MTL - Kunning-Chapter 60 Cat

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Chen Shuyi had never been so stimulated since she was a child, and because she had a quarrel with Jiang Xuening, she couldn't bear this tone no matter what, she was dizzy with anger for a while, and raised her hand in extreme anger.

Even if Shen Zhiyi didn't show up, the slap might not really fall.

After all, everyone was reading with the eldest princess, and a few quarrels could still be called a quarrel. Whoever made the move first would be at fault. She didn't need to make such a fuss with Jiang Xuening.

It was neither too early nor too late for Princess Coke Yang to appear at this moment.

It's so embarrassing.

It's simply indisputable!

Chen Shuyi seemed to be splashed with cold water from head to toe, her whole body was freezing cold, she hurriedly bowed to Shen Zhiyi and said, "Your Highness the eldest princess, it's the minister and the second girl Jiang who started arguing over a disagreement. Miss Jiang Er is eloquent, but my daughter couldn't speak to her, and she lost her head in a moment of anger, it was my daughter's fault, and I hope that His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess will be magnanimous and forgive my daughter's rudeness this time."

The voice trembled a little, obviously fearful.

Without the anger just now, she calmed down easily. She knew how serious what happened now, and knew that Shen Zhiyi originally wanted to favor Jiang Xuening. At this moment, no matter what, she couldn't quibble, it was best to clarify At the same time, he bowed his head and admitted his mistake, endured this moment, and then looked for opportunities to care about it slowly in the future.

Jiang Xuening sneered in her heart, secretly thinking that she was very quick to become popular, the arrogance that no one saw before, now has a more noble status than her, how much is left?

Everything was going well at first, but Chen Shuyi flirted first and then cheap!

Anyway, the beams are all formed, she doesn't want the other party to just deal with it so simply, and she must make her feel even more distressed if she insists on **** her off!

So, with a miserable look, Jiang Xuening raised her teary eyes and looked at Chen Shuyi, her body trembling slightly, as if she couldn't believe that she said such words that turned black and white: "Sister Chen's It means, it was actually me who bullied you? I, I..."

I couldn't continue talking halfway through.

She bit her lip and opened her eyes wide, as if she met Chen Shuyi for the first time, and she also showed a bit of real resentment and pain.

The entire Fengchen Hall was so quiet that no sound could be heard.

Zhou Baoying was dumbfounded, the paper bag containing candied fruit slipped from her hand and fell to the ground;

The back of You Yue's head felt even colder, she was glad that she didn't follow Chen Shuyi to ridicule Jiang Xuening after walking away just now, otherwise now...

Fang Miao also had a dull expression on her face. She thought that this Jiang Er girl was powerful, but she never thought that she was "powerful" to this extent;

Even Xiao Shu looked at Jiang Xuening with a shocked look, as if she had never really known her before, and when she recalled that day when she involuntarily pushed You Yue into the fish tank, it felt like a dream in the distance.

That cold and cold posture...

Is it the same person as this weak, pitiful and charming person?

However, Shen Zhiyi stepped up and walked to Jiang Xuening's side, hesitated for a while, and gently reached out to put her hand on Jiang Xuening's shoulder.

Jiang Xuening felt it, so she wanted to turn around and continue to sell miserably.

However, the moment she turned her eyes, she met a pair of unusual eyes: Shen Zhiyi's eyes looking at her were no longer as sweet as they used to be, but they were a little sad and regretful. Hesitant to speak and stop, hesitant to speak.

Finally, he gave her a comforting smile.

At this moment, what Jiang Xuening thought of was the way Yan Lin looked at her yesterday, the forbearance hidden in the torment, so her heart twitched fiercely—

Shen Zhiyi came back from the Palace of Compassion and Ning, and the Palace of Compassion and Ning was investigating the affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Is the case of Yu Ruyi going to involve the Mansion of Yongyi in the end?

If it wasn't for this, Shen Zhiyi wouldn't look at her like this.

As soon as this idea popped up, the little dispute with Chen Shuyi suddenly became unimportant.

But Shen Zhiyi was not prepared to just let it go.

