MTL - Kunning-Chapter 80 Fell asleep

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Recently, when learning the piano, I basically learn the **** of the right hand. After learning a **** method, there will be corresponding piano music for them to practice. Xie Wei is very strict and no one dares to be sloppy.

Even Shen Zhiyi behaved well in the classroom.

Only Jiang Xuening was in class today, her eyes were wide open, she was not allowed to touch the piano anyway, she just sat in the back corner of the third row, looked at Xie Wei coldly, as if she wanted to stare at him up.

Xie Wei didn't understand what she was trying to do for a moment.

Fortunately, Jiang Xuening didn't have a good rest for two nights, her eyes were a little sore, she stared at him for a moment, and she felt drowsy, and she couldn't hold on after a while, she yawned, and she could not close her eyes and lay down on the desk Going to sleep is already a matter of perseverance, and I can't get up the energy to stare at him.

A class passed in a muddle again.

When school was over, everyone already knew that Mr. Xie would pick up Jiang Xuening's piano learning, and no one wanted to stay here with him, so they all disappeared.

Jiang Xuening couldn't get away.

Xie Wei came down from the hall holding Qin, but asked, "Why are you staring at me?"

Jiang Xuening finally made it to the end of get out of class, and just wanted to yawn, but she had to forcefully hold back when she heard this, and defended herself: "How could it be? You must have read it wrong, how dare the students do such a thing?" thing?"

Xie Wei said indifferently: "Not only dare to do it, but also dare to lie."

Jiang Xuening smirked: "Then it should be that the students listened to your lecture carefully, were absorbed in it for a while, and had a lot of admiration for you, so they must have been dumbfounded."

Xie Wei was unmoved: "Really?"

Jiang Xuening became annoyed when she saw his unsalty appearance, and suddenly remembered the expression on this person's face when she frowned and said she was "not good-looking", so she secretly felt a bit of revenge, smiled very sweetly, and said: " It may also be that Mr. Xie's speech today was boring and very bad, so the students were confused and could only look at you unconsciously."

Xie Wei: "..."

It's boring and confusing!

If it was said that he was still calm before, now after hearing these two words from Jiang Xuening, the expression on his face immediately softened, and even the temperature at the bottom of his eyes became a little colder.

No one has ever said that about him—

Since he returned to the capital four years ago and began to host the Sutra Lecture in Wenyuan Pavilion, no matter whether he is a gentleman or a student, no matter if he is a colleague or the emperor, he has been praised a lot. It was the first time I encountered it.

Heartbroken for a moment, Xie Wei's thin lip line was tightened into a straight line, and for a moment he wanted to explode.

But his eyes fell back to Jiang Xuening, and he endured it when he arrived.

He calmly said: "I almost fell asleep when I deserted. I couldn't understand it. It's strange that my husband can't teach. It's also a skill."

Jiang Xuening's smile remained unchanged: "You are right."

It's a bit shameless, she is what Xie Wei says.

Xie Wei didn't bother to argue with her, so he walked outside the hall.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, Jiang Xuening gritted her teeth and muttered softly behind him: "I can't even get a wife. I can't appreciate it. Don't you have the guts to say that I'm not good-looking! You've got the ability! !"

"What did you say?"

Xie Wei paused and turned to look at her.

The back of Jiang Xuening's neck felt cold, and hurriedly hugged Qin and followed her, as if the person who whispered just now was not her at all, walked to Xie Wei's side in a doggy manner, and said: "The student said that he is a big bastard, I don’t know how to appreciate anything, but fortunately Mr. Xie is kind-hearted and willing to give me more advice, let’s learn the piano now.”


Is he really deaf?

Xie Wei stared at her for a long time, feeling that the student was a bit of a fool who "doesn't rent a house for three days", and then recalling all the domineering rumors about her in the market these years, he felt that he should Restrain her, lest she feel that she is easy to get along with and push her further.

But when he was about to attack, he saw her looking at him with bright eyes again.

This look is really cute.

Xie Wei's words of reprimand came to his lips, but he couldn't utter them, he finally swallowed them back, he just tossed his loose sleeve robe, and said: "It's good to know who is the master and who is the student, let's go."

He turned away.

Jiang Xuening stuck out her tongue towards his back, and then followed.

Go to the side hall of Fengchen hall again.

Xie Wei put Emei on another qin table, and said: "In the past few days, all I have taught is the **** of the right hand. After today's lecture, it is reasonable to have a little understanding of the **** of the right hand and be able to play the corresponding qin music. When I played the piano, you sat far away, and I’m afraid you can’t see the **** clearly. So now I’ll play it again, and you must carefully see the details of the fingering. After I finish playing, you will practice. Play it again for me listen."

Jiang Xuening suddenly became one head and two big.

Xie Wei only asked her: "Do you understand?"

Jiang Xuening sat in front of her piano desk, nodded sincerely, and said, "I understand."

As far as Xie Wei is concerned, the art of the piano is already at his fingertips.

He played "Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon" that he demonstrated for everyone in the main hall of Fengchen Hall today.

