MTL - Lady Su’s Revenge-Chapter 460 impossible

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Ling Qing whispered, looking straight into Su Shi, "You are her descendant, you have this qualification, as long as I know, I must know everything."

In the face of Ling Qing’s misunderstanding, Su Shi has never been debunked, even now.

So far, her true identity, except for the alleged Xiandao tea tree and Su Yuanhai, only three people know, Huayan does not have to say more, as for the East without snow and Yan Zikai are the two who passed the test and are completely under control. .

For Ling Qingyi and Yin Xue, she should also be cautious.

It is not a good thing to be misunderstood as a descendant of yourself.

The road is long, but it is a moment in Su Shi’s mind. She glanced at the clear sky without clouds and recovered her eyes.

"When I forced my master to enter the mirror, who was it?"

Ling Qing’s pupils were miniature, but Su Shi’s question was not unexpected. Shen Sheng said: “I didn’t stop investigating after coming out from there, but I finally found out that it was related to a holy sect, and even the name was never obtained. ”

"Holy Son."

Su Shi’s eyes are awkward. “The Holy Family in Qingshui is too much.”

"I understand, but no matter which one, which is called the Holy Family, it is not simple."

Ling Qing sighed slightly, and Su Jiuzhou’s words and deeds in front of him were like Su Shi. He attributed it to the influence of inheritance, but he always unknowingly regarded her as Su Shi, and he looked down with respect to his subordinates. .

"After I left the Yin family, I went to a lot of big fields to spy on the truth. Every one of the saints stood behind at least one robbery period. It is too difficult to investigate the events of the year."

After Ling Qingyu finished, Su Shi indulged for a moment and continued: "You were injured at that time?"

Ling Qingyi glimpsed a little, touched the cold spar, and nodded.

"Amo came out, the strength soared, and in just two hundred years, it reached the point of half-step robbery."

Yin Xue’s mood seems to have stabilized. He added a whisper to the side: “The family has high hopes for him. He stopped practicing at this time, and went to the Holy Family to be mistaken for people who were mistaken for the soul.”

"Reward the soul?"

Su Shi first heard the word, and the meaning of the inquiry appeared in his eyes.

Yin Xue seems to have been left with a considerable degree of fear because of the encounter in the reincarnation mirror. Seeing her eyes gazing, she couldn’t help but tremble, and dare not conceal half-point:

"After the broken mirror of the reincarnation, many people returned to Qingshui as if they had completely changed one person. Although the memory of the body of the soul returned after the return of the life ring, the heart that belongs to the original family power is Jaya. Can't come back. Your master..."

Yin Xue’s voice paused, and there was no sincerity in it. “It’s really attractive.”

Ling Qingyi heard this, his eyes flashed through the picture in memory, and the face with a scar on his face gave a very light smile: "Is the temperament changed? I don't think it, I just got better."

Yin Xue heard the words and nodded. She was not disgusted with the change of her brother.

On the contrary, even very happy.

In Yimo, the Yin’s parents, the younger brother who was trained as a scorpion, never spoke to her actively.

In the round mirror, things that have been going on for hundreds of years can make my brother become a human being again. I don’t want to say anything about Su Shi’s fear. Yin Xue is very grateful.

However, for Yin Jia, the original pure Imo became impure, but it was a great bad thing.

Su Shi headed, and the thoughts in his eyes flashed away.

She has figured out a lot of things, leaving the reincarnation alive and leaving to die, is totally different.

The former took away all the emotions and memories, and occupied the dominant position in the soul; the latter did not remember the things in the mirror, leaving only the exercises and instincts learned in it.

Ling Qingyi and Yin Xue should all be the former, but Su Shi did not dare to guarantee falsehood. She continued to follow her own voice and said:

"It seems that you and I have investigated something that is almost the same. I found out that there is a monk named Su Huanli in Sujiaben's family who has a deep relationship with her."

Ling Qingyi agreed to nod. "So you are lurking in the Su family and want to check it out."

"Not bad!"

Su Xiaoran smiled and looked at Ling Qing’s eyes and became gentle: "You two can join me, it is best."

In the face of Su Shi’s invitation, Ling Qing’s enthusiasm, he had a heart, and now he can meet Su Shi’s descendants, and it’s best to investigate together.

However, his face quickly revealed hesitation.

"We can't stay."

Yin Xue’s face showed regret. “Su Kyushu, we all understand our wish. But our stay will only bring you trouble.”

Su Shi brows a pick, "because Yin Jia?"

"Yes, not all."

Yin Xue hesitated for a moment, as if he was thinking about whether or not to take it out, but when he saw Ling Qing’s hand always inadvertently grabbed his chest, she sighed and sighed in the past.

"Our situation is not good. After Amo left the Yin family, I naturally followed, and later stayed in this area."