After all, she remembered that Jiang Xuening didn't intend to enter the palace at first, it was Yan Lin who came to look for her, and she also wanted her to enter the palace, so she made a lot of trouble to force her to stay.

What embarrassment does she have in this palace?

One is protected by Yan Lin, and the other is backed by her, even if some dirty things happen, it will not hurt her head.

But today, the faint smell of blood in the Compassionate Ning Palace let her know that she was wrong, and it also made her suddenly understand why Yan Lin had to disregard her relationship with Ning Ning in public yesterday.

It would be the same if it was her.

But I don't know when I feel upset or even angry because of Ning Ning, but when I know it, I complain that I also feel sorry for Ning Ning.

Maybe in the future, there will be no Yan Lin who can protect her, then only myself will be left.

No matter how innocent and spoiled, Shen Zhiyi was also a child who grew up in the palace.

She couldn't fail to see that Ning Ning's expression was a bit playful and affected. She must have deliberately acted to anger Chen Shuyi, but the presumptuousness she saw just now was not fake, not to mention that she knew that she was definitely not someone who would take the initiative to frame others people—

Jiang Xuening, who was able to touch the old marks at the corners of her eyes with a pen, cover them with powder, and say those words, was by no means a bad person.

Shen Zhiyi gently raised her eyelashes and stared at Chen Shuyi. She didn't look angry, but calmness made people's hearts chill more than anger, and she only said clearly: "I don't even want to hear your explanation. As a Maid of honor, I was chosen to be my companion in the palace, and you and I have known each other for a long time, so it is not easy for me to disrespect the face of Grand Master Chen by letting you in and then kicked out. It's just you, and You all should know that Jiang Xuening, the second daughter of the Jiang family, was personally ordered by me to enter the palace. From now on, being rude to her is equivalent to being rude to me. You didn't know before, but me I said it today, whoever commits the crime again, don't blame me for not caring about feelings."

Everyone never expected that Shen Zhiyi would say such a serious thing!

All were silent for a moment.

However, Jiang Xuening felt a little dazed as if she had confirmed something from Shen Zhiyi's words.

Chen Shuyi also didn't understand how Shen Zhiyi's attitude could suddenly be so serious. Although the words were extremely ugly, she was slapped on her face one by one, but she really didn't dare to refute anything, and she was afraid of causing disaster to herself. He could only lower his head and answer tremblingly, "Yes."

Shen Zhiyi said again: "Since you already know that you are rude, and you are so easily dizzy, you copied the "Book of Rites" and "Prajna Heart Sutra" each ten times, one to improve your memory, and the other to calm your mind , don’t go to a place like Fengchen Palace and always think about other messy things.”

Chen Shuyi felt resentment in her heart, and her face turned blue.

She forced a sigh of relief, bowed again and said, "His Royal Highness Xie Zhang is magnanimous. From now on, Shuyi will be cautious in her words and deeds, and will not dare to do it again."

Only then did Shen Zhiyi turn her gaze away, and stopped paying attention to her. Instead, she came to Jiang Xuening's writing desk, squatted down halfway, with her two palms overlapping on the writing desk, and her pointed chin resting on her palm, only showing her A good-looking head wearing a beaded emerald bracelet came and blinked at her: "Is Ning Ning not angry now?"

Jiang Xuening originally pretended to be more.

I have suffered more anger in my previous life, how can I not bear this?

Just seeing the way Shen Zhiyi treated her so carefully, my heart was momentarily joyful and momentarily sad, so I forced an ugly smile, stepped forward and pulled her up: "Your Highness, what does this look like?"

Shen Zhiyi didn't dare to tell her what was going on in the Palace of Compassion and Ning, but only hoped to make her happy: "Isn't this teasing you? I'm afraid you won't be happy."

Jiang Xuening could vaguely guess her purpose, and smiled with tears.

She muttered: "Being cared about and trusted by His Highness so much, even ten thousand and ten thousand sufferings will be melted away, how can you be unhappy?"

Only then did Shen Zhiyi laugh along with her.

There was a kind of warmth and harmony in the scene in the hall.

But the harmony and music belonged to them, and the others couldn't get in while watching.

The expression on Chen Shuyi's face changed.

