MTL - Kunning-Chapter 55 deny

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The qin table was quite heavy, Xie Wei picked it up with a hook on his toes, and then put the Jiaoan in his hand back upright. Only then did he look at Jiang Xuening, as if he was wondering whether to give him a hand.

How dare Jiang Xuening let him help her?

The fall was neither heavy nor painful, and when she saw Xie Wei put the piano down, she hurriedly got up while supporting the thick blanket, and said: "Xue Ning was reckless, it's okay Qin is fine."

Xie Wei glanced at her and nodded: "Yes."

Jiang Xuening: "..."

He even answered "yes"!

Although it was her own fault that she fell down, Xie Wei couldn't be blamed logically, but she lost such a big man, and she was inevitably angry. At this moment, she thought to herself: Zhang Zhe didn't get married in his previous life because he was loved by Yao Xie. Ruined reputation, the second is because of bad luck to meet her; Xie Wei did not have a family in his previous life, apart from being obsessed with Buddhism and Taoism, it is probably because of this annoying virtue!

Xie Wei didn't know if he could see the dissatisfaction in her heart, he just pointed at the piano and said: "Playing the piano requires meditation and no distracting thoughts. You are not reckless when you encounter things, but you have reckless actions. The more you want to play the piano well, the less you can talk about it." Good. As the saying goes, 'haste makes waste'. So I won't teach you how to learn the piano today, and it's useless to learn. You can sit down in front of this piano."

Jiang Xuening sat down as promised, and asked, "Then what do you want to learn?"

Xie Wei had turned back and walked to the long table, picked up a piece of sawn wood in his hand, and replied: "I don't want to learn."

Jiang Xuening was stunned.

Xie Wei said indifferently: "You sit in front of the piano, when did you calm down, and when did you learn the piano."


Isn't learning piano a matter of "skill"?

What does it have to do with being calm?

Jiang Xuening only felt that Xie Wei deliberately found a way to torment himself. Sitting there, instead of calming down, his heart became more irritable.

But Xie Wei ignored her.

The Qin that he had been chopping for almost three years was destroyed in an attack on the skyscrapers, which made him bored for a while, but now he started to choose wooden chopping pianos again, but he planned to chop two pianos at the same time.

So it will not be too unlucky, both of the two pianos have accidents.

So at this moment, I repeatedly compared the several pieces of wood in front of me, trying to pick out the two best ones for use.

Sitting behind the piano, Jiang Xuening was full of thoughts at first, but when she thought about it too much, she felt that just thinking about it was boring.

Sitting here, doing nothing, is really suffering.

Her eyelids gradually began to twitch, and she had no choice but to focus on Xie Wei, watching him pick out wood, measure it with a rope and ink ruler, and make gestures over there, with a feeling of rigor and harshness, not like a teacher of an emperor, but on the contrary Like a picky craftsman in the Tugu market.


The man stared at the pieces of wood, picked up this piece and put it down, picked up that piece and put it down, and he didn't choose it for a long time, as if it was difficult to make a decision.

Jiang Xuening looked at the corner of her mouth and couldn't help twitching: I didn't see it, people are not good, and there are many problems.

It was close to noon when school ended, and the windows of the side hall were also open.

Xie Wei thought about it for a long time, after choosing the wood, he looked up and estimated the time, it was already past noon, thinking about it, it would not be good for Jiang Xuening to learn the piano here hungry, so he wanted to let her go.

But unexpectedly, when he turned his head, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a white shadow out of the corner of his eye.

It turned out to be a kitten like a snow ball.

I don't know where it came from, let alone when it came from.

Palm-sized, with dark blue eyes, full of milky air, squatting on the window sill, looking into the hall, looking like he was eager to jump in to see what happened, and even let out a low "meow".

Xie Wei's eyelids twitched immediately, his body stiffened slightly, and he took a step back calmly.

Jiang Xuening, who was drowsy at first, woke up a little when she heard the voice. She raised her head to follow the sound, and her eyes couldn't help but burst into surprise: "Ah, where did the kitten come from, so good!"

She got up to hug the cat.

But when he stood up, he remembered that he was sitting upright and meditating, so he couldn't help but stop and look at Xie Wei.

