in the rear had spread out in a circle, and the Daliang Temple was up and down. More than a hundred monks are all here, even a few young novice monks.

Under the naked eyes of many monks and pilgrims, a faint light of Buddha's light appeared on the Tibetan monks, but everyone was miraculously silent at this time.

It seems that there is a feeling that there is no going back until the vision in my heart is reached.

The Tibetan monk was just walking in front, and only then did he turn around after a while, and saw many monks outside the Daliang Temple, as well as pilgrims beside him who also did not know why they kept quiet.

"Master Ksitigarbha, where is the master going?"

Only monk Huitong broke the silence and asked Ksitigarbha monk, and the latter replied calmly.

"There must be a lot of debts in the Yellow Spring, and the strife of heaven and earth is rolling in. Watching the "Yellow Spring" and becoming enlightened, sitting on the Bodhi and giving birth to wisdom, the poor monk wishes to use his modest power to save the soul of Huangquan!"

Although "Huangquan" was written by Wang Li, many of its contents were of course deeply influenced by karma. The last three chapters contain some Buddhist chapters, among which, peaceful Buddhist methods are used to suppress and channel Huangquan's accumulated hostility, which definitely requires great perseverance and wisdom. The heart of great compassion and great compassion has great magic power.

Ksitigarbha monk's voice seemed to be echoing constantly, and the words were a great wish with a strong belief. Huitong just heard the words, felt this great wish and understood its meaning.

Not to mention the Ksitigarbha monk in front of him, even if Prince Ariake came in person, it would be almost impossible to fulfill such a grand wish.

"Master... the soul of the world is inexhaustible, and the evil debts are constantly rolling in, how can you save it?"

The Tibetan monk showed a rare smile, and bowed to the monk Huitong with a Buddhist salute.

"Good! My Buddha is merciful!"

Without any unnecessary answer, after saying "good", the Tibetan monk turned around and left without looking back.

Huitong was slightly stunned for a moment. He had been a monk for a hundred years, and his heart was greatly moved. He bowed and bowed to the Buddha.

"My Buddha is merciful!"

The monks of Daliang Monastery were also shaken in their hearts. Whether they understood the meaning of the Tibetan monk or not, they all felt it. At this moment, they also reacted. Like monk Huitong, they worshipped the Buddha.

"My Buddha is merciful!"

The figure of the Tibetan monk gradually disappeared until he disappeared from the sight of everyone. He walked all the way in the southeast direction, and the speed was not rushed, but the distance covered by each step was gradually increasing.

A few days later at night, outside the Netherworld City, the Tibetan monk gradually slowed his pace and finally stopped outside the city. He knew that there was a Netherworld Underworld, but he didn't know where it was at first. He just walked along the way he felt. When he finally set foot here, the enlightenment in his heart told him that he should come here.

At this moment, the Tibetan monk still seems to be wearing worn-out monk robes and cassocks, but under the impact of yin, although there is no Buddha's light, there is a strange Buddha-nature that arises by itself, so that the ghosts at the city gate can vaguely feel some incomprehensible Taoism. Even the ghost soldiers and gatekeepers outside the Nether City would not dare to neglect when they saw such a monk coming.

The gatekeeper will personally come out of the gate to greet him.

"Excuse me, who is the master, and why are you here? This place is where the dead stay. If the stranger has no important business, don't enter."

The Tibetan monk bowed to the ghost general and the ghost soldiers beside him.

"The poor monk's name, Ksitigarbha, is indeed coming to this underworld, and he wants to report to the underworld emperor on his behalf, so he said that the poor monk is asking to see you!"

It is impossible for ordinary mortals to say such words directly, which makes the ghost general who already believes that the monk in front of him is extraordinary will not dare to neglect him. He must know that this feeling reminds him of a wonderful immortal, so he quickly agreed. .

"Master, wait a moment, I'll go and report."

"Good, it's time to work."


Not long after, Xin Wuya personally met the monk who had come from afar. He didn't know exactly who the monk was, but he always felt that he should pay attention to it.

This is the first time Xin Wuya has seen a Buddhist monk. Naturally, he wants to maintain a certain majesty on the premise of showing respect, but when he hears the intention of the Tibetan monk, he is still shocked, and he can't help but read from behind the table. Stand up on the seat.

"What? Is what the master said true?"

Xin Wuya may think this guy is joking when someone say this kind of thing, but when Master Jizo in front of him says it, although he thinks it is absurd, he has the feeling that what the other party said is true, but he can't help it. Asked affirmatively.

"Nanmu, my Buddha's great law, to save the karma of Huangquan, this is the poor monk's wish, unswervingly determined, until death!"

Xin Wuya stared intently at Master Jizo in the hall. At this moment, the Buddha's light faintly appeared on the latter's body. The Buddha's light was a little dim at first, and then became stronger and stronger when the other party finished the Buddha's ceremony and raised his head. Let this yin-filled hall of the underworld be filled with a kind of sacred radiance of Dharma.

rumble rumble rumble...

A peculiar sense of vibration was generated in the Nether City, the buildings never shook, but it made all the ghost repairers feel it clearly, and Xin Wuya's feeling was even more obvious. He looked up and looked around the hall, only to feel that there were two lines of sight. , one clearly sees the main hall, and the other seems to be blurred by the shaking of the yin.


On Nanhuangzhou, the entire Hengshan Mountain was shaking slightly like an illusion, but the flowers and trees in the mountain did not even shake, but many spiritual animals in the mountain escaped from their homes as if frightened.

Hengshan Mountain God's spiritual sense has been covering Hengshan Mountain, and he is also taking care of the secluded spring under the mountain, but at the moment the spring water seems to be boiling, and the water flow is getting stronger and stronger. This powerful force actually makes it extremely difficult for him to suppress~www. ~ rumbling..."

The dark clouds gathered above Hengshan, and there was a burst of thunder that shook the mountains. Lightning and thunder made the animals in the mountains panic. The more Hengshan Mountain suppressed the secluded spring, the more violent the thunder.

At this moment, an old rock face appeared on the main peak of Hengshan Mountain, as if feeling the thoughts of heaven and earth.

"God's will! It doesn't matter..."

With a low sigh, the mountain **** directly released the suppression of Youquan.

At this moment, the rolling secluded spring skyrocketed under the Hengshan Mountain, without penetrating the restriction, and directly submerged into the air. Where the spring water entered, it opened up the underworld directly, and crossed the void to a very distant place.

At the same time, the fate in Lanzhou in the Western Regions was also shocked, as if the heaven and the earth were telling each other, he already felt that something that could be regarded as changing the world had happened.


In Dongtu Yunzhou, where the Netherworld is located, the vibration became more and more intense. At a certain moment, the yin qi of the already prosperous ghost town suddenly increased violently again.

"Boom... boom la la la la..."

Under the feeling of feeling, Xin Wuya glanced at the Tibetan monk, and then stepped out to the side wall of the Nether City. At the same time, countless old ghosts came out together, and the Tibetan monk was equally tight. Then, he stood on the city wall.

All the ghost cultivators stared blankly at the direction outside the city. Following their line of sight, a slightly turbulent water flow had appeared not far outside the city, and as the water pressure was constantly widening, the front continued to flow into the distance. Wherever the meridians are, the yin qi gathers itself and the yin world opens itself.

Huang Quan has arrived at this moment in a way beyond anyone's expectations!


PS: I recommend a classic Xianxia novel that should be quite good - "Sweeping the Sky", and interested book lovers can go and see it.