The sound of the piano is gurgling, rushing down like running water.

This kind of qin music suitable for **** practice has a simple and brisk rhythm, like water drops bouncing on the clear spring water, or like bamboo leaves falling with the stream water. It is not complicated. It has been written by Xie Weitan for several years Point back to the original taste.

When he plays the piano, he has never been distracted.

After the piano sound ended, he slowly lowered his palms, suppressed the lingering sound of the song, raised his head and said: "You can see clearly—"

The word "Chu Lie" was stuck in the throat and stopped abruptly.

Xie Wei's complexion suddenly turned extremely pale—

On the piano table next to her, Jiang Xuening, who had been sitting upright when she first came in, and answered "I understand" with wide-eyed eyes a moment ago, had already collapsed on the ground at some point.

The piano table is just that big of a place.

After lying down on her face, the Jiaoan guqin placed on it was squeezed to one side, her arms were raised up to pillow under her head, her eyes had long been closed, and even her breathing became even.

He actually fell asleep!

Xie Wei's fingers that were still pressing on the strings suddenly became a little heavy. He was afraid that he would accidentally break the strings, so he slowly lifted them up.

The expression on his face gradually disappeared.

There is no ruler in the side hall, but there is the sheet music that will be used today on the desk, he stood up and picked up the sheet music, rolled the book in the palm of his hand, and walked towards Jiang Xuening, wanting to wake her up .

It's just that when he walked over, stood beside her, and held up the roll-shaped sheet music, and wanted to "please" her to wake up, but for some reason, he stopped for a while.

The palace attire is complicated, although it looks gorgeous, it looks heavy when worn.

The girl's figure is very slender.

When standing or sitting, the back is straight, the eyebrows and eyes are looking brightly, and I don’t feel much; but at this moment, when I lie on the narrow piano table and fall asleep with my arms on my pillow, I feel natural. He curled himself up into a small one.

This gorgeous palace attire suddenly looked like a pair of hard armor.

But what's hidden inside...

Just a fragile little thing.

The girl must be extremely sleepy, even with a layer of powder under her eyelids, she could still see a little tired light blue.

Eyes closed, eyebrows drooping.

Some of the gorgeous lip balm rubbed against the sleeves of the palace dress due to the movement of lying down, like a few petals of fallen flowers, or like a fallen paintbrush randomly drawn a few times on the drawing paper.

A string of thin purple glass earrings rested on her cheeks.

The sky outside was not very bright, but when it passed through the clear purple glaze, it reflected some soft and bright light, which fell on her snow-white skin.

Jiang Xuening always listened to him when he gave lectures in the palace these days.

Even if she was called to meditate in this side hall, she never complained obediently.

Today, when he didn't pay attention, she lay down and fell asleep.

Xie Wei's eyes fell on her curly and thick eyelashes, and also on her slightly furrowed brows, he only wondered if she was having a nightmare, after a long time, after all, she still looked at the eyes that were about to be knocked. The score on her head was put back. But standing next to the girl who has fallen into a deep sleep, I don't know what to do for a while.

Such a tricky student...

It's really head-to-head.

If I knew this earlier, why bother to trouble myself? Has Jiang Xuening failed her studies? What does it have to do with me...

He smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Although I couldn't help but wonder if this little girl played too late last night and didn't know how to rest, and she was so sleepy today, but after experiencing the incident in "The Commandments of Women" last time and misunderstood her once, he will never sleep again. Arbitrary and easy to draw conclusions.

After standing beside her for a long time, Xie Wei couldn't hold back, shook his head and smiled silently.

He didn't intend to call her, so he let her go to sleep.

Unexpectedly, just as he turned around and was about to take advantage of this time to continue processing some official documents, someone knocked on the door outside and said to the inside: "Mr. trip."

It was the eunuch's voice that was somewhat deep.

It probably didn't occur at all that there would be someone sleeping inside, so the sound was a bit loud and didn't lower it in the slightest.

Xie Wei frowned as soon as he heard it, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Jiang Xuening.

In her dream, Jiang Xuening took off her socks and stepped on the water to catch prawns, when she heard "Qing Qing Gong" in a happy mood, she froze for a while, and the prawn slipped out of her hand. In a hurry, she threw herself forward vigorously, her head moved forward a little bit, and she woke up immediately.

The whole person has not reacted yet.

She suddenly sat up, and only shouted: "My fish, my shrimp!"

Then he raised his eyes and met Xie Wei's eyes that suddenly became complicated and unspeakable.

Jiang Xuening: "..."

Qin is in front of him, and Xie Wei is standing in front of him.

She suddenly felt that her heart was completely cold, and her whole body was also completely cold.

Xie Wei recalled that he had suspected that she was having a nightmare before, and suddenly felt that he seemed to be a little too kind recently, so he just looked at her quietly and smiled slightly: "There are fish and shrimp, or I will go to the imperial dining room again. Room, hire a chef for the second girl Ning, and make a meal of delicacies from mountains and seas?"