MTL - Lady Su’s Revenge-Chapter 551 I heard that you like bloodsucking.

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When I saw Ling Mo in a crisis, Fang Yuan’s shackles shrank, and the hands of the singer changed. The Tianhe, which was originally condensed into a giant sword, immediately split a river and smashed it.

The perfect sword immediately appeared in the flaws, the blood fog "Su Shi" flashed a light, sneer: "To the treasure Tianhe, if you let your elders handle, I can not be a little trouble, but you are so little Repair, giggling..."

Her sleeves swayed gently, and the eight blood dragons instantly bite into the flaws. The original stalemate immediately reversed. There were cracks on the surface of the giant sword. Numerous pieces were smashed down and turned into water. .

"not good!"

Fang Yuan’s face changed slightly, his hands seemed to fall into the mud, and the Indians could not continue. He shook his teeth and kept shaking for a while, but he saw the **** fog. Su Shi’s sleeves fluttered and eight blood dragons rushed out, tearing the giant sword. !

"Give the deity...break it!"


The giant sword in the sky burst open instantly, and the treasures of the Tianhe River rushed back. Fang Yuan’s face was pale as paper, and the mouth was overflowing with blood.

Ten fingers are broken!


Fang Yuan’s hands hang down, and he looked up at the blood and fog, and the unwillingness and killing in his eyes seemed to burn the sky.

Watched with such gaze, the face of the blood mist "Su Shi" suddenly sinks, cold and cold, eight blood dragons immediately turn, turned into eight blood color electric mans, blinking in the chest of the chest to drill eight blood holes!


Fang Yuan snorted, his body could not support, and he squatted down, and a stream of blood mixed with internal organs was sprayed in front of him.

"The weak should have the consciousness of the weak."

The blood fog "Su Shi" turned his head and touched the confused Su's cheeks with a soft tone. "Young people, you are not the opponent of this seat. If you kneel down and beg for mercy, you may be in a good mood. Leave you as your seat." The blood slaves save the pain of being sucked up and dried.

Ling Mo was covered in blood, holding the sword slowly to the side of Fang Yuan, his eyes staring at the blood fog "Su Shi", his eyes are full of indifference and ridicule.

"With yours?"

The blood fog "Su Shi" smiled slightly, and suddenly another **** light was used as a long whip in Ling Mo. The huge force would make Ling Mo out of the distance, fell into the dust and directly passed out.

Fang Yuan’s lips almost bite the bleeding. He took a deep breath and his eyes fell on Su’s unforgettable body. “Let him go, you want to kill you, listen to you!”


The voice just fell, the same **** whip hit, and the clothes behind Fang Yuan were torn open, leaving a crack in the pole.

"What are the qualifications for me to talk to me about conditions?"

Fang Yuan was on the ground, and he was so embarrassed that he struggled to get up. He tried several times and failed to succeed.

Seeing the **** fog of this scene, "Su Shi" was cold and stunned, and saw Ling Mo, who was fainted in the distance, and his eyes faded. "But it is very boring. Instead of receiving two blood slaves, it is better to be full." Fan, give this seat to die!"

Fang Yuan was on the ground and had a lot of dust in his eyes, but he still had wide eyes and tried to get up.

Everything in front of me became awkward. As the **** "Su Shi" voice fell, there was a cold force coming into his body, and the whole body was quickly drawn away.

Power is disappearing... so cold.

Is this the end?

It shouldn't be like this, I haven't saved it, I haven't found it... She, I... How can I die?


Suddenly, he had a pair of feet in front of his eyes, and the black crepe fluttered around him. He tried to see who he was, but he was always chaotic.

"You are sick to me."

Su Shi’s voice was calm and unspeakable, but the **** fog “Su Shi” was inexplicably cold.

"Who are you, the deity has nothing to do with you, why is it nosy?"

Su Shi heard the words, suddenly smiled, and smiled very brightly, but the sense of crisis in the heart of the blood fog "Su Hao" is soaring!

"Not related to me? You look again, is it not related to me?"

She stepped out in one step, and the face instantly restored the original appearance of the past life, but different from the previous life, the lotus mark of the corner of the eye.

Blood fog "Su Shi" face changed dramatically, "You..."

If the words are not exported, Su Shi will suddenly disappear, and then appear in front of the blood fog people, both hands grasp the body of the blood fog people, tearing!

Tear off! !

"Ah! Ah!!"

The original blood-stained person was suddenly torn like a paper man!

Su did not forget to look at Su Shi’s face in a confused way, muttering: “Mother’s kiss...”

Su Xiaoran smiled, and his hand was like his electric light, and his sleepy curse immediately worked. Su did not forget that his body was soft and fell.

"Ah!! My transformation!! I am bad, I am bad! I care who you are, I am going to die!"

The screams of blood and fog rang through the sky, and the chaotic **** wind blew up. A total of six blood dragons roared out of the wind.

Su Shi gently put down Su and did not forget, and then did not forget to throw away to Su and not to forget the two spirits to protect their lives.

