MTL - Lady Su’s Revenge-Chapter 440 Torn your face!

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Time flies in the perception, until the tenth hour comes, no need to remind the voice of the void, Su Shi stood up and dragged the seemingly broken body to the eighth step.


The picture changes, and it is the same high platform as before.

Su Shi took a long sword from the premise of the weapon frame and turned it into a residual image, not to mention the middle-aged.

The desperate posture is exactly the same as the first six.

The existence of the void in the air looked cold and bloody, and the coldness of the eyes flickered. It thought that Su Shi would die in the fifth step, but never thought that this woman’s resilience far exceeded his imagination, and she never insisted on the eighth. step.

"The inheritance of the sword left by me is used by me. The area can be built to the present. Where is this enchanting? It's ridiculous!"

It muttered to himself, with anger and shock. There are limits to changing the rules of the inheritance of the stars, and for him, the danger is not small, if not a last resort, he does not want to take the risk.

"Look again, if I really go that step, I will never allow anyone to take my things!"

Boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

On the top of the high platform, the two turned into a shadow of crazy shadows, swords and shadows constantly, blood and rain, can not tell who is the blood.

Su Shi waved the long sword, and sometimes let go of the control of the two hands, the proud sword and the quenching star seamlessly switch, sway freely, when one started to step on the star road, the use of skill is not much.

If Su Shi’s sword was only a rough beginning of the initial entry path, her sword was being quickly polished and smoothed and perfected with repeated efforts.

The presence in the dark perceives this change, and the face is darker.


The middle-aged man took a step back and the wrists were shaken. The dense purple swordsman instantly turned into a sword net.

Kill the trick!

Su Shi’s eyes were sharp, and the backhand gripped the sword upwards. The entire blade immediately turned into a rotating afterimage, which broke upwards in a cone shape.

"Quenching star, sixth style, broken!"

During the time, the violent wind blew in the field, and Su Shi’s body shape was also carried in, which could not be clearly sensed.

The presence in the darkness stared at the two sides of the field that were about to collide, showing a smile. In this situation, I still want to realize a hint of swordsmanship. It is really stupid to choose a hard-killing trick. No matter how good the talent is, it is a waste.

It turned around and gradually disappeared into the depths of the void, not even going to see the ending.

Forced to fight in the state of the oil, and there is a ghost without death.

at this time--


The strong wind pressure suddenly spread to the audience. In the blink of an eye, the sword net was torn into pieces, and even the middle-aged people were broken into pieces. The fragments of the body even splashed under the feet of nothingness.

"She won?!"

The existence of the void in the air reveals a sudden, violently turned to look at the eighth stone steps, happened to see the ragged, blood-stained purple sky fall, as in the first two stone steps, fell on the stone steps On, severely fainted.

"How to win?"

The existence of the face in the void is hard to look like. It is actually a kind of dry mouth. He thinks that Su Shi is dead, and he has never carefully watched the battle.

"Luck? Or...this woman has been hiding in Tibet?!"

It muttered to himself, and then whispered: "Impossible! This kind of test, even the monks of the Yuan Ying period will not be able to smash the past, let alone the foundation period... I don't believe it!"

It’s wide-eyed, staring at Su Shi, who is lying on the stone steps, not letting go of the details. It’s shocked to lose sight of it. He’s forgotten to continue to lie and report the time limit, until Su Shi wakes up and reacts. At this time, the past time has already exceeded 30 hours.

" it well, it’s not easy to get here. This time of healing is only thirty-five hours, you have spent thirty, five hours, go to the ninth step! ”

Su Shi ignored the painful arms and propped up, barely sat up, and the tone was full of repression to the ultimate anger: "Five hours? Why don't you just say let me go to die?"

Seeing her finally revealing her emotions, there is a subconscious sigh of relief. This time, she is really reaching the limit.

Hateful, I have been hiding her before, but fortunately, the Star Road is still long, even if the ninth order is not dead, it is definitely not the tenth-order test, there will be no accident!

With this in mind, it is so determined that it will continue to pretend to be a thick voice, and coldly said: "I have given you the opportunity to come here, no regrets!"


Su Shiman is a **** face with an urgent color, hateful: "I now suspect that this star road is a deliberate predecessor deliberately set up, indiscriminately kill the younger generation! I want to invite the Star Road arbitration!"

The existence of the void in the sky changed slightly, and I remembered that Su Shi was only building the base period. How could the soul body decide that the soul of the soul could not be completed? The arbitration that was invited could not see him. What are the fears?

