MTL - Lady Su’s Revenge-Chapter 437 Wonderful!

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In the core space of the tea tree, Su Shi sits cross-legged in the void, like a statue.

Broken jade, it’s not so good.

There is a double blessing of the essence of Enlightenment and the Heavenly Lotus. She explores the innumerable thoughts, but she can't break through the bottleneck of the seemingly thin and papery.

Black Lotus emerged, and looked at the east without snow, which was still reshaping the flesh, and sighed softly.

It seems that I heard the sigh of Black Lotus, and Su Shi had an action in the next moment.

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The idea of ​​tens of thousands of floating is immediately multiplied geometrically, and the number of million in the blink of an eye is going to make millions of moves -

In the meantime, Su Shi’s headache is splitting, and the head is like a waterfall.

"Su Shi! Wake up!"

Heilongjiang's anxious and fierce voice came into the sea. "The number of thoughts is beyond the limit you can bear! If you continue, your head will explode like a fireworks, and you will die! Su Shi, have you heard that?" !"

Su Shi tightened her lips, and her teeth continued to push her thoughts, letting her mouth and nose bleed, and she was indifferent.

There are tens of thousands of deductive lines. She can't find a breakthrough in the broken jade. What about 100,000, even millions? !


It seems that the sound of the broken rope came from the skull, and the white hair was stained with blood in the blink of an eye. Hei Lian looked at the atrium and he shivered. He did not dare to disturb Su Shi again, for fear that his voice would become the last straw. Thoroughly crush the thoughts of Su Shi.

"Stretch! Stretch! Stretch!..."

More and more voices appeared, and Su Shi, who was looking for the mind in the sea, finally sensed the signs of death and continued...only died.

"Are you failing?"

Su Shi opened her eyes, and the light was dim. "Looking" to the sea, because of her loose heart, and constantly falling to the thought of nothingness, she suddenly moved her mind, and her thoughts sank with her thoughts.

The breath of living disappeared instantly.

"Su Shi?!!"

Heilongjiang was so horrified that he looked up and saw the sluggish face that appeared on the core of the tea tree. He thought for a moment and suddenly found out what he could do now, only waiting.

In the darkness of nothingness, there are thoughts turned into white light embellishment, like a starry sky, with the constant sinking, the white light gradually disappears until the end... only the darkness remains.

In such a darkness, Su Shi does not even feel his own existence. If there is still a trace of obsession in his heart, I am afraid that it will disappear with the thought.

I don't know how long it took, the darkness faded, and Su Shi opened her eyes weakly and saw a secular city without color.

"What is this place?"

During the slight vibration of the mind, Su Shi looked down and saw a pair of transparent palms. She was silent and walked forward to the city.

Close to the door of the small town, the voice of the city was heard from the ear.

Su Shi started, she felt a sense of familiarity in a faint sense, but after careful consideration, she did not feel.

At the gate of the city stood two guards, from time to time to ask the identity of the people coming and going in the city gate, but never looked at Su Shi.

"Can't see me?"

Su Shi secretly sank, stepping into the city gate, and surely the guard did not stop, but when she stepped into the gate of the city, the surrounding scenery suddenly turned back all the way, and in the blink of an eye, Su Shi returned to the original place.

"Can't get close?"

Su Shi’s heart raised a bit of speculation and tried to enter the city several times. They all returned to their original place, as if they could only see this piece of footage.

Going back to the gate again, Su Shi looked at the black and white world that was incompatible with her, and the eyes rose in the eye.

Repeated memory fragments, who are these memories?

Su Shi asked himself, and finally sighed and took a step back.

Then, everything in front of him returned to the darkness, but Su Shi’s heart was calm, re-selecting a direction, and soon after entering the next memory fragment.

This time it was not the city gate, but the place where Su Shi was familiar.

"Yunshan Courtyard..."

Su Shi whispered softly, walked to the courtyard in memory, and saw that the girl wearing the cloth was sitting alone on the ground, and the foster mother next to her was looking at her with a smile, while sewing her new clothes.

Su Shi looked at this scene for a long time, she went to the girl and gently crouched down.

This moment, past and present life seems to have broken through the changes of time and space, overlapping together.

In the next moment, the memory fragments went backwards. Su Shi returned to the Yunshan hospital. After a moment of silence, he walked to the courtyard where Su Yuanhai lived, but before he went to the hospital, the debris would flow back again.

In this memory, she still doesn't know Su Yuanhai?

Without trying again, Su Shi quit the debris and continued to search for the next memory.

Or short, or long pieces gradually piece together the memories of childhood blanks. Su Shi seems to be like an outsider, calmly watching the scene as Su Yuanhai said, and seeing the already dead Su Huanyi brothers ecstasy like the devil Su Yanli, who saw the young look, saw the shadow of the black shadow that fed her illusion.