Xiao Shu's eyes flicked across all the faces in the hall, and she only thought inexplicably: Chen Shuyi is usually a cautious person who speaks little and makes few mistakes. But once in such a restrained place in the palace, when confronted with conflicts, it is inevitable that she will lose her normal self and explode; after entering the palace, the second girl Jiang seemed to be domineering and confused, but she never had any real coma. He didn't show any discomfort or fear about the life in the palace. What he was like when he entered the palace seems to be the same now, which makes people dare not underestimate it.

Fortunately, this scene did not last long.

At the second quarter of Chenzheng, Zhang Zhong, the editor-in-chief of the National History Museum who teaches "Book of Rites", walked in from the outside with a cold face and several thin books under his arms.

Everyone, including Shen Zhiyi, returned to their positions.

"The students have met Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Chongguo has a face with thick and thick eyebrows, but a pair of thin eyes. When frowning, it will naturally give people a sense of being mean and difficult to get along with.

At this moment, he glanced at everyone, but his face was not good.

He raised his hand, handed the few books he had brought to the little **** next to him, and said, "I came here to teach rituals, not for any important study. I have read history for many years, but I only know that there are no rules in this world." If it is not perfect, the collapse of rituals and music in the Zhou Dynasty was due to the chaos of the Spring and Autumn Period. At the beginning, I waited for several gentlemen to say that we were teaching princesses and ladies of high-ranking dignitaries. Originally, this course was designated as the study of "The Precepts for Women", but Master Xie said All of you fellow readers are knowledgeable and reasonable. You have already learned what you should learn. You don’t need to do anything redundant. You might as well teach some family and country righteousness. That’s why I changed the book to "Book of Rites". However, based on what the old man has heard in the Hanlin Academy these days, this Although Fengchen Palace is a place to study, but there are some people who don't know the dignity and inferiority, and can't even show the gentleness and virtuousness of women in front of others. It is really absurd and feels a heavy responsibility. Therefore, today I am changing the subject without authorization, first for Please accompany me to give a lecture on "The Precepts for Women", and after I have finished studying "The Precepts for Women", I will explain the "Book of Rites" in detail."

The little **** presented the books to everyone's table one by one.

Jiang Xuening looked down, and there were two striking big characters written on the cover——

female commandments.

For a moment, I couldn't tell why, the reaction was extreme, even the quarrel with Chen Shuyi just now wasn't so disgusting.

Even Xiao Shu who was standing beside her couldn't help but change slightly when she saw this book.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay.

Only Chen Shuyi finally showed a frowning expression, and even nodded slowly, as if she agreed with Zhang Zhong's words.

Zhang Zhong is a very strict person. Once he made a decision, he didn't care what expressions the people below, including the eldest princess, had on their faces. After all, the eldest princess will marry in the future.

He turned the pages of the book on his own, and told everyone to read the first chapter "Humble".

He only said: "In ancient times, after a few months of birth, a baby girl was not allowed to sleep on the bed. Instead, she was made to lie under the bed, played with a spindle, gave bricks and tiles, and told her ancestors. This is to show her humble origin, The status is low. The spindles and bricks are intended to make them understand that they should work hard, engage in farming and weaving, and help their husbands prepare wine and food for sacrifices. Therefore, as a woman, you should be diligent and respectful, bear humiliation, and always be in fear..."

The entire hall was silent.

Shen Zhiyi's complexion was also a little uncertain.

Jiang Xuening was sitting in the back corner, but when she heard these words, she couldn't help but think of the memorials in the previous life when she was fighting fiercely with the Xiao clan, those snowflakes in the previous dynasty urged the emperor to abolish the empress. She had secretly dug it out while Shen Jie was ill, and every word and every sentence above was a woman's virtue, and the meaning of Zhang Zhong's words at this moment overlapped by seven or eight.

The baby girl was born not even worthy of a bed!

Where did the **** come from!

Zhang Zhong also spoke with a straight face.

Jiang Xuening got up suddenly, and pushed the desk in front of her directly!

"Crack, clang!"

The four feet of the desk were rubbed heavily against the smooth floor of the hall, making an ear-piercing and unpleasant sound. The books, pens and ink piled up on the desk all collapsed and rolled down. There was a chaotic sound, which shocked everyone to look back at her.