At that time, Amo Xiu was very close to the robbery, and Sujiaba was extremely incomparable. Amo got news from the ancestors of the Su family. He wanted to leave and go to the sneaky investigation. I couldn’t worry about going with it, and the husband would be with me. Later, Amo was ambushed, seriously injured, and desperately saved me, but the husband is..."

Having said that, the tears in Yin Xue’s eyes appeared, and the voice choked. “My husband is very good, but unfortunately I have not been able to leave him a son.”

"That butterfly sound..."

Su Shi spoke in a timely manner, Yin Xue took a deep breath and convinced her emotions: "That was when I entered the reincarnation mirror and received the daughter. When the action was inconvenient, I was fostered in the Su family. Later, she showed the cultivation talent, but it was reused. After I and Amo fled back, Amo would be renamed Lingguang. The outside world thought that Amo had died in a ghost, but there was not much doubt."

Su Shi is silent.

There is still confusion in her heart. Whether it is Yan Zikai or the East without snow, she can smell a familiar soul from them.

But the two people in front of me did not.

She can't ask this question.

She can't explain where her familiarity comes from, and if it is said, the argument of the descendant will not break.

After a long while, she looked up and stared at Ling Qing’s eyes and asked, "Which holy victim is you?"

Ling Qing suddenly, the face in memory once again coincides with the girl in front of me, the absurd thoughts appear in my heart.


Ling Qing’s voice is very low and seems to be suppressing anything.

"Ghosts, Hanzong,"

Yin Xue heard these two words, his face paled and smiled bitterly: "Han Zong collected a lot of round mirror fragments, Amo had an idea, but both of Hanzong's two majors have a robbery period. Yes, we can escape alive, it is very good."

Su Shi heard the fragments of the reincarnation mirror, and his eyes flashed to Ling Qingyu. The sight was actually a bit of a burning sigh. "Your injury must be left by Han Zong, and it is a bit of injury to your reincarnation mirror." similar."

Ling Qingyi heard, his lips were slightly stunned. "How much is my memory in the inheritance you got?"

Su Shi laughed and said nothing, did not answer his words, continued: "Han Zong is also a saint, even if you are afraid of revenge, you have to die for so long, they should have forgotten."

Ling Qing’s eyes changed slightly, and the original slack body gradually tightened. “What do you want to say?”

"I want to say, you should understand very well."

Su Shi sighed, but Yin Xue looked at the two men with a blank look. I don't understand why the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"You are very smart, but I still can't believe you completely."

Ling Qing’s face came cold, his drooping hands shook a little, and the two coffins reappeared. Yin Xue suddenly panicked.

Su Shi did not seem to see his movements, his eyes narrowed and whispered: "Don't kill yourself, you have fragments of the mirror, then let's make a deal."

Ling Qing’s action is stagnation, “What trade?”

If he is not forced to do so, he naturally does not want to start, the strength of Su Kyushu, he has already seen, and with his current physical condition, the fish is not necessarily broken.

What's more, Yin Xue is still around, he has already owed his sister too much.

Su Shi pointed to Ling Qing’s chest and said: "As long as this ice crystal disappears, Han Zong can't sense you, isn't it?"

"Yes, the cold poison of Han Zong is not as simple as you think."

Ling Qingyi understands what she wants to do. "This cold poison not only has the effect of tracking, but also suppresses my strength. The structure is extremely complicated. Even if you inherit the medical realm of your teacher, it is not necessarily..."

His words were not finished, but he saw Su Shi suddenly reach out, lightning-like, a faint flash of lightning flashed.

Then Ling Qingyu was shocked to see that the ice crystals that had been entangled with themselves for nearly a thousand years, slammed into pieces and shattered into powder.


Yin Xue was shocked and happy, couldn't help but touch Ling Qing's chest, and after touching the empty hole, the tears could not stop flowing.

Ling Qing was steamed and white, and there was no ice crystal suppression. The breath on his body quickly rose. The injury in the blink of an eye was better than 80%, and the blood stasis fell off.

"how did you do it?"

He looked at Su Kyushu sitting opposite, and there was a trace of incredible in his eyes. What was the thunder light?

Although he saw it, he could not peep at its essence.

In addition to the inheritance of Su Shi, this woman has other adventures.

Great luck!

Ling Qing’s heart appeared in the heart, and his body was slightly shocked.

The new daughter of air transport?

Su Shi shrugged and did not answer. Although the earth gods and thunders were only part of the clean thunder, the good deeds also contained a ruin of the clean thunder.

Ghostly cold poison, no matter how complicated the structure, but the pursuit of its essence, but a ghost crystal.

A clean, ruthless rule, enough!

"After life is awesome."

Ling Qingyi looked at Su Shi and sighed. He took the bag with the debris out of the Qiang Kun ring. Su Shi took over the check and showed a smile.

at this time--