MTL - Lady Su’s Revenge-Chapter 409 Who counts who?

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After three days, the main hall of the patriarch.

Su Shi played with a small disc that took three days to refine it. When she looked at it, she was worried. She couldn’t help but ask: "Auntie, can this thing really deal with the strategy of the seventh house of Sujia?" They have condensed dozens of small sects to ambush, you have to be careful."

"rest assured."

Su Shi grabbed the palm of his hand, put away the disc, and lifted his eyelids.

Hua Yan couldn’t help but look outwards. I saw that the elders had just entered the temple and went to the central bank’s court ritual: “Tai Shang, the lord, Meng Zong’s elder brother Wei Yue visited and asked.”

"Is it finally?"

Hua Yan took a deep breath and said: "Call me orders, let him in."

The elders responded with respect and respectfully.

At this moment, in the face of an unprecedented strong enemy, he saw the petite girl sitting on the stage high, and her heart was stable and there was no panic.

Do not deliberately install, he flew to the front of the rebellion outside the Qing Dynasty, the head slightly raised, with a hint of vigilance in the cold tone, "Please, the sovereign is waiting for you in the hall."

Qing Weiyue nodded, disappeared with the elders entering the rebellion.

In the Valley of the Golden Valley, the Su family were hidden in the dark, and Su Yuanhai and others appeared in front of the empty water mirror. The picture in the mirror was the scene where Qing Weiyue entered the counter-class gate, and even the voice came over.

"Homeowner, Nai Qingyue was summoned by the patriarch of the ruling. It seems that the news that the rebellion is too retreat will not be wrong."

Su Mengqing first spoke, Su Yuanhai nodded and whispered to himself: "In the past year, the anti-Zong disciples were oppressed by Meng Zong, but they did not resist. They wanted to come because they were too retreat and lacked confidence."

"Unfortunately, they have been unconscious since they came back. The elders are not here at this time. Otherwise, why should we be so motivated?"

Su Mengqing unfortunately sighed, Su Yuanhai glanced at him, and glanced at the old man who did not seem to hear it, whispered: "We are not at home now."

Su Mengqing suddenly woke up, and his heart regretted saying something wrong, but he wondered why his family did not stop him.

"Haha, it seems that the Su family is still a bit resentful about my building!"

Su Mengqing was annoyed. The old man who seemed to be ignorant of the purple robe suddenly smiled and walked up to Su Yuanhai. He continued with a smile:

"The elders of your family can participate in the repair of the big battle, but many of the strategists can't ask for it, just like me. Although I participated in the selection, I was brushed down because of the lack of realm. ..."

Su Yuanhai stared at the old man in Zipao and slowly opened his mouth. The pressure of a forced person also spread.

"Shenzhen, there is no need to say more, this kind of words I have stopped countless times, I have been tired of listening. Now I just want to know, when will the grand elders of our seven-room Sujia come back from the building?"

工具大大, 上高,

Moreover, it is still the master of the array of law in all the realms of the Kyushu domain, even if it is a big product, it has already been restored.

If the soul card that is not in the ancestral hall is not broken, Su Yuanhai thinks that the big elders of their seven houses are dead.

"Oh, Su Seven owners are not safe."

The purple robe, known as the "Sinking Master", repeatedly hugged his fists and was humble and sincere. "In fact, this time the old man came to help the boxing. On the one hand, the Suqi masters asked for help from the front, and on the other hand, they were the first floor. I also want to bring some news to my homeowner to appease the irritability of my family."


Su Yuanhai browed and picked, "I want to hear it."

"Su's family also knows that all the people who went to repair the big array did not come back." Shen Zhenshi's voice was low, and there was a wave of hustle and bustle in the body.

Sound insulation array...

Standing on the side of Su Mengqing's ears stood up slightly, so cautiously, the Shen Zhenshi said that it must be a secret that cannot be missed.

"Not bad."

Su Yuanhai nodded. "But what about it, and then the advanced ten-piece array will not take 800 years!"

"Su seven owners, this is a different story!"

The squadron immediately retorted, looking serious and gazing at Su Yuanhai. "If the level of the big squad... has already exceeded ten products?"


Su Yuanhai’s eyes are condensed, “Shenzhen, what is the meaning of this?”

The Shen Zhen’s eyes showed a dignified color, and he refused to ask: “The Su-Seven owners should be familiar with the ‘return blood disaster’?”

"Nature, that is a major event that affects the entire Qingshui world. As long as it is a person in the realm of cultivation, you will not know."

Su Yuanhai said, his tone suddenly turned, his look was amazed. "You mean..."

"Not bad!"

There is a lot of yearning and pity in the eyes of the squad, "The big squad to be repaired is the shard that fell from the revival illusion!"

"This is the case!"

Su Yuanhai was shocked to export, and his plain phantom in white could not help but emerge.

He is now more than two thousand years old, and Su Shi is the same generation of characters, and when he was young, he was also in Yiyun...

"Yuan Hai brother, thank you for giving me food."

"Yuan Hai brother, why can you cultivate and become strong, I can't?"