Zhang Zhong immediately frowned and looked at her: "What's going on?"

Jiang Xuening said, "Sir, I'm sick."

Zhang Chong also knew that this was a thorn in his head, and his face changed when he heard this: "Who are you scolding!"

Jiang Xuening looked dazed: "It's strange, I said I was disgusting, how can you say I'm swearing? Maybe I didn't notice yesterday that I ate badly, or maybe I smelled something dirty and smelly today. If you vomit things in this hall again, I'm afraid it will disturb the teacher's lecture. So please forgive Xue Ning for being rude today, and leave first."

She spoke politely, but the smile on her lips was sarcasm no matter how she looked at it, she was not polite at all, when she turned around and walked out of the hall, she didn't even make a salute.

Everyone was stunned.

I have seen those who play truant so boldly and recklessly, but I have really seen this one!

Zhang Zhong didn't even expect that Jiang Xuening not only refused to accept discipline, but even walked out of his class in front of his face with open mouth and lying. Trembling, he said sharply: "Okay, okay, what a girl who refuses to be disciplined! If such a stubborn and self-willed person deserves to stay in Fengchen Palace, I, Zhang Zhong, don't even need to teach this. Let's see if you are the best or I am the best!"

Jiang Xuening's footsteps were long gone.

Hearing him yelling behind his back, he didn't even bother to turn his head.

In her previous life, she had never attended the old man's class, so she didn't know that he had such a violent temper, but she could not make any troubles: after all, she had never attended class from the beginning of her previous life, and she had never seen the old man. I have the ability to treat her.

Thinking of her, she sneered.

It's just that it's not too late at this moment, if you want to take a walk in this palace, I'm afraid the whole palace is secretly buzzing about the case of Yu Ruyi; if you want to go back to your room to sleep, you feel bored to be alone.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xuening simply turned around and went to the side hall.

Xie Wei asked her to learn piano in the afternoon after school yesterday, anyway, she is free now, why not go and see if Xie Wei is there, if she is there, she will learn today's part early, and save the afternoon of going to study.

The side hall of Fengchen Hall is next to the main hall, just around the corner.

When she looked, there was no one outside.

The little **** who came to guard the outside last time was not there, and the two doors were closed tightly, and there was no sound coming from inside. Presumably Xie Wei wasn't there at this hour, the little **** seemed to be serving him exclusively, so naturally he wasn't there either.

Jiang Xuening curled her lips, sighed and prepared to leave.

Just when he was about to lift his feet and step down the steps, a "meow" sound suddenly came from the side of the flowerpot on the porch.

She stopped suddenly.

The cry sounded familiar.

Jiang Xuening followed the sound to look at the corner of the flower pot, and there was a small white cat the size of a palm in the narrow gap inside, with two soft paws pressing a piece of fish meat from nowhere, stretching out. The pink and tender tongue licked it, and then swallowed it into his mouth.

"It's you!"

She immediately recognized that this was the kitten who was carried away by the little **** that time while squatting on the window sill of Xie Wei, and she was very pleasantly surprised.

I haven't held a cat for a long time, and my hands are a little itchy.

Jiang Xuening squatted down to look at it for a while, the more she looked at it, the more she felt it was cute, finally she couldn't hold back, she gently reached out, hugged the little dumpling, put it on her lap, and sat down on the steps of the side hall .

The kitten is not afraid of life.

The fish had already been eaten, it licked the soft white hair on its paws slightly, and Jiang Xuening's slender fingers gently supported its small head, so it narrowed its eyes very comfortably, with a lazy expression The lazy posture nestled between her sleeves.

At this moment, Jiang Xuening felt that all her troubles were gone.

There was no one in the side hall, and the sky was shining down on the steps. A girl in a snow-green dress was sitting lazily on the steps, stroking a little white cat who was also lazily.

Zhang Zhong could faintly hear Zhang Zhong giving lectures from the main hall.

Jiang Xuening pretended not to hear.

After sitting on the steps and petting the cat for a while, she suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps from the other side of the palace wall, and a eunuch's lowered voice: "The slave will come later to invite your master..."