Xie Wei frowned, he didn't pay attention to her eyes at all, he raised his voice and called, "Come here."

The little **** waiting outside the hall immediately came in: "What is your order, Master Young Master?"

Xie Wei's eyes were frosty, and with a movement of his finger, he wanted to point to the snowball-like kitten on the window sill, but when he was about to point, he withdrew his hand and said, "I don't know which palace the cat slipped out here , take people away to ask. Fengchen Palace is a clean place for reading, so don’t let these little things come in to disturb you in the future.”

The little **** was a little trembling, and quickly said: "Yes."

Then he quickly stepped forward and took the kitten down.

Said: "I will ask someone to ask, and I will check it strictly in the future, and don't let these little things enter the palace."

Jiang Xuening opened her mouth slightly, seeing the little **** take the cat away, she was already dissatisfied with Xie Wei in her heart, now she was even more dissatisfied, she turned her head and wanted to secretly vent her anger with her eyes.

Just turning his head, he suddenly felt a little strange——

Was Xie Wei that far away from the window at the beginning?

When the little **** took the cat down from the window sill and exited the hall, he also inadvertently put down the ink thread in his hand, turned around, walked to the desk on the other side, picked up a mansion newspaper, and read the whole process with the cat. The distance is more than ten feet.

Jiang Xuening suddenly felt indescribably weird, an unprecedented bold idea came out of her mind.

In her previous life, she also kept cats.

Once, I took a fat cat to visit the imperial garden, and saw Shen Jie walking through the imperial garden with a group of ministers, talking about the affairs of the government and the public, so he stopped to greet him.

But unexpectedly, when she bent over, the flower cat jumped out.

With one jump, it landed on Xie Wei's feet, and stretched out its fleshy claws to grab the sleeves of Xie Wei's drooping black robe, as if jumping up and catching butterflies at ordinary times, with a naive attitude.

She was immediately amused.

As a result, when she raised her head and saw Xie Wei's face darken, her gaze shifted from her cat to her, and she took a step back.

Jiang Xuening was the queen at that time, so she wasn't afraid of him, he just thought that he hated her for forming a party for selfish interests like other courtiers, so she also hated her cat, so she didn't show a good face, bent down, picked up the cat, and put it in a circle In his arms, he said coolly to the cat: "Look at you, you don't even look at who is jumping on you when you are playing. Fortunately, our grand master is magnanimous, otherwise I will turn around and take your skin off!"

After she finished speaking, she turned and left.

He didn't even look at Xie Wei's expression.

Although I feel that this guess is a bit unbelievable on Xie Wei, but if...

Didn't Xie Wei hate her then?


The little **** had already carried the cat out, but Jiang Xuening was watching Xie Wei, with a bit of shrewd thinking in his eyes. But before Xie Wei turned his eyes back to her, this kind of thinking disappeared immediately, as if she hadn't thought about anything just now.

"Mr. Xie?"

Xie Wei still stood far away from the window sill, and then said: "It's getting late, you still don't stay still, learning the piano is hard work, let's go back today."

Jiang Xuening thought it was finally over, and immediately saluted and said goodbye.

Unexpectedly, just as she was about to leave, she walked to the door, and heard Xie Wei add a simple sentence from the door: "Come back tomorrow afternoon."

With a "bang", the sole of her foot slipped and she tripped over the threshold, barely falling!

After finally standing still, he was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke.

In the end, I could only grit my teeth secretly, and said word by word: "Mr. Xie appreciates your kindness, and the students will come back tomorrow!"

When she came out of the Fengchen Palace, she realized that she was so angry that she didn't even bring the piano back. She wanted to turn around and get it, but when she thought that Xie Weixing might still be in the palace, she immediately dismissed the idea .

Anyway, she doesn't practice piano when she goes back.

Putting the Qin at Xie Wei's place saved the effort of moving it back and forth.

So he walked back empty-handed.

It is only a few steps from Fengchen Palace to Yangzhizhai, and there are not many palace people passing by on the road.

Just walking, I heard a lot of laughter.

Some of them sound familiar.