After doing this, the blood dragon has already hit the back less than half a mile! !

"Ha ha ha ha ... what a daughter of luck, you are a ghost, I won you today!"

"The daughter of air transport?"

The groggy Fang Yuan heard the word suddenly awake, struggling to look over the blood fog, but unfortunately the ghosts were so powerful that nothing could be seen clearly.

"Is it?"

Su Shi’s lips are slightly hooked, and the blink of an eye instantly turns into a dark pool.

The body of the ghost!

Boom! !

A strong power suddenly broke out from the thin body of Su Shi, and the sixteen blood dragons had not touched the back of Su Shi, and they were all shocked and swayed by the scattered blood fog.


The face in the blood fog is mad, and the killing of the eyes is instantly captured by the fear. "How is it possible? There can be no emperor in this world, it is all fake!!"

When the voice just fell, the blood fog people noticed that the eyes were dark, and they were still looking at Su’s unforgettable Su Shi. When they did not know when they arrived, they raised their hands and slap.


The blood fog is rolling, and it is faint to see a **** human being being taken out of the country.

"Do you dare to move me, what are you?!"

The blood-smoker was battered by this slap in the palm of his hand, and his body was scattered a lot. She was about to get up, and she looked up and saw another slap in front of her.

"Districtly disenchanted, dare to turn into me? hurt me close?"

The blood fog people rolled away and stood up again. They suddenly found that their body was only half left. "How is it possible? How can you hurt me if you are a human race?"

Su Shi’s eyes started. “Who told me that I am a human?”

What the blood fog people suddenly thought of, suddenly panic: "Not the emperor's emperor ... the predecessors forgiveness! The younger generation has no eyes, collided with the power! Look at the aliens and the same thing, spare the villain a life !"

Su Shi’s eyes were fascinating, and he did not answer the meaning of the blood-stained person. He only gently pointed a drop of blood on his fingertips and shot it into the blood-stained person.

"I heard that you like bloodsucking..."

Yin Hong's blood is integrated into the blood fog, and it is quickly absorbed by the blood fog instinctively. The blood fog people are first glimpsed, and then a sharp pain suddenly emerges from the bottom of my heart.

"what did you do to me?!"

Su Shi’s eyes were indifferent, and there was no response. He only turned and leaned out in the direction of Yun Yi and others, shaking his hand.





Dozens of blood monsters up to five hundred feet at the same time fried into a piece, like **** fireworks, sly dreams.

The desperate cloud is watching everyone in this scene, like a dream.

"My law body..."

The blood fog people looked at him with horror as he fell off a piece of black like carbonized pieces. She just absorbed a drop of Susie's blood. How could this be?

Even the most violent blood poison she had ever seen could not destroy her body, but now it is easily destroyed!

"Respect! I am useful! I am an ancient survivor, knowing many secrets, and then being treated as a spirit by the blood-bearing beads. I believe that the inheritance of the blood-stained emperor... save me!!"

When the blood and fog were not finished, they screamed, and the speed of charring on the body suddenly increased, and the eyes turned into a black carbon mark.

"Save you? Injury them, you only have one ending, but unfortunately you didn't hear."

Su Shi said a few words to the blood foggy man who had become black charcoal. He regained his gaze and walked to the side of Su, and a bead suddenly broke open his chest and the wound turned and healed.

Su Shi and his **** pinched some warm beads, and they thought through the thoughts:

"I really got the beads that I got from Lin Yanxing. In the reincarnation mirror, I finally gave up everything. This bead was also inherited and kept in the body. It seems to be the inheritance of the blood-stained emperor. .

My strength today is still a long way from the Great, but not far away. This thing is useless, but for the forgetful child, it is a chance, but before that, you need to check the blood beads to prevent it from hurting. ”

Su Shi put away the beads and will not forget to check it. After confirming that there is no serious problem, he will put it into a delicate wing in the village of Cangleidong.

After doing this, Su Shi turned around, his face was restored to the appearance of this life, and then he took a hand, lying on the ground half dead and two people suddenly floated up and followed her side.

"The blood fog people are even more powerful than the ones I used to kill in the cold. It is no wonder that Ling Mo is under control everywhere, but now... this blood world can be scattered."

Su Shi blinked, and small world fragments emerged behind him.

"My strength today, I don't need small world fragments, let them do their best."

As Su Shi’s voice fell, countless small world fragments with colorful lusters lifted into the sky.

Rumble -

"what sound?"

When the cloud heard the roar, suddenly someone pointed at the sky and said: "Look! The sky is cracking!"

Yun Yi and others looked up and saw that the dark red sky cracked a gap, and the gap was still expanding at a very rapid rate.

"The blood is broken!"

The cloud was overjoyed, "Fang Yuan they succeeded!!"

At the same time, other small blood circles in the city also showed signs of fragmentation, and everyone was pleasantly surprised. This decisive battle, after all, they won!

Fang Yuan’s body floated in the air, but although the body is no longer uncomfortable, it is still soft, without any effort.

But he still struggled, forcing his head and wanted to see the woman's face next to him.