Thank you!

Jiang Xuening was startled, the footsteps had already reached the gate of the palace.

Subconsciously, she quickly hugged the kitten on her lap and hid it in the wide sleeves, tidied it up to cover it tightly, and then raised her head to stare at the palace gate.

Xie Wei really appeared there.

He obviously didn't expect that there would be someone in front of the side hall, and when he raised his eyes and saw Jiang Xuening, the frosty coldness on his face hadn't had time to put away, and Shang Xian's serious eyes fell on her.

Jiang Xuening was taken aback, the hairs on her back almost stood on end.

It's just that he restrained himself the next moment, making this chilling feeling disappear quickly, like a momentary illusion, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The one who reappeared in front of Jiang Xuening was the flawless Xie Wei again.

He glanced at Jiang Xuening who was still sitting on the steps, and then glanced in the direction of the main hall, his two clear and long eyebrows couldn't help but frown, he stepped forward to stand still, and asked: "I asked you to come in the afternoon, At this time, Mr. Zhang is still giving lectures, so why don’t you sit here without listening to the lectures?”

Jiang Xuening held the cat in her sleeve, not daring to move it.

It's just that seeing Xie Wei if he couldn't get up to salute would inevitably arouse his suspicion, so he acted very carefully, stood up slowly, still covered his hands with his wide sleeves, bowed and said: "I have seen Mr. Xie, I don't want to listen to Mr. Zhang's class, so I thought in my heart that if I can come here to take Mr. Xie's class first, and if Mr. Xie happens to be there, I can learn the piano in the afternoon and save myself another trip."

She scolded herself in her heart for being obsessed with ghosts. The best choice just now was clearly to throw the cat out, as if it had nothing to do with her.

But it's too late to regret now.

Therefore, while talking, he was still praying in his heart: the kitten and kitty are obedient, the big devil is right in front of you, but don't call out at this time, or he will change his face immediately and cook you up!

Hearing her words, Xie Wei not only did not loosen his brows, but frowned even deeper, and said: "Mr. Zhang hasn't finished school yet, you must have left early or played truant if you showed up here; instead of attending Mr. Zhang's class, you came to mine. Lesson, if Mr. Zhang listened to it, what guesses should I make? I met Yan Lin yesterday and told him that you are sensible and obedient and don’t worry. I didn’t expect you to be stubborn and unrepentant!"

Jiang Xuening choked when she heard it.

Even though Xie Wei was very unhappy in her last life, she hated and feared him, but she subconsciously and naturally thought that he was different from other gentlemen, and she was not the same to these female students as other gentlemen. He despised him, but now he spoke harshly and indiscriminately reprimanded him, and even lifted Yan Lin out.

This is her soft sore spot.

Not to mention that today she detected some ominous clues from Shen Zhiyi's unusual attitude!

She looked straight at him all at once.

The eye sockets were red, but it was not tears, but a kind of injustice and anger that had never been seen before. As his chest rose and fell, he felt a wave of excitement, which he couldn't suppress no matter what.

So much so that at the moment when Xie Wei walked past with a cold face, she felt so evil!

The cat that was originally hidden in the sleeve was directly carried out by her, with a frozen face, she handed it to Xie Wei!


The kitten was languid and drowsy in her sleeve, but when she suddenly lifted it up, the hair on its back stood up in fright, and it screamed in panic at the right time!

Xie Wei just got the secret report from the Palace of Compassion and Ning, just came back and saw Jiang Xuening playing truant from school, so naturally he couldn't put on a good face, he flung his sleeves and wanted to go up the steps into the side hall.

How did Jiang Xuening hide the universe in her sleeves!

When the group of kittens approached him, his pupils constricted violently, the bottom of his eyes was as dark as a tide, his face was livid, and goosebumps appeared on the back of his hands. Flick away!

Jiang Xuening hugged the kitten lightly for fear of hurting it. After being brushed away, the kitten was frightened and broke free from her grasp, jumped to the ground, and ran along the palace wall like the king of Hades. ran away.

Only Jiang Xuening and Xie Wei were left standing face to face.

Jiang Xuening had no expression on his face, and Xie Wei had no expression on his face.