When I think of it, it laughs and says with a sigh of relief: "You still know the Star Road Arbitration, or... The genius is more proud. Since you are not willing to admit that you are too weak, please do not hesitate. I will never stop."

Su Shi’s face was changing and it seemed to be in a struggle. After a while, he did not make other moves, but took time to meditate and recover from the injury.

The existence of the void sees this scene, and the smile on the face is even worse. "I can't hold my breath, good things, and my mind is more likely to die. I can see how long you can hold."

Su Shi, who was sitting on the stone steps, was pale and couldn’t tell whether it was angry or too heavy. She closed her eyes, but her heart was calm, contrary to the impetuous expression.

The injury looked even more serious. The arm bones of the arms were covered with cracks. It seemed that although it was a porcelain that would fall apart, Su Shi knew her real injury, which was much lighter than the previous step.

From the test of the illusion, she did not coma at all, but has been mobilizing the ghost valley to restore the injury, and there is no reaction in the emptiness of the air, more than a dozen hours.

If she does not guess, the secret voice will only give her twenty hours of healing.

"On the ninth stage, I haven't figured out how long it can affect the star road. The injury and blood have not fully recovered. It is not easy to tear the face, but... If this continues, even a fool knows that I am loaded."

When the five hours arrived, Su Shi opened his eyes and his eyes flickered.

It is sooner or later to tear the face, from now on... less injured.

She stepped forward and stepped into the ninth stage. On the high platform, she began a fierce battle again. The presence of the void could look at Susie's desperate appearance.

How does she have more strength?

Isn't she seriously injured when both arms are broken? How can I still get a sword?

I don’t know the pain in the battle, can she feel no pain?


With more and more doubts, and more and more unpredictable hunches, the ninth-order battle lasted for three days and three nights, and Su Shi’s self-defeating one pierced the tragic ending of the skull and ended.

"Sure enough, I have survived..."

It stared at Su Shi, who was separated from the ninth-order man. He suddenly felt a cold in his heart. What kind of enchanting did it cause?

In his heart, there is even a faint regret that rises and fights back, but when he comes to this step, neither he nor Su Shi has a retreat.

"The tenth order, she... will die!"

It muttered to himself, and the words were filled with unconfidence that he had never noticed.

"Forty hours, tenth order!"

Su Shi opened his eyes and immediately rang a chilly voice. This voice was a lot less agile than before, and there was a sense of mechanicality.

"Not that person... he started to doubt."

Su Shi thought thoughtfully, picked up the right hand arm that was intentionally broken on the ground, and let it sway and hang on the side of the body, closing his eyes and continuing to heal.

Although the healing time only increased by five hours, it was unreasonable, and she did not anger as she did before. Since it is already tacit, there are some things that are unnecessary.

"Arbitration is also divided into small sizes. It is only a gift from the Stars. It does not have much influence on him. If he does not force him to make a big mistake, after the arbitration, I will definitely die..."

As he healed the wound, Su Shi secretly sank.

"If that person can affect the test of the star road, it will not be too much. Otherwise, if he directly promotes the strength of the shackles to the realm of sorrow and even higher, I will have died."

"But it is also possible that he is not willing to take risks in order to deal with me. After all, for him, I am just one of the most inconspicuous ones in the thousands of stars. It is not worth it."

"But if I go to the last few steps, I can't say..."

Su Shi’s eyes were deep, and his heart was silently predicted for a moment, quietly, and calm and calm like a calm lake.


After the time came, Su Shi silently embarked on the tenth order.

From the 9th to the 10th, it is indeed a watershed. The purple swordsman in the middle of the middle-aged man is rich and black, and no sword will leave a deep mark on the high platform.

Su Shi’s situation is even more difficult. Every time he ducks, every difficult limit counterattack almost wipes the edge of the sword, leaving criss-cross scars...

But in the dark, every time I feel that she is being shackled under the sword, Su Shi will miraculously survive, no matter how many injuries he has, he will shorten the healing time, Su Shi can continue to stand up. Continue to the next battle.

Eleventh order, twelve orders...

Every step, bloodstained.

Su Shi didn't know how much blood had dried up. From the tenth stage, she didn't say a word again. It was just a tireless battle, and the sword in her heart became clearer.

After the end of the 16th order, Su Shi fell out of the illusion, was about to continue to heal, and finally heard the familiar but unrelenting sound.


Su Shi gave a slight glimpse, looking at the middle-aged man who appeared in the void, the face that gritted his teeth gradually became clear, she showed a sneer, under the look of middle-aged people full of anger, hoarse and laughed and said: "16th-order, I can't help it anymore? You are more forbearing than I thought."

As soon as this was said, the middle-aged man looked completely gloomy.