In the end, everything goes back to the dark.

Su Shi’s eyes were absolutely dull, although she knew that this was everything she had experienced in her childhood, but she could not make her feel the same, as if she was watching the memory of a stranger.

"I can't return even if I see it, I remember the effect of the illusion?"

Su Shi passed his thoughts in his eyes and turned away without any reluctance.

The darkness has not disappeared.

Dull, lonely and shadowy, Su Shi gradually came out with a cold touch.

The soul has experienced so many pieces of memory that it is too weak and will not dissipate for a long time. If it really dissipates, then there is no difference between it and the body. It is a kind of flesh that is for people to win.

What Susie thinks now is not death.

She looked at the deep darkness and enemies, and her eyes filled with eagerness.

Time gradually passed, I don't know how long it took, Su Shi found that she could not walk, her body of the lower body disappeared, so she could only climb.

The boundless darkness is desperate, and the light in Su Shi's eyes fades away, obsessed... still.

The crystal of the soul flew out a little white light, dotted with darkness, and the body of the upper body began to disappear. Su Shi’s thoughts vibrate and gave a slight sigh, but still did not give up, and continued to march into the depths of the unknown.

At a certain moment, my hands disappeared, leaving only the head. Su Shi’s almost transparent eyes flashed with almost crazy attachment, and the teeth were biting the ground and moving constantly.

She didn't know what it was to support her to move on, but she knew she had to move forward.

A little white light illuminates a small area, but Su Shi can't see it. She only had the lower half of her face, still tirelessly advancing, and gradually the second half of her face disappeared and could not move forward.

At the moment when the soul body disappeared, the light of the obsessive transformation suddenly shone and shone into every corner of the dark space.

At this moment, Su Shi suddenly saw all.

She didn't know what she was still looking at. In her eyes, there were countless wires intertwined, and there were many parallel lines that were straight and staggered.

Instinctively, Su Shi extended his mind to touch one of the bright red silk threads. Suddenly, a huge piece of soul like a mountain came close and rushed into Su Shi’s mind.

Just like the real soul force wrapped Su Shi, quickly nourish Su Shi loss to the ultimate soul body, less than a breath of effort, Su Shi's idea projection reappeared.

This time, it is no longer a virtual shadow, but like a real body, indestructible!

All kinds of changes came too fast, Su Shi couldn't think too much, and the silk lines in front of them all faded, and then the huge and messy original memories washed away.

Su Shi only had time to remember a few words, and the memory torrent disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared before.

"Sin family... from hate monument..."

Su Shi looked at the space that was gradually darkening around, and muttered to her mouth, and her mind was fixed in a warm picture of a couple holding her eyes, but the faces of the couple... she could not see clearly.


Su Shi did not know what happened to her, but she had many abilities in her instinct.

Taking advantage of the space is not completely dark, she pointed to move, white light gathered into a light door, without hesitation to step into it.

In the next moment, Su Shi suddenly opened his eyes and saw the familiar tea tree core space. A faint silk thread was reflected in her eye, but the thread quickly blurred.

But she still saw it, and the silk was connected at both ends with her and Black Lotus.

"The daughter of fate..."

Su Shi’s mind flashed a thought, and when he thought about it, he heard the voice of Black Lotus yelling: "Master, you are finally alive! Hehe..."

Su Shi raised his hand and saw the black shadow displayed by the black lotus ring. It was actually clearer than before.

Her heart was amazed. "How long has the time passed?"

Subconsciously, she turned her head and looked at Bi, but she saw that the chasing was still the same as before.

Heilongjiang saw Su Shi did not seem to be hurt, but also relieved, turned a white eye: "You have lost the breath for five days! I almost thought you were hanging, is preparing to find a master again!"

"Is it?"

Su Shi brows and picks, "I am a bit curious that you fall into the hands of the Jade Emperor, what will happen."

The black lotus face is black, and the treasure of a ghost family falls into the hands of the human race. What else can be left, even if the black lotus ring can be left, his spirit will definitely be taken to alchemy.

"Small Su Shi, can't you leave a face to the king?"

Black Lotus sighed helplessly, silent for a moment, and finally couldn’t help but wonder in his heart. He asked: "You have kept that strange state for seven days. What did you do? It’s hard to break the second place. Really broke?"

Su Shi shook his head and smiled. "The second and the second is the breakthrough."

"Then you are not in a hurry?"

Heilongjiang couldn't understand it, but Su Shi did not take care of him any more. He turned to Bi and said: "After then, pay close attention to all the actions of Yuxu Zong, and report to me at any time."

Black Lotus heard her instructions, and did not entangle the previous problems, and clapped her hands in amazement.

"The old geeks who are as strong as the jade sects will never think that the fairy tea tree will be a traitor. Su Shi, this trick is really... wonderful!"