"Yuanhai brother, I don't have a mother, wait for you to become a fairy in the sky, take me out of here, okay?"

"Yuanhai brother, I am so painful, why do they want to hurt me... What is in my blood?"


"Su Yuanhai, you are the same as the Su family."

"I will not return to the Su family in the future."


Su Yuanhai closed his eyes and tried to calm down the childhood touch.

Su Mengqing looked at her own owner in a strange way, and she consciously did not bother.

After a long time, Su Yuanhai reopened his eyes. In the eyes of the ancient wells, there was no wave, and the indifference was like water. Looking at the water mirror, Su Shi and Qing Weiyue flew together from the scene of the anti-Sect, and spit in the mouth:

"It's almost time, get ready."


Going to the sky in the direction of the Tibetan gold valley, Su Shi followed the Qing Weiyue Feijian, and Qing Weiyue’s spirit swept through the surroundings. He did not find out that he was trying to talk to Su Shi, but he was stopped by a voice in his mind.

"You have been touched by people and communicated with me."

Qing Weiyue was shocked. He was moved by his hands and feet.

When? Why didn't he find it?

However, since Su Shi said this, Qing Weiyue naturally believes that he switched to the pronunciation channel: "Su Jia and all the other sects are in the Tibetan Valley, and what kind of method will be used to deal with you, but did not tell me."

Su Shi’s eyes flashed.

"Sure enough, I have used it. After so many years, Su Guohong, I hope that your realm will not disappoint me..."

Thinking about this, her palms turned over and the palms flashed, and a little more breath.

"I didn't expect Su's family to have such treasures as Wu Xincao, so... I can speed up the second advancement of the jade."

Qing Weiyue brought the lure that lured Su Shi, and it was undoubtedly Wu Xingcao. However, under the guidance of the Su family, he described the thing as growing in the Tibetan Valley, and there was a powerful monster guarding it, only to intercept one. Group breath, for proof.

Not surprisingly, this plant of understanding is in the seventh house treasure house of Sujia.

Su Shi’s lips twitched, revealing a smile that was touching.

"Su Yuanhai, I really want to be sorry."

Hey! !

Two arcs crossed the sky and were quickly seen by spies outside the Golden Valley.


The squadron waved his hand and the murderous eyes skyrocketed. He said: "Everyone, prepare!"

The small sects who are hidden everywhere have joined in and injected their own strength. The power of dozens of Jindan and Yuan Ying condensed into one place along the rune, which is the foot of Su Yuanhai!

The terrifying horror energy is churning in the shadows.

"Su seven masters, the formation has been completed. You can always call the power of the spirit of the enemy against the enemy. Even if the Yuan Yingfeng monk, you absolutely despise the power of dozens of Jindan and Yuan Ying!"

The Shen Zhenshi was quite tired and sounded. After all, he was not a mage. He was just a high-quality squad. It was quite difficult to put on such a large array.

"The Shen Zhen teacher has worked hard. After the incident is completed, there must be a thank you!"

Su Yuanhai stared at the two men who slowly landed in the sky. They looked at Qing Weiyue and only fell on the petite girl who was indifferent.

"When I am using people now, if I remember it well, there is only one copy of the memory in the storeroom. The last one was used on Su Shi, this one..."

"Su! Yuan! Sea!"

If the wishful thinking was not finished, Su Yuanhai suddenly sounded a loud sound in his mind, like a big bell ringing in his ear, which directly shocked him to bleed and dizzy.


Su Mengqing was shocked.

"I'm fine!"

Su Yuanhai shook his head and looked up with his eyes, but found that the man was no longer in the air. His heart suddenly sank and turned to look at the Quartet.

"What are you looking for?"

The ghostly blurry figure suddenly appeared on the side of the body, and the tone was ridiculously ridiculous.

Su Yuanhai was sweating and violently turned around, and immediately shattered the suction function switch in his hand.

At the same time as he flashed, a small disc fell into the core of his battle, and he slid and slid.

When the Shen Zhenshi saw this thing, it was like seeing a ghost. The two eyeballs were rounded and shouted screamingly: "Stop! Don't start the array!"

Su Yuanhai heard the words of the Shen Zhenshi, and looked at his hands empty, his face showing bitterness.

"It's already late."

Boom! ! !

The huge roar sounded from the Tibetan gold valley, and the smoke was rolling, making it difficult to see the line of sight.

"Hey! Hey!"

Qing Weiyue spit out the soil that could not be prevented from entering the mouth, and tried to see the scene in the valley. He finally saw the familiar voice of Su Shi coming out of it.

Its white clothes, even the dust is not stained, there is no trace of the hands on the body.

" is it done?"

Qing Weiyue felt that the girl in front of her was unfathomable.

Su Shi stretched out a hand, the wind blew away the smoke in the valley, and the vision gradually became clear. She recruited and waved, and Yan Yan smiled: "Almost, let's see what our Su Seven masters have to say."

A young Qing Wei looked at the beautiful face of Su Shi in the smoke, and was actually staying for a while.