Jiang Xuening's footsteps stopped suddenly, and when she looked forward, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Outside Yang Zhi Zhai, under the vermilion palace wall, stood a young man in a sky-blue robe, tall and straight, even though there was no prancing horse galloping at the moment, his brows and starry eyes were still a bit blazing.

It's just that when he saw her by mistake, the bottom of his eyes dimmed.

Yan Lin forgot what he was talking about, and also forgot what he wanted to say next, even many people standing beside him and in front of him seemed to have disappeared, only the beautiful figure in front of him was all he could see.

Shen Zhiyi, Xiao Shu and the others met Yan Lin and the others when they went to the Kunning Palace to pay their respects today, because they were going back to Yang Zhizhai, and a group of their aristocratic families were going to Fengchen Palace to find Mr. Xie, so they went the same way , Come here to say goodbye.

Shen Zhiyi and Yan Lin have known each other since childhood, and they are playmates.

She was about to say that Ning Ning was detained by Mr. Xie today, maybe he could meet him in the side hall, but in the middle of speaking, Yan Lin looked past the crowd and looked behind them.

So I turned around and took a look.

When she saw Jiang Xuening, she was very pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly waved her hand and called her: "Ning Ning, you have finally come out, we are so worried about you!"

Normally, Jiang Xuening would have been amused by Shen Zhiyi, maybe she was thinking about Shen Zhiyi's holding her hand and telling her to learn from Xie Wei, and even slandered her for being worthless.

But now I can't laugh at all.

She walked over in silence.

Xiao Shu, Yao Xi and others were all there, their eyes wandering between her and Yan Lin.

Walking with Yan Lin were a few youths from the outside world, dressed in fancy clothes, they were expected to be selected by the emperor to enter the palace to listen to the lectures on the feast day.

One of them looked very young, only fourteen or fifteen years old.

The station is closest to Yanlin.

First, he saw Yan Lin looking towards Jiang Xuening, and then he heard Shen Zhiyi calling "Ning Ning", then he clapped his hands, and smiled at Yan Lin as if he suddenly realized, "Is this the second girl from the Jiang family? Brother Lin always hid it from us in the past, but today we can be regarded as seeing him!"

Inside and outside the words, he knew the relationship between Yan Lin and Jiang Xuening.

Everyone laughed teasingly.

Only Yan Lin didn't smile.

He was so happy to see her clearly, but one word from King Yanping pulled him into the bottomless abyss, making him feel that the girl in front of him was clearly standing in front of him, but she was as far away as the clouds in the sky.

The young man in a blue robe solemnly looked at his youthful face, and said: "His Royal Highness Yanping, please don't joke, I am just playmates with Miss Jiang Er, it's fine in private, if nonsense spreads to my father's ears In the middle, it is light to beat and scold me when I am tired, but it is important to spoil the second girl's name, so please be careful with your Highness."

The young Yanping King was stunned for a moment.

Shen Zhiyi didn't even react.

Xiao Shu next to her raised her eyebrows and looked up at Yan Lin, a little surprised.

After You Yue and the others were surprised, they immediately turned into gloating: After making a fuss for a long time, it's a big deal that Yan Shizi doesn't treat her like that!

Yan Lin looked at Jiang Xuening with extremely serious eyes, as if one glance was missing, and she wanted to carve her into his heart.

A place was clearly broken and bleeding.

But he bent his lips and smiled at her: "His Royal Highness King Yanping is young, and his words are unscrupulous. I hope Miss Jiang Er will not blame you."


At this moment, Jiang Xuening's eyes became wet.

She had to bury her head in a hurry to cover up her embarrassment.

Others can't understand, but how can she not know?

The House of Yongyi Hou was at stake, and since Yan Lin knew about it and loved her sincerely, he would no longer let his youthful temperament of the past be allowed to, and he would no longer wish to let the whole world know that he liked her.

On the contrary, he wants to put aside all relations with her.

He didn't want her to be implicated, and he didn't want to ruin her reputation, just like Zhang Zhe voluntarily withdrawing from the Yao family.

She quietly clenched the fingers hanging by her side, forced back the tears, and looked at the boy, wanting to answer something, but in front of so many people, she couldn't say a word.

Not to mention.